The lost alpha heir episode 50 & 51

??️…….THE LOST

Authoress FG….

EPISODE 50 & 51…..?


“Melissa do you think Miles is tired of me”Zoe asked curiously.

“That’s a very ridiculous question coming from you. Miles has a lot on his head alre-ady and you’re thinking about silly things” I hissed.

“You can’t blame me for thinking about such things. I just feel that sparkling and lively feelings is no longer there” She sighed and I giggled.

“What’s funny” She asked tiredly.

“Aren’t you supposed to be on fighting terms with me,after what I did to you” I asked sarcastically.

“What’s there to be upset about? It’s not like you took him away and tortured or killed him. You were only trying to protect your best friend’s child and that’s why I’m not upset with you but come to think of it,I’m very pissed with you” She said seriously.

“Now I prefer that attitude it’s not like we used to be on friendly terms” I scoffed.

“Why will you be having such an attitude after what you did. You took away my dreams of watching my child grow up. Eighteen years of his life was spent without us. His whole life he felt like an orphan,you really did a great ordeal and surprisingly Aidan isn’t mad at you. What did you do to him? If I were in his shoes,I probably will never talk to you again” Zoe blurted glaring at me.

“I maybe very heartless when taking actions but I think of the best solution to every problem that comes my way and that’s why I’m Melissa. If Aidan was still in the human world,he wouldn’t be in this mess of Lila forcing her daughter on him”I uttered seriously.

“I really thought Lila was out of the picture for good. Never in my wildest dreams did I think of her coming out from nowhere and trying to seize our peaceful moment. I may have lost my detective t©uçh but I will never allow Aidan end up with that devious werewolf’s daughter. I will fight with the last drop of blood in me to make sure that doesn’t happen” She said seriously.

“You speak like you really have any plan on how to st©p it. Lila is no longer the werewolf who got stabbe-d at the back. She’s now the Alpha vampire so your words alone won’t make her bulge not after Aidan agreed to her terms,it’s not an easy fight” I uttered lost in a gaze.

“I think I know what Lila’s weakness is” Zoe sm-irked.

“Weakness?” I asked a bit confused.

“Yes, everyone has a weakness and everyone’s weakness hinders greater accomplishment and that’s why princess Luna was killed by Miles. Princess Luna’s weakness is her flaws of not achieving greater things” She smiled.

“So what’s Lila’s weakness” I asked curiously.

“Lila’s weakness is her past and that’s why she’s trying to vent her anger on us because we know her flaws” Zoe sm-irked.

“That makes a lot of s-en-se but I don’t think I’m holding anything against her” I muttered out.

“And That’s why you still have no idea why she tried to kill you” She g@sped staring at me.

Zoe happened to be smarter than I thought. I thought staring at her.

“Have you always knew something or you found out recently? You can’t possibly have solutions to our problems and still pretend to know nothing” I blurted.

“I may not look smart but I still have br@ins. I wouldn’t be the alpha’s mate if I was a dummy. Do you think putting all those packs the Alpha conquered un-der control is something anyone can do. Firstly I have an idea on how to get Lila pissed and show us alittle side of what she’s planning” Zoe suggested with a malicious smile.

“Two heads are indeed better than one but what’s the plan” I g@sped with a smile.

“We will be s£nding out matchma-king invitation to all the packs and the demon pack is no exception” She sm-irked.


Erica have been sneaking around watching me. What’s her deal? Why’s she tailing me? She wouldn’t get anything on me because I’ve gotten what I’m looking for alre-ady. She has no idea who she’s dealing with.

FLASHBACK*** On how I went into the ancient sacred sto-re room. I got in and swiftly bec@m£ to search all the books and write ups but couldn’t find anything. My eyes caught something at the wall. I brou-ght out the book and found a spell map but it was torn into half****FLASHBACK ENDS.

Now the question is where do I get the half spell map. I thought curiously.

“Young supreme you look a bit lost in your world. If you don’t mind can I ask what you’re thinking about,I maybe able to help” The chief asked.

I don’t miss opportunity like this. I thought with a smile.

“My uncle once told me a story about the ancient spell map but he st©pped by saying it was torn into two and have no idea where the other half was taken to. Since he told me half of it was here in ghost pack I feel a bit relieved but the other half might be in the wrong hands” I uttered worriedly with a worried face.

“The spell map is known for its powerful work. The spell map was torn into half by the two siblings from same wo-mb. The Alpha happened to give birth to the Alpha and Omega which caused chaos and disaster in the land of werewolves for peace to reign they both went their separate ways by tearing the only remedy to their problem. The Omega said her tenth generation will follow the footsteps of her and her brother” The chief narrated.

“Was that supposed to be a curse or blessing” I asked curiously.

“That’s a question nob©dy can answer. The Omega lost her brother for her to live,the Alpha committed suicide and that’s why she said what she said about her tenth generation so you can see it may be a curse or blessing” He explained.

“But where’s the other half of the spell map” I asked curiously.

“The other half will probably be at the land the Alpha died and nob©dy knows where that is. Everyone only saw the blood moon indicating that the Alpha is dead” The chief said.

Why would my ancestors be so mysterious? How am I supposed to find the other half if the trace is unknown. Elina and I might be running out of time only father can indicate that. I Thought confused.

“Young supreme,it looks like you’re still a bit disturbe-d. I’m sorry if I didn’t give you the answer you were looking for? It’s an ancient history so I really can’t tell if anyone have ever looked for the other half” He cut in.

“Don’t worry about me,I’m very satisfied with your answer but like you said I’m lost in my world. Werewolves at my age really have to go throu-gh some emotional confusions regarding our ro-mantic lives” I giggled and he laughed out loud.

“It’s really a phase you must go throu-gh but I don’t think the young supreme will go throu-gh something like that. You’re too pretty to think about such and maybe that’s why the Alpha isn’t s£nding us matchma-king invitation” He said smiling.

Matchma-king invitation indeed,I’m alre-ady stuck with a very dummy vampire at it stands. I thought frustratedly.

“Father probably have his reasons” I giggled looking away and Finley ran to us.

“Finley what’s wrong? You look a bit out of it” I asked curiously.

“The Luna s£nt out matchma-king invitation to all the packs. Chief your invitation is probably with your daughters” Finley uttered seriously and I was still trying to process everything he said.

“We were just talking about that and here comes the invitation. I will go have a look” The chief said excitedly and left us.

“You said my mother did what” I asked curiously staring at him.

“I was shocked when I heard of it as well and the Alpha said your pres£nce is nee-ded at the castle and you won’t believe the Luna s£nt the invitation to the demon pack. Is she trying to make a demon werewolf your bride or she’s trying to make the Alpha vampire anxious” Finley g@sped confused and I smiled.

“She probably won’t be my mother if she didn’t do anything about it. I like the sound of this. Let’s head back to Polatan” I uttered with a smile.

“Aidan… Aidan” Erica called out seriously as she walked to us.

“Do you have any idea your mother will be doing something like this” She asked seriously.

“What do you mean by that? What’s wrong with what my mother is doing,she only s£nt out matchma-king invitation so I don’t see anything wrong with that” I said with a smile.

“But we’re engaged” She blurted and I laughed.

“Why do you keep lying to yourself? We’re not even friends to begin with. Your mother will be so disappointed in you for not being able to achieve anything” I sneered.

Time to go meet my dream girl. I thought excitedly.



What’s Zoe thinking or should I say what’s she planning. It’s been long since she acted to be in power. She must hate Lila.

“Miles can you st©p following me around. I have nothing to tell you, I’m doing this for our son” Zoe pronounced slowly.

“Are you trying to say, you grant Aidan the permission to get a demon werewolf as a bride? plea-se don’t tell me you’re pla-ying around” I coughed walking next to her.

“You seem to be less busy for someone with your personality. I can’t remember the last time to walked with me or even ask for my opinion on things” She implied looking at me.

“You don’t have to be so harsh with your words, of course, I’ve been busy. I didn’t ignore you on purpose” I muttered in a low tone and she chuckled.

“It’s okay but this isn’t the right time for this. The shadow pack will be arriving soon same with the ghost pack” She announced then walked away.

“Mother..” Aidan called out as he ran into the castle.

“Oh, father” Aidan added as he noticed me.

“When did you arrive,” I inquired as he walked to me.

“We arrived few minutes ago. Father what’s going on? All of a sudden mother is s£nding out matchma-king invitation” He asked curiously.

“Isn’t that good, now you will meet your idle type of girls just that the exact type you’re looking for you won’t see them here. They don’t harbor invitations like this” I mentioned.

“Why is that father? I was really hoping to come across some of them throu-gh this invitation ” Aidan uttered disappointed.

“But I know exactly how to make that happen but you will have to speak to your mother instead” I as-sured.

I really nee-d them now that I’m desperately looking for something. Aidan thought and I started at him.

What’s he looking for? Everyone is so full of secrets. Now Aidan got some kind of plan in his head as well. I thought.

“Father what’s your plan” He asked curiously.

“Here’s what you will do…”


“Mother” Aidan called as he c@m£ into my chambers.

“Aidan, you’re back alre-ady,that was fast” I muttered.

“Mother I want to ask for a favor? Mother plea-se don’t tell me no” He said softly as he held my hand.

“Now you’re acting like your father. If you want me to cancel the matchma-king invitation then I’m sorry I can’t do it. We must throu-gh this phase to overcome those who think our lives depends on them” I protested.

“Mother I didn’t come to ask you for that but something else” He hesitated.

“Something else?” I asked staring at him.

“Mother if you really want to piss the Alpha vampire I think you’re missing out some details” He uttered softly.

“What are you implying” I asked curiously.

“Mother changing the invitation to an order to follow will bring more effective results. Like the demon pack wouldn’t bulge with a matchma-king invitation you s£nt to them. The Alpha vampire will only feel threatened if the demon pack accept the invitation” He explained.

“That sounds like an amazing idea. Why didn’t I think of that but wait a minute why are you in support of the matchma-king” I asked staring at him suspiciously.

“Mother I’m also not in support of my marriage with Erica. I only accepted the Alpha vampire’s condition because I nee-ded time to come up with something dangerous but mother you’ve changed that. You’ve made it more easier for me and now I think I know what to do next” He said with a malicious smile.

“This is only the beginning. I can’t just seat back and watch you get involved in Lila’s mysterious revenge. If she wants to end this,she should come open and st©p involving our children in this” I protested with a serious glare.

“Mother you really can’t blame her for hurting. She has feelings as well but she’s only trying to get back at father in a wrong way and I hate injustice” Aidan said seriously.

“She’s only hurting because she doesn’t have pure intentions towards anyone. I met Miles before her. Okay fine she knew him when they were little but Miles and I shared something they didn’t share” I emphasized getting pissed.

“It’s okay mother. You won this fight alre-ady,take a look at me and Elina. We are the evidence to show that you won that battle. If she tries to manipulate father again,that won’t erase all the moment you had with father so come to think of it,you have the upper hand here” He said softly as he placed his head on my shoulder.

“You’re right about that. You’re really good at comforting someone,but Aidan why don’t you come around lately. You’ve become so busy like your father or you’re avoiding me as well” I pouted.

“Mother I think you really nee-d to know about this but you have to promise me that you won’t tell father about this” He requested.

“Don’t worry about that, I’m good at handling things alone so go ahead” I as-sured.

“Mother, Elina’s life and mine is in danger” He stuttered and my heartbeat skipped for a second.

“How do you mean Aidan” I asked curiously.

“Elina happened to be the Omega and…” He pursed.

“How did that happen? I can’t believe my ears” I g@sped excitedly.

“Mother you look happy” He muttered confused.

“Of course I’m happy. Why would I be upset about such a great news”I said smiling.

“Mother I’m a bit confused here. Even father is very troubled about this but you seem to be giving me a different expression” He uttered slowly.

“No nee-d to be troubled okay. I won’t be the Luna if I don’t have br@ins. Aidan whenever you have a problem you’re finding it difficult to solve,you have to come to me. I used to be very good at what I do. All we nee-d is the other half of the spell map” I g@sped looking around.

“Other half?”He asked curiously.

“Yeah,other half. I’ve always had half of the spell map in my possession. When I was little, princess Luna s£nt me to the human world and I got a prophesy that I would bring two great leaders into this world then I thought the old man was bluffing” I said with a smile.

“Wow that’s amazing Mother because I have the other half. Now we can save Elina and myself. Thank you so much mother” Aidan said smiling.

“Thank you Aidan, thank you for telling me this. I’m so happy I will be able to help” I said with a smile.

Too bad the news c@m£ a bit too early now I don’t have much time left. Before I leave this world I will take my rival with me to the afterlife. I thought seriously.

“Aidan come here” I said and gave him a warm hvg and tears roll down my cheeks.

“Mother are you crying” He asked curiously and I wiped off my tears.

“Of course I’m not crying. Why would I be crying when I know you confined in me. I’m so happy you chose to tell me this” I said softly but the tears couldn’t st©p rolling down my cheeks.

FLASHBACK*** On the day of the prophesy.
“You will do greater things but in an evil way and you will kill the two great leaders you will bring into this world with your hands. Your mother made a vow before she died that you will avenge her by destroying the world you c@m£ from. You will begin to see changes when you’ve found out about the great leaders” ***FLASHBACK ENDS.

I can’t destroy the most beautiful things I’ve achieved in this life. I thought sadly and I noticed black veins appearing on my hand.

Vampire gene… I thought in shock.

Doesn’t look like there problems are ending anytime soon ?…