The masked dancer Episode 1 & 2

(His Cinderella)
(Kay’s short series)
Episode One
Adrian’s POV
‘Good morning Prince Adrian’..I heard Giselle say as i opened my eyes..
‘Good morning Giselle what’s on my schedule this morning??’..i asked sliding into my robe and my usual clumsy royal as-sistant fumbled with the papers…
‘Well your highness,you have a meeting with Madam Leqiour of Leiqour Designs for your new tuxedo and your mother the queen is…is uhmmm i think there’s a mistake somewhere’..She stuttered and i frowned de-eply…
‘I do not pay you to stutter or make mistakes Giselle’..
‘S..sorry…sorry your Highness it’s just that i didn’t have much sleep last night so I..I..I just had to..
‘Giselle??’..i cut in..
‘Yes Prince Adrian??’..she replied blinking throu-gh her glas-ses…
‘Next time don’t you ever enter my room and wake me up when my morning schedule isn’t accurate got that??’..I warned and she nodded..
‘Yes..y..yes your highness’..She muttered and scampered away still trying to arrange the files..
I just don’t know where I got that girl from..
I’ve never seen someone act so clumsy in my 30 years of living in this world…
Minutes later
‘Giselle when is my meeting with the Prime minister of London??’..i asked as i adjusted my new wristwatch..
‘Uhmm around 2pm your highness and you also have a meeting with the Prince hvgh scheduled my 4:30′..she replied trying to keep up the pace..
‘Scra-p my 4:30 meeting’..I muttered..
‘But this meeting is important your highness and Prince..
‘Yes your highness’…
‘I do not pay you to question my authority Giselle,you do as I say now get the driver re-ady’..
Giselle’s POV
I sighed de-eply as Prince Adrian walked away with so much power and demeanor…
I mean how can one man have so much power by just walking??..
I just wish that one day he can really see how I like him so much..
Jeez what is wrong with you Giselle??..
He’s a prince and you’re his personal as-sistant..
‘You know you shouldn’t let him bully you around like that’..i heard and I turned around only to see Princess Isabel,Adrian’s sister..
‘Ohh your highness i didn’t…i didn’t see you there’..I stuttered looking down at my shoes nervously..
‘Yeah you didn’t cause i was busy observing how bad of a person my brother is’..She replied..
‘He’s not that bad your highness you know?? He’s just in a bad mood’…i quic-kly defended and she frowned..
‘Yeah cause you’re head over heels in love with him and I’m sure he knows that’s why he treats you like dirt’..She winced gr-abbing her h0t cocoa from the maids..
Isabel is more of a friend than a princess to me..
We’ve been close for over six years ever since I started working for the royal family…
‘He doesn’t know that!! Cause it isn’t true!! I just have a crush on him that’s all!’..i protested..
‘Yeah a crush for six good years keep crushing on sister until you get crushed by him’..she retorted wiggling her f!nger at me…
‘Ughhh you’re such a bad sissy your highness I’m saying the truth it’s just a crush!!!’…
‘You’re smart Giselle,you’re smart and i really like you but you’re also dumb’..she said and instead of taking it as a bland comment I just chuckled…
‘You know the queen wouldn’t like to hear that from you’..
‘Yeah my mother is such a bore and..’..Her voice trailed off as Prince Adrian screamed my name..
‘Ohh look your slave master calls’..she tea-sed and I shrugged running outside…
The car and the driver was re-ady and I opened the car door and just before i could even sit he raised his hands to st©p me..
‘What do you think you’re doing??’..He asked and i blinked—Twice ..
‘Your highness I…
‘Go sit in front of the car Giselle i don’t have to tell you everything!!’..He cut in and I sighed de-eply..
I walked over to the front seat and Hubert the driver rolled his eyes..
‘You’re so patient with him,He’s an a*shole’..He whispered silently and i sighed again…
Why does everyone keep telling me this??..
My phone rang immediately and when i checked it it was Prince hvgh..
Ohh God
:Uhh Good morning your highness how was your trip to Monaco??’..i asked nipping at my bottoml-ip..
:The meeting was canceled Giselle so i want a perfect explanation why!!’..Prince hvgh replied and i glanced over at Adrian who was in return not bothered..
:Uhmm Prince Adrian is not in the country right now for a very urgent cause’..I lied..
:You should know that this meeting is very Important Giselle and I won’t tolerate this nons-en-se!!’..He yelled..
I’ll try to get over to him soon your high…’ voice trailed off as soon as he hung up..
‘That was Prince hvgh,he’s not happy’..i said ..
‘On second thoughts don’t cancel the meeting’..Prince Adrian and i almost screamed..
‘Okay sir’..I managed to say b!tt!g my lowerl-ip..
You have got to be kidding me!!!…
Episode Two
Giselle’s POV
I sm-irked staring at a beautiful white diamond studded dress with a tiara on it…
‘Giselle when is my next meeting??’..Prince Adrian asked as he c@m£ out from the restaurant..
In a bid to quic-kly heed to his instruction i fumbled with the papers…
‘plea-se be quic-k??’…Adrian frowned tapping his feet on the ground..
‘I…I’m coming just a sec’..I stuttered and checked the log..
If there’s one thing Prince Adrian hates it’s waiting..
He doesn’t have a single ounce of patience cause the last time I kept him waiting he almost fired me…
‘We..well there’s the meeting with Prince hvgh but since you’ve had it alre-ady then i guess you’re free’..I said closing my file and he nodded..
‘I think you’re forgetting something’..
‘My mother Giselle?? The Queen —You nee-d to pick her from the airport remember??’..He said and then it sli-pper into my mind..
‘Ohh i forgot I’ll do just that and Oh your highness —You look great by the way’..i said and he frowned in reply..
‘Since when did complimenting me become a p@rt of your job Giselle??’..He asked and I pursed myl-ips..
‘Sorry your highness…I’ll..I’ll be going now’..I stuttered and turned around..
Jeez for once Prince Adrian can’t you see the drooling look in my eyes??..
Jeez what is even wrong with me??..
I think i nee-d to visit a shrink..
Prince Adrian’s POV
Maybe I should fire her??..
No Giselle has been working for me for over five or six years I think and even though she’s clumsy as hell she’s helpful and besides Isabel loves her..
Minutes later
‘I hope you have something for me Adrian,I hope you have found a bride’..I heard mom say as she sat next to me on the dining table..
‘Mom you know that I’m also searching endlessly for a wife,one that would be clas-sy and royal for me to show off’..I replied adjusting the tie on my n£¢k…
‘I don’t want excuses Adrian,for crying out loud you’re thirty!! Isn’t that enough time for you to worry?? I married your father when I was eighteen’..She said and I rolled my eyes to the other way..
Here she goes again telling me how I nee-d a wife..
And honestly I really do if I’m going to be coronated soon as the king..
I can’t be a king without a wife??..
‘I have a suggestion Adrian’..Mother said and I snapped back to reality..
‘Ohh and what’s that mother??’..i asked..
‘well how about a masquerade ball?? A ball with almost every influential and royal family in England would attend with their daughters’..She muttered and my eyes lit up..
‘That’s a great idea mother how come i never even thought about it before?? A masquerade ball is exactly what I nee-d to find a wife’..I exclaimed excited about the whole idea and she smiled..
Isabel walked in with clad in what the New Yorkians call ‘Hoodie’ and I frowned as she sat adjacently..
‘St©p slouching you’re a princes Isabel’..I said and she frowned..
‘The last time I checked you’re not the boss of me Adrian and by the way what are you guys talking about??’..she said..
‘A ball’..Mom replied..
‘A ball?? We’re holding another ball??’..She asked with a note of irritation in her voice and mother nodded…
‘It’s for your brother Isabel—We’re holding a masquerade ball on his behalf so he could pick a wife’..Mom replied again and she scoffed..
‘Like that’s so archaic to be honest like seriously?? A masquerade ball?? What happened to falling in love Adrian?’..She queried..
‘Love happens in fairy tales only Isabel,what i nee-d is a wife who would only bear my children and go to functions with me’…I muttered placing a napkin on my n£¢k as the maids brou-ght in dinner…
‘You’re so boring Adrian’..
‘Hey don’t talk to your brother like that!!’..Mother scolded her and she shrugged leaving..
Giselle’s POV
I yawned loudly as I dropped my bag on my be-d..
Today has been so hectic from picking Queen Martha to s£nding flowers for one of Prince Adrian’s admirers —Ariana..
Princess Ariana,one of the most dre-aded persons on earth and also Adrian’s number one fan according to Isabel…
I’m his number one fan..
He should be s£nding flowers to me!!..
‘Well it’s 10pm and my daughter is damn tired’..Mom said as she stood by the doorway..
‘Ohh hey mom’..i replied in a long yawn..
‘He’s working you to death Giselle and if not for your baseless one-sided crush you would have st©pped working for him years ago’..she retorted sitting at the edge of my be-d..
‘He doesn’t work me to..
‘Ohh we’re still doing that?? We’re still doing that thing when you defend him and I tell you what a block head you are??’..She cut in and i sighed..
‘Where’s Dad??’..i asked not wanting to push the question any further..
‘He’s at the back pla-ying with his toys,you know how men love their power tools’..She replied and i smiled..
Married for 30 years mom and Dad have been the best in taking care of me…
I’m their only daughter and they can’t do without me that’s why I still live with them..
‘I’ll go speak to him’..
Minutes later
‘Hey pops’..i muttered knocking on the garage door and Dad c@m£ out from un-der the table he was drilling nails into…
‘You missed curfew Giselle’..he frowned..
‘I’m twenty six Dad I don’t nee-d curfew’..I replied k!ss!nghim on the nose affectionately..
‘So how’s that terrible prince?? Is he still giving you trouble??’..He asked..
‘Who?? No one gives be trouble??’..I quic-kly said and he arched his brow questionably..
‘You literally cry in your sleep cause of him every night Giselle so how…’..His voice trailed off as my phone rang..
:Good..Good evening your highness’..i muttered after pressing the green icon giving Dad the signal to say nothing…
:I nee-d you back here at the Castle Giselle,there’s a lot of work at hand!!’..Adrian replied and my b©dy almost cried..
:But…but it’s 11:40 your highness and i haven’t had dinner’..
:Do i look like i care Giselle?? Get here ASAP!!!..
Okay if you were in Giselle’s shoes what would you do??…