The lost alpha heir episode 36 & 37

šŸŒŗā›°ļø…….THE LOST
ALPHA HEIR……..ā›°ļøšŸŒŗ

Authoress FG….

EPISODE 36….šŸ„ŗ


FLASHBACK***”who do you have in mind?” I asked curiously.

“Zoe or Melissa. They’re both suspicious,I can’t put myself together to stĀ©pping suspecting them”Miles uttered.

“I also feel same way. I will try to find out if anything’s fishy with Melissa’s statement. You do same as well” I added and left.***FLASHBACK ENDS.

“Mason what’s the remedy to Elina’s side effects” Melissa asked curiously as she ran in.

“The drop of blood of her brother because the gene syrup is indicating that the lost Alpha heir is still alive” I said tiredly.

“Did Elina know something about her brother? It sounds like she saw and knows something” She asked curiously.

“Why? What do you think she saw and knows of” I asked curiously and she rolled her eyes.

“If she saw something that’s the only way we can get the remedy without dangerous measures” She cut in.

“Dangerous measures”

“Dangerous measures like having the blood of a vampire or a demon werewolf” She g@sped.

Melissa can’t possibly do that to Miles. She’s too innocent for my suspicions. Why would one hide Aidan for the past eighteen years without been caught that’s so unreal and impossible,she would have made a mistake at least once so I can crown my suspicions. I thought staring at her.

“We can’t lose Elina. We have to look for the alpha’s heir” Melissa said seriously.

“We should start our search from the human reign” I suggested and Cora ran in.

“Cora” Melissa called.

“Mother, Elina and I think the vampires have planted a spy in polatan” Cora uttered worriedly.

“Where have you been and why you just saying this now” I asked curiously.

“Elina suggested we tell the Alpha after the battle with the demon pack. She told Elina she will be back” Cora added.

“They’re trying to tap some information so they can conquer us” Melissa ch!pped in.

“Who told Elina she will be back” I asked curiously.

“The vampire,she looked like she was same age as us but her fighting skills was kinda unique so I think she’s related to the Alpha vampire” Cora g@sped.

“The Alpha vampire had a child. Why would they sĀ£nd the alpha’s child as a spy” I uttered processing everything.

“We nee-d to report this to the Alpha immediately. Polatan is losing its security” Melissa said.

“I will go talk to the Alpha myself. Miles is really not in the mood to talk to anyone so it will be advisable only Cora and I talk to him” I suggested.

“Alright,I don’t have a problem with that. He’s alre-ady stressed because of Elina’s situation” Melissa g@sped worriedly.

“Cora let’s go” I said and left with Cora to Miles’s chambers.

“Miles” I called out as we got into his chambers and I found Miles trying to cut his pulse.

“What the hell were you thinking of” I yelled as I swiftly pushed him ha-rd .

“Cora can you plea-se wait for me outside. I think the Alpha is losing his mind” I cursed and she left before I would utter another word.

“Miles put yourself together. Cora just saw you act stupid” I scolded and he sat down.

“Finley dropped by. He said he couldn’t find Aidan and it’s possible that Aidan went into hiding. I love Elina so much and I can’t lose her” He uttered almost in a whisper.

“You’ve never said you love anyone, it’s surprisingly you mentioned the word love but we still have time,you can’t give Elina your trinity now that the vampires are secretly waging war” I swallowed ha-rd and he stared at me.

“What do you mean” He asked curiously.

“Cora and Elina saw a spy from the vampire region. They think the vampire planted a spy in polatan and she fought with Elina. Cora said she had a unique fighting skills like she was related to Alpha vampire” I explained.

“The Alpha vampire had a child” He asked curiously.

“I also have a question like that on my head” I uttered.

“Mason you can’t go to human reign. We have no idea what the vampires are planning on doing so let’s leave the search to Finley. I’m sure he will bring Aidan back before Elina loses so much blood. Whenever I hear of the vampires waging for war,I get anxious for no reason” He g@sped.

“The Alpha vampire didn’t have a woman around so how possible is it that the Alpha vampire has a child ” I uttered.

“What are you thinking” Miles asked curiously.

“I’m pretty sure you’re thinking what I’m thinking” I said and we both stared at each other.



I went to our farm house like aunt instructed. But I kinda feel bad that I ran away from Finley’s mansion the other day without helping when I really know how to save her.

FLASHBACK*** “Aidan you have to stay at our farm house for the time being. I think the neighbors alre-ady know what your identity is” Aunt warned.

“But Aunt, Elina is really looking very pale. She nee-ds my help. I can feel it” I g@sped worriedly.

“You’re not in the position to worry for others. You should put yourself first. So many people wants your life,we have no idea who your friends or enemies are” Aunt said worriedly.

“Aunt people are after my life” I asked curiously.

“Exactly that’s why I haven’t taken you back home. I really don’t trust anyone,am not an exception so you have to protect yourself so matter what” Aunt advised and I nodded.***FLASHBACK ENDS.

Aunt said I should keep protecting myself and hide my identity from the world. I’m sorry Elina. I really feel bad for you but why is that?

“Why do I feel bad for her? I ba-rely even know her,I’ve never seen her before and our first encounter we didn’t start with the right foot” I g@sped trying to process everything.

I feel a strong connection between the two of us. My inner heart is telling me, we’re de-eply connected but how. I thought and suddenly an immense pain gr!ppĀ£dmy heart.

“Ah!” I winced faintly as the pain bec@mĀ£ more and more unbearable.

Why do I have to go throu-gh this kind of immense torture? Something’s gone wrong somewhere. I thought as I couldn’t bear the pain anylonger then I slowly lost consciousness.


Finley have been walking in the forest for days trying to trace Aidan’s aura.

“What’s that” Finley uttered as the moon suddenly turned red and swiftly disappeared.

“Oh no, Aidan’s life is in danger” Finley g@sped as he started running forward into the forest.


“The blood moon almost appeared but it disappeared suddenly” Miles uttered.

For the past nineteen years the blood moon haven’t appeared and suddenly it just flashed. Miles thought.

“Do you think Aidan’s life is in danger but flashing of the blood moon have never happened in history” Mason g@sped worriedly.

“He’s having side effects of Elina’s gene syrup. He nee-ds to save her else both their lives are in danger” I muttered out and Mason stared at Miles in shock.

“Is there any other way to safe them both” Mason asked curiously.

“If there was,I would have done it. These are the consequences of the gene syrup, taking the biggest risk ever” Miles uttered lost in thought.

šŸŒŗā›°ļø……..THE LOST
ALPHA HEIR……..ā›°ļøšŸŒŗ

Authoress FG…

EPISODE 37…..šŸ¤¦


I woke up feeling a little better than earlier but I noticed all the windows have been opened.

I looked around and saw Finley seated on the couch watching me like I’m some kind of movie drama.

“How did you get here”I asked curiously and he chuckled.

“Why did you run away from me? Don’t you think I’m too dangerous for one to hide from” He said seriously.

“What do you mean run away? I didn’t run,I only c@mĀ£ here for vacation and you didn’t answer my question” I said rudely.

“How did you get here” I asked seriously.

“I will introduce myself again and I’m being more open this time around” He said with a smile.

“Can we plea-se skip the smiling p@rt because you Kinda look weird when you do that so I’m listening” I uttered.

“My name’s Finley and most importantly I’m a werewolf from polatan pack. I know you’ve been very curious about that. I’m not here to harm you but help you” He said politely.

“You’re a werewolf” I asked curiously staring at him.

“I am and I know you are as well” He hinted.

“How do you mean by help me?” I asked curiously.

“Don’t you want to know about your true identity and who your parents truly are” He asked looking at me.

“Why would I want to know about that? I don’t really care” I uttered coldly and he scoffed.

“What was that for” I asked.

“You’re the first person I’m seeing or I’m coming across with who doesn’t want to know about his parents or identity. Not knowing your identity makes you look like a nobĀ©dy even rogue werewolves know their identity” He protested.

“My parents are late so there’s really no big deal going into that much details” I snapped.

“Did you witness your parents die or you were told so” He inquired.

He’s really very smart. Looking for all means to get information from me. I have to abide by aunt’s instructions,I can’t trust anyone not even herself. Exactly why would aunt say I shouldn’t trust her. She has been with me my whole life. I thought confused.

“If you want to know your true identity come back to your mansion let’s have a serious conversation. I can’t f0rƧĀ£ you to want to inquire more about your life. It’s your life anyways so the choice is left by you to make. You shouldn’t be fooled by anyone” He advised as he stood up.

“Exactly I shouldn’t be fooled by anyone,you are not an exception”I g@sped and he sm-irked.

“You know what I mean by you shouldn’t be fooled by anyone and I mean anyone. You know who that person is,you deserve to know the full details of your life even though you can’t believe it but hear it out first” He said and left the farm house.

Is that any way to convince someone? Full details of my life! Aunt has never told me anything about my parents. She only told me they died in a plane crash. I thought lost in thought as I tried so ha-rd not to be convinced by what Finley told me.



I secretly eavesdrop to father’s conversation with uncle Mason at his chambers when I took up from where I was laying.

Father’s really depressed about what’s happening with me. I can’t keep stressing him out like this. If I act strong,father will a bit relieved. I muttered in my mind and struggled to stand up from my be-d.

“Elina..” Cora called as she c@mĀ£ into my chambers. Worries was written all over her face.

“Cora,I nee-d to go to the training ground. I think father will be there right now” I g@sped out as I managed to stand up.

“But Elina you look very pale,I don’t think you’ve fully recovered” Cora reproved.

“I feel good. I nee-d to go back to training,the vampire girl threatened to have another fight with me. If I want to win,I have to go back to training” I expressed in a low tone as I changed my clothes.

“Elina why are you doing this? What are you trying to prove. You will only endanger your life” She protested with a frown as she held my hand.

“When we are fighting,you have to use your full strength. Don’t treat me like I lost my soul. Let’s go” I instructed seriously and jĀ£rked her hands off and left my chambers.

“Elina you’re so stubborn. You never listen to me” Cora nagged and I rolled my eyes.

“I find it ha-rd listening to my father so you know what it means to be determined” I argued as we head to the training ground.

We got to the training ground and I could see father with uncle Mason from afar,father was lost in thought.

“Cora hit me” I ordered as we started our training.

Cora and I transformed as we fought with all our strength but I was feeling immense pain in my heart.

“Elina are you sure you’re okay” Cora asked curiously and I nodded as I began to drop sweat.

“Don’t stĀ©p,let’s continue” I ordered seriously swallowing my pain in pretence.


Father called himself weak but I think I’m the weaker one. Does having children make one weak because I think they’ve become my weakness. I thought staring at an empty space.

“Miles don’t tell me you haven’t been watching Elina and Cora’s training” Mason uttered snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Elina is awake” I asked curiously as I turned around and I saw Cora and Elina training at the other end.

“She just woke up and she’s training alre-ady. Do you think she’s recovered” Mason asked and I stared at Elina carefully.

“How can she be recovered looking like that” I g@sped miserably.

“What do you mean looking like that? She looks a bit fine”

“She looks like a corpse. Why’s she training when she’s not recovered yet,she looks very pale. She’s so stubborn like Zoe” I muttered out seriously and head to where they were.

“Miles where are you going” Mason asked as he followed me.

“Elina..!” I screamed and they stĀ©pped training.

“Father” She g@sped faintly.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing here? Why are you ma-king it more difficult for you to gain back your normal self” I yelled and she coll@psed.

“Elina..” Mason and Cora called out in shock and I carried her on my arms.

I took Elina back to her room and she regained consciousness.

“I’m sorry father. I’m so sorry” She apologized sobbing as she ran into my embr@ce.

“Elina” I called out.

“Yes father,I promise not to do anything that will endanger my life” She uttered swiftly still sobbing.

“It’s okay, stĀ©p crying” I said softly wiping off her tears.

“Elina do you know what I want” I asked and she nodded.

“You want our family to be complete” She cut in.

“We may be incomplete but I want you all to be alive and well that’s all I ask for. You have no idea what consequences your brother and you will go throu-gh because of the gene syrup. I really appreciate the fact that you’re feeling my pain but I will really love it if you stĀ©p putting your life on the line to make me happy” I instructed.

“But father,it’s also my pain. I also want to look for my brother” She mentioned.

“Elina what have you learnt from this incident” I asked calmly.

“What do you mean father” She asked confused.

“If you were given another chance to make a decision on what you did, would you still choose to take the gene syrup” I asked curiously.

“I will father. Your happiness matters most” She replied.

“Your life matters most Elina. Your brother might not be with us but we still have you. How do you expect me to live the rest of my life without you. Elina you will grounded. You’re not allowed to leave your chambers, you’re not recovered yet so stĀ©p doing things that will endanger your life” I instructed seriously and stood up.

“Father plea-se don’t ground me” Elina pleaded but I gave her deaf ears and left her chambers.

“Mason give out my orders. Elina’s chambers should be heavily guarded no one is allowed to get in not even Zoe. She’s not allowed to have visitors and Cora isn’t allowed in as well. She has to recover” I ordered seriously and walked away and Mason walked behind me.

“You really look upset. Are you that upset with her to the extent of grounding her” He asked almost in a whisper.

“Elina was at the verge of losing her life at the training ground. She’s very stubborn just like Zoe,she won’t stay put if I tell her to. The only way to keep her safe is being mean to her” I said seriously.

“Don’t even think of having pity on her. Her chambers must be heavily guarded” I warned seriously and left for my chambers.

Elina plea-se listen to your father ošŸ¤¦