The obsessed mafia king batch 34



Written By: Pamela James


Alexa’s p.o.v

“I could have written my vows of all the things I promise to do, but a book with enough pages to hold it all doesn’t exist. Alexa you might think it’s stalkerish that I had my eyes on you since the first day I saw you or how I watched you for days. Well it does sound bad now that I have said it and a little crazy.” He snickers.

“But that’s the thing lex, I am crazy, crazy for you, crazy in love with you, crazy in love with everything about you and that is a good thing. Ever since I first la-id eyes on you, a life without you never existed, it was destiny and no matter how f0rç£s tried to keep us ap@rt, our story was alre-ady written by God, and goes, I and you, no matter what happens, forever and forever. I promise to be the best husband I can be, I promise to be the best father, your friend, best friend, friend in nee-d, a honest man, a faithful man, a patient man, an honorable man, a listening ear and a lover. I promise to cover you in the fire, shelter you in the storm and lift you in the flood. I promise to make many more children with you and make you the happiest woman to ever walk this earth. I want to bless you with all that I have and serve you in everyway I can. This is my vow to you, Alexa. I vow to be your king if you will be my queen. Alexa, I love you, you are my forever, and forever.” He tells me as he ru-bs my engagement ring with his f!nger.

I’m sure there is probably snot running down my nose and my make up is ruined.

Mitchell, who is standing directly behind me, steps beside me and helps me clean my face up.

She then hands me a tissue before going back to her position.

“Justin, I don’t even know what to say after that.” I sniffle,dabbing my eyes trying to get myself together.

“ I feel somewhat speechless. Maybe I should have wrote my vows, too bad this won’t be a ‘know better next time situation’ because there won’t be a next time. What no one knows is that I prayed continuously for my husband, a man who would want not to only spend his life with me, but with my children, and the fact that you are standing in front of me today, exceeds any expectations I had. You encourage me to be the woman God created me to be and you accept me for who I am. Your drive to protect your family at all cost compels me. With you I feel safe, with you I feel protected, with you I feel at peace, with you I get to experience a piece of heaven each day. Justin I love you for not only who you are, but also for who I am when I’m with you. Today and always, I nee-d you beside me, not only as my best friend, confidant, lover and soul mate, but also as my husband.” I took a de-ep breath, trying to hold the tears back again.


Alexa’s p.o.v

I feel so emotional.

It probably because I am pregnant.

I look de-ep into his eyes.

And all I see is love, the love he has for me.

“I never thought I could meet someone like you. You are a breath taking reflection of God’s heart for me, of how he pursued me even when I didn’t deserve his love or didn’t love myself. You held my hand in the darkness and pu-ll-ed me into the light. You are my light. It doesn’t matter what happens in this life as long as you are by my side. When I look at you, I know there is a God and he loves me so much, that he took the time to create you just for me. I love you Alexa, past my mind, beyond my heart and into my soul. I promise to be everything you nee-d and more.” Justin smiled at me.

“I vow to be your queen if you will be my king. I love you Justin, now and forever. You are my forever and forever.” I end using the tissue that Mitchell gave me to wipe away the tear that fell from his eyes, as well as my own.

I bet all these people didn’t think mafia’s can cry.

Everyone who only meets the business man and one of the riche-st man in the Country, only see him at intimid@t!ng, serious and not to be pla-yed with.

If only they knew that de-ep down he is really a teddy bear!

My teddy bear.

And right now my teddy is shedding tears.

I hope he is not pregnant too.

I giggle thinking of how were are both crying like emotional pregnant women.

Justin raises his left eyebrow questioningly but I just shook my head.

The priest ask for the rings and Manuel gave one to Justin and Mitchell gave me mine.

“From the earliest times, the circle has been a symbol of completeness, a symbol of committed love. An unbroken and never ending circle symbolizes a commitment of love that is also never ending. As often as either of you looks at this symbol, I hope that you will be reminded of the commitment to love each other, which you have made today.
Will each of you repeat after me?”
“Will you take her as your wife? Will you love her all your life?” The priest asks Justin.

“Yes, I take her as my wife, Yes, I will love her all my life.” He responds.

“Will you have, and also hold Just as you have at this time told?”

“Yes, I will have, and I will hold, Just as I have at this time told, Yes, I will love her all my life As I now take her as my wife.”

He takes my left hand and sli-ps the ring onto my f!nger and then k!sses it.

It’s beautiful and matches my engagement ring.

I blus-h!

I so can’t help it, each k!ssno matter where, always feels like awesome with him.

The priest then asks turning to me.

“Will you take him as your husband? Will you love him all your life?”

“Yes, I take him as my husband, Yes, I’ll love him all my life.” I respond.

“Will you have, and also hold Just as you have at this time told?”

“Yes, I will have, and I will hold, Just as I have at this time told, Yes, I will love him all my life as I now take him as my husband and shining knight.” I add.

I take Justin’s hand and slide the ring onto his f!nger.

A s-en-se of pride takes over.

He is mine, and I’m his.

He is all mine.

“Before this gathering, Justin and Alexa have promised each other their love and have given each other rings to wear as a sign of their de-ep commitment. Therefore I declare that they are husband and wife. I know pronounce to you, Mr. & Mrs. Justin. You may k!ssthe bride.” The priest declares.

“No nee-d to tell me twice!” Justin yells before he covers my mouth with his bending me over.

He pu-lls me closer and bites my bo-ttoml!pgiving him instant access.

I get lost in his k!ssas everyone cheers and cl@ps.

We pu-ll ap@rt and he rests his head against mine placing small pe-cks on myl-ips that are really turning me on, not to mention the pool of lvst in his eyes.

“We really did it? You are finally mine till death do us p@rt?” He asks as if not really believing that we are really married.

I guess I can’t really blame him.

I didn’t agree to marry him the first time.

In the end it all worked out, I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day.

I look into his beautiful grey eyes,

“yes it’s absolutely true, you are stuck with me not until death do us p@rt, but for infinity and beyond. It’s forever and forever.” I k!sshim.

“Forever and forever.” He whispers back as we enter our own world, forgetting about everyone else around us.


Alexa’s p.o.v

Three months had gone by since we got married.

Justin and I have been doing great.

He has been caring.

Showing me lot of loves.

Taking me on d@t£s.

And I’m sure he will make a good father.

My aunt apologized to me for how she has been rude to me and I forgave her.

Mitchell and Manuel are now d@t!ngeach other.

Peter and his fiancee got married two months ago.

I was so happy knowing that my best friend is very close to me.

I didn’t know Justin held my madam captive until he told me himself.

I asked him to re-lease her and he did so but made sure she didn’t work in the h0tel again.

Yes, Justin bought the h0tel.


A few weeks ago, Justin and I went to the doctor and discovered that I was going to have two babies, but we didn’t know what gender because Mitchell said she wanted us to be surprise.

My eyes were tied when the baby gender was checked.

His friends was throwing a gender reveal p@rty.

Justin was so excited.

Now, he was staying home every day.

“I can’t believe it. You are actually going to have twins”, Justin said.

He wanted the baby to alre-ady be here.

“You are looking forward to this more than I am”, I chuckled.

I wanted to have a baby, yes, but I couldn’t even begin to imagine the pain of having contractions and having to push the baby out.

“I want to hold the baby and spend every second that I can with the baby. I’m just really excited, that’s all.”

“I know you are”, I said, wra-pping an arm around Justin’s shoulders.

My baby bu-mp was alre-ady getting big.

I wanted my babies to be here, no matter how much pain I would experience.

“The gender reveal p@rty is this Friday, right?”

“Yes”, Justin replied.

Time skip

Friday (The Gender Reveal p@rty)…

Justin friends were at the p@rty.

“Oh my bestie, I can’t believe that you are going to have twins.”, Mitchell said, wra-pping his arm around my shoulders.

“I can’t either. But you will be a godmother!”

“Auntie Mitchell. That sounds nice”, Mitchell said with a smile.

“Alexa!” I looked and and saw Justin waving at me.

“I will be back”, I said to Mitchell, walking away.

I went to Justin.


“It’s time to find out the gender”, Justin smiled.

Peter wife gave both me and justin an envelope.

People formed a circle around us.

“Justin, what do want the babies to be”, peter wife asked.

“Two girls.”

“And Alexa?”

“A boy and a girl.”, I replied.

“Okay. Open the envelope in three… two… one”Peter’s wife exclaimed.

Justin and I pu-ll-ed open the envelope, and quic-kly re-ad the result.

“It’s a boy and a girl”,Justin said.

People started to cheer.

A smile lit up on my face.

Justin leaned down and k!$$£d me, which left a smudge ofl-ipstick on Justin’sl-ip.

“I love you, Alexa”, Justin whispered into my ear.

“I love you too, Justin.”