The minister’s son Episode 27 & 28

“Take them to the cell first!” Another voice ordered. “Joyce and David were still considered as the ministers children, no police would shoot them without direct orders from the ministers. They had no otherwise, trying to escape from amidst of armed and foolish cops would be a suicide mission “.
They silently decided to take chances by going to a place from which no one returned, even for a descent burial. There was doubt that Joe was dead, Rozina was badly wounded and was desperately bleeding, no police cared about that. The death of Joe had left her cousin’s mouth dry. Mercy was a strong lady, however much she tried to stay unmoved, her sorrow was a nine months pregnancy.
David’s worry still remained, he knew that he nee-ded evidence to have the minister jailed. The evidence was with just two people, Rozina and Joe. Now Joe was dead and Rozina seemed next. Without enough evidence, he could be accused of anything, the government would take an advantage of that and have him arrested. He nee-ded a clear and strong evidence.
Eventually, they arrived and were pushed in different dark cells. Cells in which no one could tell a day and a night, everything was dark.
In the main office, there c@m£ a call from the president.
“Hello Sir.”
“Have you killed them?”
“No sir, two are dead but we will silence the rest before dawn.” The police said proudly.
“Good, now, don’t kill any of them until further notice, demonstrations have broken all over the country yet its at night, we fear that the nation will be in chaos tomorrow.” The president said sadly.
“What do they want?”
“They want David and his friends to be re-leased, the journalists are the leaders of the demos, you still have one of them?”
“Yes, his name is Edward.”
“Good, don’t do anything stupid, keep them alive until you get an order from me.”
“Thank you sir.”
The line went dead.
As the president had predicted, the two days that followed, the nation was in real chaos. Some p@rts of the city were reduced into ashes, police tried to open fire but no one was cowered , the public was determined to have David and his friends re-leased. People were arrested and others sh0t dead but the demonstrations increa-sed day by day. No public servant reported to work, everyone went into a sudden strike, doctors, teachers, nurses and all the civil servants, only the cops and the government agencies were willing to work, but how would they access their places of work when every p@rt of the nation was in chaos? There was no doubt that the demos were getting out of hands, the president had to do something.
On the third evening, he got a report that most of the countries had recalled their citizens back into their countries. Most of the western countries had vowed to withdraw their aids and business interactions if there won’t be a satisfactory solution in the country.
The public wanted the minister arrested as well, that was one of the most difficult demand the president wished to give in to.
“Sir, why don’t you re-lease him and let’s silent him in a different way?” The police commission asked.
“I fear its too late for that, my government stands accused in case anything happens to him, we must re-lease them and file a case against him right away.” The president vowed.
“David has witnesses to have all of us arrested Sir.” The commissioner informed.
“His two key witnesses are dead, your boys sh0t them. He has no more witnesses, his mother is long dead, she was a big threat as an eye witness.” The president was happy again, convincing the public that David had lied wouldn’t be simple but without the witnesses, David would loose the case. He would be charged with causing unrest to the whole country and properties destructions, the president vowed that he would not come out of prison alive, he had caused enough trouble.
The minister , who was alre-ady out of hospital agreed to be put into police custody to have the demos st©pped, the public cerebr@ted David’s re-lease. Leaders of NGOs and human right commissions together with the journalist organizations wanted the minister to be charged with murder, the president himself stood accused with inability to control his juniors, the international community wanted him to step aside for more investigations.
A day later, from the day David was re-leased, he was taken to court. A week was over and remember he was supposed to table full evidences against Mutua the former minister. He feared of loosing the case now that his two main witnesses were dead, he had tried to talk to Joyce’s mother to be the witness as she had been his Dad’s secretary but she had refused. The public had confidence in him, David feared, he didn’t want to fail the people, they had their hopes in him. The international communities looked up to him to bring justice and democracy.
“Be strong David, this is our last chance. I love you David.” Mercy said with sad emotions , she k!$$£d him, not pas-sionately.
Joyce held David by his shoulder. Her hands were shaking with emotions, she feared for her brother David.
“You are all I have David, we must win this case, plea-se don’t go behind bars and leave me alone.” She wiped her tears.
Maccain c@m£ forth and held his hand.
“David, its time, time for justice, let’s go inside, the case is about to start.”
The courtroom was too small to contain all the people that had come to listen to the ruling, the judge might have felt proud to rule in the pres£nce of more than a thousand people, there were others crowding outside wishing to break in and see the proceeding themselves. The GSU had to take control and ensure order outside, no member of the public was to be haras-sed, they would be addressed in a polite manner, for the first in the history of the nation, cops looked calm as they requested members of the public to remain calm and orderly. Its not like they had an otherwise since the international community was really paying attention to whatever was happening that day, the proceedings were to be aired by both international and national media channels, the world’s attention was on the case. For the first time I felt like a hero, I felt my own success, though I was not close to ma-king the truth known, for i had little evidence, having the world s-en-se and sport the injustice in my nation was a great step, all I nee-ded was to confirm my allegations by tabling enough evidence.
Everyone took their position as we waited for the judge to enter the courtroom. I was used to standing on the defendant side, it was funny that I was the key complainant yet I had to stand as the defendant because the former minister, Mutua had filed a case against me for accusing him falsely and ruining his reputation. The government also accused me of causing property damage and three days unrest all over the country. Those were just some of the accusations that my lawyer was aware of.
Eventually, the judge got in and everyone stood up, there were so many dignitaries from inside and outside the country. Ministers and other government agencies had as-sembled there in solidarity with their crooked friend. Their pres£nce reminded me of one day, the day my wedding with Joyce Ndegwa took place. On that day they had come to cerebr@te but now they seemed so sad though confident of victory.
Some of them eyed me coldly as others didn’t even bother placing their eyes on me.
“David Kamau Mutua, you have greatly been accused. I have two options for you, option one, I re-ad all the charges as you listen then you defend yourself, option two, I re-ad a charge at a time as you defend yourself, which do you choose?” The judge lowered her spects as usual.
“Thank you my lord, I pick the first option your honour.” I answered.
“David, you stand accused of misleading the public and causing unrest that left properties destroyed and four lives lost. You are also accused of tainting and destroying honourable Mutua’s reputation throu-gh fake and vague information, this court bears in mind that you deny Honourable Mutua being your biological dad. Do you deny any of the charges?” The judge asked as she reached for a glas-s of water.
“Thank you your honour, I will begin by protesting against the grave accusations by the government. The truth can’t be covered forever, I only stand guilty for uncovering the truth. Your honour, the minister had planned my death and I only to discover his mind before he achieved it, if at all he had nothing to hide or to cover, or if at all I was his son, how on earth and why could he plan my death? Paying someone to kill me?” I paused and looked around the silent and tensed courtroom. Everyone seemed to attentive and afraid of whatever only the devil and his wife Catherine knew.
“Objection you honour!” Achieng, the minister’s lawyer objected.
“Your honour, let him convince this court that Mutua planed his death and how he c@m£ to know of it.” Achieng’ dared me. “Well, your honour, the former minister’s gateman the late Joe Ngigi was to as-sas-sinate Rozina and I, someb©dy overheard it and informed me. Throu-gh his lovely cousin, Mercy, we convinced him to desert the minister’s mission and work with us to ensure that the truth is revealed.” I explained.
“Who is the person that overheard the minister?” The Judge was interested.
“Her name is Joyce Ndegwa.”
“Don’t bring her into this you idiot!” Minister Ndegwa roared.
“Silence in court!” I saw the judge write something down. Joyce was then sworn as a witness and she was re-ady to speak.
“My name is Joyce Ndegwa, the minister Ndegwa’s daughter, but I want justice and that’s why today I stand to witness against my own Dad.” She paused to look at me and I win-ked for approval. She smiled briefly. “I always loved and admired my Dad but my attitude towards him took a different direction when I discovered that he had f0rç£d my marriage with David for his own benefit and that he had teamed with Minister Mutua to have David jailed for crimes he had not commited. Your honour, on that p@rticular day I stormed into his living room and found him on phone, he didn’t notice me and so he proceeded. I heard everything as he spoke to someone about an as-sas-sination. In his conversation he mentioned David , Rozina and Joe. I knew what he meant..” She explained, it was obviously a lie, her mother had overheard it, she didn’t want to endanger her life.
“And how on earth did you know that it was the minister Mutua on phone?” Achieng protested.
“I had always access to my father’s phone and so I had no trouble in getting it and checking out who had called.” Joyce explained wisely.
“There is no conviction in your words, you are only pla-yed to tell lies and….” Achieng accused.
“Objection your honour!” I objected.
“Objection sustained!” The judge announced.
“Your honour, David is the rightful son of minister Mutua, every father has a right to reprimand and guide his own son. It was therefore unfair for David to subject his old dad into great stress by denying him as his dad. Your honour, according to me, this case is a family matter and should be left to the family to solve it.” Achieng remarked.
“Objection your honour , I condemn the lawyer from trying to influence this court, I have lost my mother and my love Serena, where was the d–n family when I lost them? Where was the family when Mutua killed my dad and took over our family? What family do I have?!” I was loosing my grip, I was getting furious, my b©dy was trembling with fury, fury that I couldn’t control.
“Order!” The judge called.
“Objection your honour!”
“This court demands a full evidence of whatever has been said.”
“Your honour, its months now since my mother went missing, she might be dead by now and I suspect minister Mutua had a hand in it, my mother had promised to tell me an old secret about Mutua killing my Dad and marrying her by false, on the same day she disappeared..” I tried to explain.
“How long was your mother married by f0rç£? More than twenty years? By f0rç£? How possible is that?” Achieng’ despised.
“That’s what she told me! It was the truth, I grew up with them and she was more of a slave than a wife of the house!” I protested.
“Order! This hearing will be adjourned until 2pm, I require cool tempers when we return. I also require an eye witness to the killing of David’s father as he claims, otherwise, lack of enough evidence may place heavy judgement on his shoulders. Arise!” The judge stood and left as noise broke into the courtroom, everyone felt that the case was tough for me, there was no doubt I was almost loosing the case. There was only one eye witness left, Joyce mother, my late dad’s secretary. She had vowed not to say anything about it in court.
We had trouble in as-sembling outside as there was a great multitude. I wrote texts to Joyce, Maccain , Mercy and Edward to meet me at the parking. Every journist wanted to capture and had a word with me but I felt so worn out to speak. I hurried past them and the big crowd that was cra-pping and singing my name. I don’t know how it happened, it seemed a dream to me when I turned to see a woman that really valued and still value in my life getting out of a nearby car. No matter the ages, how could I fail to recognize her? My own mother? I couldn’t help it, she ran and I ran and we embr@ced on the air.
“Mother! Mom! Mother!”
“Son! David! My son!” She cried. “I never thought I would ever see you again.” She cried.
Tears of joy couldn’t let me speak.
“David my love!” A voice called behind me, I turned swiftly to get another handsome shock that nearly s£nt me on the ground.