The love doctor episode 21&22

💙(He’s life saver but also a heart breaker)
💙💙Episode Twenty-One💙💙
Isabel’s POV👩‍
Twenty minutes later💙
After much teasing from me,Jared and i walked downstairs to meet his mom since she said she wanted to meet me…
‘I’m here Mrs d!¢kon,you said you wanted to see me??’..i muttered as i sat on the sofa…
‘Yeah Isabel well uhmmm Jared can you give us a minute??’..she replied clearing her throat…
I glanced over to Jared and he shrugged his shoulders walking away..
Why would she tell Jared to go away??..
I thought they were as close as ever??..
‘So Isabel I nee-d something from you -like there’s something I nee-d and you’re the only one who has it’..she whispered..
‘If you can tell me what it really is I’ll gladly give it to you??’..i replied with a somewhat confused look on my face..
What do I have that she could possibly want??…
‘Hmmm well I think you know what i want Isabel’..she whispered again..
‘No I don’t know what you want Mrs d!¢kon and as a….’..I tried to say but st©pped abruptly as Jared walked in..
‘Isabel i think we nee-d to go now,mom we’ll see you later anything you have to say to Isabel you’ll say it later but right now we nee-d to go!!’..he said with a s-en-se of urgency in his voice…
‘No buts mom we’ll be back okay but right now we’ve got to go!!!’…
I followed him outside the house and he dragged me into a corner,linked his arms around mine and lowered hisl-ips k!ss!ngme softly..
I raked a hand throu-gh his hair and held onto his shi-t r0ûghly k!ss!nghim back..
‘Mmmm that was good’..i whispered as i rested on his che-st pla-yfully…
‘Well I’ve brushed my teeth now so i can k!ssyou in peace’..he replied and i went into a fit of laughter…
‘You idiot is this what you wanted to say to me?!!,your mom nee-ded something urgent but no you had to go lover boy on me again!!’..i said aloud and poked him on the che-st pla-yfully…
‘Ouch!! I didn’t have a choice did I??’..
‘Hmmm you didn’t anyways shouldn’t you be at work??’..i asked and somehow his face suddenly went downcast…
He turned around and nervously dug his hands into his pockets..
Ohhh now i know that something’s wrong…
‘What’s the problem?,Did something happen??’..i asked placing a hand on his shoulder and he sighed a little…
‘Well uhmm I quit’..
‘You what?!!’..
‘I quit working at the hospital,i s£nt them a resignation later yesterday’..he replied and i saw the sadness in his eyes…
‘Why would you quit your job Jared?!!Why on earth would you do that?!!,you and i know fully well that you love being a doctor so why would you quit?!!’..i screamed..
‘Well the truth is that -it’s complicated Isabel it really is’..he said and walked towards his car…
The Jared i know is the only person i know that loves saving lives more than anything…
The few hours i spent with him in the hospital really brou-ght out some of his qualities…
The way he fraternizes with his nurses..
The look he gets when a patient is discharged..
The smile on his face when he tells them that everything’s going to be okay…
Why would he want to quit doing what he loves??..
‘Make me explain Jared plea-se make me explain cause i don’t un-derstand’..i said joining him in the car…
‘Isabel can we plea-se not talk about it anymore plea-se just do it for me as a favor’..
‘Okay’..I replied sullenly and he f0rç£d a smile..
‘Atta girl’…
Jared’s POV👨‍
What do i say to her??..
That I quit the only thing i love doing just because of a stupid bet??..
A stupid bet which was to make her fall for me and sleep with her on video??..
There’s no way I’m gonna tell her that so it’s easier for me to just let it go…
Maybe there are other prospects i can take into consideration…
Like being a shrink or something but I’m not going to loose Isabel all because of my stupidity and recklessness…
Those days are over…
Ten Minutes Later💙
I glanced over to Isabel only to see that she was still sulking over our last conversation..
‘You’re a handful you know that right??’..I said..
She didn’t reply but just sneered…
I sm-irked a bit and st©pped the car as soon as we got to her ap@rtment building…
‘Isabel plea-se don’t make it ha-rd for me as it alre-ady is’..i begged..
‘Ohh really well you shouldn’t keep things from me either!!’..she replied sharply and slammed the car door really ha-rd as she walked out…
I c@m£ out also and together we both walked upstairs..
‘Go home Lover boy I’ll see you tomorrow’..she muttered and advanced towards her ap@rtment door but i held her back…
‘I’ll tell you why i quit being a doctor later but right now I can’t,when everything’s settled you’ll be the first to know’…I implied…
‘Okay’..she said in an almost whisper and we both went into the house…
‘Ohhh Jared you’re here??’..Mrs Monteniero,her mother asked and I nodded..
‘Yes Mrs Monteniero,Isabel and i would be leaving for work and since I’m taking her there i decided to say hello to my girlfriend’s mom’..i replied placing a soft k!sson her cheek..
‘So you’re really a couple,Isabel why did you hide this from me?!!!’..She called out to her Isabel who was by the kitchen…
‘Mom it’s just yesterday -I accepted his proposal yesterday!!’..She called back..
‘Don’t mind her,she’s always had the h0ts for me she was just to pig headed to admit it’..I whispered..
‘What did he say mom??’..Isabel asked…
‘Nothing!!’..Her mom and i both replied in Unison and then bur-sted into laughter….
Carlton’s POV👨‍
📱:He what?!!’..I screamed loudly and regretted it immediately as some of the customers in the Cafe glanced over to my corner…
📲:Mr Jared quit yesterday sir,we don’t know why but he quit’..Nurse Marie replied and hung up…
So Jared’s outbur-st was not in vain then..
He really did quit is job all because of that Isabel bit-ch?!..
What’s so special about her??..
I know she’s pretty and all but what makes her so special that Jared quits his job because of her??!!..
Or has he fallen in love?!..
Hell no!!..
Jared can’t just throw away our years of frivolousness and just fall in love when I’m still here?!!..
He wouldn’t dare find happiness when I haven’t?!!…
He wouldn’t dare…
I picked my phone again and this time s£nt a message to an old friend of mine -Kuco…
Isabel’s POV👩‍
I quic-kly combe-d my hair and walked towards the door and then i remembered something…
The brown envelope that had been in my drawers since…
Maybe Jared and I could take a look and see what’s in it…
‘Babe shouldn’t you be re-ady by now or should I tell Kevin that you quit??’..Jared called out..
‘You’re sick to think that i would quit my job just because of you!!’..i called back and sli-pped the envelope inside my bag…
I walked out and tried packing my hair but he sl@pped my hands off..
‘Hey what was that for?!’..i asked in protest…
‘Well I’ve told you times without number to leave your hair down,you look prettier anyway’..he replied giving me a lewd wi-nk…
‘Oh really well just so you know it disturbs me okay and i can’t work with hair all over my face,let’s just give quic-kly cause Kevin’s gonna kill me’..i retorted and gr@bb£d my jacket…
Jared’s POV👨‍
‘So you’ve finally quitted your job huh??’..Kevin asked with a smile on his face..
‘Yeah man,I made a stupid bet and now I’m with the woman I love so you’ve got a problem with that??’..I replied…
‘No I don’t I knew you’d fall for her anyway,I always saw the way your eyes lightens up when she enters the room Jared’..he whispered…
I chuckled a little and as I glanced at the high school portrait of Carlton,Kevin a and I,I sighed…
‘I wonder how Carlton feels’..I muttered..
‘Carlton is a selfish bastard Jared,who cares about him and I hope Isabel knows about the bet??’..Kevin asked rhetorically…
‘No she doesn’t know and I don’t intend on telling her anytime soon’..
‘Cause it doesn’t matter,the bet is off Kevin so it doesn’t matter anymore’..I said sharply..
‘Hmmm you sure about that?!,Carlton might use that as a weapon against you Jared,you know fully well that he’s manipulative’..
‘Ohhh I know and if he tries anything stupid I’ll kill him!!!’…
Two Hours Later💙
‘Bye lover boy’..Isabel whispered in my arms and tried pu-lling away but I didn’t let her go…
‘Don’t i get a k!ss??’..i asked and she placed a soft k!sson my cheeks and went into the h0tel back…
And Kevin wants me to tell her about the bet..
I’ve got a good thing going here so I’m not re-ady to jeopardize it all because of my foolishness…
i got into the car and cross checked the time only to see that i was a minute late for my appointment with my financial advisor…
I ignited the car engine and then st©pped the moment i sp©tted a brown envelope on the ground…
Hmmm i think it fell from Isabel’s bag..
I wonder what’s in it??..
I turned it sideways and there was something like ‘Evidence against Mon’…
I re-moved the stapled pins by the edge and opened the envelope only to see a flash drive first…
And then pictures…
I brou-ght the pictures out and what I saw took me aback…
Oh God!!!..
No it can’t be!!!…
It can’t be!!!…
This isn’t true!!..
Is this what mom has been trying to hide from me?!!…
My hands fidgeted as I sli-pped the flash drive onto my portable l@pt©p..
Cli-cked on the video on it and…
‘This can’t be oh God!!!’..I cried out as i watched the horrific video….
Now i know my mom is really a monster…
OH GOD!!!!…
💙💙Episode Twenty-Two💙💙
Monica’s POV👩‍
(15 Years Ago)
‘Ohhh that was great Fred!!!’..i p@n-ted heavily as I c@m£ finally after some minutes of him thrû-sting into me…
‘Yeah and you’ve got a sweet b©dy Monica,it’s a shame that you had to marry my brother’..Fred responded pressing soft k!sses on my shoulder and at the nape of my n£¢k..
‘Ohhh don’t bring that talk Fred,when I married Jeremy i didn’t know he would be such a bore in be-d??’..i whined..
‘Then run away with me Monica,you know I’ve always had the h0ts for you,run away with me and we’ll start over’..he said and before i could give a reply someone bur-sted throu-gh the door….
‘Monica what the hell is going on here?!!!’…
Oh God!!!…
End of Flashback💨💨
‘Your coffee ma’am’..Jain,my personal as-sistant said standing in front of me and I jo-lted from my thoughts immediately..
‘Ohh sorry Jain i didn’t notice you there’…i said in a murmur..
‘No worries ma’am well a package c@m£ in for you’..She replied…
‘What package??’..i asked searching frantically for my Anti-Migraine pills…
‘I’ll go get it for you’…
Isabel’s POV👩‍
I dragged the trash bags outside and placed it in the trashbin only for me to see Jared still in his car…
‘Hey what’s wrong??’..i asked as I entered the car to totally worried about him…
He gave me some pictures and when I looked down at them i got the shock of my life…
‘J..Ja..Jared this isn’t true right maybe she has an explanation for i…she may have an explanation for it’..I stuttered..
‘Really??,well look at this Isabel’..he replied and pla-yed a video for me…
‘Oh God!!!,Oh God Jared plea-se turn it off plea-se turn it off!!!’ .i screamed not being able to handle the horror….
‘Don’t help her Isabel,don’t try to defend her its obvious isn’t it,my mom sle-pt with my uncle and when my dad found out she killed him!!!’..he said and angrily slammed his car door as he walked outside…
I looked at the horrible pictures of the n-ked Mrs d!¢kon and her supposed brother-in-law…
I gulped ha-rd at the video of how she bashed a vase over Mr d!¢kon’s head over and over again until he bled to death from the CCTV c@m£ra…
So this is what she wanted from me???.
Does this mean that she killed that Jackson Bartelli guy??..
Just for this evidence??..
This is so fv¢king unbelievable!!!…
How can a woman commit all this evil and try to cover it up?!!..
How is this even possible?!!..
‘Jared plea-se take it easy’..I begged as I c@m£ out of the car…
‘Don’t tell me to calm down Isabel!!!!’..he screamed..
‘My mom fu*ked my uncle and killed my dad when he caught them!!!,the video is there isn’t it!!!!So plea-se don’t tell me to calm down I’m going home!!!’..he shouted and I blocked his way…
No way…
‘There’s no way I’m going to let you drive off Jared!!!,no way you’re not in a good state of mind so I’m not letting you go anywhere until you calm down!!!’…I lashed out at him and gr@bb£d his car keys…
The fury I saw in his was so deadly that it s£nt chills down my spine…
‘Isabel plea-se take me home’..he said in an almost whisper…
‘Come here’..I replied and beckoned him to come to me…
We both hvgged and i patted his shoulder lovingly…
‘If you nee-d a shoulder to cry on I’ll always be here for you cause i love you and don’t you forget that Jared,just let the pain out,let your tears out you don’t nee-d to be shy just let the tears out’..i whispered as tears went down my eyes…
‘What would i do without you Isabel,i love you’…
🎼Lean on me..
🎼When you’re not strong..
🎼I’ll be your friend..
🎼I’ll help you carry on..
🎼Cause,it won’t be long that I’m gonna nee-d someb©dy to lean on…
Carlton’s POV👨‍
In Kevin’s Office🏤
‘So you’re trying to tell me that Jared and Isabel are now a couple??!!’…I screamed loudly and threw the cu-p across the room..
‘What the fv¢k is wrong with you Carlton?!,he dropped the bet and he’s no longer a doctor so what’s your problem?!!’..Kevin replied sharply..
‘My problem is that Jared can’t fall in love when I’m alive,he’s breaking the bro code!!! I’ve dedicated my life to being a pla-yer and now I’m gonna be left alone?!!,No fv¢king way!!’..I screamed and walked out angrily…
Like what the hell!!!..
Jared can’t be in love when I’m not??..
With a pretty lady in fact..
I should be the one falling in love and not him..
I should be the one in a proper relationsh!pand not him…
And I’m not gonna let him enjoy his relationsh!p..
It’s game on Jared…
I’m gonna get Isabel and that’s another bet…
Jared’s POV👨‍
I sighed de-eply as Isabel parked in front of the house and un-buckled my seat belt..
‘Are you sure you want to do this??’..She asked and I just smiled and k!$$£d her softly on thel-ips…
‘Just wait here in the car I’ll be back shortly I love you’..i whispered in my cracked up voice…
‘I love you too’..she replied as I stepped out of the car…
I went inside and just to my own dismay mom was seated on the couch talking to Anna…
‘Jared you’re home!!’..she squealed and I almost let out a wince in return…
‘Anna plea-se leave’..i said..
‘But i just got…
‘Anna plea-se get the fv¢k out of my house or I’ll have to throw you out myself!!!’..  I screamed at the t©p of my voice and she ran away..
‘Jared what the hell is wrong with you!?!!’..Mom asked obviously confused but i could s-en-se the fright in her voice…
‘How did dad die mom??’..I retorted rhetorically…
‘Wh..wh..what do you mean your father died in an accident?!!’..she replied as I noticed her shaking hands..
Lying bit-ch!!!…
‘Really Mom?!,Dad died in an accident?!is that what really happened?!’..
‘Jared i don’t un-derstand what’s going on?!’..She queried..
‘Did you sleep with Uncle Fred?!’..i asked again and from the flabberg@sted look on her face I knew she wasn’t expecting that…
‘Jared what kind of a stupid question is that?!!,you know fully well that i loved your father with every bone in my b©dy okay?!,i loved your father so i won’t sit back here and watch you speak blasphemously of my marriage!!!’..she screamed…
She still has the guts to lie!!..
My own mother can actually look into my eyes and defend herself knowing that she’s lying…
‘Well then mom -prove this’..i uttered and dropped the pictures of her and Uncle Fred n-ked on the table and also the flash drive which contained the CCTV footage of how she killed him with a wooden vase…
‘Jared..Jared I can explain!!’..she said as I walked into my room angrily and brou-ght out my clothes from my bag…
‘Oh really??Where is the ‘I’m innocent’ look a moment ago?! huh?!! Where is the ‘Don’t speak about my marriage’ talk huh?!! Now you re saying you can explain,pathetic!!!’…I fired back and Zi-pped my box closed…
‘Jared i know I made a mistake and all but…
‘No buts mom,right from today you cease to be my mother,I don’t want anything to do with you goodbye!!!!’…
Twenty minutes later💙
‘So what next?’..Isabel asked as she rested her head on my che-st..
‘Honestly,I don’t know’..i replied and closed my eyes letting the wind take it’s full course in my b©dy…
‘I know she’s done something very evil Jared but she’s still your mom and besides you don’t have a place to stay’..she muttered..
‘i have a house remember and I’m not a poor stowaway,I’ve got my own millions and I don’t nee-d my mom’s help in anything’..i replied and she heaved a sigh…
Everything’s happening just so fast..
I fell in love…
I quit my job…
Now I’ve severed all ties with my own mother…
It’s gonna be a long long week…
Isabel’s POV👩‍
An Hour Later💙
I bid Jared a goodbye as he dropped me home and drove off…
Honestly I really pity him..
He looks so frail all because of what’s happening and it hurts me so bad…
No one has to go throu-gh this kind of pain..
Now he’s left his mom’s home and his own house is not in order here…
I walked upstairs and before I could open the door a call c@m£ in and it was from Mrs d!¢kon..
I gulped ha-rd and picked up the call..
📲:You bit-ch!!!’..she screamed and i frowned..
Me bit-ch?!!..
📱:I don’t un-derstand Mrs d!¢kon??’..
📲:Ohh really?!!,You purposely gave that brown envelope to Jared didn’t you?!!,you castrated cu*t!!! I knew it was your plan all Along!!!’..she screamed…
Wait is she really in her right state of mind?!!..
📱:Really?!what is wrong with you Mrs d!¢kon I did nothing wrong you know?’..i said trying to defend myself but she hung up…
Why would she blame everything that happened a while a go on me??!..
I’m not the one who killed her husband?!..
I’m not the one who kept a secret for so many years so why would she blame it on me?!!..
‘Isabel are you okay??’..Mrs Lawson asked..
‘Oh yeah…yeah I am uhmm Mrs Lawson can I get my pay for Cole’s babysitting??’…
‘What for??’..
‘For something important’…
Jared’s POV👨‍
The Next Morning⛅
I opened my eyes and a blvster of pain went throu-gh me!!!..
Oh God I have a fv¢king headache from too much drinking last night…
Well at least the mattress I bought last night really helped a lot I think…
I yawned loudly and then a scent of French toast and bacon filled the air…
Maybe I’m just imagining things…
I walked downstairs only to see that my house was totally transformed…
It was freshly painted and furnished..
Even my favorite paintings were on the walls…
Oh my God who did this?!!!…
I walked towards the kitchen only for me to see Isabel pouring a glas-s of jui-ce..
‘Oh hey’..she said tucking her hair behind her ear…
‘Did you do all this Isabel??’…I asked totally surprised and at the same time -Loved…
‘Yeah well you looked so tired and hurt the other day so I’ve decided to move in and since you were still asleep I decided to put this place in shape and make breakfast for you’…she responded adjusting her apron..
I grinned and walked over to where she was,gr@bb£d her by the w@!st and k!$$£d her s-en-selessly…
‘You’re one in a million Isabel and I won’t loose you not for anything in this world’..I whispered and hvgged her really ti-ght…
‘Yeah i love you too now let me go cause the bacon is burning alre-ady’..