The lost alpha heir episode 40 & 41

šŸŒŗā›°ļø……THE LOST
ALPHA HEIR……ā›°ļøšŸŒŗ

Authoress FG…



It’s three days now Aidan c@mĀ£ back to polatan,he is becoming more comfortable around everyone.

“Brother, today’s your outing day. It’s three days alre-ady ” Elina screamed excitedly as she ran into Aidan’s chambers with Cora.

“Elina keep it low” Finley hissed.

“What’s your deal? What are you doing here? Don’t tell me you plan on moving in here with Aidan” Elina whined.

“Elina come over here” Aidan called out with a smile and Elina walked to him.

“Wow what’s that” Elina g@sped excitedly and Aidan placed her hand on the air.

“I made that fake cloud for you,hope you like it” Aidan uttered smiling.

“I love it, it’s beautiful” Elina said excitedly.

“Wow it’s pretty, Aidan how did you do that” Cora asked curiously.

“I made use of the little powers I can possess to create that, it’s really not ha-rd ” Aidan said.

“Aidan can we go now,the supreme is waiting for us at the palace” Finley reminded.

“Oh alright,let’s get going” Aidan added and left with Finley.

“Elina, Cora” Finley called out as he c@mĀ£ back into the room.

“Go ahead, we’re behind you” Elina smiled and Cora placed her chin on Elina’s shoulder as they admired the clouds together.

Finley and Aidan got to the palace and went in. Everyone’s jaw dropped at the sight of Aidan.

“Supreme,you suddenly brou-ght out your younger sibling” Masho g@sped mesmerized and Miles chuckled.

“Father you requested for my presĀ£nt” Aidan uttered politely and everyone stared at themselves.

“Father” They repeated in surprise.

“Everyone meet Aidan my lost heir. Aidan meet my uncle Obet and his chief adviser with his general, meet my chiefs and of course Melissa the beta female” Miles introduced and Aidan bowed to them all but his heartbeat skipped at the sight of Melissa.

“Nice to meet you all,I hope I get along well with you all” Aidan said politely.

“He’s so cool” Mason complimented with a smile.

“Father can I have my brother now, it’s his outing day today” Elina g@sped from behind and Aidan chuckled.

“I told him not to smile like that around everyone” Mason whispered to Miles.

“Elina what’s the rush? I’m pretty sure Aidan isn’t done introducing himself yet. Right Aidan” Obet argued.

“I told you right. Even Obet have fallen for Aiden” Mason pouted.

“Finley…” Melissa called but Finley rolled his eyes.

“Aidan I think we should go. We’re done here I guess” Finley uttered.

Why’s Finley giving Melissa a cold shoulders. Miles thought staring at Melissa as Melissa tried to get the attention of Finley but he bluntly ignored her.

“Alright,father I will take my leave” Aidan said politely.

“Oh yes, let’s go brother” Elina said excitedly as she held Aidan’s hand.


“Girls can I have a word with Finley alone” I requested as we got out of the castle.

“Hmm…. Is there something we shouldn’t be aware of” Elina g@sped.

“Boys talk huh” Cora tea-sed.

“Exactly boys talk can we be excused now” I uttered and took Finley to the other side.

“Finley you’re acting all mean and father is beginning to suspect that” I yelled seriously.

“I can’t be you,you act like everything’s good. You know so well that everything’s not fine. She indirectly str!ped you off your rights and that’s not fair. You’re so kind hearted” Finley blurted.

“Don’t act like that,she’s a good person. Don’t look at her like that,she only that to protect me. If she was really a bad person,I wouldn’t be here right now ” I hinted.

“She let you go because she had no other option but to do so and this issue is something only my mother and I can resolve. We will fix this on our own will, don’t worry ” He said coldly.

“I will love if you don’t say a thing to my father,he’s really going to lose it if he finds out the one who took me away from them was none other than his best friend” I forewarned calmly.

“I can’t promise anything but I will stick to not acting suspicious” He g@sped.

“Let’s get going, the girls are dying to introduce you to their fellow friends” He added and we walked to Elina and Cora.

“Elina where are we heading” I asked curiously.

“Cora I noticed you’re not the loquacious type unlike my little sister here. Surprisingly you managed to be best friends” I added with a smile.

“You have no idea how mischievous the both of them are. When Elina is been judged you have to make sure Cora’s around else, I’m sorry for the prosecutor” Finley tea-sed and I grinned.

“That’s because you don’t like hanging out with us, you’re always at the forest meditating” Cora pouted.

“Why would I hang out with girls like you? I’m only around because Aidan is here with us” Finley corrected and I laughed.

“I really love been mischievous as well too bad Finley you have no idea how interesting and fun that feels” I giggled and Finley held his forehead.

“I can’t believe the Alpha got blessed with two mischievous pubs. Too bad I can’t be involved in that” He argued.

“What’s wrong with Aidan and I? We are very good looking, we’re smart, we’re brilliant and we’re re-ady to take all measures to make things right just like Cora and I” Elina emphasized and they both ru-bbe-d their cheeks.

“Lucky you” Finley sneered.


Successfully I got into Polatan without been noticed. I walked around the community staring at whatever gr-abs my attention.

“Wow who’s he? He’s so good looking,I haven’t seen him before” Some bunch of girls giggled mesmerized.

“White” the girl I fought with called one of the bunch of girls and they all ran to her.

“What’s she doing here” I uttered out and hide behind a table.

Oh that’s the werewolf I met at the forest the other day. I’ve been looking everywhere for him. I thought staring at his beautiful smile but I lost focus when my eyes landed on the one next to him.

“Oh no, who’s he? How come someone as pretty as that stays here” I g@sped mesmerized.

“He’s the alpha’s lost heir. He’s very good looking. He looks like a flower” Someone uttered next to me as she placed her hand on my shoulders as we lost focus together.

FLASHBACK***” Erica you can only come back when you’ve defeated your little rival and steal the heart of the werewolf you saw at the forest. Getting defeated isn’t in my personality, I’ve never been defeated before and this won’t be the first time, getting defeated isn’t an option. Are we clear” mother threatened seriously.

“I promise to come back with great news mother. I won’t disappoint you” I replied with a bow.***FLASHBACK ENDS.

“This is sure going to be ha-rd ” I g@sped tiredly with a sigh.

I’m closer to my target and I can’t do nothing but admire the pretty faces. He sure deserves to be the alpha’s heir,he got all the qualities to make a demon become an angel. I thought staring de-eply at him but suddenly someone tapped me behind and I felt the chills.

“I noticed you’ve been staring at me secretly. Is everything ok” The melodious voice c@mĀ£ from behind and I swiftly turned around.

He’s the alpha’s heir. I thought and I noticed I couldn’t stand on my feet any longer,fell to the ground staring at him.

“Are you okay” He asked as he tried to help me up.

“You!” The werewolf from the forest yelled as he walked to us.

“Do you know her” The Alpha heir asked.

Oh no, busted. I just turned myself in for my enemies. I thought frustratedly thinking on how to escape.

“Don’t even think about it” The girl I fought with said seriously from behind.

šŸŒŗā›°ļø……..THE LOST
ALPHA HEIR………ā›°ļøšŸŒŗ

Authoress FG…



“Seems like you all know her” Aidan uttered as they ambushed Erica to the training ground.

“Of course we know her. The last time we fought,she promised to come back and fight me again and look she’s here again” Elina sneered.

“She dared to pick up a fight with Elina when she is a vampire” Cora scowled.

“She is a vampire” Aidan uttered in shock.

“Not just a vampire but a spy as well. She really got the nerve” Finley said sarcastically.

“She might be a threat to our pack,we nee-d to report this to father” Aidan g@sped.

Mother,I’m being held captive plea-se do something. I’ve sĀ£nt you a message alre-ady. Erica thought staring at the sky.

“Yes we will but before that she will have to go throu-gh some investigation from me” Elina glared.

“What’s your name” Elina asked rudely as she raised Erica’s chin up.

“You won’t get nothing from me. So stĀ©p wasting our precious time. You’re only doing this so you won’t compete with me, don’t forget I did practiced ha-rd like I promised so I will have one last fight with you before you meet your end” Erica uttered rudely and Elina ti-ghtĀ£Ć± her fist.

“She’s so bold. Elina I don’t think getting into a fight with her is a good idea,she might really have something that will hurt you. We can’t trust her” Aidan protested and Erica scoffed.

“You should listen to your brother, little sister” Erica sneered with an air quote, Elina didn’t realize when she lost her hand on Erica’s face.

“How dare you” Erica gro-an ed angrily, glaring at Elina.

“Why? Does it hurt? I really hate it when I’m being called little. Do you really think I won’t defeat you for the second time. You’re just a mere vampire who hide un-der the shadow of her parents” Elina uttered harshly and Erica ti-ghtĀ£Ć± her fist without uttering a word.

“Why are you mute? Did I hit you ha-rd ? Oh sorry about that,I just can’t help it but savage those who try to humiliate me. You don’t dare intimid@tĀ£ me in my kingdom” Elina scorned angrily.

“I only kept mute because you will still end up doing what your father instructs you to do” Erica said with a malicious smile.

“This isn’t over yet” Erica laughed.

“Wait a minute where’s Aidan” Finley uttered looking around.

“Aidan” Elina called out nervously looking around.

“Cora where’s Aidan” Elina asked curiously as she began to panick.

“He was here a minute ago” Cora g@sped confused.

“I will go look at the other side maybe he went that way” Finley added and went to the other side searching for Aidan.

“Aidan” Finley called out.

“You little demon where’s my brother” Elina asked angrily as she gr@bbĀ£d Erica ti-ght by her nĀ£Ā¢k.

“Why does it feel like you’re accepting defeat alre-ady” Erica sm-irked.

“Don’t pl@ydirty tricks on me. You better start talking, where’s Aidan” Elina asked frustratedly and Erica laughed.

“This vampire really got something on her. You definitely know where Aidan is” Finley uttered angrily as he ran back to where Elina was.

Miles, Mason, Melissa and Zoe ran to the training ground. Zoe was so excited to meet her son after so many years.

“Elina where’s your brother” Zoe asked excitedly.

“Finley,why are all your faces like this and who’s she” Miles asked curiously.

“Aidan was here a minute ago but suddenly we can’t find him around” Elina stuttered.

“What’s that supposed to mean” Melissa asked trying to process what Elina just said.

“It’s true mother, Aidan is missing” Cora panicked.

“I have a strong feeling she knows where Aidan is? She held Elina captive with an argument that we didn’t notice when Aidan got stolen away” Finley uttered angrily referring to Erica.

“Not again” Mason uttered tiredly.

“Don’t tell me this is the Alpha. He looks more shallow than he sounds to be. You didn’t even teach your pubs the basics to never take an intruder to a secretive place” Erica scoffed.

“Shut your tra-p” Elina yelled glaring at her.

“Are you trying to say,my son have been stolen again without me setting my eyes on him”Zoe said seriously.

This is all a set up, Aidan have been taken by the Alpha vampire. They didn’t want to rescue the spy in the first place,they only wanted to take Aidan. Miles mind linked with Mason.

So what do you think we should do next? They won’t hurt Aidan right. Mason mind messaged.

“Supreme you and Mason are being quiet about this. Don’t you think we should all head out and start searching for my son” Zoe g@sped frustratedly.

“Let me think ok. Do you think if you were to search the whole Polatan,you will see Aidan. Of course not. He has been stolen by the vampires” Miles said seriously and Elina’s jaw dropped as tears roll down her cheeks.

“It’s all my fault,I would have listen to brother and took the spy vampire to you father. I’m the reason why this happened to Aidan” Elina sobbe-d remorsefully.

“Awwn such a sweet child, acting all softhearted Infront of your father. Sobbing won’t bring your brother back here” Erica sm-irked.

“Shut your tra-p” Melissa yelled angrily.

“I’m sorry father,I’m sorry mother” Elina apologized.

“Elina why do you have to keep on ma-king things complicated. Apologizing won’t really change the fact that your brother have been taken away” Zoe scolded and Elina sobbe-d even more.

“Oh plea-se Zoe, don’t be harsh on her. It’s not her fault that the vampires invaded Polatan. Come here Elina” Miles uttered softly and she walked to Miles.

“StĀ©p sobbing okay. You’re not the reason this happened so don’t push yourself too ha-rd . Your brother will survive this, he did so all his life and he will keep on doing so. Don’t worry I will think of a way to solve this” Miles as-sured wiping Elina’s tears off and gave her a hvg.

Mother or father never showed me this kind of care or attention before. If I was in her shoes mother would have chopped my head off. How sweet to have parents like this. Her mother scolded her in a polite manner so she doesn’t get hurt too much. Erica thought sadly as she stared at Miles.

“Guards” Miles summoned seriously.

“Yes supreme” They answered as they appeared immediately.

“Take her to the electric dungeon,it should be heavily guarded” Miles instructed and they gr@bbĀ£d Erica with them.

Electric dungeon that’s where mother always puts me if I did something wrong but why would he throw his enemy in an electric dungeon. Erica thought confused staring at Miles as the guards took her away.

“Miles why are you throwing her at the electric dungeon” Mason asked curiously.

“She’s still a little girl,I can’t endanger her life much. She was only carrying out the orders of her father” Miles g@sped looking away.

He’s so kind. Erica thought as she heard Miles last statement.

“I’m only scared that history doesn’t repeat itself” Miles uttered lost in thought.

“What do you mean” Melissa asked curiously.

“Finley, Cora, Elina you three have to stay safe okay. Mason plea-se take them back to the castle. I have something very important to attend to” Miles said coldly and left the training ground.

“Where do you think Miles is heading” Zoe asked curiously.

“Somewhere you probably don’t want to know about” Mason said sarcastically.

He’s always been mysterious. Zoe thought staring at an empty space.

They have stole Aidan again šŸ˜«…