The love doctor episode 15 & 16

(He’s a life saver but also a heartbreaker)
Episode Fifteen
Isabel’s POV cont’d‍
‘So do you wanna still change or stay in be-d cause you look like $h!t to me’..Jared asked and i glared at him before answering..
‘No I think I’m gonna puke again and ahhh my head hurts’..
‘Yeah i know it does that’s why I’m here to take care of you okay,so go freshen up’..He said..
Wait a minute…
Is Jared trying to care for me??..
I don’t get what’s going on but this caring attitude of his is surely getting on my nerves…
And getting to my heart too..
‘Shouldn’t you be at work by now??’..i asked raising a brow…
‘Nah today’s Sunday Isabel,I don’t work on Sundays’..he replied and walked off dropping some folded clothes on the be-d..
I stared at it for a while and then finally mustered enough courage to open it…
It was the same clothes I wore yesterday..
Did lover boy wash them for me??..
Ughhh what’s this guy doing to me?!!..
Jared’s POV‍
I smiled de-eply as I di-pped my fork into the Spanish omelette I made..
Mom c@m£ downstairs and when she saw the amusement on my face and smiled also..
’Well someone’s in a good mood,i haven’t seen that look on your face ever since Suzy refused going to prom with you when you were 16′..she said
‘Mom?!! That was a long time ago and besides Suzy is happily married with kids’..i replied chuckling softly..
‘Yeah but she still broke your heart -Isabel you’re awake??’..
I raised my head up and Isabel’s eye and mine froze looking at each other…
Those greyish blue eyes…
One can get so lost looking at them…
‘Ohhh y..yeah Mrs d!¢kon I’m sorry for being such a fuss last night’..she muttered clearly looking away and walked towards the kitchen…
Helped my mom make coffee and toast…
I turned to look at her and she nervously avoided my gaze like she was scared or something…
What’s wrong with me anyway??..
i had the perfect opportunity to sleep with her and i didn’t??..
Twenty minutes later
‘Okay here we are’..I muttered un-der my breath as the car st©pped in front of Isabel’s ap@rtment building…
‘Thanks’..she replied and c@m£ out of the car..
‘Uhhh Isabel??’..i called..
‘What??’..she replied sharply turning around…
‘Would you like to uhmmm go on another d@t£ with me cause uh mm mm…..
‘So I can get drun!kand be seen n-ked by you? Nuh uh lover boy bye!!’..she cut in and turned around…
‘No wait!! -This time you wouldn’t drink i promise maybe just a normal dinner d@t£??’..i begged and her grim face turned into a sm-irk…
Jeez she’s scary…
‘Hmmm okay Jared but I’ll wear what i want and you won’t say a word??’..
‘Yeah i won’t say word,I’ll pick you up again tomorrow at fiveish??’.
‘Yeah five would be okay’..she said and turned around nervously,walked briskly up the stairs until she was out of sight completely…
I waited for a while and then honked my car very loudly to spike her..
‘Hey keep it quiet down there and get out!!!!’..she screamed and i laughed driving away…
Gosh what is this woman doing to me???..
Just as I was about to curb a call c@m£ in and I checked the caller -Kevin…
i wore on my ear pods and tapped on the green bu-tton…
:Hey man’..he said with his voice sounding perplexed…
:Hey what’s up??’..i replied..
:Well uhmmm I’m at your place and your mom said you’re not home -she told me something else that’s really funny also -Isabel was here last night??’..he asked and i sighed…
Mom and her big mouth…
:Yeah Isabel was at my house last night we both went to the arcade,pla-yed a game and she got outrageously drun!kokay?? -so i brou-ght her home’..i explained…
:No $h!t!!,that means you’ve done the deed??’..he asked..
:No Kevin i didn’t do the deed’..
:I don’t know okay?!! I don’t know!!’..i retorted..
:Sheesh man there’s no nee-d venting your anger on me,Carlton’s called to ask that’s why??,anyways come home quic-k I’ve got something to show you,something very interesting and i think you’ll like to see it’…he said..
:Okay Kev bye’…
He’s right…
Why didn’t I do the deed??..
Why didn’t I sleep with Isabel??
Monica’s POV‍
At Jackson’s house
Chills went down my spine as the door of Jackson’s house cli-cked open…
I walked inside and then a fowl stench of spoilt burritos engulfed my nose..
Since the bastard is dead I’m pretty sure he’s gonna leave the brown envelope inside his room..
I walked inside totally ignoring the scary painting of Marilyn Monroe,opened the drawer next to his be-d and got the stock of my life…
There was a note which said;
Oh God..
That bastard has hidden it!!..
Jeez i can’t believe this i can’t believe this!!..
Where could the envelope be now??..
Jared’s POV‍
‘So what’s the problem??’..i asked as I walked towards the kitchen counter where Kevin sat drinking a glas-s of orange jui-ce…
‘Ohhh you’re here alre-ady??how’s Isabel??’..he replied taking a gulp…
‘Hmmm she’s okay,we’re going on another d@t£ soon,so what did you want to tell me??’..i asked..
He emptied the glas-s inside the kitchen sink and then brou-ght out a file from his bag..
I walked closer as he placed three ph0tos on the kitchen table and then got the shock of my life..
‘This..this is…
‘Yeah Jackson Bartelli,from the looks of it it seems that he’s a regular at my h0tel and he’s been meeting with your mom’..he said .
‘My mom?!!’..i asked obviously shocked..
‘Yeah your mom Jared,i don’t un-derstand any of this but i just wanted to show you this well I’ll be off now I’ve got some work to do’..he replied and left…
Why does my mom know this guy??..
How does she even know him cause he doesn’t look like someone who she’d hang out with…
I sighed and dropped my phone on the kitchen counter and before i could leave a call c@m£ in…
From someone i least expected..
:Hey Isabel what’s up,you called me today is some…..
:Nothing is wrong lover boy you left your jacket with me’..she cut in sharply..
:My jacket ohhh well you can have it’..i responded imagining how she’d look wearing it…
:Nah i don’t want it Jared I’m coming over later to drop it’..
:Hmmm just you you want to…
:Bye Jared’..she cut in again and hung up…
There’s something feisty about her that i really like and i don’t know why…
What is wrong with me??..
Isabel’s POV‍
I bit my lower l!pas i hung up the phone and turned only to see mom raising her brows with a smile on her face…
‘What??’..i asked in protest..
‘You have that look again Isabel’..she replied..
‘What look??’..i asked and she smiled again..
‘That look you get when you’re calling that Jared guy of yours,are you guys d@t!ngIsabel??’..
‘Me?!!!..D..d@t£ Jared d!¢kon?!!…that pla-yer?!!..Hell no!!’..i screamed avoiding her conspicuous gaze…
‘Mom??’..i replied and then gr@bb£d my phone walking away…
Jared and I d@t£??..
There’s no way I’m gonna d@t£ that pl@yboy but come to think of it…
Why am I letting him taking me out on d@t£s and letting him spoil me??..
An Hour Later
I changed into a simple brown frock dress with a jean jacket and for the first time -i tried applying mascara but it was hopeless..
I’m a no-makeup freak…
‘Mom I’m off to the d!¢kons!!’..i called out and walked out the door before she could object..
She’s always so jittery when the name d!¢kon is heard…
I quic-kly walked towards the bus station and just before i could enter Vanessa approached me..
‘Hey’..she said with her voice sounding so cold…
‘Hey are you okay??’..i replied frowning a little as the sun shone on my eyes…
‘Uhhh not really,do you still stay with Jared??’..she asked and that’s when it dawned on me..
Vanessa is Jared’s girlfriend and I’ve been going out with the bastard!!!!…
‘Uhhh no,i don’t work with him anymore’..i responded..
‘Ohhh well we’re not together anymore and I just want you to help me beg him,plea-se tell him I’m sorry and that miss him so much’…she said..
‘Sorry but i can’t help you,sorry’..
I entered the bus and thank goodness it drove away as soon as i sat down…
After some minutes the bus st©pped and I walked down the street into the d!¢kon mansion…
‘Hey Greg!!’..i called the middle aged security guard who never smiles at anyone…
‘Hey Isabel’..he replied dubbing his cap at me and I smiled…
I went inside the house and just my luck Jared was seated on the couch pla-ying ‘Mortal Combat’..
He had that impish look when he saw me and I frowned..
‘Where’s the jacket??’..he asked and when I checked my hands I realized it wasn’t there….
‘$h!t!! I left it in the bus!!’..I cried out and he snickered..
‘You forgot my jacket or you’re just looking for an opportunity to spend time with me??’..
‘Are you mad!!!!..Me?!!!..try to spend time with you?!! Do I look like one of your conquest or something huh?!!,do I look like one of your conquest Jared d!¢kon?!!’..i screamed and he laughed softly…
He always has that boyish look when he laughs and it always gives me the chills..
‘Chill Isabel I’m just pu-lling your leg -Do you pla-y??’..he asked lifting the game pad at me..
‘Duhhhh who doesn’t know how to pl@ythis game??’..
‘Almost all women’..he countered raising his brows..
‘Hmmm well all women aren’t the same give me a pad’…
Jared’s POV‍
At Night
‘I win again!!!’..Isabel screamed as my favorite avatar fell to the ground in the game…
It’s alre-ady nighttime and she’s won me in every round we pla-y…
‘Okay I accept defeat are you happy now??’..I muttered un-der my breath and dropped the game pad on the floor…
I yawned loudly and before i could stand up she screamed at the t©p of her voice…
‘Jesus Christ it’s 9pm alre-ady?!!!!’…
‘Yeah it’s 9 but not to worry you can stay in your room upstairs and go home tomorrow or you could go home now if you wish??’..I replied walking towards the kitchen…
‘Mom is so gonna kill me?!! Why would you let me stay till 9 huh?!!,you could have let me go but no!!! You just decide to let me stay just because you want to win me!!!’..she cried out..
‘Hey i didn’t f0rç£ you and by the way you were so engrossed in wh!pping my as-s that you forgot to check the time!!!’..i fired back and she heaved a short sigh…
‘Okay fine I’ll call my mom to tell her I’m not coming home’…
‘So you’re staying??’..
‘Yeah of course I’m staying!!’..she retorted and walked out…
I followed her behind and rested my head on the wall as she spoke to her mom…
:No mom…Yeah of course I’m at the d!¢kons…No not because of Jared I told you he’s a fv¢king pla-yer…yeah love you too…k!ssCole goodnight for me okay??’…
She still thinks I’m a pla-yer?!!..
Well she’s not far from wrong..
I am a pla-yer but why am i so scared of pla-ying her heart??..
Two Hours Later
I rolled about the be-d not being able to sleep..
The moment i close my eyes an image of Isabel just flashes and it gives me the creeps…
I walked downstairs for a quic-k snack and just as i opened the Refrigerator someone fli-pped the light switch on…
‘Jesus Christ are you everywhere?!!’..i screamed and Isabel sm-irked..
‘Do you always eat late night snacks??’..she asked as she gazed down at the bag of ch!ps i was holding..
‘Well yeah’..i replied nervously and closed the humming fridge…
We both stared at each other for a while not knowing what to say..
Goddammit I’ve never been so nervous around a woman like this before…
‘I was going to watch a movie,care to join??’..i finally asked..
‘Ohhh yeah but it depends though,I’d watch anything as long as it isn’t r0m@n磒..she replied and i furrowed my brows…
A woman that doesn’t love horror movies??…
Now i believe that she’s totally different…
‘What makes you hate r0m@nç£movies??’..i asked as we both walked towards the couch and all she did was wince…
‘Sheesh it’s super boring,the man always falls in love with the woman and they end up living happily ever after or one of them dies,it gives love a whole new ghoulish meaning’..she said..
‘So you prefer sci-fi or horror movies then??’..i asked..
‘Yeah,you don’t know what to expect in them and i love the adrenaline it gives when the main actor catches the bad guy or when the unexpected villain is caught’..she replied and i smiled…
Jared get a hold of yourself…
You have only one mission and that’s to sleep with her on video and show it to Carlton so that you won’t loose your job…
I turned on the TV and selected a movie for the both of us to watch..
Artemis Fowl was the name..
Isabel heaved a sigh and then covered herself with her blanket,gr@bb£d a bowl of popcorn from only God knows where and finally relaxed…
I kept staring at her for a while and wondered how her eyes kept changing colors from different angles…
It had a shade of Grey with blue and green in the middle…
In short form -Beautiful..
‘St©p staring at me’..she muttered..
‘I said st©p staring at me lover boy and pay close attention to the movie okay??’..
‘Okay Isabel,okay -by the way I’ve been wanting to ask -Why do you call yourself Isabel? Shouldn’t it be Isabella or something??’..i asked..
She frowned a bit before answering..
‘If I’m honest -seriously I don’t know,I guess it’s a Latin form I guess I don’t know much about my family origin okay so plea-se can I watch the movie,you’re distracting me and it’s damn annoying!!’..
’Hmmm okay enjoy’..
Isabel’s POV‍
After an hour the movie was over..
I yawned de-eply and gr@bb£d my blanket,checked the popcorn bowl and chuckled softly when I saw that I ate it all…
‘Good night lover boy’..I whispered at the slee-ping Jared and stood up only for him to hold my hand..
‘Where are you off too??’..he asked and i frowned..
‘Upstairs,you sle-pt throu-ghout the whole movie’..
‘Ohhh okay let’s go’..he murmured..
He stood up and we both went upstairs,he st©pped at my door and before i could close it he walked in..
‘W..what are you doing??’..i asked alre-ady loosing my breath…
‘Why are you hiding the fact that we both want each other Isabel,you want me and i want you’..he replied with his voice alre-ady husky…
Before I could give him a reply he pu-ll-ed me into his arms,i looked at his glazed eyes and then the next thing I knew he lowered hisl-ips to mine…
k!ss!ngme so softly and slowly my lim-bs went instantly numb and my mind exploded with an eagerness that wasn’t there before..
I unconsciously un-bu-ttoned his shi-t and dragged it down his b©dy while his hands explored my b©dy and that’s when he st©pped..
‘Isabel I’m sorry’..he said and slowly pu-ll-ed away..
‘What’s the problem??’..i asked..
‘Nothing’..he replied and turned to leave…
‘Godforsaken bastard!!!,I shouldn’t have let you k!$$£d me you idiot!!!!,is it because I’m a v!rg!nhuh??!!’..I screamed and he st©pped dead..
Paused a little and then finally walked out the door…
What the hell just happened?!!..
Episode Sixteen
Jared’s POV‍
Now i know that something’s terribly wrong..
Like what the hell??..
I had the perfect opportunity and i missed it..
Why didn’t I sleep with Isabel??..
‘God forsaken bastard!!!’..Isabel screamed again and i heard her door shut loudly…
I sighed de-eply and sunk into my pillow facing the ceiling…
I stared and stared for a while not being able to close my eyes and then kicked my be-d cover away…
Tonight is gonna be long night…
The Next Morning at the Hospital
‘Eishhhh you don’t look so good’..Marie said as i re-moved the sunglas-ses from my eyes..
‘Yeah cause i didn’t have any fv¢king sleep last night forget about me anyways -What’s the patient status??’..i replied ru-bbing my gory eyes…
‘Hmmm Vanessa quit that’s the status’..she muttered and I flin-ched..
‘Vanessa did what?!!’..
‘Vanessa quit Jared, she dropped her resignation letter and from the looks of it it has something to do with you,she was like ‘I can’t bear the pain’ and left afterwards -A lot of nurses are happy anyways so i guess I’ll leave you to do your thing -I have some herbal tea bags that’ll do you a lot of good -I’ll go get them right now’..she said and walked away…
That’s one thing I love about Marie…
She’s like a second mother to me..
Even when I was transferred here as a Junior doctor she made me feel welcome…
I shrugged and wore my glas-ses back on only for a message to pop in..
From Isabel..
Isabel:It’s not funny one bit Lover boy I’m never going out on a d@t£ with you ever again!!!!..
Me:So would you go out with me tomorrow??..
Isabel:Are you drun!k?!..
Me:Okay what about today then,I’ll come pick you up by 7…
Me: I guess that’s a yes,see you later Isabel..
I dropped the phone and smiled broadly..
There’s a feeling i get when I’m near her and i haven’t had that kind of feeling in a very long time..
There’s just an usual aura she has and it’s driving me crazy…
‘Can I come in?’..I heard and immediately adjusted my posture on the chair..
‘Ughh emm -Yes come in’..i replied and Nurse Thea walked in..
‘Yes Thea what’s the problem?!’..i asked avoiding her S-xy glance..
I’m not in the mood for another fling..
‘Well uhmmm Doctor Sage and I just finished cleaning Mr Bartelli’s b©dy and made an aut©psy report’..she said giving me a file .
‘Okay so what am i supposed to do with it cause I’m not a cop??’..i retorted and she frowned..
‘This isn’t why I’m here -I found this in his pocket and i think you’d like to see it’..she said and I sighed..
I opened the piece of paper and from the looks of it it was a piece of a diary..
Monday,30th of July
Dear Diary,
Today i met with Monica and she didn’t look too happy..
Well she gave me the bag of groceries so i wouldn’t leak her secret but who cares??..
She committed the evil deed and I’m gonna make sure I milk her dry of every cent she has..
Till we meet again Dear diary..
‘You can leave now thanks’..I finally muttered squee-zing the paper..
She shrugged and walked away without saying another word…
I just don’t get it…
What is mom hiding and why would she let someone blackmail her??..
There’s something wrong about this whole thing…
Jackson Bartelli surely has something to do with my mom and I have a feeling that it has something to do with his death too..
The problem is what??..
I’m gonna find out what the whole thing is even if it’s the last thing i do…
Isabel’s POV‍
At Kevin’s h0tel
‘So you’re coming back huh??’..Kevin asked as he rolled his chair..
‘Uhmm yeah I am,since there’s nothing else to do -I’m not working for Jared so i nee-d the cash’…I replied clearly avoiding his de-ep blue eyes…
He smiled at me for a while and I gulped ha-rd waiting for a reply..
‘Okay fine you can work here as long as your b©yfri£ndapproves’..he finally said..
‘I’m sorry who?!!’..I replied frowning de-eply…
‘Your b©yfri£ndJared -Jared right?? He’s your b©yfri£nd’..
‘St©p the talk Kevin you know fully well that Jared’s not my b©yfri£ndi basically hate him!!!’..i screamed with a funny scowl on my face…
‘Yeah you hate him but your face doesn’t say so Isabel you know you can’t lie to me it’s written all over your face,you like Jared’..he whispered…
Me like Jared?!!..
Hell no!!..
‘Okay enough of the games Kevin,I’ll resume tomorrow as your uhmmm…
‘Ohhh yeah I’ll resume tomorrow bye Kevin!!’..I said sharply and walked out of his office…
Sheesh that was really something…
Why on earth would he think that Jared’s my b©yfri£nd??!!
Twenty minutes later
I walked into the boutique for the first time in a long time after i saw the lovely red dress from outside…
‘Can i help you??’..a female voice asked and when I turned to see the person speaking I was shocked to the bones…
‘H..Hey Vanessa?? wh..what are you doing here?!’..I asked fidgeting a little bit..
I don’t know why but there’s this guilty feeling I get whenever she’s near me…
‘Well i own this place’..she replied eyeing me in a very globbering manner…
‘Ohhh really well I saw this dress from outside so i decided to come in and see for myself’..I explained..
Jeez why am I so jittery??..
‘Are you going on a d@t£??’..she asked in reply..
‘Yeah with someone’..I replied frowning de-eply..
‘Ohhh who’s the special someone -Sorry I asked I guess I’m just being co-rky I guess,sorry again’..she said and I sighed..
I guess breaking up with Jared really took a toll on her…
Why do I feel guilty anyway?!!..
I’ve done nothing wrong and besides Jared and I aren’t d@t!ng..
‘Well enough of the chit chat do you really like the dress??’..she asked..
‘Yeah i really do’..i replied smiling at the red fabric…
It had little stones on it and a perfect bow tie at the w@!st..
‘You can have it’..she whispered and i flin-ched..
‘Huh what?!!’..
‘i said you can have it,it’s been long since it’s been here so you can have it for free since we’re friends’..
‘We’re friends??’..i asked..
‘Yeah we’re friends and I would like us to hang out sometime I’ll pack the dress for you so you can leave okay??’..she responded and walked away…
What the hell just happened?!!
After some minutes she packed the dress and gave it to me smiling broadly..
There’s something so awkward about her and I can’t place my f!nger on it .
I mean how’s it possible for a doctor to become a sto-re owner overnight?!..
And why’s she being so nice to me knowing for a fact that Jared and i are p@rtially close??..
‘Thanks’..i muttered and walked out of the sto-re briskly..
I trotted home and just before I could walk inside I heard a familiar voice from outside the door…
‘Ohhh Mrs Monteniero you’re so funny!!!’…
Oh no…
Oh no no no no!!!…
What the hell is Jared doing here?!!..
And speaking to my mom too?!!..
I mustered enough courage and finally walked inside only to see him seated down on my worn out sofa drinking coffee with my mom…
‘Uhhh what’s going on here?!!’..I asked wi-dening my eyes and they both turned to look at me..
‘Ohhh Isabel your b©yfri£ndwas just….’..Mom tried to say but i cut her short immediately..
‘He’s not my b©yfri£nd’..
‘Isabel why are you lying to your mom she’s caught us alre-ady’..Jared included and I turned to give him a ‘Don’t say a word or I’ll kill you’ look…
Is he being serious right now?!!…
How on earth would he give my mom the stupid impression that we’re both d@t!ng…
‘You don’t have to pretend anymore Isabel and besides He’s a charming young man’..Mom cooed and I swallowed a wince which wanted to come out of her mouth…
‘Uhhh Jared can we plea-se talk??’. I managed to say..
‘But your mom and I….
‘Jared plea-se can we talk?!!!’..I screamed softly and he stood up..
I dragged him outside the ap@rtment and took him downstairs next to a corner so that mom won’t see me bickering with him…
When she was finally out of sight I spoke up…
‘Are you out of your mind?!!!’..
‘Yeah cause of you’. He replied and i scoffed..
‘You’re a fool Jared d!¢kon!!!’..
‘Yeah -I’m your fool’..he countered…
Now I know this guy is crazy!!..
‘You’re crazy Lover boy why would you tell my mom and Kevin that we’re d@t!ng,I don’t even like you!!!’…I screamed jabbing his che-st and all he did was laugh…
He held my two hands separate ways and k!$$£d my cheek before walking away….
Is everyone going loco today?!!..
An hour later
After the stupid encounter with my mom and Jared I put on a simple tube like t©p which expo-sed my belly a little and matching Sk-irt with a jacket…
Let my hair fall down and finally walked out of the room re-ady for the d@t£ with with Jared..
I don’t know why I still want to go out with him??..
I just don’t get the prickly feeling I get when I’m around him…
I just hope it goes away soon and I hope he gets another girlfriend soon so he’ll leave me alone…
Jared’s POV‍
As i sat down waiting for Isabel to come out a message popped in and it was from Audrey,another friend of mine..
Audrey: code red,I repeat code red…
Me:What do you mean by Code red??..
Audrey: Nicole and Vanessa are at Louigi’s Jared don’t bring that Isabel of yours here in fact don’t take her anywhere just cancel the d@t£…
Why now?!!..
Thank goodness i have friends who un-derstand me and always have my back..
The Bro Code is always helpful..
‘Okay I’m re-ady now’..Isabel muttered coming out and looking breathtakingly beautiful…
‘There’s a problem Isabel’..i replied forging a somewhat downcast face..
‘What??’..she asked..
‘Well there’s an emergency at the hospital and they’re short of doctors so i have to go now’..i lied..
She just simply shrugged like it wasn’t a problem but the disappointment in her eyes gave her away..
‘Okay you can leave now,I’m tired anyway’..She muttered after a moment of silence…
‘Isabel I’m terribly sorry and I…
‘It’s okay Lover boy,run along you have lives to save’..she cut in icily…
‘Okay uhhh bye then’…
I fought the urge to hvg her and k!ssher s-en-selessly while walking out the door.
‘Bye again’..i muttered and she nodded and then closed the door…
Why did Nicole and Vanessa have to ruin this perfect moment??..
And why are they hanging out together?!!..
The Next Morning
I gro-an ed loudly as someone opened the curtains which made the sunlight shine on my eyes and when i opened my eyes it was a stranger…
‘Excuse me who are you??’..i asked sternly as i gazed at the middle aged woman who had a hideous mole on her n£¢k..
‘Ohhh good morning sir I’m Gerta’..she replied with a somewhat Russian accent..
‘Ohhh you’re the new maid huh??’..I asked and she nodded…
I sniffed and put on a robe walking downstairs only to see my mom talking with a young lady and laughing too..
‘Uhhhh good morning ladies’..i said in a drawl and they both turned around to look at me…
‘Good morning Jared this is uhhh this is Anna,Mayor Rodriguez’s daughter’..Mom replied and i turned to the young lady..
‘Ohhh nice to meet you Anna’..I muttered..
‘Nice to meet you too Jared’..she replied ru-bbing my hands…
I re-moved my hands feeling uncomfortable alre-ady and turned to leave for the kitchen…
My head hurts and I’m so glad I’m working night shift today at the hospital…
‘Jared’..Mom whispered sitting next to me on the kitchen stool..
‘Don’t you think Anna is beautiful??’..she whispered again..
‘Uh huh’..I replied pouring coffee into my cu-p…
‘Shouldn’t you take her out to lunch??’..she asked and the h0t coffee bur-sted out of myl-ips..
What the hell did she just say?!..
‘I should take Anna to lunch??’..I retorted and she nodded..
I thought she liked Isabel so why’s she telling me to take Anna out to lunch..
‘Hmmm okay I’ll take her to lunch at Kevin’s h0tel but I really don’t want to mom’..
‘plea-se Jared I really like Anna a lot and she’s the mayor’s daughter’..
‘But you liked -Oh forget it I’ll take her to lunch okay now can you plea-se let me have breakfast?? And tell Gerta never to open my curtains again!!!’…I screamed softly and she nodded giving me a lewd wi-nk…
I shrugged and made French toast without the help of the annoying new maid Gerta…
Just before I could do anything else my phone buzzed..
It was a message from Isabel..
Isabel: Starting work today,Going to be very busy catch you later…
I smiled and replied…
Me: Good luck sweetie..
Isabel :I’m not your sweetie. .
I let out a hearty laugh and dropped my phone on the counter…
There’s just a feeling of warmth when i get in contact with her and it makes me feel so good..
Two Hours Later
I changed into a simple casual shi-t and walked outside re-ady to take Anna to lunch only to see that she had changed too…
Into a rather sophisticated purple go-wn with her cle-avageclearly showing…
I normally go crazy for these kind of ladies but I don’t know why it doesn’t freak me now..
Even her cle-avageisn’t appealing to me at all…
Is it because of…
No it’s not because of Isabel..
It’s not because of her..
‘So let’s go shall we?!’..i said and she nodded waiting for me to open the door for her…
I frowned and opened the door she entered and I closed the door before driving off..
The sooner I get to Kevin’s the sooner this lunch d@t£ mom set up is over…
At Kevin’s h0tel
‘Here we are Anna,let’s go in’..I muttered as I parked inside the parking lot..
‘Hmmm it doesn’t look clas-sy to me’..she replied twitching her nose..
‘Kevin’s h0tel is one of the most clas-sy h0tel I know of okay so let’s go in’..I retorted..
Jeez what a bimbo!!..
I hate her alre-ady…
‘So are we getting room service or are we eating in the restaurant??’..she asked..
‘Follow me and let’s ask the receptionist’..I replied ..
We both walked inside and the receptionist was un-der the table doing something until i spoke up..
‘Uhhh hi can we get a seat in your restaurant??’..i asked..
‘I’m sorry sir but there’s……’..she tried to say and when she turned around I got the shock of my life…
Oh no!!