The tattared girl batch 4


(🥰She is beautiful🥰)

By Authoress ibriz

Episode 10

💘Sofia pov💘

Everything is just happening like a dream to me.. I am just standing like a frightened kitten.. “Louisa meet Sofia my girlfriend to be” he said “wow I like her but do you know you almost put her in trouble” Louisa said rolling her eyeball.. “How” he asked “you told her dad you are her b©yfri£ndand you are not, she have not accepted your proposal” Louisa replied
“And so hah?, i wished I would have not cone out with you, take the car key, you can go, go meet your boy lover, cause if you don’t mind i nee-d space, as in I nee-d to be alone with her” he said rudely ad he give her the car key
He dialed a number “hey come meet me at NAJMA h0tel and shopping complex and wait for me till am throu-gh” he said and end the call
He stretch his hands to me and I didn’t respond, “common don’t hurt my feelings soffy.. You are not saying anything since” he said.. “Um… Am sorry” I replied bashfully as I place my hand in his palm and I feel good bu-mp, we walk into the shopping
What the hell is wrong with me, why am I quiet in front of this guy?, why am I acting innocent and dumb in the pres£nce of this guy, oh God help me

❤️Emma pov❤️

I opened my eyes and found my self in a comfortable king size be-d.. I quic-kly sit up”hey you are awake?” Dad said “sir.. Dad” I stuttered as tears run down my cheeks
I run to him and jump on t©p of him “thank you dad” I said in tears, he lat my back “I want to make sure you are awake before I go, so I nee-d to go” he said and hand me some cash before going “bye dad” “bye sweety” he said and left..
Oh God, is this a dream, I don’t wanna wake up
Look at the wardrobes with new clothes and new uniforms
Oh my God, my new uniforms are now three and my working uniforms.. Jeez am blessed I thought happily, shoes and wra-pped gift as my birthday gift
What can i do to repay this man?
I walk out and look at the surrounding,I look at my door, I nee-d yo go carry some important things from my bamboo house, I board a cab to and left

💘Sofia pov💘

he booked a VIP room and he other for French toast, I ate like a baby tortoise, jeeze I can believe am eating in front of my crush, “am okay” I said as I stand up to the rest room, I want to go home, I can’t stay alone with this guy for crying out loud, I c@m£ out of the rest room and close the door, I want to walk towards the be-d but Lou start walking towards me..


(🥰She is beautiful🥰)

By Authoress ibriz

Episode 11

💘Sofia pov💘

Lou start moving towards me, is he going to the rest room or its my imagination?.. I start moving back till my back hit the wall, he put his hands over my head, camping me un-der him, “sofia” he whispered, “why are you behaving strange, I know you to be a sharp girl, why are you behaving differently in my pres£nce? Are you shy? Or you don’t like me? He said huskily
How can he be asking me this useless question, am also looking for the answer no guy have the guts to talk to me, am not the shy types, what happening I thought as I can’t move my eyes from the floor
“I like… Um love you too Lou” I blurted asking my self where did I have the guts from?.. “Then look at me Sofia” he said I raise my head to look at him and our eyes locked
His eyes grey, his hair brown, hisl-ips oh my God am going crazy….

💕 Lou pov💕
Oh my God, this girl her hair brown, her eyes ash colour, herl-ips they are inviting, I don’t know when I crash myl-ips on hers, she was shock but I don’t care, herl-ips taste Luke straw berry, she push me away and run out, I run after her, she was so fast, I caught up with her outside the h0tel..
“Sofia am sorry, I can’t withstand the pressure of yourl-ips, am sorry” I said but she us alre-ady in tears, gosh herl-ips was we-t, but u ignore it, I can’t withstand her tears, I pu-ll her into a hvg, “am sorry” I whispered “I love you sofy” “i love you too Lou and I accept your propsal” she said and I pu-ll away from the hvg, “really” I asked and she nod still crying
“Am sorry I won’t do it again without your permission” I said as I clean her tears and pu-ll her into a hvg again

💘Sofia pov💘

His driver, drive us to my residence and I step down with the gift he bought for me, “Bye” he said “can I pe-ck you” he asked and I nod negatively and is watch him zoom off with sad expression on his face before I went in
I can’t believe my dream come true
The k!ssI can’t believe lou k!ssme ” sofia you didn’t tell me you have a cute b©yfri£nd
” dad said “um em.. Dad i wanted to tell you hut i forgot” I replied “wow congrats sofia” mom said and i blu-shed (👀)
💖perpetual pov💖
i am so gonna deal with Emma, I can’t wait to see her in pain
“Hey”A young man interrupt my thought “yes how may i help you” i replied “actually a drammer is taking place in school next week, will you like to take a p@rt?


(🥰She is beautiful🥰)

By Authoress ibriz

Episode 12

“Like what p@rt?” I asked rolling my eyeba-lls “like the ugly p@rt” he cooed “what? Are you mad? Do I look ugly to you? Do you know me? Do you know my b©yfri£nd?
Go look for ugly girl, if you nee-d one I can give you but don’t you dare said that to me or My dad will have your ton-gue cut” I yelled.. “Sorry ma” the young man said
“Who is the most ugly girl in the clas-s” the man asked and Emma move out, wow thanks God she know but her face look different today… Well she is always ugly and will always be

❤️ Emma pov❤️

I step out
The young man named James explain to me and I accept.. “But young lady, you are not ugly” he said “but that’s what they call me” I replied “you no in this life its the way you keep your self to people they treat you, but let go meet the master” he said
I follow him to a room and I net kian sitting and fear grip me.. “This is the guy who will fall in love with you in the pl@yabd we alre-ady have our miss beauty, since perpetual refused to reason with us before jumping into conclusion” the man said , kian stand up and walk towards me, his aura so cold “are you sure you can ask this ugly girl?” He whispered with a sm-irk I didn’t answer “the practice start tomorrow” he said and walk away as his guard follow him
I run to meet Sofia in the clas-s, u told her everything and she just smiled, she told me what transpired between she and Lou and I laugh so ha-rd
She start chasing me and I run still mocking her, “my lady I have to respect you if not Lou is gonna kill me, Lou is not ins school today why?” I asked “I don’t know but he told me he has something important to do today” she replied “okay” I cooed
We later close and went home

I dressed for work and board a cab to R&J
I met Ryan there, “hey dear, you didn’t come yesterday” he asked “um.. Yesterday was my birthday that’s why” “really and you didn’t tell me” he scoffed “sorry” I said “it okay” he cooed
“I tried your number but it wasn’t reachable yesterday, so how are you” he said “am fine I replied blu-shing, “so can you tell me little about yourself?” He asked and I look at him weirdly “trust me” he said
I explain my life history to him and by the time I finished am in tears
“Am sorry” he cooed “your uncle is so mean and that your friend and her dad is a God s£nt” he said feebly “yeah” I replied as I dried my tears
“Um.. Can I tell you something” I asked him “sure”