The lover boy Episode 7 & 8

💖 The Lovergirls💖
(Alex’s reaction)
Grand finale #Season_2
Episode 7
By: Faith Lucky.
Kim’s Pov:
Mum’s eyes beamed as she listened curiously to the woman.
But…does she really know where Anna lives?
“I do know where she lives.” She said.
“I mean, when she parked out from the house that got burnt, I stayed in t©uçh with her and knew of her new location. But, not anymore because sometime ago, I went to her new ap@rtment to check up on her, but couldn’t find her there anymore. She moved out and I completely have no idea where she’s staying right now.”
Mum huffed and itched her head, overly disappointed.
So, she doesn’t even know where she’s staying pres£ntly?
“But…but, ma’am Sally; do you um..remember if she was having a little girl with her?” Mum asked.
“Oh! That little girl. She was your baby, right?” The woman asked and mum nodded immediately.
“Well, to be sincere with you, Lisa, you never should’ve left that baby behind for Anna. I mean, she went throu-gh hell in the hands of that woman.”
Mum’s curiosity had alre-ady increa-sed, just like mine.
What was she talking about?
“First, there was a fire outbreak in Anna’s house which burnt down the house and that was the reason she moved out. And during the fire outbreak, it affected the poor baby who had been locked in a room and before Anna could get to her, it alre-ady burnt a p@rt of her, creating a scar on her face.”
The woman said and paused to perhaps, give mum a break to shock over it.
But, what? The baby had a scar on her face?
“A..A…A scar?” Mum floun-dered helplessly.
“Yes. And permit to say she bec@m£ ugly as a result of it.
“She grew up with it and received a lot of bullying from her peer mates and Anna didn’t do anything to help matters. She kept treating the little girl like a slave and didn’t care about her.
“Each time I went visiting, it was because I wanted to see if there was a way I could convince Anna to change. But she wouldn’t listen. She turned into a flir-t and paid no attention to the kid. And one day, i went back to her to pay her a visit, but unfortunately, I was told she had relocated and I have no idea where.” She said in conclusion.
Tears were alre-ady rolling down mum’s cheeks as she covered herl-ips with her palm.
“My baby” she whimpered bitterly.
I drew closer and placed my hand on her shoulders.
“Mum” I called softly, but she didn’t look at me.
“How could Anna be so cruel? She promised she’d take good care of her. How could she do such a thing to my daughter?” She said tearfully and the woman also patted her on the shoulders.
“I’m so sorry dear. I un-derstand how you feel. Don’t worry, I promise to ask around for her and as soon as I get the slightest information on her whereabouts, I promise to tell you about it” she said but mum kept crying and next, she huffed her.
I sighed and itched my forehead. This is quite crazy. So, my sister actually had a scar?
Jeanne’s Pov:
It was Monday morning and I sat in front of the mirror, primping myself up for school.
I stared at my pathetic image in the mirror that reflected back at me.
I had a lot of bruises on – a cut on my forehead, on myl-ips and behind my n£¢k – and I felt a lot of pains. I really don’t wanna show up in school in such manner because it’d definitely arise suspicions, but Theo has alre-ady made it clear to me i wouldn’t be missing clas-ses. And to make it worst, he was coming along to school.
I really don’t know what his reasons are for wanting to go back to school; but I have a feeling he’s trying to get back at Alex by showing up with me.
Oh, God! I really pray and hope he doesn’t show up in school today. I wouldn’t want him to see all these bruises on my face. I don’t know how he’d react towards it.
Alex’s Pov:
I climbe-d down the stairs to the sitting room and Immediately mum noticed me, she stood up from the dining where she was seated and rushed to me.
“Alex!” She called and tried holding my hands, but I resisted.
“T…Thank goodness you’ve finally left your room. You got me worried, Alex”.
I t©uçhed my forehead and walked past her, headed for the door.
“A…Alex” she stuttered my name.
“I have somewhere to go, mum” I cut her off and walked out of the house.
I went out to the lot and before I got there, my driver alre-ady opened one of the cars for me and I got In, sitting at the back seat.
“Take me to Alpha High” I told the driver who had also been alre-ady seated at the front seat and he nodded and took off.
Two extra cars followed us behind.
I looked throu-gh the window as we drove along the road.
I kept thinking of Jeanne. I nee-ded to see her.
How was she? What could Theo possibly be doing with her?
I really hope he’s just keeping her there to make me jealous. I hope he hasn’t done any other thing to her.
I’m so sorry, Jeanne; that you had to go throu-gh this. This has always been my fears. but, I promise you, it’s all going to be over soon.
An expected call c@m£ Into my phone and I received it with relieve.
“Good morning, sir Alex” he said on the phone.
“What’s the upd@t£?” I asked, wanting him to go straight to the point.
“With the little informations we’ve gathered so far, she goes by the name Pen Williams and she was one of the agents of an illegal corporation called Wywapp. But, as it stands, the organisation had to move away from its original location and right now, we’re still ma-king research to discover their new location” he replied and I gro-an ed and t©uçhed my hair.
“And how long is that gonna take?” I asked.
“We…we’re working on it, sir and as soon as we have the slightest information on it, we’ll let you know. It won’t take long” he replied and I ended the call and held the phone angrily in my hands.
Pen! Pen! Pen!
I can’t wait to find that bit-ch.
Jeanne’s Pov:
Theo had driven with the car with I sitting at the front seat with him.
I looked throu-gh the window and stared at the umpteen students that filled the whole place.
What would their reaction be when they get to see Theo? And worst of all, with me. And thinking of the bruises on my face…gosh!
He parked the car by the side of the school and unlocked the doors. But, just when I was about opening mine, he gr!pp£dmy hand in a hurtful way.
“Should incase Alex shows up, I wouldn’t want you to give as little as a stare to him. Is that un-derstood?” He said huskily and I nodded immediately.
Then, he let go of my hand and we c@m£ out of the car together.
He was dressed in an exquisite way and looked really handsome. I can’t imagine what the student’s reactions would be. If only they knew the devil in him.
He brushed his f!ngersinto his hair as we stood together and immediately, all eyes turned on us.
Oh, God!
We started walking into the building together and the angsty on the student’s faces bec@m£ clear.
👥 Ahhhhh!
👥 Oh, my God! It’s Theo!!!
👥 Whaaaaat?
👥 Theo!
👥 Lover boy Theo is back?
👥 Oh, my God! Is this a dream? I’m staring at Theo!
👥 Theo and Jeanne???
👥 Theo’s back!
They kept screaming and talking and very soon, it pu-ll-ed up a large crowd which started taking unlimited pictures and records with their phones.
Theo didn’t react to any of them and I wondered where he was taking me.
The crowd kept increasing as more students kept being attra-cted.
Well, Theo’s pres£nce was strange and unexpected to them, the same way it has been for me.
But halfway, we ran into someone that made Theo and I st©p walking.
Oh, my God! Are you kidding me?
What’s he doing here? I thought he only shows up in school on Tuesdays? Why’s he here today?
No, no, no. Alex can’t see me like this. What do I do? He’s alre-ady standing in front of us!
Alex’s Pov:
I was also attra-cted by the crowd and rumours about Theo being in school – with Jeanne and I didn’t hesitate to go to them. I just wanted to see her.
Luckily, I ran into them and they st©pped walking.
But…hold on; is this Jeanne? Like…what the hell happened to her face?
I stood, gobsma-cked, staring at her. I could see the fear in her eyes.
Did…Did Theo actually…
No; it’s not possible.
What has Theo being doing to her?
“Hey, Alex” he called in a tone of sadism, but I couldn’t take my eyes off Jeanne.
I felt my heart tearing ap@rt.
Has Theo being laying his hands on her?
Jeanne’s Pov:
Fear was written all over me. Why did we have to bu-mp into Alex? I never wanted him to see me this way.
Theo has warned me not to stare at him, but I couldn’t help it. His eyes were flaming.
“Hey, Alex” Theo called with a sm-irk and I bent my head and sniffed.
The students were still around, probably wondering what was happening or what was going to happen.
Alex turned around and sank his f!ngersinto his hair.
Then, in one swift gr-unt, he turned back to face us.
“You animal!” He snarled and bounced on Theo, punching him to the floor.
All the students g@sped.
Oh, my God!
What is he doing?
Grand finale #Season_2
Episode 8
By: Faith Lucky.
Alex’s Pov:
I think I’ve had enough. I’ve endured more than I can.
I don’t deny the fact that I’ve wronged Theo in a bad way, but, laying his hands on Jeanne…no; it’s not something I can cope with. I can’t bear it, not this time around.
I punched him and he fell on the floor and I jumped on him immediately, still punching him in the face.
The students were screaming, but I didn’t care. And none of them would dare interfere. This was between Me and Theo.
I held his collars and lifted him up, pinning him to the wall.
“You told me you wouldn’t hurt her” I growled at him, but in a way the students couldn’t hear us.
He chuckled with blood coming out from hisl-ips.
“I said I wouldn’t kill her” he said and I punched him again.
He laughed; but I could tell he was angry.
“you monster; how dare you?” I said angrily; holding his collars ti-ghtly and r0ûghly.
My head was heating up.
“There’s nothing you can do about it, Alex. She’s mine now.
“You know, I’ve been wandering; have you been down there before? Down those pretty legs of hers? If so, then I guess you’re as lucky as I am cause she’s so sweet. You know, it’s quite interesting when she m0@n s my name in be-d, begging me to st©p” he whispered into my ears and my whole systems vibr@ted.
With an angrier f0rç£, I punched him again but didn’t let him fall to the floor as I held him r0ûghly by the collars. I don’t think I’ll be able to . control this anger anymore.
He laughed and used his index f!nger to clean off a p@rt of the bloodstain on hisl-ips. He looked at it and smiled.
“Go on, Alex; hit me more. But, you can be sure of this – I’ll make her feel thrice the pain” he said and my eyes glinted.
I didn’t even know what else to do to him and weakly, they fell from his collars.
“Alex! What the hell’s going on here?” The principal called as he hurried to where we were with some securities.
I ignored them and looked around; where was Jeanne?I couldn’t find her anymore. I nee-d to get to her immediately.
Jeanne’s Pov:
Hetty f0rç£d me to sit in the car and then, she hurried to the driver’s seat and also sat, next to me after ma-king sure the ha-rd covered doors were locked.
I kept crying the whole time.
“Now, Jeanne; can you tell me what the hell’s going on?” She asked impatiently, but I couldn’t speak at that moment as a result of the tears I was shedding.
The whole thing was just too hurtful. I can’t imagine going back to Theo after what Alex did to him. He’s definitely going to kill me.
Hetty had dragged me away in the course of the fight and brou-ght me here to her car, s-en-sing I was involved in the cause of the fight.
“Crying will do you no good, Jeanne. Speak up. What the heck is happening?” She asked in a high tone and I covered my face with my palm and wept more.
How do I explain it to her? How do I explain it to anyone?
“I’m…dying…Hetty” I stuttered tearfully, more tears rushing down like rainfall.
She took my palms into his.
“Jeanne come on; I’m here for you. Say something”. she said in an unfeigned perturbe-d voice, but I couldn’t even pu-ll myself together.
The whole place seemed to be turning around and I just felt like giving up. I felt like dying.
My breathing bec@m£ weak and slow.
“Jeanne!” Hetty called, but this time around, she sounded very far.
I leaned my back and head on the car seat and the next thing that happened was a blackout.
I opened my eyes and found myself lying on a be-d. I looked around and saw Hetty sitting in front of me, staring at me.
I was in a hospital.
“Jeanne” she called the moment she noticed I was awake and stood up from her seat.
I gr-unted a little and tried sitting up and she supported me.
I still felt a little weak; accompanied with headache and back pain.
“How…how’re you feeling?” She asked as she sat close to me on the be-d. She looked really disturbe-d.
“I’m…I’m fine” I replied and tried recalling what had happened.
Oh, God! Theo.
“Did…did you bring me here?” I asked.
“Yeah, of course. You pas-sed out in the car.” She replied and I t©uçhed my hair.
I nee-ded to get back to Theo. He might probably be looking for me alre-ady.
“Jeanne” she called and held my hand, but I tried not to look at her.
“What’s going on? Tell me; what’s happening?”
I sniffed as tears formed up in my eyes. Just thinking about it was more than a heartbreak alre-ady.
“Jeanne…” she called again since I didn’t say anything.
“What’s going on?”
“It’s…its Theo.” I finally said, my voice whimpering as I spoke.
“He’s…he’s blackmailing me. He threatened to kill Alex if I don’t do as he says. He f0rç£d me to break up with Alex and come to him”. I said tearfully and she winced.
“Break up with him?” She asked, perplexed and I nodded.
“Alex and I…We were d@t!ng. He asked me out and I accepted. But that was the night Theo showed up and everything changed” I explained with tears still running down my cheeks like rainfall.
“Oh, my God!” She exclaimed, taking abacked by the whole thing.
“Jeanne! You…You mean you’ve been suffering in the hands of Theo to protect Alex?” She asked and I nodded tearfully.
“Does Alex know about this?” She asked and I shook my head.
“I…I don’t know. But, I’m scared, Hetty. Theo’s ma-king me go throu-gh hell. I don’t know what else to do” I whimpered and she drew close and embr@ced me.
She ru-bbe-d my back as I cried on her shoulders.
“Jeanne…” she called, pathetically, still embr@cing me.
“You shouldn’t be doing this.”
I kept snivelling and felt so scared. My whole life was shattered.
I nee-d to . go back to Theo. The consequences might be worst if I stay longer. And I don’t want him to hurt Alex.
Immediately, the door opened and the doctor walked in and Hetty and I dis£ntangled from the hvg.
I dried my tears as he c@m£ closer to us, holding a piece of paper.
“Doctor” Hetty called and turned to face him.
“Is she free to leave now?” She asked.
“Um…actually,” the doctor paused and looked at me.
“ma’am Jeanne; actually, I carried out a general test on you and discovered your stress level is really high. You nee-d a lot of rest, ma’am.”
I bent my head pathetically. Who wouldn’t be stressed out in such condition?
“And…I also discovered something quite interesting.” He said and I lifted my eyes to look at him.
He paused and cleared his throat.
“if you wouldn’t mind, can we talk pri-vately in the office, plea-se?” He said and I looked at Hetty who also sh0t me a stare.
What could he possibly have to say to me in pri-vate?
Hetty gave me a prodding look to go with him and I looked back at him.
“Okay”.I said with a sniff and Hetty supported me to stand from the be-d.
I stood up and followed the doctor out of the room and we got to his office together.
Oh, God! I really nee-d to hurry up and get back to Theo.
The doctor ushered me to sit and also took his, on the other side of the table.
“Ma’am Jeanne” he called and looked into the paper in his hand.
“In the course of the test, I discovered something else.”
Now, I was becoming curious. What could it be?
“When was the last time you saw your flow?” He asked and I flin-ched.
Why’s he interested in it?
I paused and think.
“I…I think it was last month” I replied, still being confused.
“Um…when’s it supposed to be due for this month?” He asked and I huffed.
“Um…last week, I guess”.
But, thinking about it; I was yet to see my flow for the month.
He sighed and looked at me.
Okay; what is happening?
“Ma’am Jeanne,” he called and I felt my heart thumping.
“According to the test, you’re pregnant” he said and I felt a loud ban-g in my head.