The lover boy 2 Episode 9 & 10

The Loverboys
(She’s pregnant?)
Grand finale #Season_2
Episode 9
By: Faith Lucky.
Jeanne’s Pov:
“You’re pregnant” the doctor’s words resounded in my head and I left my mouth wi-de open, unable to close it.
I couldn’t even blink my eyes anymore, but just kept them dilated, staring nonplussed at the doctor who seemed to be speaking in a strange language.
What…what is he talking about? What does he mean pregnant? Who’s pregnant?
“Ma’am…” he called when he noticed I was blenched.
“D…D…Doctor, I don’t…un-derstand” I floun-dered and he exhaled and handed the paper to me.
“The results are right there, ma’am. You can take a look at it” he said as he fixed the paper into my hands.
I moved my eyes to the paper and looked at it.
Oh, my God! The pregnancy box was ticked positive.
Oh, God! No.
Is this a dream?
A tear dropped from my eyes to the paper as I looked at it with disbelieve.
I was pregnant?
For…For Alex?
Oh, my God!
I bent my head and wept.
How did this happen?
Was it a result of the int£rç0rs£we had in Korea? But…It was just once.
Oh, God! I remembered he…he had re-leased in me. Could it be the reason? I’m really pregnant?
“Are…are you alright, ma’am?” The doctor asked, placing his hand on mine.
How can I be? How do I cope with this un-der my pres£nt condition? I…I can’t believe I’m pregnant…pregnant for the almighty Alex…The same guy who’s life is in danger?
How do I live with this in the hands of Theo? With all the maltreatments he makes me go throu-gh? How do I cope?
And…The baby; am I just going to keep it a secret? For how long?
If I tell Alex about it, he might do something crazy to get me away from Theo, which is also going to endanger his life and affect I and the baby. But, what do I do?
I can’t believe I’m carrying a baby in me.
I’m…I’m about to become a mother.
Oh, Jeanne!
The doctor stood up c@m£ to where I was, wra-pping his hands around my shoulders.
“I know how you feel, ma’am” he said sympathetically.
“With someone of your recent status, it’s really gotta hurt a lot.
If you want, you can go for a termination”.
I lifted my head but didn’t look at him.
What? Kill my own baby? Alex’s baby? What’s he gonna do if he ever gets to find out?
And how can I bring myself to kill my own flesh and blood?
I looked at the paper again and wept bitterly. I don’t know; most women rejoice at the hearing of such news; why does my own case have to be different?
No wonder I’ve been getting those recent symptoms. Oh, God! What do I do now?
Why did this happen?
“Ma’am” the doctor called again and weakly, I stood up from my seat.
I folded the paper and inser-ted it in my trou-ser pocket and wiped my tears afterwards, but more tears kept streaming down.
“I can’t do it” I whimpered and the doctor scoffed.
“But, ma’am; you know who you are. Do you really want to become a mother?” He asked and I wept more.
I couldn’t say any other thing and tracing my steps, I started walking to the door.
The doctor kept looking at me, undoubtedly surprised.
When I got to the door, I st©pped and looked at him.
“plea-se doctor; don’t tell anyone about this” I said tearfully and wiping my face again, I opened the door and walked out of the room.
I met Hetty walking towards me when I got out of the room and I tried as much as possible to control my emotions.
“Hey” she called when she got to where I was and I sniffed.
I tried to smile, but couldn’t.
“Are you okay” she asked and I nodded.
“What did the doctor say?” She asked.
I took in a de-ep breath and t©uçhed my head.
“It’s nothing important. He just wants me to have enough rest because, it might start affecting me if I don’t” I replied and she looked at me with dissatisfaction.
I couldn’t bear to tell her about it. How can I?
“Are you sure?” She asked and I nodded.
“Um…I nee-d to be on my way now” I told her and she flin-ched.
“What? You wanna go back to Theo?” She asked with an alarming stare.
“He…He should be looking for me alre-ady. I don’t want any more troubles” I said and she scoffed.
“But Jeanne, you can’t go back to that guy; not after what you’ve told me…”
“But I don’t have a choice!” I found myself yelling at her and I busted into tears afterwards.
“Jeanne…” she called and hvgged me.
I wept on her shoulders and unlocked from the hvg.
“I…I nee-d to go.” I stuttered, cleaning my eyes.
“Um…at least, let me drop you off” she suggested.
“No. If Theo gets to know I brou-ght you close to the house; he’s definitely going to be mad at me because he…he’ll s-en-se I told you about it” I said with sniffs.
“But Jeanne…”
“I nee-d to go, Hetty. plea-se, don’t tell anyone about this” I said and hurried away, re-leasing more tears.
I hope she doesn’t follow me.
Hetty’s Pov:
Oh, my God! I can’t believe Jeanne is pregnant.
I mean, of course, I’m aware of it.
I was standing by the door and had overheard the doctor telling her about it. I was thinking she’d tell me, but she didn’t.
How’s she going to cope with it living with someone like Theo? And who could be responsible for it?
She told me she was d@t!ngAlex before Theo showed up. And…Alex is the reason she’s un-dergoing all these totures from Theo.
Could it be possible she’s pregnant for him?
Of course, it is!
Hah! But Jeanne is really pregnant. This is incredible. How did she let it happen?
But, one thing’s for sure; if she goes back to Theo in that condition, the baby’s life will definitely be in danger and so will her life.
I nee-d to tell Alex about it.
The Loverboys
(She’s pregnant?)
Grand finale #Season_2
Episode 10
By: Faith Lucky.
Jeanne’s Pov:
I felt so scared as I entered into the house; like, my entire b©dy was vibr@ting.
I couldn’t get over the shock of being pregnant, yet, I still had Theo to worry about.
I knew Alex would definitely been angry if he gets to know Theo was maltreating me. But, now he ended up pouring out his anger on Theo, I wonder what his reaction would be.
I’m so scared.
I don’t know how much pains I’d be able to endure un-der this condition.
I entered into the sitting room and found him there, drinking and operating his phone.
I gulped nervously as I walked in and he turned to look at me and that increa-sed my fears.
“Where have you been?” He asked in that cold voice of his.
I swallowed ha-rd and sniffed.
“I…” I paused and coughed a little.
“I slumped and…Hetty helped me to the hospital. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to take long. I…I just woke up now and…started hurrying home immediately” I replied nervously, wishing he’d be convinced.
He scoffed and stood up and I knew what was going to happen.
Oh, God!
“Really?” He asked and I nodded tearfully.
“Do you really think I’m a fool? Huh!” He rasped and c@m£ towards me and immediately, I started running away.
Yes, I had to.
I took the stairs and he followed me and I increa-sed my pace until I got to my room and successfully ran in, locking the door immediately.
I leaned on th door and wept as I felt his pres£nce outside the door as well.
“Jeanne!” He roared and hit the door and I shivered.
“Are you stupid? Open up immediately!”
I sat on the floor and cried out my eyes. Life’s really unfair to me.
Isn’t it best if I just give up alre-ady? But, my baby…why am I so stranded?
How did this happen to me?
Theo’s Pov:
I gro-an ed as I stood outside Jeanne’s door. This lady’s really a bit-ch. I can’t believe she had the guts to lock herself in the room. And I don’t have a spare key; damn it!
Alex is a fool for laying his hands on me and I want him to see the repercussions on Jeanne.
I stood angrily for a while and not long after, my phone vibr@ted with a ring.
I brou-ght it out from my pocket and discovered it was Carl calling.
Alex’s Pov:
I sat at the bar, staring at Carl, Daniel and Malcolm who were also staring at me.
We were the only ones there.
I seriously have no idea why they called me here.
Carl had pleaded with me to come, telling me it was of great importance and I had to accept.
But, we’ve been here for close to thirty minutes, yet they still hadn’t said a word.
“Okay, what the heck is this meeting all about? Cause, I have more important things to do”: I said impatiently and Carl sighed.
“Just hold on, Alex. plea-se…”
He was still speaking when someone else entered and I turned to see who it as.
I sprang on my feet immediately.
“What the hell is this?” I snapped at Carl and the rest.
“Alex, plea-se; just calm down, okay…” Malcolm tried speaking.
“What do you mean calm down? Did you really call me here for this?”
Theo scoffed as he stood in front of us.
“When you told me you wanted to see me, you didn’t tell me Alex was involved”:he said to Carl who was also on his feet.
“plea-se guys, try to be matured, okay? Let’s just sit and talk” Daniel said in an appealing tone, but I couldn’t be satisfied.
Why the hell would they make me meet with Theo?
Carl placed his hand on my shoulder and signalled me to sit and after taking in a de-ep breath, I swallowed down my anger and returned to my seat.
Theo remained standing, but Carl also signalled him to sit and he did.
Now what?
“Alex, Theo” Daniel started.
“We nee-d to talk”.
“Well, I’d suggest you’re fast about that, because I have somewhere else to go” Theo said derogatorily and it angered me to the guts.
“What ever happened, Theo?” Carl cut in and the whole place bec@m£ silent.
“I mean, we were so perfect together. We were not even friends, but brothers.
“I remember how we’d sing together, dance together, eat together, share the same be-d, have fun. You were the kindest person I knew back then. Everything was so perfect. So, what happened?”
There was a short silence, then Theo broke it up.
“Yeah, you’re right” he said unruffedly, looking at me.
“It was so perfect, before he ruined it”.
“I didn’t ruin a thing, okay? So, I’d suggest you point your dirty accusing f!nger elsewhere” I said angrily.
“Alex, plea-se…”
“Damn it! I’m done trying to convince this son of a bit-ch. He crossed the limits the very day he la-id his filthy hands on Jeanne” I vibr@ted and thumped my hand on on the table.
The whole thing was just too annoying.
“we didn’t call for this meeting so we could go on with further arguments. We called so we could resurrect peace in the band” Malcolm said.
“The only way to resurrect peace is to bring back my girlfriend, but that’s impossible because the animal alre-ady killed her” Theo rasped and I got on my feet.
“I didn’t fu*king killed her. And she wasn’t your girlfriend!” I snarled and he also stood on his feet.
“Yeah, but you know I had plans for her…”
“And you also know in didn’t have a problem with that, Theo! I supported you in every possible way, but you’ve been stupid enough not to realise the circu-mtances changed and it wasn’t my fault!”
“Of course, it was! You took her away!”
“Well, that’s because they wanted her and I had no other choice. I had to give her away!”
“But, you should have thought about my feelings! You shouldve listened to my plea-s and considered my tears. I begged you, Alex! You knew I loved her!”
“And I loved my mum as well!”
We both went silent and I sank my f!ngersinto my hair.
The loverboys were stunned, watching speechless.
My heart was burning up and so was Theo’s.
“Listen to me, Theo” I said, going closer to him.
“I’m sorry for what happened to Olivia, I swear, if there had been any other option, I’d have taken it, even if it meant my life because I cared about your happiness.
“You’ve taken two lives for it alre-ady and I endured, but this time around…Jeanne…she’s different. And if you do anything crazy to her, I swear with my father’s grave, I’ll never forgive you and I wouldn’t mind spending a lifetime in jail just to make sure you die by my hands”.
And after saying that, I gr@bb£d my car keys from the table and scurried off.
The loverboys were probably too shocked to even call me back and I didn’t care.
I left the building and went out to where my cars were parked. My guards hurriedly opened the door for me, but I went to the driver’s seat instead and told them I wanted to drive alone. I just didn’t want anyone around me.
I turned on the ignition and scorched off on a high speed.
I was so furious and felt driving at that moment might help.
Why did they have to make me see Theo tonight? It only brou-ght up the anger in me again.
I know what I did was wrong; I know he was hurt, but it wasn’t also my fault. Besides, haven’t he had enough vengeance alre-ady?
He killed Natalie, then Crystal. Isn’t that enough alre-ady?
I’m done trying to convince him. I’m done begging him. Now, it’s man to man and I’m gonna pl@ythe game the way he wants it to go.
I won’t let him ride over me again.
My phone began ringing and guessing it was probably one of the loverboys, I ignored it.
But, it kept ringing and being frustrated, I brou-ght it out from my pocket and discovered it was Hetty.
What? Why the hell is she calling me?
I picked the call just when it was about ringing to an end.
“Alex” she called when I didn’t say anything after picking the call.
“What’s it?” I asked, impatiently.
“Alex, where re you? We nee-d to talk” she replied.
“I’m listening”.
I was still driving.
“We nee-d to meet up Alex, plea-se. It’s important”
“I’m sorry, Hetty, but I don’t have time for that right now.” I replied huskily.
I really didn’t want to see anyone at this moment.
“Bye” I cut her off and was about ending the call when she suddenly called Jeanne’s name.
“Its about Jeanne” she said and I fixed the phone back on my ear.
“What about her?” I asked, suddenly picking interest.
She dallied a little before speaking up.
“Jeanne…She um…she’s pregnant, Alex” she said and I screeched the car to a halt immediately, right in the middle of the road; my eyes glistening.
TBC. on your mind?