The lover boy 2 Episode 19 & 20

💖 The Loverboys💖
(Four years ago)
Grand finale #Season_2
Episode 19
By: Faith Lucky.
(Sorry, it’s short).
Jeanne’s Pov:
my feet wo-bbled as I starred at Theo and the boys who had directed their gazes to us.
Oh, God! We were out in the open!
Alex gr!pp£dmy hand, but before we could make a move, Theo brou-ght out a gun and sh0t him.
“Nooooo!” I screamed at the t©p of my voice as I saw Alex sliding to the floor in blood.
God, no no no no.
“Alex!!!” I screamed in fright and tears and fell on my knees beside him on the floor.
What’s Theo doing?
His hand was on the bleeding side of his stomach and I watch him struggle.
Theo started coming towards me with the rest of the boys.
“Alex! plea-se, look at me; I beg of you. Stay with me. God!” I wept bitterly as also placed my hand on the bleeding side.
How could Theo do such a thing? How can he be this heartless?
“Je…Jeanne” Alex called my name with great difficulty and it brou-ght more tears to my eyes.
Oh, God! What do I do?
Theo c@m£ to where I was and held me r0ûghly by the hair, showing my face to Alex.
“What re you gonna do now, huh?” He asked with a snigger to Alex.
I sobbe-d and held his hand on my hair.
“Theo plea-se, st©p this” I whimpered and he chuckled.
He dragged me up by the hair and handed me to two of the boys who started taking me away.
God, no.
“No! Alex! plea-se, st©p it! Alex!!! Let me go. Theo, plea-se” I kept crying and screaming as the boys took me to the van while Theo remained standing there with Alex.
“Theo, plea-se! I’m begging you. Have mercy!”
The boys succeeded in taking me to the van and immediately they pushed me in, they sed@t£d me and I dozed off.
Carl’s Pov:
I drove in my car to Hetty’s ap@rtment so I could check up on her like Alex requested.
I was also kind of curious as to why she didn’t show up at the p@rty yesterday.
I drove into her quiet estate and when I got to the gate, I found someone lying on the floor, looking lifeless.
I quic-kly parked the car and rushed out and I discovered it was Hetty.
My eyes bulged out as I ran to her on the floor.
“Hetty!” I called and knelt in front of her unconscious b©dy.
What the hell happened to her?
I checked her b©dy and discovered there were no marks, but she looked really scattered.
What happened???
I was about carrying her up when a call c@m£ into my phone and I checked and discovered it was from Daniel.
I quic-kly received it and his voice c@m£ out perturbe-d.
“Where’re you, Carl? Alex was sh0t. He’s at the hospital” he said immediately on the phone and my heart skipped.
“What???” I skrie-ked.
Oh, God!
“Where’s he?”
He gave me the name of the hospital and immediately, I carried Hetty into my car and drove off.
Jeanne’s Pov:
I opened my eyes and found myself lying on a cold voice. It was the room I had been staying in Theo’s house.
Oh, God! I’m really back here.
I sprang on my feet when I recalled what had happened. But, I couldn’t move because my hands were tied to the window.
“Theo!!!” I cried in the empty room, wishing he could hear me.
Oh, my! Alex!
How can Theo do such a thing?
Where’s Alex?
I fell on my knees in tears, crying profusely.
Then, the door opened with Theo walking in and immediately, I stood on my feet.
“Theo!” I called as he stood in front of me.
“Theo plea-se, I beg of you; take me to Alex. I nee-d to see him, plea-se! I nee-d to be sure he’s okay”.
He c@m£ close and sl@pped me and I fell on my knees.
“Did you really think you can hide from me?” He asked angrily, holding my hair and I wept more.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do it. Alex…Alex f0rç£d me to stay with him. I swear, I wanted to return to you, but he wouldn’t let me. He just wanted to keep me safe.
“plea-se, Theo, I’m begging you; I can’t lose Alex. I promise to do anything you want. But, just this once, let me see him. I nee-d to know if he’s okay. plea-se, Theo; I’m begging you” I said tearfully, my heart racing fast.
He scoffed and c@m£ close, holding me by the hair.
“If you so plea-se, I can open your tummy and bring out the baby so I can s£nd it to him. Wouldn’t that be better?” He asked and my heart skipped.
Does he know I’m pregnant?
He pushed me to the floor and I felt a slight pain beside my tummy.
“plea-se, Theo; I nee-d to see him. I’ve pity on me” I cried, still on the floor.
“At least now” he said.
“You know the consequences of disobeying me”.
Then, he started walking away.
“Theo!!!” I called, but he didn’t st©p to look at me.
Then, I stood on my feet.
“No matter what Alex did to you in the past, I’m sure he didn’t kill all the girls you fell in love with. I’m sure he didn’t shoot you!
No matter what he did to you in the past; it’s nothing compared to what you’ve done to him.
He may have hurt you really bad, but you’re a greater monster than he could ever be!” I said with anger resounding in my voice and he st©pped by the door to look at me.
He stood mute, staring at me and I couldn’t explain it, but I saw a different look in his eyes.
He took in a de-ep breath and finally left the room and I fell on my knees immediately, bur-sting into more tears.
Oh, Alex!
Where could he be?
I nee-d to see him.
Theo’s Pov:
I walked into the sitting room and made the call.
It ringed for some time before he picked up.
“Yes?” I said lowly on the phone.
“Were you able to get him to a hospital?
“Okay; good”.
I dropped the call and exhaled softly. Then, I ambled to the mirror, staring at my reflection.
Jeanne’s words niggled at me:
*you’re a greater monster than he could ever be!*
It repeated in my mind as I stared at my self in the mirror.
Have I really become a monster?
I sighed dejectedly and left the mirror, going to my keyboard beside the window.
I sat in front of it and started pla-ying a soft tone – like I used to.
It’s been ages since I last t©uçhed a keyboard. It used to be my favorite.
But, what happened?
A tear strolled down my cheek as I closed my eyes and pla-yed the tone.
Have I really become a monster?
But, I was never like this; I never wanted to r
turn into this?
What really happened?
The anger…I can’t control it.
I st©pped pla-ying and leaned my head on the chair where I sat.
The memories c@m£ flashing in – the memories of how it all began – how I bec@m£ a monster.
It was never my fault.
And it all started four years ago…
💖 The Loverboys💖
(Four years ago)
Grand finale #Season_2
Episode 20
By: Faith Lucky.
Theo’s Pov:
Four years ago,
Life was the sweetest thing to me back then cause we were happy – u and the rest of the boys – especially Alex.
He was a brother to me.
We all ate together, shared the same be-d, had so much fun.
The rest of them were flir-ts, but as for me, I avoided anything that involved women. I didn’t want to fall in love; I was scared of heartbreak, and the heartbreak that had occurred is p@rt of the reason I bec@m£ this cold hearted.
Alex always wanted me to fall in love, but I was scared to. But, one day, I broke my own rule. I fell in love.
She was a poor, ugly girl with a scar and the loverboys were surprised I had chos£n someone like her.
Her name was Olivia.
The first day I met her was in a garden and I don’t know how she had gotten there.
I and the rest of the boys had gone for a meeting and I had decided to go for a stroll and when I got to the garden, I heard someone singing and it had sounded like the voice of a fallen angel.
I was bemused and listened enthusiastically as she sang in her tiny sweet voice and it captured my soul.
When she was done, I c@m£ out and net with her and the moment she saw me, she ran away.
She was so . scared and naive, dressed in tattered clothes, and walking ba-refooted.
I called after her, but she didn’t st©p to . look at me and it startled me.
That night, I was unable to sleep as her voice kept repla-ying my head. It was so beautiful. Who could she be? I thought.
I was worried by it for days and fortunately for me, I met her again. But, this time around, it was when my car had ran over her while she was running across the road.
She bec@m£ unconscious and I took her to the hospital.
Indeed, the scar on her face made her really ugly, but I don’t know, I just liked her.
I sat on the hospital be-d and watched her slee-ping face the whole time. When she finally woke up, she was scared and tried running away, but I st©pped her. She was so scared.
I tried ma-king her feel free around me, but she told me her aunt was going to kill her if she didn’t return home immediately. But, I couldn’t lose her again; not so easily.
I pleaded with her to just allow me feed her since she was injured and she. Agreed.
I ordered some foods for her and I was surprised at the way she had eaten like an animal. At that moment, I got to un-derstand she was going throu-gh hell in the hands of whoever she was staying with.
I felt so much pity for yer and wanted to help. so far, she was the first lady I felt different towards – I still can’t explain how it happened.
When she was done eating, I took her home, but she didn’t let me follow her to her doorstep, saying her aunt was going to kill her.
But, I made her promise me she was going to come visiting.
We chose a perfect place to meet – the garden I had first seen her.
I was scared she wouldn’t show up, but surprisingly, she did.
The happiness I had felt when I saw her at that moment, it had given me the conviction that I was a goner.
Although, I admit I had fallen for her a little too easily, but I felt it was because it was my first love.
She was so naive and didn’t even agree to sit close to me. Instead, she sat on the floor.
We talked for some time and I got to know she was living with her cruel aunt who told her her mother abandoned her.
I felt bad for her and told her to come with me, promising to take good care of her. But she refused, telling me she wanted to stay back with her aunt and await her mother’s return.
She had a feeling her mother would return for her someday and she wanted to get to meet her.
I tried convincing her, but she wouldn’t listen. So,.I let her be, hoping to talk to her aunt and make her change.
I introduced her to the loverboys and they were really shocked about it, although they never detested it.
Alex supported me and advice me to for it.
We bec@m£ friends for a long time and she bec@m£ more free around me. She sang to me each time we were together. It occurred to me, but I was scared to confess my feelings to her. I was scared of heartbreak.
What if she says no to me?
She occu-pied my every thoughts, day and night and I felt I could hold it no longer.
One day, I told her about it – my feelings – and that was the most nervous day of my life.
I confessed my feelings to her and she ran away in fear. I was heartbroken, but she returned some days later and told me she wasn’t re-ady for it yet. She told me she was scared and nee-ded some time.
But, I think she also loved me. Of course, she did.
Everything was going on fine and her feelings were becoming obvious.
But, Alex ruined the whole thing. Everything changed.
His mother was abducted by some strange people and they requested him to bring Olivia In exchange for her.
They threatened to kill his mum in the next 24 hours if he failed and he was frustrated and thought of falling for them.
I know he had his mother to protect, but he shouldn’t have taken my Olivia away.
I pleaded with him not to, but he didn’t listen. I cried and begged but he turned deaf ears to me.
He drugged me and went ahead to abduct Olivia and hand her over to them.
And since then, I didn’t get to see her again. He took my Olivia away. They probably killed her.
I was heartbroken – the same thing I’ve always been scared of happened to me and it to-re my heart. It left me in pains. She was just a poor naive girl who wanted to survive. Who had so many plans.
She meant the world to me but he took her away and since then, it shattered me. I just wanted revenge.
I vowed never to let him stay happy again.
I don’t have the heart to kill him, but I just don’t want him to be happy;to fall in love.
I know I shouldn’t be doing this; but I can’t control it. This is why I’ve been scared of heartbreak. It turned me into a monster.
And now, I can’t help it.