the Rich Kids and I batch 8

♡The Rich Kids and I♡
Episode 19
Kylan’s pov
I decided to go pick something from my room
when I sighted Maya coming out of a room and
her clothes were torn
What happened
I walked up to her
“What happened to your clothes and were is
Cole?”.I asked looking at her suspiciously
“Oh,Mr Cole is inside his room”.She replied
ignoring the first question
“Then what happened to your clothes,why is it
torned?”.I asked and she was about to talk when
Cole came out of his room,walking slowly
“Cole”.I called as I went to him
“What happened to him?”.I asked looking at Maya
“He caused it,I only gave him what he
deserved”.She replied
“What did he do?”.I asked
“He tried to rap-e me”.She said and I looked at
“Is it true?”.I asked him
“No bro,I only wanted to use the toilet and the
next thing,she started beating me thinking I
wanted to rap-e her”.Cole replied and Maya
“He’s leing,Mr Cole,you are really unbelievable”.M
aya said
“It’s okay.Cole please go downstairs.I want to
talk to her”.I said to Cole and he went down the
“Look,if you want to lecture me,don’t waste your
time because I…”
“I know.Cole is a fli-rt,so you have to be careful
around him”.I said interrupting her
“It really shows”.She said
“Have you arranged his room?”
“Well he’s a man,so he can do that himself.I’m
only here to help you and your brothers not Mr
Cole”.She said
“Okay,go tell him that”.I said
“I’ll surely do that”.She said and went to her
That girl is crazy,I mean she’s something else
Amaya’s pov
I changed my clothes and went out of my room.I
went downstairs and met Dylan on a couch
“Oh,Maya,thank goodness you are here.About the
thing I told you about,are you ready to teach
me?”.He asked as he stood up and I nodded my
“Thank you.Let’s go else where”.He said and
dragged me to his room
“Why your room?”.I asked as he made me seat in
his bed
“Because I really nee-d to learn fast and I don’t
want any distraction”.He replied as I rolled my
“Okay.let’s start”.He said,clapping his hand
“Okay.what do you wanna learn first?”.I asked
“How do I approach her we are alone?”.He asked
“You did it today”.I said
“That was different,you were with me and you
can not always be with me,so how do I approach
her when we are alone”.He asked
“Okay,if she doesn’t like you,meaning you can
approach her anyhow because she sees you as a
friend,but if she likes you,you can approach
her…,look I don’t know how to explain and how
do you even know I know all this things?”.I
asked,standing up
“Please,I really love Cree,I nee-d her to love me
back”.He pleaded
“Okay,I’ll show you”.I said
“Thank you”.He said and I made him seat on his
I thought him the little things I know about love
and surprisingly,he grabbed it immediately
“Thank you so much Maya,I hope with this,she
will be able to fall in love with me.So
friends?”.He said as he brou-ght his hand forward
“Come on Maya”.He said
“Okay.Friends”.I said and shook his hand as he
“I’ll be going now”.I said
“Okay,thanks”.He said and I went out of his
room.I met Mr Cole in the Kitchen and I just
ignored him
“Hey pretty”.He called and I turned to him
“What do you want Mr Cole?”.I asked trying to
respect him so as not to show my anger
“My room,you haven’t arranged it”.He said
“So?”.I asked
“You were ordered to arrange it”
“Well I’m no longer doing that”
“Because you tried to rap-e me earlier so go
arrange your room yourself.I’m not your slave”.I
said in anger
“So you are still on the issue of me ra-ping you”
“Yes I am”.I replied immediately
“Pretty,pretty,pretty!!”.He called putting his hand
on my shoulder and I je-rked back
“You don’t have to be like this”.He said
“I don’t have time for you.Please do respect
yourself if you do want me to respect you”.I said
“I don’t nee-d your respect pretty,i just nee-d your
love”.He said and I scoffed
“My love?,you can’t even get that when I’m
dead”.I said
“Maya”.I heard Dylan call my name
“Excuse me,a sensible person nee-ds my
attention”.I said and left the kitchen
“What?”.I asked
“Cree,she said I should come meet her
somewhere concerning the issue we said
earlier”.He said and my heart skipped a bit
“So what did you say? “.I asked
“I told her I’ll be there”.He replied
“What are you waiting for?”.I asked
“You.I nee-d you to follow me”.He said
Me?,follow him
“Why should I follow you?”.I asked
“I don’t know,please”.
“Okay”.I said
“Thank you”.He said and dragged me to his car
We got to a place and Dylan halted his car.We
both got down and looked around
“Hi guys”.I heard Cree vice and we both turned
“Hi Cree”.I greeted while Dylan went to hu-g her
“So why did you call me?”.Dylan asked
“Let’s go in.please Maya,can you wait out
here?”.Cree said and I nodded,smiling
“Sure”.I replied and they both went inside
♡The Rich Kids and I♡
Episode 20
Amaya’s pov
“They both went into a building and I
sighed,sitting on a bench
I hope all his well
Cree and Dylan cane out after some hours and I
stood up immediately
“Bye Maya.see you later Dylan”Cree said and
pec-ked Dylan in his cheek before leaving
“So what happened?”I asked as he looked at me
with an happy face
“She accepted to be my girlfriend”He shouted
and I choked
“S..she accepted?”.I asked
“Yes she did”.He said and carried me,twirling me
“Hey,put me down”.I said and he dropped me
“Oh,sorry.I’m really excited,I couldn’t believe she
accepted me.We are going on our first date
tomorrow and I want you to help me with that”He
“Yes.I trust you.You are a girl,so you’ll tell me
what to wear,what to say to her tomorrow,everyt
hing about dates”.He said and my heart skipped
Why am I not always lucky
“Oh,sure,I’m gonna help you.Let’s start going
home,it’s becoming late”.I said,feeling like crying
“Why did your voice suddenly change?”He asked
looking at me
“Nothing”.I replied and he held my hands
“Thank you Maya.I’m grateful what what you did
today”.He said as I looked at his hand.
“It’s nothing”.I said forcing a smile and he
hu-gged me.Tears rolled down my cheek and I
quickly cleaned it before he noticed it
Why is he doing this to me
‘Hey,you can’t do this to another lady,you already
have a girlfriend.what if she catches us?”.I said
and he released me
“Let’s go”.I said and we both entered his car
We got to the house and got down from his car
“Pretty,I’ve missed you”.Mr Cole cried as we
stepped into the house and came to hu-g me
Is he nut?
I tried pushing him away but he ti-ghtened his
What’s wrong with him
I looked at Dylan and saw him smiling
“I’ll leave you guys alone”.He said and went
“No”.I shouted but he has already left
“Mr Cole?”.I called
“What?”.He asked still hu-gging me
“You are hu-gging me”.I said
“I know”
“Please rele-ase me”.I said
“Why?”.He asked as he moved away from me
and I was about to go when he hu-gged me again
“Let go”.I said
“Okay,if that’s what my pretty want”.He said
releasing me and I rolled my eyes
“Have you eaten?”.I asked him
“Aww,my pretty is worried about me.Thanks,I’ve
eaten.I was just waiting for you to come
home”.He said
“Who cooked?”.I asked
“Me of course”.He said
“You?”.I asked pointing to him
“Yes.Let’s go”.He said grabbing my hand
“Where to?”.I asked
“My room”.He replied
“Why,if I may ask”
“It’s already bed time,so we have to sleep”.He
replied and I je-rked my hand away from his
“I do have my room”.I said
“I know”.He said and before I knew it,he swept
me off the floor like a paper and headed upstairs
“Wow,such a light girl for a strong body”.He said
as I tried to wriggle myself from his arm
“Stay still pretty”.He said as he went into his
room. He locked the door behind him and drop
me on his bed.He laid on top of me and I pushed
him off me immediately
“What are you trying to do?”.I yelled as he came
closer to me.I moved backwards until my back
tou-ched the wall and he placed his hands on the
wall,trapping me between his hands
“Help!!”.I yelled as he placed his finger on my li-p
“Shh pretty,you don’t nee-d to shout,let’s just get
it done and you’ll be free to go to your room.I’ll
take it easy on you”.He said trailing his hand on
my cheek and I shook in fear.I for-cefully pushed
him away and opened the door.I ran out of his
room and was about going to mine when I
bumped into someone and I hu-gged the person
What’s wrong with Mr Cole,is he on drug or
Who did Maya hu-g
What do you guys think about Dylan and Cree