The last wedding episode 3

Episode 3
The five girls bec@m£ quiet after discovering that
Abigail’s phone number had switched off. They
turned to see the hvge gateman standing with his
hands folded like a bouncer re-ady to murder any
person who looks for his trouble. They also
surveyed the environment once again to see
nothing but men drinking, swimming and eating
at their various dep@rtments.
“I’m becoming scared” one of them said sliding
her beautiful hair backward.
“Let me ask the gateman, maybe we are at the
wrong place” Chrisom walked down to the gate.
She stood before the man only to discover he
was far taller than her unlike she had in mind.
Her height limited on the the man’s che-st.
“Hi, I guess you work here. We actually c@m£
down here from Anambr@ for our friend’s
wedding.. so.. we are.. umm.. kind of thinking if
we are at the write place”
The man remained mute, he didn’t smile neither
did he look at her face. He just stood there like a
lifeless iroko tree.
“Hello” Chisom tried to call on his attention but
didn’t get a response, only then she un-derstood
that there is fire on the mountain. The speed in
which she returned to her friends got them more
scared than initial. “I think we have to call my
Daddy” her voice began to break. Before she
dialled Mr Desmond’s number, a lady c@m£ out
from the restaurant dep@rtment. She was at the
same age averaged with some of the girls added
to her complexity and locomotive posture. Her
pres£nce got the girls relieved.
“Hello girls, I guess you’re our guests from
Anambr@. My name is Cynthia, plea-se, follow me”
she said smiling at them and wanted to lead the
way but noticed that the girls didn’t make a move
to follow her, so she turned to them. “What’s
wrong? Are you not here for Abigail’s wedding?”
“We are” the girls replied simultaneously.
“Then follow me. Don’t be scared”
“We want to see Abigail” Chisom requested.
“Abigail will be here shortly. She instructed me to
welcome you girls because she’s pres£ntly not
around but will be with you soon” Cynthia
clarified before the girls followed her with a little
hope that things were fine. They entered into the
restaurant, it was bigger than they thought. They
saw their fellow girls dancing, serving food and
drinking with some men too. That alone
strengthened their mind because they noticed that
they weren’t the only feminines in the building
and the compound at large. Cynthia led them to
another p@rt of the restaurant which had several
rooms like in a h0tel. She opened one of them and
they all entered happily admiring the beauty of
the room; there were white energy bulbs at each
angle glowing light to the peak. A large circular
be-d rested at the centre, it was covered with
white be-dsheet and opposite it was a large mirror
too. A plasma television hung on the wall
broadcasting African Magic channel.
“Girls, this gonna be your resting place till
tomorrow for the wedding ceremony” Cynthia
smiled again as she said that.
“Thank you” the girls responded.
Alre-ady, Kate had la-id on the be-d feeling the
irresistible comfort it gives.
“So what do you girls wonna eat before Abigail
Hearing that, Kate jumped up. She was the
dramatic type who doesn’t hide her feelings. “I
wonna eat fried rice and chicken with small
vegetable mixed with fried egg on it. Never forget
to add champagne on the tray” she ordered
flinging her hands, rolling her eyes and shaking
her b©dy.
“Kate!” Chisom skrie-ked glaring at her while
others giggled, even Cynthia herself.
“What!” Kate retaliated. “Didn’t you hear her when
she asked what we wonna eat?”
“Is that the reason why…”
“Is okay” Cynthia interrupted Chisom. “Just make
your order too” she added. The remaining girls
made their order before she left the room smiling.
Who would have thought that the smiling face
wasn’t real? Who would have thought Cynthia
was a heartless slaughter herself.
After she left, all the girls noticed something;
there was no single network or signal in the
Meanwhile, Ubiji occasionally glanced at his
wristwatch and the glas-s of the moving bus
which he was into to know the time and weather
changes. He never bothered to call Chisom but
strongly believed in himself that she was going to
die. “If at all you will die, die in my arms and
know that I love you that much” he thought and
glanced at his wristwatch again. “Driver, move
this bus!” he shouted for the hearing of all
“Oga, no dey rush me. You should know that this
is a bus not an airplane” the young driver
responded but t©pped the gear. Time was fast
Back to the unknown compound, the day had
become a bit dark and the girls had finished
eating to their satisfaction and were at the
swimming pool having fun. There were restricted
to go out there with their cell phone for a flimsy
reasons given to them. Only one of the girls
wasn’t swimming, she sat beside the pool
watching the gateman critically. He neither moved
nor smiled. She averted her eyes from him to the
man who just approached.
“Hi, I’m Bernard” he said.
“Hi, I’m Loveth” she replied. “I guess you c@m£
for the same purpose”
“Yes, I guess you’re talking about Abigail’s
“Yes” she replied then both remained quiet for
some time.
“May I sit down?” Bernard broke the silence. She
was an agent of the slaughters but Luckily for
Loveth, he began to develop feelings for her. Even
if he does, when the time comes, he won’t be
able to save her. He was a young black guy with
afro hairstyle. He looked gentle and humble but
deadly. As he was chatting with her, all the light
in the voluminous compound went off. When such
thing happens, someone will be taken to the
slaughter room and killed.
After five minutes, the light c@m£ back.
“Why that?” Loveth asked Bernard.
“They must have been a change-over power” he
replied. “You look beautiful” he added to change
the t©pic instantly.
“Thanks” she said smiling, she was also falling
for his handsomeness and love as well. Suddenly,
someone called on Bernard.
“Excuse me” he left the pool walking into the
restaurant. He could be seen still walking into the
innermost p@rt of the building opening and closing
several doors until he found himself in the
slaughter room. In the room, human b©dy p@rts
such as hands, legs and heads hung at several
places. Bernard moved further to see a young boy
lying dead on a table: he had just been killed
when the light went off. Cynthia and two more
guys stood beside the table with hand gloves.
“Take over from here” Cynthia told Bernard as
she took off her hand gloves. “You guys should
slaughter this b©dy, cook the main p@rts and
package the ess£ntial p@rts while I prepare the
girls for slaughter too” she instructed. Bernard
began to put on his gloves….