The survivors episode 20




“Nurse Sissy” Another Lady in uniform called as she rushed out from one of the rooms in the hospital. “Yes, what is it Nurse Rose?” Nurse Sissy asked. Pointing to the room she just c@m£ out, “I…can’t…find-” she stammered, before Nurse Sissy cuts in,

“What is it?”

“I can’t find one of our patients in general ward. I’ve checked everywhere, yet I could not find her.” She breathed out, moving her head from one direction to the other.
Nurse Sissy looked shocked, “who are you talking about?”

“Angela Adams Brown” Nurse Rose said. “I was told Nurse Kate and I are in charge of her.”

“Yes, but Nurse Kate had to attend to an emergency.” Nurse Sissy replied, walking to the general ward. “Are you sure she’s not in one of the toilets?” She asked, perplexed, because she still saw the patient an hour ago. As she walked into the ward, she went straight to Angela’s be-d, and found no one. “We better inform the Doctors about this.” Nurse Sissy told her p@rtner as they both walked out of the ward, going to one of the Doctor’s office.

“Wait!” Nurse Sissy st©pped.

“What?” Nurse Rose said sharply.

“A Lady c@m£ to visit her this morning,” Nurse Sissy said, trying to recollect everything that happened before the arrival of Nurse Rose. “The patient actually requested ma-king a phone call yesterday to let her family know she was getting better. Since the man that brou-ght her and the other Lady haven’t come back since he left with the other patient.”
“Then let’s go to the record room to find a way to connect with the Lady.” Nurse Rose impatiently said, walking ahead of Nurse Sissy.
They bur-st into the room and reported the case to the staff in charge. “Mrs Gladdis” Nurse Rose spoke up looking worried.
“A patient is missing and-”

“What!” Mrs Gladdis jumped out of her seat. “How? When? When?” She chanted.

“Em….I don’t know.” Nurse Rose hesitated. “plea-se check the record book for the person who c@m£ to check Angela Adams Brown. That’s important for now.” She muttered quietly.
Mrs Gladdis pushed the book closer to her, fli-pping throu-gh the pages, “Yes, Tara Johnson! It’s Tara Johnson!” She whispered loudly for them to hear.

“Tara Johnson!” Nurse Sissy repeated.
Nurse Rose quic-kly brou-ght out her phone. “Her contact plea-se?”
“What is going on here?” A voice behind them asked. Both Nurses stood still, afraid of what might happen. They knew who that voice belongs to. Their boss son is the opposite of his father.

“I said what is going on here?” His voice c@m£ out impatiently.

“Sir” It was Nurse Sissy who was bold enough to talk. “Nurse Rose just got to duty and decided to check on her patient when she finds out the patient was missing.”

“What! A patient missing? And what are you both doing about it?” He scowled at them. “Lead the way.” He told them as he followed behind to see it himself.

“This is unbelievable!” He breathed. What’s the name of the patient?”

“Angela Adams Brown” Nurse Rose quic-kly replied.

“We almost lost that patient. We thought we wouldn’t be able to save her when she was brou-ght here. Now that we succeeded and she was finally getting better,” his eyes shifted to Nurse Rose, “you didn’t check on her well enough. She might be trying to find her way somewhere in this building and got lost.”
“No sir! I’ve checked everywhere for her.” Nurse Rose said. He didn’t reply to what she said as he walked straight to Mrs Gladdis.

He st©pped and looked back at the two Nurses. “What are you doing.” He asked Nurse Rose who was having a phone close to her ear.

“I’m trying to connect with the Lady that c@m£ to visit the patient this morning.” She replied, before she muttered, “switch off”
The three faces in the room turned to her. “Switch off” they said at the same time. “Do you have the address of the Lady there?” The Doctor asked.

“Yes.” Mrs Gladdis replied.

He brou-ght out his phone, and they all watch him. “Hello DPO” he greeted. “We nee-d two policemen at the hospital with arrest warrant. There is something we nee-d to resolve here.” He concluded and hung up. Frowning at the three. He looked directly at Nurse Sissy. “Call Nurse Kate and tell her to come back to the hospital with no reason mentioned.” His face shifted to Nurse Rose, “In my office now!” He said, with a disdain look.

Going back to his office, “Doctor Ken” he st©pped, when he heard Nurse Sissy called out his name.
He turned to her. “Yes.”
Raising her phone up. “Nurse Kate’s line is switch off.”
“Switch off” he murmured to himself. In his mind, the situation was getting complicated and more worse. He brou-ght out his phone and dialed Nurse Kate’s contact. Once he confirmed himself, he turned to Nurse Sissy. “I want everyone of you to check all the patients and make sure no one gets out of the compound.” He said. “And don’t forget to pas-s that to Aliyu at the gate.” He told Nurse Sissy who went her way to tell the gateman immediately.

✏✏✏Tara Johnson✏✏✏
As I walked into the building, I knew things weren’t
right. Having Angela called me, it’s another crime
yet to be committed.

Whenever she calls, it’s only for one reason, to help
her carry out her plans. I didn’t know she was in
the hospital, until I received her call last night,
telling me she had an accident. Accident? I knew
she was lieing. She doesn’t tell the truth that easily. As I left the record room, the nurse directed me to
a ward where I walked to. She was in a corner lying
on her back. I moved the chair closer and sat on it.

“Hi friendsh!p” I greeted.

She shifted slightly and opened her eyes. “Tara” she
called immediately she saw me. I helped her sat
straight on her be-d and gave her a smile.
“Tara, it’s good you’re here. I nee-d your help.” She
said quietly.

“Sure! Anything! That’s why I’m here.” I told her, as
she held to her stomach and smiled back. “I nee-d
you to help me escape.” She slowly said looking
directly at me. My small eyes wi-de-ned. “If I may
ask, why Angela? As I can see, you’re just getting better. What is it?” I asked, because before I can
help her, I nee-d to know why?

She gave me a look. Anger, hatred and fear flashed
across her face. “I hate her.” She whispered those words as a tear dropped down her face. “She thinks
she can destroy us? She thinks she’s capable of
ruining him? But no, I will make you sure I end her
life before she kills the only man I cherish in my
life.” She hissed, “You don’t know how how much I
hate her? You don’t know how much I want her
dead completely for ma-king me go throu-gh this

I wish I knew what she was saying, but all this was
strange to me. I heard her hissed again, and saw her shook her head, “I regret it for allowing her to
escape. And I hate my stupid brother for always
protecting her instead of his own father.” She
looked at me and her eyes were glittering with
suppressed fury. “Tara” she called. “I called you
because I nee-d your help. First, you get me out of
this place. Then the rest will be later.”

I sighed, then I sat straight on my seat, quietly
musing at what she just asked me. Helping her
escape is not the problem. But her having the
thoughts of killing someone made me thought she
had gone crazy. When I said ‘another crime to be
committed’ it doesn’t mean to kill a person. But
only to teach them a lesson. And that has always
being her idea. “Angela -”

She st©pped me. “See, Tara, if you have some
money with you, then we have no problem at all.”
She quietly said, for others not to hear.

She waved at someone behind me and I saw a
Nurse approaching us. “Is there anything I can do
for you?” She asked immediately she got to us. I
cleared my throat. “Em…” I hesitated, brou-ght out a
nylon full of money and gave it to her.
She stared at both of us in shock, white and scared.
“For…what?” She stammered.
“Shhhhhh…” I quietly murmured. “What we nee-d is
your help. She has something to attend to and I
promise she will be back in an hour”
Facing Angela. “Miss Angela” the Nurse said softly,
getting a reply from Angela who nod her head
pleading with her evil eyes.
Like she was debating whether to help us or not.
She looked around, quic-kly hid the money and
wra-pped her hands round her. “Just a minute!” She
excused herself.

She c@m£ back and moved closer to me. “Help her
up and follow me.” The Nurse told me. I got up on my feet, and I wanted to help Angela get up. “I’m
fine!” She said sharply. She gr-unted and held on to
her stomach, forcing herself up.
Seeing her, you will know she’s not well enough but
she insisted on walking by herself and she did.

I know she’s strong but why risking her health for what she can do anytime she gets out of this place?
The Nurse brou-ght out a uniform with a sandal for
Angela while she excused herself again. Slowly,
Angela str!pped off the go-wn she was in. I’m very
sure she realized her reason for being in the
hospital had been revealed because immediately I
shifted my eyes from her stomach which was
plastered with bandage, our eyes locked together. “That bastard sh0t me!” Angela said fiercely.

My eyes opened wi-de in shock. “This same Lady did
this to you?”

“Yes.” She replied, quic-kly putting on the uniform
and her sandal. “Listen Tara,” she stared at me.
“I nee-d to see my Dad first. We nee-d to talk! Then, I
will be facing that bastard.” She said.

The nurse walked in on us, she told me to pas-s the
normal route I took when coming, while Angela will
join me in a minute. I held my bag close to my b©dy,
greeted the Nurses as I walked out straight to my
car. Three minutes later, “start the car” Angela said
immediately she got inside the car.
We headed straight to her father’s house, once I
drove in to the street, I slowed down when we
almost reached the place. “What is going on here?”

I asked Angela whose eyes opened wi-de in shock. “Policemen?” A sick feeling of fear appeared on her
face. She took my phone and pressed some
numbers. “Larry, where can I find my Dad? Where
is he?” She yapped. There was a long silence. “Larry, its Angela! Answer me!” She barked.

“Angela?” The voice finally c@m£ out trying to
confirm. “I thought you’re in the hospital.”

“You see Larry,” she said impatiently, her voice
sounded bored. ” I will see you later. Where can I
find my Dad?”

“He’s gone to Willy’s place.” He told her. She hung
up and I moved the car on the road, straight to
Willy’s place.

I was about turning to enter Willy’s street when I
noticed a car had been following me for a very long
time. I slowed down and the car did too. I told
Angela and she took a closer look herself. “Let’s
keep going.” She told me. I turned into the street
and slowed down again, I waited for some minutes
but the car wasn’t behind us anymore. I felt
relieved and moved down to Willy’s place. Once we
got there. She re-moved the Nurse uniform and put
on some of my clothes and my heels I packed at the
back seat.
“Don’t tell me you’re wearing that heels?” I asked
as she fit in her legs.
“Look, Tara, I’m not sick!” She said with an haughty
disdain. “I’m perfectly fine. Quit worrying about me.”
Marvelled at the way she talked to me. “Just shut
up alre-ady!” I said irritatedly. She ignored me and
utter no word. After she was done, she turned her
head at me. “Thanks for helping me. I nee-ded
someone who could help and you were the only one
I could call.”
I shrugged. “It’s nothing. Now go on! We nee-d to
get out of this place.”

She got down and went in without looking back at
me. Few minutes later, she didn’t come back yet. So
I thought she must be having a very long chat with
her Dad.
* * *

I moved on my seat and opened my eyes at the sound of a tap that c@m£ close to my car. I must have sle-pt off, trying to relax, waiting for Angela. I took a look at my watch, and the time had pas-sed twenty minutes since I arrived here. What took Angela so long?
“plea-se, you’re asked to come down ma.” A voice from the other side of the car caught my attention.
What are these two up to? I put on a bold face. “Sorry, but why?” I asked turning to each guy.

One brou-ght out his ID card and show it to me. “I have no problem with you Madam. We just nee-d to get one or two details from you about Angela Adams Brown” one of the guys said.
With a sudden sick feeling, I looked at the two multi-ple times.

“Angela Adams Brown? Why me? For what?”

“Get down plea-se.” They nicely told me. I decided to act cool because it wasn’t my first or second time facing the police. It’s no big deal.

But as soon as I got down, I saw the car that had been following us. They both smile at me, realizing they knew I didn’t come here alone.

“We will like you to cooperate with us.” One of the guys says, “Go in quietly without any suspicion and bring out your friend. Mind you, if you thought of anything against what we asked you. Don’t forget that has you walked in, the policemen are out here surrounding this building.” The guy said, and immediately, two more cars arrived full of police men.
“Now move!” The other officer ordered.
