The prince maiden episode 10 & 11

( My Crazy Girl )

Chapter 10




“How’s she?” I asked the doctor

“Let’s talk in my office” he glanced around and led the way.

“She’s stable now, if you had brou-ght her five minutes later, she would have died” he scrutinized me with his eyes “what happened? She cut herself too de-ep and she hasn’t been eating. She’s too weak”

“I don’t know, I met her that way” I looked down “can I do to her ward now?”

“Sure you can and one more thing, Your wife is pregnant!”

“Come again” my head sh0t up

“I said your wife is pregnant” he smiled

“Okay” I stood up and left the office, I don’t know if it’s a good thing or not.

One thing is sure though, that stupid girl is going to pay for what she said about my Allison.

I entered her ward after asking the nurse in charge and my heart broke at the sight. The once vibr@nt Allison is dull and pale and a baby is growing inside her.

My baby.

I took a chair and moved it closer to her be-d and to her hand in mine

“I’m so sorry, pls forgive me” I said to her still b©dy.

A tear dropped as I remembered what happened that night, then another and another.

People call you a perfection, I smiled throu-gh the tears.

I repla-yed the audio the detective sÂŁnt to me earlier.

Someone had asked “Why isn’t a who-re with him, we’ve heard all about his S-x escapades in your marriage and from the looks of it, you don’t even look bothered”

A pause then another person said
” You don’t even come out to the press to as the Prince’s wife”

Another pause then Allison voice c@mÂŁ throu-gh.

“I love living a simple life. I’m not used to glamorous life like most of you are. I don’t like being the attention of people that’s why I live a low life and use my money instead for better things. What’s my profit if I appear in all headlines?”

“It’s not like I would get paid. I see dressing to plea-se c@m£ra or press a puerile behavior. Matured women don’t act that way and as to my marriage, I don’t see how my marriage affects you guys. My marriage is mine and mine alone.”

“The time you used in poking around into my marriage affair you should have used it to take care of your home and give attention to your husband. He would appreciate it. I trust my husband, he wouldn’t cheat on me just the same way I wouldn’t. We have our vows to keep”

“I broke mine by cheating and not un-derstanding you” I sniffed and k!$$£d her hand.

Then I remembered what the waiter had said that night. I didn’t know he and all the people that surrounded her were just impressed by her speech and I was getting myself drun!k.

“I love that woman and would love her as wife. She’s the perfect one. I heard she’s married. Her husband is a very lucky one” the waiter had said

“How lucky?” I remembered asking white taking the eight cu-p

“Lucky enough that if I have my way, I might just snatch her from him”

My heart constricted “can things ever go back to how it was?”

She had starved herself too much just because of me. I’ve brou-ght too much pain.

I watched her for hours as she sle-pt.

She suddenly stirred and fluttered her eyes open.

“Allison” I stood up

Once her focus was on me, she let out a very long scream which alerted the doctors and nurses.

I was ushered out while they attended to her.

Few minutes later, the doctor c@mÂŁ out and looked at me with accusing eyes.

“We sed@t£d her, so she’s asleep now. She doesn’t want to see you” he shook his head and left

“Gosh!” I sat down outside the ward “this is much worst than I imagined”


“Where am I?” My b©dy felt heavy.

I tried opening my eyes but I didn’t have the strength.

“Who’s holding my hands?”

From the beep sound to the smell here, I think I’m in a hospital.

I remembered what I had done earlier.

I started culturing the habit of cutting myself. It st©pped the cries and I was relieved because I could only focus on the pain coming from the wound not my heart.

I loved hurting myself because hurting myself takes away the pain.

Then I felt I couldn’t go on like this, my voice would be too low against his if I want to take it up besides no one would believe me.

I just felt like dying but the thought of my parents and siblings st©pped me from taking rash decisions.

I couldn’t bring myself to eat and I started feeling sick.

The pain had c@mÂŁ back and I took a pocket knife to cut open a wound.

I cut arm de-ep but it didn’t work, it wasn’t enough. I cut open another dee-per and it still wasn’t enough.

I moved to my th!ghs because it’s rich in blood. I cut it opened and very de-ep or maybe to de-ep because that was the last thing I remembered.

“Who’s holding my hands?” I tried again and opened my eyes slowly.

My eyes finally c@mÂŁ to focus, it was Tyler.

What the hell is he doing beside me??!!

I gathered my strength and took a de-ep breath and screamed instinctively.

I didn’t even know what I was doing till I saw doctors and nurses come in and tried to keep my voice down.

They brou-ght out a nee-dle and syringe.

“plea-se don’t inject me, I just don’t want to see him” I pleaded but they wouldn’t listen.

I was injected and I fell into a dreamless sleep.



Before she was discharged, she had called Francisco and the guy I saw her hvg at the function.

I wasn’t allowed to see her when she’s awake only when she’s asleep.

The doctors said I had to stay away from her so she can recover and I was told she was always sed@tÂŁd before be could sleep. No sedation, no sleep.

I felt even bad.

She was being discharged today and I watched as the guy and Mr Francisco walked her to the car to take her home, they didn’t even acknowledge my pres£nce.

At least thank God she’s going back home.

I got home before them and prepared another room for her, not the one she cut herself in.

When they got home, I directed them towards the room.

Mr Francisco made her sit on the be-d and sat beside her.

While the guy held her arms and she refused to look at his eyes.

I stood at the door and watched them.

The guy stood up and c@mÂŁ to me.

“Can I see you?” He asked and went outside.

I followed suit, when we got to the living room.

He sh0t out his fist and punched me ha-rd in the face.

I almost retaliated but st©pped after a second thought.

“What did you do to my sister?” He punched me even ha-rder on the face.

Myl-ips bled.

“Your sister?” I asked

I even in a thousand thoughts think they’ll be related and I got so jealous and drun!k.

“Yes my sister but my cousin to be precise. We grew up together not that it matters but what did you do to her because she isn’t saying anything?”

“I’ll handle the affairs of my marriage” I replied.

“You handled it so well she almost died, I don’t want you handling it well again Tyler, if anything happens to her again, I as-sure you, you’ll be gone.” He glared at me and went back to the room.

When I got to the room, I found Allison slee-ping soundly on Mr Fransisco shoulders.

He set her gently on the be-d and stood up.

He bent over and k!$$£d her fore head “I’m disappointed” he said and left with her cousin following him but not without giving me a final warning glare.

I looked at her snoring gently and then her stomach where my baby is growing.

“Lord help me” I s£nt a prayer up.



( My Crazy Girl )
©Haryormideh Ayeni
Chapter 11

Three days later,


She refused to talk to me not even a word.

But I’m happy she’s here, I just have to show how sorry I am.

She doesn’t come out of her room and whenever I give her food, she eats it almost immediately before I leave the room.

Does she know she’s pregnant?

Gosh, she’s now a prisoner in her own room.

If only I had listened to her and try to un-derstand her.

I reflected back to what the detective had said.

“Do you mind trading places with me or trading wives?

“I love your wife, she’s what I can call a perfection”

“your wife is a role model to others. Her name is being plastered everywhere especially with her speech

” Everything has been your wife’s doing. She has been doing it all in your name. No woman would want to do that, instead she’ll want the fame for herself. My wife alre-ady took her as a role model.”

“plea-se don’t st©p loving your wife. She’s truly one in a million and the best one could ever ask for. It’ll be bad if you make her cry. She’s precious”

“I don’t think she’s mine to keep because she’ll never forgive me”.

I took my car key and drove out, heading to the address I received on my phone.

“Hey! How you? What brings you over?”

“Hi, you’re going with me to apologise to my wife” I replied

“Why would I?”

“Because everything you said was wrong, why did you lie?”

“Who wouldn’t want to trade places with your wife” she rolled her eyes.

“Even if she had left, I still wouldn’t choose you”

“Well even if you didn’t choose me, you would choose another woman who doesn’t deem herself perfect like your wife so that’s enough”

“Now I know you’re crazy, you’re going to apologize to her or yours beloved brother dies right now, you get tired in your workplace and I’ll get you sued”

Her face bec@mÂŁ pale and white as sheet

“You’re joking right?”

“No I’m not” I said matter-of-factedly ” Now I’m at a point where I don’t care anymore, you made me something unforgivable”

“I hope she leaves you soon then” she grinned

“Are you going with me or not?” I raised an eyebrow

“Fine let’s go”

My phone rang,

📞”Yes mum?”

📞”No greetings” mum scoffed over the phone “so you still want her or not?

📞” Don’t worry about us mum”

📞”Really?” She squealed over the phone “I knew I chose the right girl for you, she has a very big and generous heart and at the same time daring and bold. I’ll come sometime to see you”

📞”No mum” I replied quic-kly “we’ll come over instead, I promise”

📞”Okay” she hung up happily

“Your mother likes her?” The girl asked

I glared at her and led the way out.

Just outside her room, I heard Allison’s phone ring and decided to wait for her to answer her call before going in.

 I’m fine” I heard her say

📞 “Yes, he’s good too”

📞”We’ve decided to stay a little longer for now and get to each other even better”

📞”Yeah no worries, I’m sure”

📞 “I’ll come home very soon, prepare my room”

📞 “No I’m not sick, just tired”

📞”Bye, I love you too”

I knocked and opened the door gently.

“Can I come in?” I asked

She looked at me pointedly, I took that as a yes and ushered myself and the girl inside.

She looked at the girl and glanced away happily.

I glared at the girl, signalling she starts talking.

“I’m sorry Mrs Allison, I said really bad things about you to your husband, I painted you as a gold digger and a cheat. I told him all about the bad rumors I heard because you know why? She acting a little too perfect for my liking and I wouldn’t mind trading places with you. So if you’re angry with your husband, forgive him and leave your position to me. I’ll do well with it” the girl said with a rush and ran outside.

“You’re so dead” I shouted after her.

No expression was on Allison’s face, I don’t know what she’s thinking.

She took a book and pen and wrote gently on the paper then showed it to me

“She said things but she didn’t make you do it. That was your decision to make and you choose to do it” she wrote on the paper and threw it away.

“I want a divorce after childbirth, I can’t bear you”

“plea-se give me till then to make things right” I knelt down by her side ” I’ll never hurt you again. Give me a second chance till you give birth before you decide you want a divorce. I don’t want to lose you plea-se”

She gave a subtle nod.


To be continued

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Do you really think Tyler will make it up to her?😐
This story will be ending soon.