The lover boy Episode Episode 44 & 45

💖 The Loverboys💖
(Isn’t that Theo?)
Episode 44
By: Faith Lucky.
Jeanne’s Pov:
The next morning, I woke up feeling excited and nervous. I mean, it was time for the concert and I was really nervous since it was going to be my first performance on stage.
Some makeup artistes were called for that morning and they c@m£ with lots of pretty dresses and shoes and as-sisted me in selecting the best.
Alex was in the sitting room also getting re-ady while I made use of the be-droom.
After putting on my long black sparkling dress, the makeup artistes set out to work on me and it took about an hour before they were done.
wow! I was looking like a princess!
I smiled and admired myself in front of the mirror. I can’t believe I’m actually the one looking this good.
“You look amazing, ma’am” one of the ladies said to me and I smiled.
“Thanks” I replied and stood up and went for my black heels.
Then, I took my blue purse and left the room together with the make up artistes. I suddenly felt so shy going out.
When I got to the sitting room, I mer Alex talking to some men, backing my direction.
But, when he heard our footsteps, he turned to have a look and I noticed he seemed lost staring at me. I was kind of surprised at the way he fixed his gaze on me; like he had seen something he didn’t expect.
“Uhm…Alex,” one of the men called and tapped hin on the shoulder and he slowly turned back to them. It seems he had forgotten he was talking to someone.
I noticed he shook his head before resuming his discussion with the men.
Then, finally i got to where he was and by the time I got there, he had rounded up whatever it is he was discussing with the men.
So, they left and he turned back to look at me.
“H-hi” I said with a little crack in my voice.
Although, we’ve alre-ady greeted before, I just nee-ded something to say.
“Uhm…you look beautiful” he said softly with a smile and I bent my head shyly.
He wasn’t looking bad either – looking as handsome and killing as always.
I wonder what’s going to happen when the world watches me sing with the all famous lover boy – Alex.
“So, shall we?” He asked and stretched out his hand to me and I posed, wondering if he really wanted us to hold hands.
I took in a de-ep breath and placed my hand on his and we walked out of the house together.
Few minutes later, we arrived at the venue and my heart beat increa-sed at the population I had seen.
They were just too much and we’re just the ones that were outside, not talking about the ones that were inside.
I kept looking throu-gh the window as the car drove to the back and Alex and I c@m£ down with the guards and met some men who were alre-ady waiting for us.
The men in suits welcomed us and took us in throu-gh a restricted area where we were sure not to get hooked up by fans.
Alex held my hand throu-gh the while and I guess that was because he could s-en-se I was nervous.
Well, I really was.
can I do this?
We got to the backstage and awaited to be called. We met a lot of people there and Alex was the one who did most of the talking because he seemed to be farmiliar with them.
Finally, we were called onto stage and my nervouity increa-sed.
Alex was the first to go, but before he left, he held my hand and stared into my face.
“Hey, remember everything I told you, okay? Just see it as one of usual rehearsals and do it for fun. Okay?” He spoke calmly and I nodded with a nervous smile and he left.
I ru-bbe-d my palms together and sighed and as one of the boys around gave me a microphone and not long after, I heard Alex pla-ying the interlude of the song.
Well, that was the plan. He was to sing the first song p@rt of the song alone, then I’d enter at the second p@rt and we go on from there.
I listened carefully as he sang the first p@rt perfectly and when he was done, he gave the intro to the second p@rt and that was the moment I was supposed to go in.
Oh, God!
I took in a de-ep breath and opened the red curtains and I found myself on stage in front of a mega hvge Ko-rean crowd, all eyes staring at me.
Alex was backing me, facing the stage and pla-ying the keyboard.
Press men surrounded the stage and kept flashing their lights at me.
I sang the second p@rt as I walked slowly and stylishly to the stage and the crowd suddenly started cheering and I wondered why. They don’t know me, right?
But I found myself becoming more relaxed as I sang the exact way I was supposed to and it got to a point that Alex left the keyboard and we both started dancing just as we had planned.
The rest of the instrumentalists had taken over.
We sang and danced it so perfectly and ended with Alex twirling and ma-king me fall in his arms.
The next thing I heard were screams of people and I left Alex’s b©dy and noticed the crowd were all going wild.
They screamed and jumped and cheered and I found it unbelievable.
Did it go well?
Alex smiled and embr@ced me.
“I told you, didn’t I?” He said but I couldn’t even think of what to say.
👥We love you!!!
👥 Jeanne!!!
👥 Alex-J!!!
👥 You’re incredible!!!
👥 Oppa!!!
They kept screaming and waving at us and finally, I bowed and left the stage with Alex.
Oh, my God!!!
They like me!
It seems my performance was awesome.
“I did it!” I said happily and embr@ced Alex immediately we got behind the curtains.
He laughed and pu-ll-ed from the hvg.
Wait; did I really hvg Alex?
Well, you won’t blame me. I’m just too excited.
“Oppa!” I heard a familiar voice and turned to see Da-hye scuttling towards us.
Huh? What’s she doing here?
“Oh, my! You guys were incredible!” She exclaimed and pe-cked his cheek.
Shouldn’t I be the one she should be congratulating?
“Hi, Jeanne.” She finally waved at me and I just waved back to her.
“By the way, you were awesome dear. Congratulations” she added.
“Thank you, ma’am” I replied with a perfunctory smile and she turned back to alex.
“So…what are you doing here?” Alex asked.
“Oh! I c@m£ to watch your performance. Won’t you give me a hvg for that?” She said and giggled.
“Ma’am Jeanne” someone called and I turned and noticed it was a man with two c@m£ra men beside him.
“Could you spare us a minute plea-se? plea-se?” He said pleadingly and I almost laughed because of how he said the plea-se.
“Uhm…sure” I replied and followed them to the room they wanted.
I sat in front of them and answered tons of questions and…wow! Is this what celebrities go throu-gh?
When we were done, I decided to go back to Alex. But when I got to the sp©t where I left them, I couldn’t find them anymore.
Where did they go?
I decided to look around and finally found them behind a corner, standing at a close range. Why’re they alone?
“Alex,” Da-hye called and held his hand.
“There’s something you nee-d to know”.
Oh, my God! Is she really going to tell him about it now?
I stood and hid properly behind the corner so I don’t get seen.
My eyes were gushing with curiosity.
“What’s it?” Alex asked and shockingly, she k!$$£d him!
She gave him a soft tender k!sson hisl-ips but he pu-ll-ed away after a while.
“Alex, I love you” she said in a serene tone and my heart skipped.
She really did it.
She confessed to him.
Oh, my God!
I looked at Alex who expectedly had a surprised expression on.
She wra-pped her hands around his n£¢k and k!$$£d him again.
“Da-hye…” he called and pu-ll-ed away from the k!ss.
She tried doing it again but he st©pped her.
“Hey, st©p it” he said calmly and she paused and looked into his eyes; her hands still wra-pped around his n£¢k.
“I’ve…I’ve always seen you as a friend, Da-hye” he said.
“Yeah. But we can be something more” she replied and k!$$£d him again and he pu-ll-ed away.
“No, I’m sorry. It can’t be” he replied.
“Why not? We’re perfect” she said as she placed her forehead on his.
She tried k!ss!nghim again but he st©pped her.
“I love someone else” he said and that was the only thing that made her pu-ll away.
Wait; what did he just say?
“Alex?” She called in a tone that portrayed she was undoubtedly shocked.
“You…you’re…” she tried speaking but couldn’t.
She bent her head and scoffed.
She didn’t say anything for a moment and neither did Alex.
“She’s the one, right?” She suddenly asked.
“It’s her, isn’t it? Jeanne?” She asked and busted into tears.
Hold on; what the hell is she talking about?
“I’m sorry” Alex simply said and she ran away in tears.
Wait; why didn’t he deny it?
Why didn’t he tell her she was wrong?
What is…going on?
I slowly turned and left the corner, returning backstage.
My heart suddenly started beating heavily.
Why didn’t Alex deny it when Da-hye had asked him if he was in love with me?
And who was the lady he claims to be in love with?
“Hey” I heard his voice immediately and turned to see him walking towards me.
My whole systems were rotating.
“Wats up?” He asked as he stood in front of me and for a while, I didn’t un-derstand what he said.
“I’m…I’m fine” I finally replied, nervously.
“Are you…okay?” He asked, s-en-sing the caprice in my mood.
“N…Yeah. of…of course” I stuttered a reply and he furrowed his brows.
“By the way, I was thinking it’d be fun if we went out and gr@bb£d some drinks; you know, to celebr@te your victory.” He said and I didn’t even know when I nodded my head.
“Okay. So…shall we?” He said and took my hand and we left the scene together.
My head just kept muzzing and I couldn’t think straight. The whole scenario that had taken place between Alex and Da-hye still repla-yed in my head and it . left me confused and speechless.
I followed Alex quietly to the car where he asked the guards not to accompany us and he took off on the road.
“Are you sure you’re okay, Jeanne?” He asked as we sat next to each other in the car.
“I’m fine. Just uhm…you know, thinking about something” I replied and itched my head.
“Okay. So, how was the performance?” He asked and I cleared my throat before speaking up.
“Uhm…It was okay. I enjoyed it. I just hope I get good recommendations” I replied and he chuckled.
“Of course you will. Trust me” he replied and I gave a perfunctory nod.
We didn’t say any other thing and next, he turned on the car FM and surprisingly, the news being pres£nted www about us.
🎼Popular leader of the loverboys perform live on stage with a lady who’s about to become a p@rt of the lovergirls band🎼
I looked at Alex and we smiled together.
🎼 Miss, what do you have to say about this?🎼 the reporter asked and my anxiety increa-sed.
Oh! They’re going to ask people about it now!
🎼 well, it was amazing. I really had a wonderful time there.
And Jeanne, she’s incredible. I love her voice and her dance steps🎼
Oh, my gee!
They moved onto someone else and she also gave the same remarks about me.
Oh, Lord; help me.
A lot of it went on and I kept smiling continously.
“Guess you have me to thank.later on” Alex said and I laughed.
Then, finally, he st©pped the car and I figured we had gotten to our destination.
“Oh, my God! I’m so happy Alex. I really hope this works out” I said happily, still in the car.
“What do you mean? It’s working out alre-ady” he replied with a sm-irk and I laughed again.
I was so happy. People were giving good recommendations about me.
I opened the door and stepped out and just then, a call c@m£ into Alex’s phone and he stayed in the car to receive it.
Wow! Where is this place? It’s so beautiful.
I smiled as I gazed at the tall beautiful building in front of us.
Wow! I couldn’t wait to go in with Alex.
But thinking of it, I think Korean’s beautiful.
I took my eyes around and admired the other amazing buildings around. Even their roads were so clean.
And talking about the roads…
I looked across and my eyes caught the sight of a guy, standing beside a black flashy car, staring my direction.
He was dressed in all black and wore a face cap. But; that didn’t st©p him from looking familiar to me.
He was tall and looked handsome – just like he’s always looked in pictures and on the net!!!
Oh, my God!!!
What the hell?
Isn’t that Theo???
💖 The Loverboys💖
(k!$$£d me)
Episode 45
By: Faith Lucky.
Jeanne’s Pov:
My eyes wi-de-ned as I tried to get a clearer view of him.
Alex was still in the car.
He really looked exactly like Theo. Or…could I be mistaken?
But, I don’t think so. And why’s he staring this way?
Suddenly, he opened the door of the black flashy car he was standing beside and walked into it and that was when Alex c@m£ out of the car.
“Hey” he called as he turned around to meet me, but my eyes were still fixed on the black car which engines had turned on.
I kept looking keenly at it and wished I could have a view of him again.
“Are you okay?” Alex asked, surprised.
He turned to the direction I was staring and also saw the car which was now moving.
He joined me in staring at it until until it finally drove away.
Then he turned back to me and tapped me.
“Hey…is there something wrong?” He asked and I cleared my throat and shrugged out of my thoughts.
“I’m…I just thought…” I paused and looked at the direction the car had taken.
“I thought I saw someone in knew. But…its nothing. Don’t worry about it” I replied, hoping I sounded convincing.
But, seriously, I was still worried and confused.
Wasn’t that Theo?
“Are you sure?” Alex asked, his hand still on my shoulder.
“Y…Yeah” I stuttered and cleared my throat again.
He.looked behind, as if not satisfied. Then, he looked back at me.
“Okay. Let’s go in” he said and I managed a faux smile and we walked into the magnificent building together.
He held my hand as we walked in and we were warmly welcomed by the receptionists who took us to a special VVIP room. It seems Alex alre-ady made preparations for this before now.
They served us drinks and snacks. But seriously, my entire attention was so not there.
I was so confused.
That guy really looked a lot like Theo.
Or could I be mistaken?
But what if I’m right and he’s really Theo? Then, why was he there, staring at us. Could he be spying on us?
And why did he leave quietly?
Oh, God!
What do I have a feeling something is wrong?
And Alex…I don’t know, but i feel scared telling him about it. What if it gets him upset, especially since its just a guess and I have no idea Where Theo had driven to?
What if it changes his mood?
“Jeanne” his calm voice broke into my thoughts and I lifted my head to look at him.
“What’s the problem?” He asked in an unfeigned perturbe-d voice as he placed his hand on mine which was on the table.
I sighed and stared downwards.
“I’m…fine. I’m fine” I said in a de-ep breath and managed a smile.
He looked at me and still looked worried.
“Then, why looking this way?” He asked and I f0rç£d out a dry laugh.
“I said I’m fine, okay? Don’t worry about me” I.replied and took up my glas-s of wine and drank from it so I seem relieved.
We spent a long time in the lounge and since Alex had become worried, I decided to brighten up my countenance so he doesn’t feel bad anymore.
When we were done from the lounge, I asked him to take me to a plaza so I could get some gifts for Molly, just like I had promised.
He agreed and took me to a mighty plaza and we got to the kiddies section and there he as-sisted me in selecting some lovely items for Molly.
“if you get married, I’m sure Molly would want you to take her in as your first daughter” he said while we were taking out toys from the toys section and I laughed.
“That’s funny” I remarked.
“I’m serious. She told me herself” he said and I g@sped.
“Yeah. She’s really grown fond of you, you know?” He said and I smiled happily.
“Well…she’s a cool kid. Although, she’s kind of grumpy-just like her brother. But, I still love her” I said and he laughed.
“Woa! Are you really saying that to me? I’m not grumpy. I’m a good boy. I know it” he proclaimed, spre-ading his arms ap@rt and it made me laugh.
But, seriously, I was just trying to put on a lively mood to make him happy.
Innerly, my heart was troubled.
When we were done from the plaza, we drove straight home and he as-sisted me in packaging all the things we bought.
“Uhm…Alex,” I called after a long while when we were together in the sitting room.
He was drinking and watching the tele, while I just sat abs£nt mindedly with a plate of cookies on my l@ps.
“Yes?” He answered without looking at me.
Okay. I really nee-d to do this. I think it’s high time I knew alre-ady.
“Can I ask a question?” I asked nervously.
“Sure. What’s it?” He replied, still not looking at me.
His eyes were just fixed on the TV which was pla-ying a Ko-rean movie.
“Uhm…promise you won’t get mad at me” I said and that was what made him look at me.
“What is it?” He asked, surprised.
“Promise me first” I repeated and he scoffed.
“Fine. I won’t. What is it?”.
I took in a de-ep breath and adjusted to look at him.
Oh, God! I really hope he doesn’t get mad at me.
“Wh…What transpired between you and Theo?” I expounded and immediately, I saw a spark in his eyes.
The drink he held fell from his hand to the floor and I winced.
He fisted his hand and stood up.
Oh, no! You promised you wouldn’t get mad at me.
“What prompted you to ask this question?” He asked angrily, his voice coming out croaky.
He wasn’t staring at me, but just stood backing me.
“A…Alex” I stuttered and stood up.
“I’m…s..sorry. I just…wanted to know…”
“Well, you don’t nee-d to know!” He interrupted me raucously as he snapped and faced me.
Oh, God!
I felt my heart becoming two.
Is this how he gets when he’s angry?
“Just because I let you talk to me doesn’t give you the right to invade into my privacy!” He yelled at me and I could feel his h0t breath on my face because of how close he was standing and shouting at me.
I g@sped in fright as a tear escaped my eyes.
Why did I have to ask him about it?
“I’m sorry” I said in a faint voice, looking into his eyes.
Then, just as if something melted him, he took in a de-ep breath and bent his head.
He turned around and headed for the door, but just when he got there, he st©pped and placed his hands on the door.
His voice c@m£ out more calmly now.
“I did something bad to him” he said in a tone that wavered.
“I offended him badly and it’s an offence that might be difficult to forgive. It’s an offence that gives him every right to be mad at me, but I still pray someday, he finds a place in his heart to forgive me.”
And with that, he opened the door and stormed out of the house.
I remained standing for a long while, just staring at the blank door. Alex’s words repla-yed in my head and they kinda hurt me.
But what really happened between him and Theo that angers him this much?
What could it be?
I plonked myself on the chair and thought bitterly about it.
This is the reason I didn’t want to tell him about seeing Theo at the lounge. I knew it’d change his mood. If I had known, I wouldn’t had asked him this question either. Now, it ruined his entire mood. I wonder where he’s gone to.
I stayed quietly in the sitting room for a long time, then, I went to the be-droom.
I opened the window and looked throu-gh it and there I found him sitting and drinking alone by the pool in the dark.
Oh! poor him.
I never should’ve brou-ght up that question in the first place.
I stood and watched him from the window for a long time. I felt like going out to meet him, but felt scared of what his reaction might be.
Too bad the last night I have to spend with him has to be ruined.
I la-id quietly on the be-d, facing the ceiling. So many thoughts kept flashing throu-gh my mind – so many unanswered questions – and I so badly nee-ded answers to them.
I stayed in one position for a long time. Then, I left the be-d and went to the wardrobe, deciding to get him a cloth.
He was just putting on a vest and since he was sitting by the pool, I was guessing he might be cold. I nee-ded to get him something warm.
I took out a thick shi-t from his bag and was about going out when the door suddenly opened and he c@m£ in.
He paused at the door and stared at me and I moved away from the wardrobe.
“I uh…was about coming to give this to you” I said and held out the cloth to him.
He sighed and walked in, moving close to me.
“I’m sorry for yelling at you earlier. I didn’t mean any of it” he spoke calmly and remorsefully.
“it’s okay. I un-derstand” I replied with a light nod.
He exhaled softly and drew closer to me, now standing very close in front of me.
He didn’t say a word and slowly, he lifted his hands and placed them on my w@!st.
What in the name of…
My eyes were lost, staring into his; my heart racing heavily.
“S…Sir?” I called as I gulped nervously.
Then, slowly again, he placed his forehead on mine and closed his eyes.
“Stay still” he said in a soft breath and the next thing I felt, he placed hisl-ips on mine and k!$$£d me.
My heart leapt out of my che-st as he went dee-per and pressed his f!ngersinto my w@!st.
I feel so shy writing the next episode. Should I skip it? 🙈🙈🙈