The lovers boy 2 Episode 13 & 14

💖 The Loverboys💖
(May I?)
Grand finale #Season_2
Episode 13
By: Faith Lucky.
Jeanne’s Pov:
I looked at him in surprise as he stared back at me. Why’s he asking such question?
Oh, my! Did he think Theo would’ve taken advantage of me?
“He didn’t” I replied and he smiled and looked down at the food.
Then; he began eating.
“By the way,” he said.
“I’ll be having a surprise for you tomorrow”.
Oh! What surprise could it be?
“Okay” I told him and we continued eating.
“Um…Alex,” I called after a brief since and he looked at me.
“How did you get to know I was pregnant?” I asked and he smiled.
“Oh! Well, Hetty told me about it” he replied and I flin-ched.
“Huh? She…she did?”
“Yeah. She told me she had overheard the doctor telling you about it in the hospital”.
Oh, my God! So, she had been eavesdropping?
And she knows I’m pregnant?
Oh, God!
“Don’t worry, Jeanne; she’s a nice person, okay? She promised to come over tomorrow or next” Alex said and I just nodded lightly.
I had really wanted this pregnancy stuff to be a secret.
We went on eating and didn’t say much to each other again and bit by bit, my tension around him began to ease.
But, I still couldn’t st©p thinking about Theo.
I’m sure he must be looking for me by now and I’m really scared of his reaction if he gets to find me.
I hope Alex’s plans of leaving the country works out sooner that later.
When we were done eating, Alex cleared up the place, even when I insisted on doing it. He said he didn’t want me to stress myself in any way.
Then, he suggested we watched some movies together, but in the process, I sle-pt off.
Gosh! Why am I always so dizzy these days?
I woke up, feeling really really refreshed and strong.
Wow! Indeed the doctor was right; I really nee-ded a good rest.
I checked the be-d and noticed Alex wasn’t on it with me.
Where was he?
I sluggishly stood up and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I haven’t even had time to go round the house.
I brushed my teeth and before going back to the be-droom, I looked myself in the mirror and stared at my tummy.
I smiled and walked out of the room, returning to the be-droom. But when I got there, I still couldn’t find Alex.
Huh? Where was he?
I decided to go out of the room and when I did, I saw a long pas-sage and took it and it led me to the sitting room and there I found Alex in the dining.
“Hey” he called as he glanced at me and took his eyes back to what he was doing. He was setting breakfast.
I breathed out and walked closer to him.
But, he looked dressed up, like he was going out or something.
“Good morning” I greeted with a shy smile and he c@m£ close and pe-cked me.
“How was your night?” He asked and I smiled, blu-shing from the pe-ck.
“Um…It was okay” was my reply.
Wow! I still can’t believe loverboy Alex was all mine. I wish I could hvg him from behind and k!sshim.
But…hell no, I don’t have such guts yet.
He rounded up what he was doing on the dining and looked at the gold watch on his wrist.
“Uh…Jeanne, I’m so sorry, but I nee-d to leave right now. I’m alre-ady 5 minutes late for a commercial advert and my manager might kill me if I miss this as well.
“But, don’t worry, I promise to be back within the twi-nkle of an eye, okay? And I’ll be coming along with the surprise I said I had for you.
“You can make use of this for now” he said and handed me one of his expensive phones.
“There’s a l@pt©p in the room with lots of interesting games, musics and videos and in case you’re not interested in them, you can make use of the TV channels.
“There re lots of foods in the kitchen and warmer and enough fruits and drinks in the refrigerator as well and I’ll be getting more on my way back. Just do whatever it is you want and feel free, okay? I’ll be back pretty soon” he said without a pause and it almost made me laugh.
I nodded and he smiled and k!$$£d me.
Oh, my gee! On myl-ips.
I reciprocated the k!ssand kind of wished it wouldn’t have to end.
His phone started ringing immediately and it broke the k!ss.
“Yes? I’m on my way, Franco” he said on the phone as he gr@bb£d his car keys from the dining table.
He gave me a pe-ck again and mouthed a ‘bye’ before running out the door.
I quic-kly went to the window and stared at him as he entered into his car and started off. I smiled.
Oh, God! plea-se, keep him safe for me.
I kept watching as he drove out of the premises which had no gate and after a while, I returned to the dining and had breakfast.
Feeling bored even after pla-ying numerous games and watching funny videos, I sle-pt off and by the time I woke up, that was when Alex returned.
I heard the sound of his car driving in and quic-kly rushed out to welcome him.
I was still coming out of the house when he parked the car and surprisingly, I saw someone else coming out of the seat next to the driver’s.
It was a little girl.
It was Molly!
“Nanny!!!” She screamed at the t©p of her voice as she left the car door open and ran towards me as fast as her legs could carry her.
Oh, my gee!
“Baby!!!” I called ecstatically as I didn’t wait for her to get to where I was, but also ran to her and opened my arms wi-de for her and she jumped in.
“Oh, my God! Baby!” I cried and twirled her round In my arms.
She giggled and k!$$£d my cheek.
Alex was alre-ady coming out of the car.
“I missed you, nanny. I thought I was never going to see you again”: she said happily as she embr@ced me, still in my arms.
I smiled and k!$$£d her hair.
Oh, Alex; so this was the surprise he was talking about?
“I missed you too, angel”:I told her, almost tearfully.
Alex was smiling as he got to where we were and carried Molly down from my shoulders.
“Hey, hey, hey; I didn’t bring you here so you could stress her, okay?” He said to her.
“Huh? What are you talking about, Alex? Let me go” Molly groused as she Fred her hands from his and c@m£ to me.
I laughed and carried her up again.
“I’m her baby, okay?” She said boastfully in my arms.
“Oh, really? Well, sooner than later, someone else is gonna replace you” Alex said and my eyes beamed.
Molly flin-ched.
“Huh?” She expressed and looked at me.
“Nanny, are you going to be someone else’s nanny?” She asked and I laughed.
“it’s not nanny, Molly; but something sweeter than nanny” Alex replied and the confusion on her face increa-sed.
“Don’t worry, baby; no one’s going to take your position in my heart, okay?” I told her and she nodded and hvgged me.
I looked at Alex and smiled and he started walking into the house and I followed with Molly.
Like he had said, he brou-ght more foods and fruits and we ate together.
Gosh! It was so much fun.
Molly wouldn’t spend a second without me as she followed me to the kitchen, the garden and even the toilet – although, she had to wait outside the door.
She kept telling me different stories of her clas-smates and how she bullied some of the stubborn ones in school and she felt so proud telling me.
She kept talking and talking until my ears began itching, although I enjoyed it. I really missed her.
Alex didn’t really have time for us as he kept ma-king numerous calls and ma-king use of different systems.
I think I’ll just have to start getting used to this.
Molly and I spent the whole time together until it was dark and when Alex talked about taking her home, she refused, saying she was going to spend the night there with me.
Knowing he couldn’t change her mind, he left her alone with me and went out to the balcony to have some quiet time while doing whatever it is he was doing.
So, Molly and I stayed in the be-droom.
“Why did you ever leave, nanny?” She suddenly asked as she la-id on the be-d while I sat and faced her.
We could both look into our faces.
“I’m sorry, baby; I just nee-ded to take care of something important” I replied, bruising her hair with my palm.
“You know, I fell sick when you left, nanny. I really missed you. Hope you won’t be leaving again?” She asked and I smiled wistfully.
“Tell me a story, nanny” she said after a brief silence.
“Oh, dear; I don’t really have a story in mind. But, don’t worry, I’ll think about one and tell you tomorrow” I replied.
“Okay; sing me a song” she said and I sighed.
I knew she was going to ask for that.
I cleared my throat and began singing one of my written songs, knowing she’d fall asleep at anytime. That has always been her weak point.
Surprisingly, when I was done with the first song, she was still awake.
Hm. Look who’s in for a challenge.
“Sing me more, nanny” she said and I smiled and continued with another song.
But, by the time I was done with the second song, she was alre-ady asleep. I laughed to myself. I knew she wouldn’t last.
I covered her up with the duvet and went into the bathroom to shower afterwards.
I stood un-der the cold water and enjoyed it’s coldness on my b©dy.
I suddenly thought of my future with Alex.
Do we really have a future together? Will everything work out?
Oh, God! I really pray it does, because I don’t want to lose this baby and Alex.
After spending a long time in the shower, I tied a white towel around my b©dy and returned to the be-droom and there I found Alex on the be-d, operating two of his phones at this same time.
But…where was Molly?
She wasn’t on the be-d anymore.
“Um Alex, where’s Molly?” I asked, still standing by the door of the bathroom.
“I’ve taken her to a separate room” he replied without looking at me.
Huh? But why? We could’ve shared the be-d.
I walked past him to the wardrobe so I could get something light to wear.
Fortunately, he alre-ady bought some clothes for me that’d take me till we leave the country.
There were two night go-wns – red and black – and I was trying to decide on the right one to wear when suddenly, I felt a hand hold me from behind.
Then, I noticed it was Alex.
He hvgged me, wra-pping his hands around my w@!st and ma-king them t©uçh my belly. I was still backing him.
He trailed his hand from my belly upto my che-st and t©uçhed my bo*bs and it made me shiver.
Oh, God!
Then, he k!$$£d my n£¢k and moved his hands from my bo*bs to the ti-p of the towel and loos£ned it – just the ti-p – he didn’t let it fall off.
Then, he k!$$£d my n£¢k again, bringing hisl-ips close to my ears.
“May I?” He spoke softly into my ears, still holding the ti-p of the towel.
I swear, my heart st©pped beating.
Oh, Alex!
Does he want to make the baby two?
Episode 14
By: Faith Lucky.
Jeanne’s Pov:
He k!$$£d my n£¢k again and left me really speechless.
Then, without asking for any other permission, he loos£ned the towel from my b©dy.
Oh, my God!
I shivered as he moved his hands over my ba-re tummy, up to my che-st and pressed my bo*bs.
Then, he turned my face slightly and k!$$£d me from the side.
Oh, God! I can’t believe I’m standing stark na*ed in front of Alex.
I could feel his ha-rd di-ck press against my ba-re bu-ttocks and it made my whole systems vibr@te.
Then, he took his hands from my bre*st and moved them down…
I g@sped and held his hands and he chuckled and k!$$£d my n£¢k again.
Next, he carried me up in a bridal style and took me to the be-d and my nervousity increa-sed.
Are we really going to do this again?
He la-id me on the be-d and the fact that he could see my entire b©dy really got me cringing.
He c@m£ in between my legs and k!$$£d me so pas-sionately that I had to reciprocate, forgetting the fact I was feeling ashamed.
I wra-pped my hands around his shoulders and enjoyed the k!ssand in the meanwhile, he used his hands to caras-s my bo*bs and it made me m0@n .
Suddenly, a call c@m£ into his phone and it made him break the k!ss.
What the heck?
He sighed as he took the phone from the be-d and answered it, but he was still on t©p of me.
“Hello, Franco?” He called blearily and k!$$£d me softly.
“Yeah…I know”
He brou-ght his face close and su*ked from the n!ppleof my left bre*st.
Oh, God!
I closed my eyes and m0@n ed in ecstasy as he kept pressing and su*king from it.
“He did…” he lifted hisl-ips and said into the phone and took them to the bre*st again.
Then, he st©pped and sighed, di-pping his hands into his hair.
“Come on, Franco. Can I just call you back, plea-se?” He said frustrated, and shook his head, bringing them to . myl-ips and k!ss!ngme again.
“I’ve told you; Makie’s a frustrated being. He’s just trying to gain attention. Whatever he said was a lie” he said as he lifted my hands and placed them on his shi-t.
At first, I was confused, but then, I got to know he wanted me to un-bu-tton his shi-t.
Oh, Alex! This guy’s corrupting me.
Feeling really really shy, I started un-bu-ttoning the shi-t from the t©p downwards as he continued with the call he was ma-king.
“What? He did?” He said, bemused on the phone and I finally un-bu-ttoned the shi-t and his ba-re tattoo che-st was now expo-sed.
Wow! I wonder how he was able to draw so many tattoos on his b©dy.
He made me pu-ll off the shi-t completely from his b©dy and then he made me ru-b his ba-re che-st with my hands.
Gosh! This guy’s really turning me into something else.
Next, he moved my hands to his belt, expecting me to un-hook it.
Holy Mary!!!
I g@sped and withdrew my hands immediately and he laughed with his head on my shoulders.
He laughed dryly, forgetting he was still on a call.
“Oh, sorry; yeah, yeah; I can hear you” he said on the phone when he got to realise.
Then, he lifted his face again and k!$$£d me, giving myl-ips little bites.
With the phone in his left hand; he moved the right hand down to my legs and t©uçhed my…Oh, God!
I gr!pp£dhim ti-ght as I felt him pushing in two f!ngersat a time.
“Alex…” I m0@n ed and he wi-de-ned his eyes and quic-kly brou-ght out the hand, using it to cover it my mouth.
Oh! The caller must’ve overheard me.
“plea-se, Franco; it’s…its no one. I’m just watching a movie” he said with a de-ep breath and re-moved his hand from my mouth.
“Yeah. It’s um…A female program. I mean, a female’s the one pres£nting the program” he said and smiled, bringing his head to my bo*bs and su*king them again.
“No, no. I’m not the one, Franco. She’s just calling someone who’s my namesake.
“Yeah…In the program”.
He chuckled and s£nt his hand to my vag*na again.
He inser-ted two f!ngersand started k!ss!ngme immediately.
Oh, God!
I felt like m0@n ing out loud, but couldn’t, since he was k!ss!ngme. So, I just m0@n ed into hisl-ips.
Indeed, this guy was really a flir-t.
He kept moving the f!ngersin and out while k!ss!ngme and it hurt a lot, but the k!sswas there to comfort me and st©p me from screaming.
Then, I overheard the caller calling his name on the phone; probably because he’s been quiet for a while.
Then, Alex unlocked from the k!ssand brou-ght out his f!ngers.
“plea-se Franco, I’ll call you back; I swear” he said and ended the call immediately.
I guess now he’s re-ady to devour me.
His both hands were now free and he used them to press my both bre*sts and su*k from them.
“You can’t even take off my belt, huh?” He asked in a sweet smile and k!$$£d myl-ips.
He k!$$£d me for a long time and brou-ght his head downwards, k!ss!ngmy tummy.
Immediately, his phone began ringing again and to my surprise, he gr@bb£d the phone from the be-d and threw it away, ma-king it hit ha-rd against the wall and crashing to the floor.
Oh, my God!
He c@m£ c@m£ close and k!$$£d me again, this time around, a little r0ûghly.
Then, he un-hooked his belt and that was when my heart started pla-ying p@rty drums.
He took off his trou-sers and I tried not to look.
Then; he c@m£ in between my legs again and k!$$£d me while pressing my bo*bs like he wanted it to produce something.
After k!ss!ngme enough, he went on his knees and lifted my legs upwards, almost ma-king them t©uçh my face.
Oh, God! I wish I could disappear.
He inser-ted his di-ck into my pu*sy which was now facing heaven and I skrie-ked as he started thrû-sting in and out.
Oh, God!
It still hurt like hell, but not like the first time.
I closed my eyes and m0@n ed as his sizeable di-ck kept going in and out of me and it s£nt shivers down my spine.
At a point, he rolled the ti-p of my cl!t with his thumb and I didn’t realise when I shouted: “Dad!”
Oh, God! This is heaven.
I couldn’t even look into his face as he kept thrû-sting fas-ter and dee-per and he left me in all m0@n s. The sweetness was driving me crazy.
Where did Alex learn this from?
After a while, he c@m£ out from me and I actually thought it was over; but he stood me up from the be-d and made me to kneel, backing him.
I placed my both hands on the be-d for support and that was when I realised it was what they called ‘dog style’.
Oh, Jesus!
He entered into me from behind and started moving ha-rder than he’s ever moved and my m0@n s increa-sed.
He gr@bb£d my bre*sts as he rode me to heaven and the sweetness couldn’t even let me open my eyes.
I kept m0@n ing his names and they almost turned into screams.
He rode me from behind for a long time and re-leased inside me and that was when he pu-ll-ed out, falling on the be-d.
I also fell immediately and he pu-ll-ed me close to himself and he covered our bodies with the duvet.
Oh, God! My legs – in between – they were hurting like crazy.
Oh, God! Alex.
I was kind of p@n-ting, but it subsided after a short time and Alex, also regaining his strength, made me place my head on his che-st while he wra-pped his hands around my shoulders.
Then, he brou-ght hisl-ips close to mine and k!$$£d me.
He took in a de-ep breath and we remained quiet for some time, my head still on his shoulders.
Gosh! I guess I’m gonna have to start getting used to his se-x lifestyle.
I can’t believe he almost damaged my p…sy.
“The baby….what S-x do you want it to be? Is it a male or female?” He broke the silence and I swallowed ha-rd .
“Um…a girl” I replied.
“Huh? Why?”
I smiled lightly.
“Well, I just love little girls” I replied and he chuckled.
“Well, I’d prefer a boy, but even if it becomes a girl, I’ll be okay with it” He said and I smiled.
“You know, when the baby comes, I’d want him to have your eyes.” He said and I couldn’t help but blus-h.
“Really?” I asked.
“Yeah. You have the best eyes, Jeanne and I love it. You know, that look you give when you’re nervous about something; the look in your eyes – it makes me wanna laugh.
“And when you’re sad, it can make anyone do anything just to make you happy” he said and I was f0rç£d to laugh.
“So, tell me;” he continued.
“What would you want our baby to take from me?”
I chuckled and li-cked myl-ips.
“Well…first of all, I wouldn’t want him to take over your grumpy attitude” I said and he laughed.
“What? I’m not grumpy” he exclaimed.
“You are, Alex; rude; grumpy and annoying.
“The first day I arrived at the mansion as Molly’s nanny, and you had returned with the rest of the lover boys and asked me why I was there, seriously, I felt like entering into the ground. You were so scary and I had been scared you were going to hurt me. At that time, I couldn’t even breathe when I was around you.
Although, I was crushing on you, I was still scared of you”. I expounded.
He smiled and k!$$£d my hair.
“Sorry for ma-king you scared back then” he said in a serene tone.
“So,” he continued.
“is that the only thing you gate about me?” He asked.
“Yes. And as for the things I’d want the baby to inherit from you are your charms, cuteness, voice and dance skills” I replied and he chuckled.
“Wow! Really? You love all that about me?” He asked and I nodded.
Then, he lauded and pe-cked me on the hair again.
“Don’t worry, Jeanne; very soon, all our worries will be over and I promise to give you and my kids the best life on earth”. He said in that sweet tone of his and my cheeks turned red immediately.
He brou-ght his face close and k!$$£d me on thel-ips – a tempestuous snogging k!ss.
“I love you” he said in a soft breath.
“I love you too” I replied and la-id my head back on his che-st.