the mafia se-duction episode 28

? THE ?


se-duction ??

Episode 28
(Final episode)


?Wedding Day?

?Isadora’s POV?

I woke up to Rafael smiling like a goofball. He peppered my face with k!sses then did the same to my belly. I feel Aurelia kick in the right sp©t and wince, su-cking my teeth.

“Ugh, you just had to wake her up.” I shook my head.

“Sorry baby but you do know what today is right?” Hmm lets mess with him a little bit. “A normal Saturday?” His grin turned into a frown and he glared at me.

“Don’t pl@ywith me like that kiten. You may be pregnant but that will not st©p me from sp@ñking that as-s of yours until its glowing red. Would you like to have a bright red as-s ahowing throu-gh your dress as you walk down the isle?” He sm-irked.

“I was just teasing you.” I said and he k!$$£d me.

“You’re gonna wish you hadn’t done that kitten. You know how I feel about you teasing me.” He whispered into my n£¢k as he lightly k!$$£d over my weak sp©ts he knew would make me m0@n and shiver. He pu-ll-ed away and Isigh in frustration, rolling my eyes.

“I’m gonna pretend I didn’t see that and go get re-ady. My mom, aunts, Josie and Nessa should be here to help soon.” I nodded. He k!$$£d me and k!sses Aurelia before leaving. As I waddle out of be-d in odd angles, Gabriella and everyone else c@m£ in.

“Today’s the day! My baby boy is getting married!” I giggle at her excitement.

“Do you think any of the other boys will get married?” Nadi asked curiously.

“Rico and Javi maybe. I can see them getting married to some nice girls.” I smiled. “AIfie and Ish may have some trouble though.” Esme added.

“Why would my babies have trouble finding a good girl like Isa?” Gabriella asked with a hand on her h!p.

“Alfe and Ish are the hit it and quit it type. They’l fv¢k a girl and b!ow her off the next day, or until they feel the nee-d to curb their urges again.” Josie said.

“What!? “Gabriella g@sped. ”They better not be doing some $h!t like that! I taught them better than that!”

” You can discipline them later Gabbi. Right now we nee-d to get Isa re-ady! Everyone has been arriving since early this morning and we dont have much time to get re-ady“Nadi said and Gabriella nodded.

–Hours Later–

After finally getting my dress, my hair, makeup and shoes on .. I was re-ady. re-ady to marry the love of my life. Emiliano walked on and almost cried.

“You look absolutely beautiful my dear.” He bent down and k!sses my cheek.

“Thank you Emil.”

“plea-se, call me dad or papa like Mirella does. You have been considered p@rt of the family since the day Rafael brou-ght you home.” He smiled warmly. Since I didnt have my parents, hearing him say that made me tear up.

“Oh no you don’t! I will blister your as-s if you ruin your makeup! Pregnant or not, you will get bent over my knee!” Gabriella shouted and waved a f!nger at me.

“Yes mama.” I giggled. Her anger turned into joy in less than a second. Its terrifying whe she does that.

“Okay okay! Lets get you down the isle!” Josie squealed. I nodded excitedly. You would think in a situation like this I would be nervous, but I’m not. My heart may be pounding and fluttering wildly, but it’s definitely from excitement, not nerves. Everyone but Emiliano left. He cleared his throat and held out his arm. I took it.

“plea-se don’t let me fall dad.” I whispered.

“I got you sweetheart. I may be old but I’m stronger than I look.” He win-ked. When we get outside, my eyes immediately find Rafael walking down the stairs to take his place at the alter.

fv¢k he looks yummy! I see him smile as he sp©ts Mirella walking down in a beautiful little white dress, throwing petals to either side of the isle. When she reached him, he picked her up and k!$$£d her cheek before giving her to Gabriella. When he looked back and saw me his eyes lit up. Everyone g@sped and stood as the music began to pl@yand Emiliano and I started walking. I couldn’t keep my eyes off him. This is it .. the man who stole my heart, soul, b©dy and mind, and I wouldn’t change it for anything. When we get to the alter, Emiliano k!$$£d my cheek before taking his seat next to Gabriella and Mirella.

“You look stunning my love.” He said taking my hand and k!ss!ngit.

“And you look yummy” I whispered and win-ked. A devilish grin appeared on his face. As everyone sat down and the music st©pped, the pastor began.

“Dear family and friends, we are gathered here today to witness and celebr@te the union of Rafael Santigo Montez and Isadora Fiorella Cortez in holy matrimony.” He turned to Rafael. “The rings?” I turned to Josie and Rafael turned to Cas-s. Holding our rings in our hands, the pastor continued and looked at me. “Do you Isadora, take Rafael to be your husband. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer for sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do you p@rt?

“I do.” I smiled.

“Do you Rafael, take Isadora to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do you p@rt “I do.” He smiled. “plea-se exchange the rings.” I took Rafael’s hand and slid the ring onto his f!nger, k!ss!nghis knuckles. He took my hand and did the same. “Now you will feel no rain, for each of you will be shelter for the other. Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth for the other. Now you will feel no loneliness, for each of you will be a companion for the other.Now you are two persons, but there is only one life before you.May beauty surround you both in the journey ahead of you and all throu-gh your years.May happiness be your companions and your days together be good and long upon the earth. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may k!ssthe bride.” Rafael gr@bb£d my face and k!$$£d me ha-rd . Everyone cheered and cl@pped.

“Now you are mine forever.” He whispered. “Baby, I was yours forever the day I told you I love you.” I smiled and he k!$$£d me again.


Sitting at the table having laughs with Josie and Nessa, Emiliano gets up and walks over to the stage, clearing his throat at the microphone.

“May I have everyone’s attention plea-se.” Everyone got quiet. “Son, I want to tell you how proud I am of the man you have become. You remind me a lot of myself the day I found your mother. Isadora, you have changed my son for the better and for that, there is not enough thanks in the world.You brou-ght light back into his eyes and his mother’s and mine.I will never be able to thank you enough.I love you both and welcome to the family darling.”He made his way over to us and k!$$£d my cheek, then hvgging Rafael. Gabriella took the stage next.

“I love you both so much! I knew she was the one for you Rafael, the monment you brou-ght her home. I am proud to call you my daughter Isadora, and I hope you feel comfortable calling us mom and dad.” She wiped a tear from her cheek.

“I alre-ady do mama!” I shouted and she laughed. She got off the stage and made her way to us. “Look what you made me do! I saidl wouldn’t cry and now look at me, a weeping mess.” I giggled and hvgged her. All Rafael’s brothers took the stage.

“I just wanted to say, I love you brother and welcome to the family Isa. I hope you think of us as your brothers, because we alre-ady saw you as our sister.” Alfie smiled.

“A h0t sister.” Ish added. Gabriella stormed the stage and hit him in the back of the head. One “Do not make me shoot you Ishmael lago Montez!” She glared at him.

“Ow! I was joking! Just trying to lighten the mood from all this crying.” He whimpered and ru-bbe-d the back of his head. Javi took the mic next.

“Isa, I want to tell you how sorry I am for how I treated you before. I feel blessed to call you my sister and I vow to be the best brother you could ever ask for. Rafael, we may have our differences, but ai love you and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Congratulations you guys!” He took a step back and I tried to hold back my tears. Rico stepped up.

“I love you both and hope that your marriage lasts forever. I’m proud to call you my sister Isa. Welcome to the family!” The tears were getting ha-rder and ha-rder to hd back. To everyone’s surprise, Mirella tugs on Rico’s shi-t and points to the microphone. He hands it to her and she takes a de-ep breath.

“I love you Santi, you finally have your fairy queen and Isa, thank you for ma-king my big brother happy. 1 love you.” The dam finally broke and the tears ran down my face.

“I love you too princess!” I shouted. Josie took the mic next and I could alre-ady tell she was about to cry.

“Isa, you’re my best friend and I love you so much .. Congratulations!” She managed to get that out before breaking down and crying, Cas-s took the mic from her.

Suddenly Rafael got up and walked to the stage. Everyone cleared the stage as he took the mic and cleared his throat.

“Baby, I am so happy I found you. When you agreed to be mine, I felt my world come back to life. You tame the beast inside me and for that, I will be forever grateful. I cant imagine a world without you or my little bu-tterfly in it. I will love, cherish and protect you both until my last breath. I love you kitten, always and forever.” He put the mic back on the stand as I waddled my way to the stage. I k!$$£d him and took the mic.

“I had nothing growing up. No parents, no friends, and no one to love .. but now I have all of that and.” I felt a rush of liquid bur-st and run down my legs. I st©p and stared at Rafael.

“Baby? What’s wrong?”

“My water just broke!” I shouted. While everyone was calmly getting things together to take me to the hospital, Rafael was panicking. He was breathing heavy and fast. He looked like he was about to pas-s out. I felt a contraction hit me and screamed.

“Ahhhhh! fv¢k that hurts!” Rafael snapped out of it and rushed to my side, holding my hand until the contraction subsided.

“Ow! Jesus Isa, I think you broke my hand!” He shouted. I rolled my eyes.

–At The Hospital–

Lying on a be-d with a very panicked Rafael by my side, a team of nurses walked in. One c@m£ to me and lifted my hospital go-wn.

“You’re almost fully dilated Isadora.”

“Will my baby be okay? She wasn’t due for another few weeks.” I felt myself begin to panic.

“Premature births are no uncommon. As long as the baby is not in breach, which doesn’t seem to be the case, you and the baby are fine.” She smiled.

“Okay Isadora, you are fully dilated and nee-d to start pushing. Take a de-ep breath and push as ha-rd as you can.” I listen and took a de-ep breath, then pushed. I gr-unt as pain racked my b©dy. He wants six kids !? I hope he plans on having a few of those himself cause holy fv¢k this hurts!

“You’re doing great kitten.” Rafael said k!ss!ngmy head.

“One more push Isadora! Push!” I take another de-ep breath and scream as I pushed as ha-rd as I could. Then I hear it. The most beautiful sound in the world. My daughter Aurelia, crying. I broke down in tears.

“Would you like to cut the cord Rafael?” He wiped tears from his face and nodded.

?Rafael’s P0V?

She’s here. My bu-tterfly is here! She’s absolutely beautiful and I’m alre-ady putty in her tiny hands. As they took her to clean her off, I turned to Isa and k!$$£d her.

“I’m proud of you baby. She’s beautiful.” I whispered. When they finally had her cleaned and dressed, they gave her a to Isa who cried the moment she was in her arms.

“She’s beautiful Rafael”

She’s perfect.

She’s my everything.

Daddy’s little bu-tterfly.

Our little bu-tterfly has arrived ???