The lover boy Episode 35 & 36

💖 The Loverboys💖
(fell on him! )
Episode 35
By: Faith Lucky.
Megan’s pov:
I climbe-d the stairs and headed to mum’s room.
But, even before I got to the door, she c@m£ out of the room and met me.
“Mum” I called immediately.
“What the hell happened? Why did you leave without me?”
“Didn’t you tell me the loverboys weren’t in the studio?” She asked angrily.
“Well, I…I had no idea they were in. Besides, why’re you so concerned about them? Are you seriously running away from them? What did you do wrong…”
“Shut the fu*ck up!” She snarled and I was startled.
Then she sighed and waved the bristle of her hair aside.
“Listen to me carefully, Megan” she said, pointing a f!nger at me.
“You’ve ba-rely spent 2 weeks at the Alpha Records, yet, you’ve almost gotten me into the trouble – twice.
“The next time you do this again, trust me, I’m taking you out of the country”.
And with that, she walked away.
I remained standing, abacked.
I didn’t even know what to say or think.
What the hell is wrong with mum?
Jeanne’s Pov:
I almost found it difficult falling asleep as so many thoughts kept flashing throu-gh my mind.
I was so worried.
First, I had to think about Megan’s strange mum.
I still had a feeling she knew me but was trying to avoid me.
And why was she running away from Alex?
Who is she to him?
Secondly, I had to think about Kim and her warning.
But why does she want me to quit my job? It isn’t like I wanna do it.
And I’m scared what her reaction might be.
Maybe I should tell Mrs Tristan about it. But, what if Kim denies it and make me look like a lier? What then would happen?
As I la-id alone on the be-d, I shivered.
There’s no way I’m quitting the nanny job. I don’t want to.
I can’t leave Molly, Mrs Tristan and the loverboys.
Although, I couldn’t help but worry what Kim’s reaction would be.
The next morning, I bath Molly and dressed her up for school after attending to myself as well.
On our way out of the room, I noticed Alex was in his room and was pla-ying the keyboard.
Oh, Alex; I didn’t get to see him the previous night.
They had attended a concert and didn’t return on time.
I stood and listened to the tune he was pla-ying. It was familiar.
Yes; it was that tou-ching song he was pla-ying the other day, the one I had suggested a chorus.
Oh! How I wish I could tell him about it.
“Nanny, are you admiring my brother?” Molly broke into my thoughts and I flin-ched and looked at her.
“What’re you saying, baby? Come on, let’s go” I said and took her away before she’d get me into trouble.
On our way to the dining, a thought suddenly niggled at me.
I st©pped and turned to face Molly.
“Uhm…baby,” I called and held her hand.
“Can you do something for me?”
“What is it, nanny?” She asked, l!çk!ng her tiny pinkl-ips.
Okay; I really hope this is gonna work out.
“Uhm…can you deliver a message to your brother when he comes down to the dining?”
“Huh? What’s that?”
“I want you to tell him to use a high-pitched chorus for the song he was pla-ying this morning. Tell him it’d be suitable”.
She scoffed and gawped at me.
“A high-pink what?” She asked with a funny expression.
“it isn’t high-pink. It’s high-pitched. Say it; pitched”. I told her.
“Okay; pitched” she said and I smiled.
“Good girl.
“Now, make sure you don’t tell him I asked you to do it, okay?” I said and she nodded and we continued on our way to the dining.
when we got to the dining, I met Mrs Tristan and two of the loverboys – Daniel and Malcolm.
Carl was in his room.
“Good morning, ma’am” I greeted Mrs Tristan as Molly and I sat next to each other.
“Good morning, dear. How was your night?” She replied and asked.
“It was fine, ma’am.
“Good morning, sirs” I greeted the loverboys and Daniel waved at me.
“Good morning, Jeanne” Malcolm replied and I smiled and sat down.
We started eating and close to when we were done, Alex c@m£ down.
Finally. .
He walked down gracefully, trying to fix his sleeve bu-tton.
“Good morning, mum” he said lowly as he walked up to her and gave her a pe-ck.
“Good morning, darling. Don’t tell me you won’t be joining us for breakfast today” Mrs Tristan replied, staring at him.
He sighed and t©uçhed his forehead.
“I’m sorry, mum. I’m having a meeting in less than an hour.” He replied and turned to Daniel.
“if Steven calls later, could you stall him for me, plea-se?” He asked and Daniel chuckled.
“Sure” he replied.
I looked at Molly and she was staring back at me.
Then, I signalled her to go ahead and she stood up.
“Alex!” She called just when he faced the door and he turned back to look at her.
She stood in front of him and started twisting her f!nger.
Oh, God!
Are you sure I didn’t make a mistake as-signing this girl to this task?
“What is it, Molly?” He asked, wondering what she had in mind.
“Uhm…Alex” she called and coughed a little.
“I have a suggestion to make uhm…regarding one of your songs.”
She paused and cleared her throat.
“I think a high-pink chorus would be perfect for it”.
Oh, Jesus!
Kill me!
“Pink what?” Alex scoffed and asked.
She li-cked herl-ips and looked at me, then back at him.
“Sorry, it’s high-pit” she said and Daniel laughed.
“Are you trying to say high-pitched?” Malcolm asked.
“Oh, right. High-pitched.” She said quic-kly and gave him a thumbs up.
“So…which of the songs are you talking about?” Alex asked.
“Oh! She said it’s the one you were pla-ying this morning” she said and I felt a loud ban-g in my head.
“She?”; Alex asked with a scoff.
“What she?”
She bit her nails.
“Oh! I meant to say *me*
“Damn it! St©p pushing words into my mouth. The most important thing is I want you to use a high-pit chorus. It’s just a suggestion, but if you don’t wanna make use of it, no problem” she said with a huff and started walking back to the dining.
“You’re giving a suggestion you don’t even know about” Daniel said with laughter and she rolled her eyes.
“Thanks, Molly” Alex chuckled and said and left.
I slowly turned and looked at her but she just faced herher food and didn’t want to look at me.
She knew she ruined the whole thing.
Kimberly’s Pov:
I walked tho and fro, angrily at the balcony with Eva and Joyce behind me.
“Kim, you nee-d to calm down. You can’t let that lady ruin your day” Joyce said, but it couldn’t calm me down.
“How can she think of disobeying me?” I asked angrily.
“I told her to quit that God-damn job but she’s yet to do it. Does she really think she can stand against me?”
“Well, there’re ways to take care of it. You shouldn’t let her make you feel this restless” Eva said and I paused and stared into space.
“Yeah, you’re right. There are ways to take care of it. And I’m so going to take care of that lady” I said with loathfully.
I can’t wait to l@ymy eyes on her.
Jeanne’s Pov:
After receiving the morning lectures, I decided to go to the libr@ry to check out a p@rticular book.
On my way there, I took the stairs. And while I was still on the stairs, I ran into Kim and three of the lovergirls.
They were also on the stairs and they st©pped in front of me, ma-king me unable to walk any further.
Oh, God!
Don’t tell me.
Some students were downstairs.
Maybe, I should rush down and escape these ladies.
“G…Good morning, miss K…”
Before I could finish up what I was saying, she sl@pped me.
I g@sped and t©uçhed my cheek as I stared at her in shock.
What the hell?
“How dare you disobey me?” She asked angrily, ma-king a fist with her hand.
I stuttered and tried moving back.
“I thought I asked you to quit the job? Did you think I was joking? Huh?”
“Miss…Miss Kim, I…”
“You don’t talk when I’m talking” she cut me off and immediately, pushed me down the stairs.
I screamed as I felt myself going off the stairs.
Why’s this girl so cruel to me?
I leapt to the last stairs and just when I was about falling to the floor, I felt myself push against a che-st and next, I fell on the floor.
But…I wasn’t lying on the floor. I was lying on something; someone.
My eyes were closed because of the shock; but after the strange occurance, I opened my eyes to see what was going on.
I was lying on t©p of Alex!
Like; loverboy Alex!
What the hell?
Did I fall on him?
But how?
What’s he doing in school?
And why did I have to fall on him?
Oh, my God!
Kim pushed me on me. She probably had no idea he was coming.
Oh, Jesus!
I’m lying on Sir Alex’s che-st!
I left my mouth open in shock as our faces were almost tou-ching each other’s.
I could feel his breath and I was sure he could feel mine as well.
The students around were alre-ady screaming. I had no idea what Kim was doing now.
But I fell on Sir Alex!
Oh, my God!
💖 The Loverboys💖
(The softer side of him)
Episode 36
By: Faith Lucky.
Jeanne’s Pov:
I suddenly felt a hand drag me up like a baby and I got to know it was one of Alex’s guards.
“Sir…” the guards called and also helped him up from the floor.
He sighed and glanced at his shi-t which had become stained.
“Alex!” Kim called in a frightened voice; running down the stairs.
The three lovergirls c@m£ down as well.
“Oh, my God! I…I had no idea you were coming around. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do it” she said bitterly and tried holding his hands, but he withdrew them.
“Have you gone sane?” He asked and a wild g@sp ran across the students.
Oh, my God!
“What exactly were you thinking, Kim? How can you push someone off the stairs?” He asked angrily and t©uçhed his forehead.
Kim fumed and glared at me.
I didn’t even know what to say.
“She…she was being impossible, Alex” she said detestfully.
“And that’s enough reason to push her off the stairs?” He asked and sighed.
“You nee-d to apologise” he added.
“I alre-ady did. I said I’m sorry” she replied, staring at him.
“Not to me; to her” Alex said and tilted his head to my direction and she scoffed.
“you…you want me to apologise to who?” She asked in disbelieve.
“To the lady you pushed down the stairs” he replied and my eyes dimmed.
Kim should apologise to me…In public?
She chuckled and moved backwards.
Even the students had began talking within themselves.
It was impossible for someone like Kim to apologise to someone like me.
“You’re joking, right?” She asked with a scoff.
“Well, I don’t see anyone laughing” Alex replied and she heaved.
“Alex, I…I can’t do it. It’s all her fault. You can’t expect me to apologise to her…here”.
“if you don’t do it, Kim, you can be sure you’re out of Alpha Records” Alex said and her face flu-shed.
“You…you won’t do that” she stuttered.
“Well, there’s only one way to find out” Alex replied and sheshe chuckled.
Don’t you think I should get out of here?
She bent her head and placed her two hands on her w@!st. Anger was clearly eating her up.
“I’m sorry” she muttered angrily, staring at the floor.
“You have to do it properly.” Alex said.
“Look at her when saying it”.
She exhaled and slowly lifted her head to look at me.
Her eyes were glistening.
“I’m sorry” she said repugnantly and ran away.
“Kim!” One of the lovergirls called as they also ran after her.
Okay; maybe I’m just dreaming.
Did Kim actually apologise to me?
My heart was beating ra-pidly.
I looked at Alex and he sh0t me a stare and I quic-kly bowed my head.
Then, he walked away with his guards.
Seriously, I wish there was a way I could just vanish and find myself home.
my legs seemed to be numb and I don’t think I’ll be able to walk.
The students couldn’t st©p staring at me.
👥 Oh, my gee! Kimberly apologised to someone today…
👥 I can’t believe Alex stood up for that lady…
👥 Did you see the look on Kim’s face? There were tears in her eyes…
They kept talking non st©p and I had to find my way out of there.
I so wasn’t myself throu-ghout the rest of the day in school.
I just stayed in clas-s and didn’t want to go out because my name was ringing all over the school building:
*Loverboy Alex made Kimberly apologise to his crush*
It was funny how news spre-ad around.
By 12pm, I went ahead for my training and it took me a lot to be able to follow up because my mind was so occu-pied.
But, thinking of it, with Kim’s attitude towards me, what’s gonna happen during the voting on Friday?
I’m scared she might influence the rest of the lovergirls not to chose me.
Oh, God!
What if I fail because of her?
After the training, Megan and I ate together and talked about a lot of things. But she didn’t bring up her mother’s issue.
I guess she was also fed up with it.
When I got home later in the evening, I helped Molly change and shower and we ate afterwards.
The loverboys were yet to return and so was Mrs Tristan. I wonder what poor Molly must have gone throu-gh before I c@m£ here.
When we were done eating, we sat at the dining and I helped her with her as-signment.
Then, we sat in the sitting room and watched some movies. It was an “Henry danger” programme, but my attention was so not there.
I leaned on the couch and closed my eyes, resuming my ruminative mood.
I thought about a lot of things.
Why does Kim treat me this bad? Is it because I don’t have a family? Is that why she hates me?
And my family…where could there be? Are they still alive? And do I really have one?
Will I ever get to see them? Will i ever regain my memories? And what could be the reason behind my loss of memory? Could it be possible someone was behind it? But, who and why?
I got lost in de-ep thoughts and didn’t realise when I fell asleep.
The next time I woke up was when the loverboys returned and were entering the sitting room. It was actually Molly’s blaring voice that woke me up.
“Good evening, Alex” she greeted with a smile and I ru-bbe-d my eyes to have a look at them.
Oh, Alex!
“Evening, Molly”: he replied simply and took the stairs, his eyes buried in his phone.
He didn’t even look at her – or me.
I watched him as he took the stairs and remembered what he did for me in school. It also made me smile in front of the rest.
I wish I could talk to him.
“Wats up, Jeanne?” Carl asked and that was when I could divert my attention to them.
“Uhm..good evening, sirs” I said with a bow.
“Good evening, Jen” Malcolm replied.
“Good evening” Daniel also said and took the stairs.
“How have you been?” Carl asked.
“I’m fine, sir. Thanks” I replied with a smile and they left the room afterwards.
They all looked pretty tired.
“Do you like my brother, nanny?” Molly asked after a while and I opened my eyes in shock.
“Wh…What?” I asked bemused.
“Well…I’ve seen the way you look at him. Are you crushing on him?” She said and I g@sped.
How does she know the meaning of crush?
I didn’t say anything to her, but just coughed and pretended to concentrate on the movie.
Then, she shrugged and also looked back at the Tele.
Spoilt br@t.
After a while, I suggested we go to be-d since it was late alre-ady, but she told me to follow her and I did.
She took me out of the house and c@m£ out to the balcony, sitting on it.
“Why did you come here?” I asked her as she sat on the floor.
“Come on, nanny. Let’s take some air” she replied and prodded me to sit and I sighed and sat next to her.
Then, she looked up at the sky which was filled with sparkling stars.
“it’s so beautiful, nanny. Isn’t it?” She asked, staring beatifically at the stars.
“Mmm. Yeah.” I replied and also had a look at it.
She didn’t say anything immediately but just kept staring and smiling at it.
“Nanny, do you have a younger sister like me?” She asked and I scoffed.
“Uhm…I don’t know. I mean, maybe” I replied and she sh0t me a confused look and stared away.
“Uhm…nanny, if you pas-s the training and become one of the lovergirls, are you going to leave and st©p being my nanny?” She asked and the question struck at me.
I haven’t even thought of that.
“Of…of course, not, baby. We’ll still be together” I replied perfunctorily and she smiled and nodded.
Next, she placed her head on my l@ps.
“Sing me a song, nanny – a barbie song. It’s been long you sang to me, remember?” She said while staring into my eyes with her dazzling eyes.
This kid is one of a kind.
I sighed and ru-bbe-d her hair with my palm.
“Okay, baby. But this time around, I won’t be singing you a barbie song, but one of my own” I said and she nodded happily.
I know she’s just looking for a way to sleep. She falls asleep too quic-kly.
I cleared my throat and began singing one of the songs I always love singing because it gives me hope.
Molly was staring at me, with her head still placed on my l@ps.
🎶 The stars are up and bright tonight
All it takes is just one wish
Dreams may do come true
But wishes never fail.
🎶 Close your eyes and make that wish.
Don’t be scared it’ll be okay…🎶
I smiled as I sang satisfactorily, and my eyes were fixed on the stars the whole time.
🎶 Wishes do come true
They do come true
Wishes do come true
Just close your eyes and wish🎶
I finally concluded the song and took in a de-ep breath when I did.
I looked at Molly and noticed her pretty eyes were closed. I smiled.
What a fast-sleeper.
Oh, God! How do I carry her in now?
“Where did you learn that song?” I suddenly heard someone say from behind and I quic-kly turned to see who it was.
It was Alex!
If not that Molly was on my legs, I’d have sprang on my feet.
He was standing by the doorway, but after speaking up, he started walking to where I was.
“Uh…It…It was composed by me, sir” I replied as I fluttered my eye lids.
He was putting on a short and a white T-shi-t and didn’t have a lot of jewelries on except for a gold chain on his n£¢k and an ear ring on his right ear.
He scoffed and dropped to a crouch beside me.
“You write songs?” he asked and I nodded lightly.
I can’t believe Alex is squ-atting close to me.
His eyes were gleaming in the dark.
“it’s beautiful” he added and my heart leapt.
I smiled bashfully and bowed.
“T…Thank you, sir” I replied.
Seriously, I think I’m hearing jingle bells pla-ying in my heart.
Then, he stood up and took Molly from my legs, carrying her in his arms.
I also stood up and followed him as he started walking into the house.
He took Molly to her room and la-id her on the be-d and I covered her with the blanket and turned off the bright lights.
He walked out of the room and I also did and when I got outside and was about heading to mine, he st©pped me.
“Come with me” he said and walked into his room and I flin-ched.
Did…did he just ask me to follow him to his room?
I ru-bbe-d my palms together and took in a de-ep breath before going in.
A sweet fragrance welcomed me.
The room was looking all blueish because of the dim lights that were on.
Phones, l@pt©ps credit cards and ATM cards were scattered all over on the be-d and table.
I looked at the window side and found Alex sitting on the keyboard.
I cleared my throat and drew near.
“Sit” he said and gestured me to sit on the chair opposite him and I did.
We were now facing each other with the keyboard between us.
“Uhm…I didn’t really get your message earlier on…about the song; the one you had asked Molly to deliver” he said and I opened my eyes in shock.
“S…Sir?” I called, gobsma-cked and he chuckled.
“So, what song were you talking about?” He asked and I coughed a little.
I can’t believe he un-derstood it.
“Uhm…its the song you were pla-ying this morning…something about second chance” I replied and he looked down at the keyboard and striked some keys.
“Okay, let’s do it. Let me hear you out” he said and started his soft t©uçh on the keyboard.
He pla-yed a short intro and after few seconds, he entered with the first verse:
🎶 I know I’ve wronged you bad.
Just hear what I’ve got to say
A second chance is all I nee-d from you.. 🎶
He sang it so beautifully and when he was rounding up the verse, he signaled me to come in with the chorus and I got myself re-ady.
Then, I entered with the chorus I had in mind, singing on a high key:
🎶 Don’t you walk away
Remember all you promised
A second chance is all I nee-d
A second chance I ask
🎶 I promise to be true
And love you till I’d die
A second chance is all I nee-d
Just give me one more try🎶
He looked down at the keyboard as I sang and I noticed his eyes were beaming.
Then, when I was done, he pla-yed the keys for a little more while before halting.
“wow!” He said lowly.
“it’s beautiful”.
I smiled shyly and bowed.
“T…Thank you, sir” I replied and he nodded.
“This is a relief to me.” He said.
“My manager has been on my n£¢k for a new song. So, I c@m£ up with this, but was having issues with the chorus. But, thank God you were spying on me and c@m£ up with this”.
I smiled again and lowered my gaze.
Well, that’s all I could – smile, smile, smile.
“So , I guess I have three things to thank you for” he continued.
“Thank you for treating my dog
“Thank you for always ma-king that extraordinary coffee.
“And thank you for helping me with a chorus”.
He looked at me while saying it and my heart skipped.
I can’t even feel my bu-ttocks anymore. It feels like I’m sitting on the air.
I’ve always been scared he’d skin me alive if he ever gets to find out; but here he is, thanking me.
Carl was right. Alex is a fun guy. And tonight, I could see that softer side of him.
I coughed a little and bowed again.
I was so twitchy.
“I guess you should catch some sleep now. It’s pas-s be-dtime” he said and I nodded and stood up.
I hope I don’t trip when walking.
I sauntered to the door but st©pped when I got to it.
“Uhm…Sir,” I called and turned back to look at him and he was also staring at me.
“Thank you for what you did today in school” I said, nervously and he smiled.
Wait; Alex just smiled at me today.
Oh, my geeeeeee!
“Good night” he said warmly and after staring at him for a few more seconds, I finally opened the door and walked out.
You guys should help me because I don’t think I’ll be able to fall asleep today.