The new cleaner batch 5

(A guy in the midst of gals)
Chapter 14&15
written by authoress princy


I woke up the next morning, and turned, to see prince charming, slee-ping peacefully.
I can’t believe am drooling.
He opened his eyes, and I quic-kly pretended to be asleep
He tapped ms gently, calling out my name in form of a whisper.
Men, what’s wrong with me! ?
I pretended its jus now am waking up.
I stretched and yawned.
“its dawn, let’s go’,he said.
‘oh….ok”.I said and got out.
He got out too.
“lets go”,he said and we started finding our way home.
It wasn’t too difficult cox of the river, and we started hearing voices.

“oh,….was about…lo…looking for you guys”,Bella stammered.
She avoided eye contact with me and went back inside.
I went to the river, freshened up and was about coming back to the camp site when uh….what’s his damn name again?

Oh lunatic, no uh…duglevi, na, that’s not what I heard…..ohhhhhh Jeremy, the dude in love with my Bella.
Wait! My Bella?ugh….whatever!
“you!”,he said, as he sli-pped his hands into his pockets.
”mason, not you!”,I corrected and he let out a dry laugh.
“how did it even happen?”,he asked.
“huh?”,I asked.
“oh, so its a lie!”,he blabbered.
“can you quit beating about the bush?”,I asked, getting upset.
“you and Bella ain’t d@t!ng, right?”,he asked.
Huh? Bella, I, d@t!ng?
”uh, it doesn’t concern you”,I replied and he chuckled
”same thing she told me”,he muttered.
“yea…stay outta it”,I replied and walked away before he fires more damn questions.
I got to the camp site and walked into Bella’s tent.
“whats that’s for?”,Bella asked as she turned.
I walked over to her and pu-ll-ed her.
“what you doing Mason?”,she asked
“at least when you wanna tell a lie with my name, inform me”,I said, and she jus stared at me.

“what are you talking about?…”,I asked, stammering.
“don’t try to pretend you don’t know what am talking about”,he replied.
“Huh?”,I stammered.
“you told Jeremy that….he brou-ght his head forward.
We are d@t!ng”,he completed his statement.
“ohhh”,I stammered, not knowing what to say.

He li-cked hisl-ips.
“dont get it all wrong, your name was the first name I could think of”,I defended.
“why?”,he asked.
“uh…st©p with these lousy questions. Jus cox of that lie doesn’t mean you get the chance to start coming closer to me cox there is
NEVER gonna be an *us*”,I replied and pushed him away.
A sign of dissapointment showed boldly on his face, buh he trued to ha-rd it.
“yea….whatever!”,he replied and left.




What am i even thinking? How did i imagine myself being with a girl like her? I
shouldn’t nurture this feeling, i have to kill it by all means .
I walked outside angerlily and was about entering my tent.
“Hey”someone called out.
I turned and it was julie.
“Hi”i replied dryly.
“You seem to be in bad mood, whats wrong?”,she asked, and walked over to me.
“It’s nothing”,i replied,faking a smile.
“Why not join me for a walk?”,she offered.
“Sure”,i replied.
We walked a far distance, trying to pas-s out time with random talks.
She suddenly stood in front of me.
“Uh …..i have been meaning to tell you ….uh….mason i…….i like you!”,she blurted
Geez! “Oh wow”,i said, not knowing what else to say.
“Well uh……
“Pls don’t say anything”,she said, leaning forward.
She placed herl-ips gently on mine, as she pu-ll-ed her arms up to her w@!st.
The k!sslasted for about…….seven minutes, then i dis£ngaged.
“Julie……it’s getting late”,i said.
“Yea….we should go back”,she replied and led the way.
“just saw your so-called b©yfri£ndgoing out……. with Julie……… again”,Jeremy
said, as i shifted away from him.
“Can’t you let me be?”,i asked,getting pissed alre-ady.
“They seem to get along so well”,he replied,ignoring my question .
“Oh,so? It doesn’t change the fact that we’re d@t!ng”.i defended.
He sm-irked
“You’re so Pathetic”,he replied,smiling.
“Just leave me alone. You don’t seem to un-derstand the fact that mason and
i….are one. He could never cheat on me”,i br@gged, and walked away.
I got a distance and climbe-d a tree, sitting on it.
I just…..thought of you know….him!
Few minutes later, mason and julie approsched. Julie was clinging onto him.
“So that’s………julie paused on seeing me.
“Oh bella. You’re here all alone”,Julie said.
“Yea……….”,i replied and jumped down.
I peaked at mason…..he avoided eye contact.
“I’ll be in my tent”,he said in form of a whisper and left.
I looked at Julie who was smilimg sheepishly as he left.
“Anything special occurring in your life?”,i asked
“Nopeeee”,she replied.
“You sure? You were smiling so broadly!”,i replied.
“Oh really? I am Just in a good mood”,she replied and left too.
I went back, and entered my tent.
I la-id on the be-d,my arms behind my head as the picture of Julie and mason
together kept flashing in my head.
Geez! What am i thinking? So what if Julie and mason are……….no,isn’t even


I stayed in my room, feeling weak, not wanting to show my face to anyone.
They all c@m£ sequentially to see me.
Jeremy……..c@m£ all the time!
“How are you feeling now?”,jeremy asked
“You R@p£d me and you’re asking me how am feeling?”.i asked him.
“Give me a chance in your life¡”,he said, placing his hands on my shoulders.
I j£rked his hands off.
“Do you know?…….you…….you were my……never mind”,i said, drying my tears.
“I was your….your what?”,he asked.
“I said never mind”,i replied.
“Tell me”,he persisted.
“Never mind”.
“Tell me zara”,He said, holding me.
“You were my first love!”,i shouted, as tears flowed down.
“What?”,he asked, shocked.
“Yes Jeremy . I loved you….i really did, uh you chose my friend instead. I couldn’t
do a thing, i just had to be happy for her”.i replied.
“I thought you….you never liked me, that’s why i vented out my frustration on
He faced me.
“So you……. loved me?”,i asked, shocked.
“And i still do, that’s why on seeing you that day…..i couldn’t st©p myself from
tou-ching you. You always seem tough and ha-rd to get”,he replied, and pu-ll-ed me by
the w@!st, landing hisl-ips on mine.
