the office during summer episode 91 & 92

(Feelings; From Me To You…)

By; Sommy Pearl F.

Chapter 91&92

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“Sh” Dylan whispered, pinning his li-ps with his fingers.

Scarlett inhaled de-eply and walked closer.

She looked at the writing again.

*I’m being bugged* It said.

He turned the clothing to the other side, and wrote,,

*Your phone?*

Now, the rain seems to be getting lesser.

Scarlett swallowed ha-rd, took her phone out and stopped the ‘recording’ she had been secretly doing.

She slowly handed the phone to him.

He went to her notepad, and wrote down somethings before handing it back to her.

*I’m being bugged,, so, I can’t talk much. My life is at risk. My daughter’s life could be at risk too*

Scarlett looked at him, wrote something down, and gave it to him.
*Then,, take off the bug. We nee-d to talk!*

*The bug is in my phone. But I can’t remove it*

*Damn it! Just throw it away*

*If I do, I’ll be questioned and I might get killed. Ari could also be in danger, I can’t risk it*

*What are we gonna do now?*

*I just pray, I’m not being watched or else,,, I’m gonna be in trouble*

*Who is gonna land you into the trouble, by the way? Who bugged you??*

*The master planner*

*Say what? Who?? Write the person’s name!,,, Gosh. Typing like this is so exhausting so get straight to the Fu-cking point, already!!*

Dylan swallowed ha-rd, after reading this. He looked at her.

She nodded at him.


His writing paused, and he fell to the ground suddenly.

Scarlett almost screamed, but she covered her mouth, with her palm.

She looked up to see someone over the rooftop. The person wore black clothes and trousers, had a large gun, and binoculars too.

He was being watched!!

The person ran off and jumped down, before van drove rou-ghly there, just in time.

The person landed safely on top of the van, and it drove off like flash. written by sommy pearl f.

“What was that?” She muttered.

“Dylan!” She suddenly screamed, and ran to him.

He was on the floor, holding his ne-ck side. Blood was rushing down from there.

He was shot, definitely.

But strangely, there was no sound heard then,, signifying a gunshot.

There was just a round hole there, which blood gushed out from.

“What am i gonna do?” She sobbed, and it started raining cats and dogs again.

She sniffed, and picked a handful of her hair, frustratedly.

“Should I go back in?” She asked him.

He shook his head weakly.

“Then,,, what are we gonna do” She almost screamed.

“Take me to Trina…” He whispered.


“She hates me,, so…I’m sure she can handle my death” He muttered, and coughed out blood.

“Where’s her place?” She quavered.


Trina swallowed ha-rd, and closed her eyes waiting for Oscar’s sweet li-ps,,, when suddenly a harsh knock was heard on the door.

They quickly opened the eyes, and turned their faces at the Ban-ging door.

“What’s this? Who could be knocking this late?” Trina asked.

Pa, Pa, Pa!!

It came again.

“Gosh,,, that’s scared me. At least, use the door bell, you fool. I didn’t install that for nothing!!” She screamed, and opened the door.

“Oh my gosh!!” She shouted, seeing a drenched Scarlett, holding onto a bleeding, drenched, and weak Dylan.

“Help us,,, please..” Scarlett whispered, with glossy eyes.

Oscar slowly went to them and took Dylan in.


“What happened to him?” Trina asked.

“I…I’m gonna explain later,,, but right now, we nee-d to save him. He’s the key” Scarlett replied.

“Key to what?”

“To my answers. I’m gonna tell you everything,,, but let’s try and save him first”

Trina scoffed.
“Wait,,, Do I hella look like a nurse to you? Or,,, a doctor? I don’t un-derstand” She uttered.

“I’m not a doctor either,,, but we all still gotta save him. By the way, Oscar,,, how was Vietnam? You back for good?” Scarlett turned to him.

“I…never left” He whispered.


Dylan coughed, aloud, and blood gushed out, staining Trina’s face.

“The Fu-ck!” She screamed, and stood up.

“Let’s save him” Oscar said.

“Yes!!”The girls shouted.

“Where was he injured?” Oscar bent down, looking at Dylan on the sofa.

“His ne-ck side. The other side” Scarlett replied.

Oscar turned his ne-ck over, and wide-ned his eyes.

“Was he shot?” He asked.

“Yes,,, but it wasn’t a gun,,, judging by what I noticed. Is it that de-ep though?” Scarlett asked.

“His palm is also injured? What happened? It really de-ep” Oscar said.

“Uhm,,, Just some…Just…Just let’s us do our thing” Scarlett stammered.

Trina was busy wiping her face with tissues.

“Trina?” Oscar called.

“Aiish! My name’s babe!!” Trina screamed. written by sommy pearl f.

“Oh my!. Forgive me. Babe?”

“Yes, babyy” She smiled.

“Whoa. Are you kidding me? They’re dating?” Scarlett thought.

“Can I get a sharp object. Soneting that could slide really fast and good?”

“Hmm…Sure” She said and left.

“Bring a bandage and tray too! Add antibiotics!” Oscar shouted.
“Babe…” He quickly added, and Scarlett snorted, almost laughing.

“She didn’t hear the babe pa-rt, did she?” He asked, and Scarlett only shrugged her shoulders.

“Scarlett?” Oscar called.

“Yea?” She replied.

“I’ve been on this game before, trust me. I use to be a taekwondo fighter in the military and I’ve seen this before” Oscar stared at the de-ep round hole in his ne-ck.

“What’s that?” Trina asked.

“He was shot with poison…”


“I’m back” Trina interrupted and walked in.

“Here” Trina said, and dropped the things down.

“Thank you, babe” He said, took the sharp object, furrowed his eyes, and got to business.

“Have you done this before?” Scarlett asked.

“Yeah,,, In the military” He replied.

Dylan gr-unted in pains.

“Sorry- What’s this name, again?” Oscar asked.

“Dylan,,, He’s my cousin” Trina replied.

“Oh..Uh,, Mr Dylan,,, Its gonna get tougher and painful,,, so please, stay strong and take it all in” Oscar said, and started slicing the hole, to the other side.

Dylan screamed.

“What are we gonna do? He is hurting badly” Trina said, quickly.

“Get me two clothings, soak one with cold water and bring a dry one. Quick!!…babe”

Trina ran off before he completed the sentence.

“She didn’t hear the ‘babe’ pa-rt, again, right?” He asked, and Scarlett scoffed.


Trina came with them, and Oscar kept the we-t one on Dylan’s forehead. written by sommy pearl f.

“Please, Dylan,,, Can you open your mouth?”

Dylan slowly and weakly opened his mouth, and Oscar kept the wrapped clothing in a straight way in there.

“Bite it well, to suppress the pains,,, got that?”

“Hmm…” Dylan nodded.

This made Scarlett remember Phil.

“I’m coming for you, I promise. So,,, just wait for me till tomorrow comes. Samantha is giving you to me,, no matter what!” She thought.

“Uhmmmmm!!” Dylan hummed loudly, closed his eyes ti-ghtly and bit the clothing strongly, after feeling the strong pains.


*Cliqqq* The black round metal made that sound when it landed on the stainless tray.

“What in the hell is that? Certainly not a bullet” Trina said.

“Its more like a vessel” Oscar responded. written by sommy pearl f.

Scarlett who was watching a tired Dylan turned to Oscar.
“What does this vessel holds?, Wait,, Let me guess. It holds this so called Poison??”

Oscar nodded, adding antibiotics to his wounds.
“Dylan was poisoned with a dangerous substance. I can’t take away the poison,,, no one can,,, not even hospitals can help”

“Then,,, what can be done to take it away? There ought to be something?” Scarlett said.

“The antidote from the owner of the vessel itself” Oscar replied, wrapping Dylan’s wounded arm.

They all looked at the black round metal.

“Hmm” Dylan Gr0-ned and they all turned to him.

He slowly opened his eyes. written by sommy pearl f. on fb

“You alright?” Trina asked.

“In pains…” He replied, dryily and tou-ched his ne-ck.

A plaster was added there already.

“We also applied antibiotics,,, even if it can’t help take out the poison”

“But,,, who could have done this? You know who,,, right?” Scarlett said, and Dylan looked away.

“My phone…” He muttered.

Scarlett sighed.
“I threw it away”


“You said it was bugged!”

“Bugged? Why? What are you two talking about?” Trina asked.

“Gosh,, I really nee-d to call my family. Just wanna know if they are both okay” Dylan said, almost standing up, but he ended up gr-unting painfully.

“You’re still in pains,,, so stay back” Oscar laid him back down.

“Can…you both excuse us,, please?” Scarlett said.

“Okay,,, Let’s go, babe” Oscar held Trina and they both walked out, to the other room.

“So,,, Mr Dylan. What where you saying about…the rapist?” Scarlett asked, whispering.

Dylan swallowed ha-rd.

“You wrote,,, Just De. Complete the statement” She breathed heavily.

“If I tell you everything,,, Will you keep my family safe?” Dylan muttered.

“I will”

“Promise me”

“Its a promise” Scarlett muttered.

“Good. I’m gonna tell you everything then. I’m gonna tell what truly happened,,, 7 years back” Dylan said, and Scarlett nodded.

“Firstly, Lemme give you a spoiler. Phil,,, A. K. A Mr Feel was the true owner and sender of those love letters”

“Huh?” She muttered, confusedly.

“You’ll un-derstand after my confession..”

Dylan smi-rked and started;
“I, Phil and Trina use to school together in Axel’s High,,, the biggest, prestigious and riche-st school ever. We were very close and inseparable,,, not until,,, I started getting bullied….

Scarlett eyes blinked slowly.