The pact 2 episode 3 & 4

season 2 episode



Me, you, her and him






I have just finished changing into my pajamas when I hear my phone ringing, it’s actually a video call from Dante. I quic-kly slid un-der the covers and lean my head against the pillows before pressing the answer bu-tton and his face appears on the screen.

‘’Hey babe!’’

‘’Hey, boo!’’

‘’In be-d alre-ady?’’


‘’’Has Lee left?’’

‘’No, he is in Caleb’s room, still trying to put him to be-d.’’

‘’I see.’’

‘’He will leave as soon as Caleb sleeps.’’

He shrugs, ‘’If you say so.’’

‘’What is that supposed to mean? You don’t trust me?’’

‘’I trust you but put yourself in my shoes, how am I supposed to feel knowing that you are there with him and not me?’’

‘’Dante? We have been throu-gh this alre-ady, Lee is just my father’s child, there’s nothing between us, you are the man I am yet to get married to, I chose you and I am not going back on that word so plea-se relax babe.’’

‘’I just love you so much and my greatest fear is losing you.’’

‘’And I love you too, you don’t have to worry about losing me I am going nowhere.’’

‘’So lunch tomorrow, just you and me? I miss spending time with you.’’

‘’No problem, Caleb will be at mum’s in the afternoon, she and Robert want to treat him to some birthday lunch, they said they didn’t have enough of him today because everyone was all over him, trust those two to be dramatic.’’

He laughs, ‘’that’s a power couple, they inspire me I think if we get to their level I will know nothing can shake us.’’

‘’We are unshakable even now, st©p being dramatic.’’

‘’Fine, let me watch some soccer, I will call you later.’’

‘’Alright babe, love you.’’

‘’Love you too.’’




After almost two hours of storytelling and singing, I manage to fulfill my duty of putting Caleb to sleep. k!ss!nghis forehead, I ease myself off the edge of the be-d as quietly as I can so as not to disturb him then I quietly open the door and pad towards Kristian’s room and knock softly on her door. She opens the door a minute later dressed in a pair of white pajamas.

‘’Is he slee-ping alre-ady?’’


‘’Thank you.’’

‘’You don’t have to thank me, this is my child we are talking about here, he is my first priority.’’

‘’I hope your girlfriend shares the same s£ntiments.’’

I laugh, ‘’you don’t have to worry about Meira, she un-derstands that I am a father first before I am her man.’’

‘’That’s good to hear, let me walk you to the door so I can take my rest.’’

‘’Sure,’’ we walk down the stairs and head to the front door, she opens it for me.

‘’Goodnight Bana Caleb.’’

I love calling her Bana Caleb. It makes me feel some sort of way, I can’t describe that feeling in words.

‘’Goodnight Bashi Wandi, drive safely.’’

‘’Thank you.’’

Walking out of the house, I get into my car and drive home. Upon arrival I was surprised to find Meira watching TV and I thought I would find her alre-ady in be-d.

‘’Hello,’’ I say leaning in to k!ssherl-ips but she doesn’t respond and she slightly pushes me off her.

Rolling my eyes, I decide not to get into it with her instead I head straight to the be-droom and she follows me.

As I change into my pajamas, Meira leans back against the wall and closes her eyes. She does this when she is angry and fighting for control. I don’t even know why she is upset, she clearly saw what happened, my son wanted my attention and I had to attend to him.


‘’I can’t do this anymore Lee.’’

‘’What do you mean you can’t do this?’’

‘’Am I even important to you?’’

‘’You are my girlfriend of course you are important to me.’’

‘’Then why do you always pick Caleb over me?’’

‘’He is my child, that’s why!’’ My voice rises in anger.

‘’I know he is your child but can’t you see what’s happening here?’’

‘’What are you talking about?’’

‘’This isn’t about your child, this is about Kristian.’’

‘’What has Kristian done?’’

‘’Can’t you see she is using her child to get you back and apparently it is working.’’

I sigh heavily, ‘’haven’t you noticed that Kristian is engaged?’’

‘’I don’t care if she is engaged or not but you nee-d to put a st©p to this or I will.’’

Not wanting to hear the rest of the conversation, I silently retrace my steps down the hallway and head to the guest be-droom. My day has been tiring, I just want to rest. I don’t have the strength to deal with her tantrums.



When I wake up the next morning, I prepare breakfast then I shower before waking Caleb up.

‘’But do we have to go to church?’’ he sleepily asks.

I laugh, ‘’yes baby, church is important.’’

‘’I still feel tired mummy.’’

‘’You can sleep in the car on the way to church.’’

‘’Okay, where is daddy?’’

‘’He has to rush out for a meeting.’’

‘’But he sle-pt here with me?’’

‘’Yes he did.’’

‘’Is he slee-ping here again tonight?’’

‘’I will ask him.’’


I quic-kly bath him then we have our breakfast and drive off to church. We spend the entire morning at church then I drive Caleb to mum’s house before heading back home to change into something casual for my lunch d@t£ with Dante.

‘’Babe you look beautiful,’’ Dante says when I walk out of the be-droom that afternoon.

‘’Thank you my love.’’

‘’Shall we?’’ He holds my hand.

‘’Yes plea-se.’’

I inform my maid that I won’t be in for lunch before leaving. At the restaurant we are directed to an empty table then we sit down and order our food. This restaurant is Dante’s favorite, he brou-ght me here for our first d@t£.


‘’Yes babe.’’

‘’You know I love you right?’’

‘’I do,’’ I smile.

‘’And I can’t wait for you to be my wife, the day you say I do to me will be the happiest day of my life.’’


‘’We have been engaged for some time now, don’t you think it’s time we started planning for the wedding?’’ My heart races, I have been avoiding this conversation for some time now. I know I said I agreed to be Dante’s wife but I don’t think I am re-ady for that kind of commitment yet.

‘’I thought we agreed to wait a bit.’’

‘’But what are we waiting for exactly? Caleb is all grown up I am sure he will un-derstand.’’

‘’He will un-derstand? A two year old?’’

‘’Yes, is this about him even?’’

‘’What do you think?’’

‘’Do you really want to marry me?’’

‘’Why would I say yes to you if I had no intentions of getting married to you?’’

‘’I don’t know you tell me.’’

‘’What is this about Dante?’’

‘’Your baby daddy.’’

‘’Lee? What has he done?’’

‘’I am not comfortable with the kind of relationsh!pthat you two share.’’

I laugh, ‘’Lee is Caleb’s father, he will always be a p@rt of my life you should learn to deal with it.’’

‘’I don’t know if I can do this.’’

‘’You want to break up?’’

‘’That’s not what I said.’’

‘’It seems you don’t know what you want but I will make things easier for you. Let me give you some space for a week or two to figure out what you want and when you are done thinking, you can get in t©uçh,’’ I say standing up.


‘’I will not sit here and nurse your insecurities,’’ I respond before walking out.


Me, you, her and him




‘’I just told him I will give him some space to think about what he wants, I can’t sit here and nurse his insecurities. He witnessed Caleb’s drama last night. It wasn’t my fault that my son wanted his father to put him to be-d,’’ I say.

I have just gotten home, I went to pick Caleb from mum’s house and now I am on the phone with Jada. Apparently Dante called her and complained about what happened earlier this afternoon. I haven’t been responding to Dante’s messages and calls.

‘’But babe, are you sure giving space is the best thing for you guys?’’

‘’Yes, he nee-ds to realize that my child comes first and whatever he wants he gets and also there’s nothing I can do about Lee being a p@rt of Caleb’s life, he is his father, I grew up without a father figure in my life and see how messed up I turned out, I don’t want the same for my son, Lee and I might not be together but we are doing the best we can to keep Caleb happy.’’’

‘’At least respond to his messages and pick his calls, the guy is worried about you.’’

‘’He should have thought about that before opening his mouth to speak trash.’’

She laughs, ‘’St©p being ha-rd hearted, love is about patience and sacrifice.’’

‘’I will talk to him just not now, let me feed Caleb and put him to be-d.’’

‘’Okay babe, take care I will talk to you later.’’

‘’Laters, babe,’’ I hung up and place the phone on the table.

‘’Caleb put that car down so we can go and eat.’’

He puts the car down and looks at me, ‘’you said daddy would be here, where is he?’’

‘’He will be coming later, come on.’’

‘’I will wait for him then.’’

‘’Do you want to be sp@ñked?’’ Hi us on plus two three four eight zero five five eight eight nine one eight three on watsapp to get added to our group.

‘’For what mummy?’’

‘’For refusing to eat.’’

‘’I didn’t refuse to eat, I just want to eat when daddy comes.’’

‘’Daddy will come a bit late so—’’

‘’Okay can I talk to him?’’ He cuts me off mid-s£ntence before I finish talking.

‘’Okay,’’ I gr-ab my phone and dial Lee’s line and he answers almost immediately.


‘’Hey, Bashi Wandi, sorry for disturbing, Caleb wants to talk to you, pump some s-en-se into him, he doesn’t want to eat.’’


I hand the phone to Caleb and he excitedly says, ‘’I miss you daddy.’’

‘’I miss you even more baby boy, how are you?’’

‘’I am fine, mummy said you will be coming, I am waiting for you so we can eat together.’’

‘’I am attending to something currently I will come when I am done, plea-se eat your food.’’

‘’But you will come right?’’

‘’Yes I will, don’t bother mummy eat up.’’

‘’Okay daddy, I love you.’’

‘’I love you too.’’

He hands the phone to me and I hang up, ‘’happy now?’’

‘’Yes, let’s go and eat now.’’

I shake my head, ‘’what will I do with you Caleb?’’

‘’Just love me and give me lots of food,’’ he responds and I laugh.

‘’You are the most dramatic 2 year old I know but I love you still.’’

‘’I love you too mummy.’’

Holding his hands we head to the dining room and eat in silence, after that we watch one of his favorite cartoons then we decide to call it a night though Caleb still insists on waiting for his father.

‘’You can sleep in my be-d tonight, I will wake you up when daddy comes.’’

‘’You promise?’’

‘’I promise, I cross my heart and hope to die.’’

He hooks his pinkie around mine, ‘’Promise.’’

We go into my room and change into our pajamas before sliding un-der the covers, after saying a short prayer we doze off.

Caleb wakes me up the next morning crying and whining about his father not coming last night.

‘’Your daddy’s meeting finished late baby, he will make it up to you.’’

‘’I don’t want to go to school today,’’ He gets off the be-d and runs off.

‘’Caleb Wandi Mumbi!’’ I yell running after him.

‘’I want my daddy, I want my daddy,’’ he bur-sts into tears when I catch up with him.

This situation with Caleb is slowly getting to me, my son is too young to un-derstand that his father and I are not together. Caleb has become a fussy child who requires the full attention of Lee and me but I can’t keep calling Lee every time Caleb whines, this will put a strain on his relationsh!pand mine. The last thing I want is for Meira to accuse me of trying to sabotage her relationsh!p.

‘’Listen baby,’’ I begin while wiping his face with my hand, ‘’let’s get you re-ady for school, I will call daddy and ask him to pick you up later so you can spend some quality time together, plea-se don’t cry my sunshine.’’

‘’Daddy will pick me up from school?’’ he sniffs

‘’Yes he will.’’

‘’Okay, I am not crying again.’’

‘’Good boy.’’

I quic-kly get Caleb re-ady for school before preparing myself then Stella prepares breakfast and we quic-kly eat up. After dropping Caleb off at school, I drive for work, when I finally arrive in my office, there’s a mountain of work awaiting me. Monday’s are always hectic for me, there’s usually so much paperwork and meetings for me to attend to.

Sighing, I turn on my computer and while waiting for it to turn up, I write Lee a text and tell him to pick Caleb from school.

I am busy responding to some emails when a knock sounds on my office door.

‘’Come in.’’

The door creaks open and I look up, Dante walks in with some flowers and chocolate.


I frown, ‘’Hey.’’

‘’Still mad at me?’’

‘’And you think flowers and a box of chocolate will fix this?’’

‘’I am sorry baby, I was just overwhelmed.’’

‘’That doesn’t mean you should become insecure.’’

‘’I am sorry.’’


He hands me the flowers and I sniff them, ‘’thank you.’’

‘’You are welcome,’’ he responds handing me the box of chocolate.’’

‘’Listen, I can’t continue chatting with you right now, there are some urgent emails I nee-d to attend to, how about lunch later?’’

He nods, ‘’There’s a new burger place around the corner that everyone is talking about, I think we should try it.’’


‘’Work well babe, I love you.’’

‘’I love you too.’’


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