The lover boy 2 Episode 39 & 40

The Loverboys
(One lives, the other dies)
Grand finale #Season_2
Episode 39
By: Faith Lucky.
Jeanne’s Pov:
I felt my heart beating ra-pidly as Mrs Tristan stood, shaking in front of me.
What’s she talking about? What does she mean Alex’s missing? And why’s Theo not in the building as well?
I felt conniption grip me as so many thoughts ran throu-gh my mind.
Immediately, the door opened and Hetty showed up.
She seemed kind of nervous but tried to dissemble it when she saw other people in the room.
“Um…Jeanne” she called after breathing out softly.
“C…Can I speak with you pri-vately, plea-se?” She asked and I flin-ched.
“Why? What’s going on?” Mum asked immediately.
“Um…plea-se, it’s nothing to worry about. I just nee-d to show something to Jeanne. It’s between both of us” she said and c@m£ up to me and swiftly, she of my hand and ran out of the room with me.
I felt like screaming her name as she hurriedly took me throu-gh the pas-sage.
I suddenly felt scared and twitchy.
What is going on?
She didn’t say a word until she took me to the restroom which was empty.
“Hetty!” I called as she finally let go of my hand.
“What’s going on?”
She sighed and looked around, probably trying to make sure there was no one around.
“I’m sorry if I frightened you. But someone called me – a strange number – and he had requested me to give the phone quietly without anyone getting to know about it. I had refused at first; but he told me it involved Alex and Theo and they’d be dead if I didn’t do as he said. So, that was why I had to give you the phone” she explained and all I could do was stare.
What’s she talking about?
She turned on her phone and dialled a number on the screen and it ringed for only a short time before being replied.
She handed it to me immediately, putting it on speaker.
I just placed the phone on my ear, not being able to say anything.
“Hello?” I heard a thick cold voice from the line.
I still couldn’t say a word
“Is this Jeanne?” He asked and Hetty prodded me to say something.
“Y…Yes” I replied with a nervous gulp.
“Jeanne” he called and paused.
“Good. Now, I want you to know I’m in possession of Theo and Alex and if you want to see them again, you’ll do exactly as I say.”
I looked at Hetty who also seemed curious.
“First, I want you to leave the hospital and come straight to PR lounge – alone.
I repeat, you must come alone else, you won’t like the turn out.
“You have 10 minutes to get there” he concluded and ended the call.
The phone almost fell from my hands, but Hetty was quic-k enough to gr-ab it.
I felt my heart skip and feared I might pas-s out.
“Jeanne” Hetty called and held me.
It took me sometime to gain back my stamina.
“Wh…What do we do?” She asked.
I t©uçhed my head and closed my eyes.
Oh, God!
What’s happening?
Ten minutes…I had just ten minutes to get there?
“Give me your car keys, Hetty” I said frazzled and she scoffed.
“You…you’re not trying to go there, are you?” She asked.
“You heard him, Hetty! He’s in possession of Alex and Theo and he wants me there in ten minutes. So plea-se, give me your car keys” I replied rather frustrated.
“But…you don’t even know how to drive. And…It might be risky.”
I sank my f!ngersinto my hair. Its true; I don’t know how to drive. How do I get there?
“Hetty plea-se, I nee-d to get there” I pleaded.
“But it’s risky, Jeanne. Why don’t we inform someone or the police?”
“Didn’t you hear him? He wants me to . come alone. I can’t risk it”.
We both remained silent, lost in thoughts.
Then, I tried running away, but she held me back.
“I’ll drive you there” she said.
She had to st©p far from the bar to avoid being seen and we had concluded if she didn’t hear anything from me in the next five minutes, she was to call the corps.
I left the car and walked the remaining distance to the lounge, feeling so scared. I had taken her phone along with me.
The lounge was shut down and no longer active and it dimmed on me that I was going to a deserted area that late at night.
Immediately I got to the lounge, Hetty’s phone with me started ringing and it was the strange number calling.
I gulped nervously before picking up.
“Come straight to the back of the lounge” he said and ended the call.
Hold on; could he see me?
My nervousity increa-sed as I walked slowly to the back of the lounge which was a gras-sy area.
Immediately I got there, I sighted Theo and Alex being tied to a tree.
What the hell?
What’s going on?
The phone started ringing and this time around, I picked up without reluctancy.
“Take your eyes to the t©p of your building, Jeanne” he said and I lifted my eyes to see a sniper standing high at the t©p of the lounge with his gun being pointed down at the direction of Theo and Alex.
Oh, my God!
What’s going on?
“I want you to make a choice between Theo and Alex.” The caller further said.
“Whoever you chose will be set free, while the other dies” he added and a tear escaped my eyes.
The Loverboys
(His confession)
Grand finale #Season_2
Episode 40
By: Faith Lucky.
Alex’s Pov:
“I have a confession to make, guys” he started
“Something terrible and foolish I did in the past. I know you must all think I’m a monster after hearing this, but I want you to know I regret every bit of it and was just blinded by greed”.
He paused and bent his head and we all stared keenly at him. What’s going on?
“I’m the person behind the conflict behind Theo and Alex” he said and I felt a loud ban-g in my head.
“I ordered the woman – Pen – to adopt Alex’s mum and make Alex kidnap Olivia in exchange for her. Since Theo was in love with Olivia, I knew Alex kidnapping her would make Theo mad and definitely cause a rift between them.
“All I wanted was just to split them up. I never wanted any b©dy’s life to be taken. That was why I requested for a facial surgery to be carried out on Olivia and after that, she’d be made to lose her memories so she wouldn’t be able to return here. I didn’t see her face after the surgery, but Pen took care of everything. Little did I know she was Jeanne.
“All i wanted was just to spilt Theo and Alex because I knew by ma-king Alex take Olivia away from Theo, it’d definitely make them enemies. But I had no idea Theo would take it to the extent of killing Alex’s girlfriends. I never wanted murder to be involved. And that was why when it happened, I began looking for pen immediately; not until the whole truth got expo-sed and I couldn’t hide anymore.
“I know you must all be wandering what my reasons were. Well, like I earlier said, it was foolishness and greed.
“I was jealous – jealous of the close relationsh!pbetween. Theo and Alex and I wanted to take over as the band leader. So, I thought by splitting them up, it’d cause an imbalance in the band and make the position vulnerable and I’ll be able to take over as the leader.
“Indeed, it almost worked for me. I mean, Theo left the band and position, but Unfortunately, Alex was f0rç£d to take over and that was how my plan failed.
“I know I’m crazy for what I did. I turned Theo Into a monster; put Olivia In a difficult twist. It was so foolish of me and I’m re-ady to pay for my crimes. I’ve put a call to the corps alre-ady and they’ll be here any minute.
“I was ungrateful and blinded by greed any I just wish you guys, no matter how difficult it may be, will forgive me. I’m so sorry”.
I felt my lids becoming so-re and red. Myl-ips shook as I listened to him. My heart to-re ap@rt.
Daniel? He was the traitor? He betrayed us? All for greed?
I scoffed and noticed a tear drop from my eye.eye . This is the worst pain I’ve ever had to feel – someone I called a brother?
“Daniel?” I heard Malcolm call faintly.
Immediately, I sprang on my feet and bounced oon him, punching him ha-rd to the floor
“You monster!” I snarled as I stayed on t©p of him on the floor and re-leased angry punches at him.
“No!” Carl and Malcolm called and rushed to me, trying to st©p me.
I felt so much pains, so much bitterness.
“Alex, plea-se st©p it” Carl said and tried pu-lling me up, but couldn’t.
How dare he?
I saw blood coming out of his nose and immediately, I heard the sounds of sirens outside.
Jeanne’s Pov:
“You mean, you chose Alex’s life over Theo’s?” Hetty asked as I sat in the room, facing her.
I just sniffed and didn’t say a word and she left the window where she was standing and c@m£ close to me.
“So, why’re you feeling bad about it? It’s obvious you love Alex” she said.
“Yeah, I know. I…I just” I paused and sniffed again.
“Theo has been throu-gh a lot alre-ady. I just feel…He doesn’t deserve such treatment.”
“Jeanne” Hetty called and held my hand.
“Don’t you see? You don’t love Theo; you only pity him”.
I paused and stared at her as it niggled at me.
“You only pity him because of the past you share with him. You don’t want him to get hurt or feel betrayed. But in the right s-en-se, Alex is the one you truly love. So, st©p trying to compromise. Go for what you really want, Jeanne, so you don’t end up in regrets.” She concluded and I stared at her for a while and took my eyes to the floor.
Undoubtedly, I love Alex, much more than can be imagined. But, I just feel for Theo.
Kim’s Pov:
I entered the room with the bowl of cold water and napkin and went to the be-d where he la-id. I sat and stared into his face as he sle-pt so soundly.
I really pitied him. What would’ve happened if I hadn’t pas-sed along that way and saw him coming out of the bar? Struggling to walk?
Why did he end up so drun!kIn the first place?
I di-pped the napkin into the cold water and brou-ght It out, squee-zing and placing it on his forehead.
He was so handsome.
Oh, Theo!
I’ve always had a crush on him; he’s just never paid any attention to me.
I di-pped the napkin again and placed it on his head. I hope he wakes up soon. He probably got drun!kbecause of Jeanne. The issue has really been a mess.
I stared into his face and suddenly had so many de-sires. I wish to be with him. Too bad he’s too obsessed with jeanne.
I brushed his hair with my palm and sighed. How perfect it’d have been. I don’t know why I’m so unlucky when it comes to love. All the guys I truly love don’t ever love me back.
I looked at hisl-ips and suddenly felt like k!ss!ngthem. Perhaps, this was my only chance to k!ssa guy I truly love.
I leaned forward and closing my eyes, I k!$$£d him. I k!$$£d him tempestuously and wished it could last forever.
Somehow, I felt him k!ssme back.
I quic-kly opened my eyes and found his open, staring at me.
I g@sped and pu-ll-ed away from the k!ss, my heart beating ra-pidly.
Oh, my God! I…I thought he was asleep?
“Kim?” He called in a low tune and I sprang on my feet.
“Theo, I’m…I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to. I had no idea you were…I’m…”
I ran out of words and he sighed and sat up.
He looked around and t©uçhed his head.
“Did you bring me here?” He asked and I nodded nervously.
“I um…saw you around the bar and you were really drun!k. So, I decided to be of help” I replied and he breathed out heavily.
“Thanks” he muttered and I stared at the floor.
We both went silent and getting puzzled, I decided to look at him and there I found him staring at me.
Alex’s Pov:
The following morning, I stayed indoors the whole time, wanting to be alone. Daniel’s betrayal and everything that’s happened kept niggling at me. How could he ever think of doing such a thing to us?
We were like brothers. Why did he have to go that far over a temporary position?
I was so bittered and hurt. Because of him, we’re all in this mess.
So many things happened; yet; he stood by me every single moment. What got into him?
I heard a knock on my door which snapped me out of my thoughts.
“Sir, there’s someone here to see you” a voice said from outside.
It was Evans.
“I want to be alone” I replied cheerlessly; still sitting on the chair in front of the window.
“It’s Jeanne, sir” he said and my eyeeyes beamed.
I sprang on my feet immediately and ran to open the door.
“Wh…Where’s she?” I asked him.
“She’s downstairs, sir” he replied, bowed and left and I followed suit immediately.
I rushed downstairs and found her there in the sitting room with Molly, pla-ying.
Oh, God!
I st©pped and watched her as she laughed and carried Molly on her shoulders who was also giggling.
I st©pped and stared at how happy she was, but unfortunately, she saw my and st©pped pla-ying.
“Shuu! Alex, go away. Come on nanny, let’s continue” Molly said and tried getting on her shoulders again, but wasn’t allowed.
“Um…baby, we’ll pl@ylater, okay? Nanny nee-ds to do something first.” Jeanne said and she faked a frown, but brushed it off with a smile.
Then she ran away .
Jeanne’s Pov:
I stood, staring at Alex as he remained on the stairs, staring at me as well
“Um…hi” I said warmly and that was when he climbe-d down the stairs.
But we still stood ap@rt from each other.
He didn’t Say a word, but just kept staring at me and it got me cringing.
“I um…I c@m£ to see you” I said, but he still didn’t make a move.
Could he be mad at me or something?
I walked closer to him and stood in front of him. I stared into his sparkling eyes as they stared into mine. Then, I k!$$£d him.
I placed my hands on his cheeks and k!$$£d him so tenderly, but he didn’t reciprocate.
“Alex”:I called after unlocking from the k!ss.
“I’m sorry for trying to run away. I was only being scared. The truth is, I love you. I love you so much and I’m re-ady to spend the rest of my life with you. And not just me;” I paused and took his hand, placing it on my tummy.
“But your baby too” I added and that was the first time he smiled.
I chuckled when he smiled and he took his hand from my tummy and placed them on my cheeks.
“You really do love me, huh?” He asked and I nodded with a smile.
Then, he hvgged me.
“I was scared I was going to lose you, Jeanne” he spoke softly while holding me.
“I thought you’d never want to be with me again, but you chose me. Thank you”
I smiled as he spoke to me and next, he dis£ngaged from the hvg and went for myl-ips instead.
I smiled as he k!$$£d me so perfectly, holding my hair.
“I love you” he said when we broke the k!ss.
“I love you too” I replied, brimful with happiness.
We were about k!ss!ngagain when the door suddenly opened and we turned to see two figures standing at the entrance.