The last confessor Episode 47 & 48

🩸The Last Confessor🗡️
(She’s the last of her kind….)
Episode 47
The king heard a loud ban-g on his confused head.
He stared at Isabelle and she looked at him in confusion.
“Wait, Isabelle are you being serious right now? You don’t remember a thing?” The king asked quizzically, staring intently at Isabelle who had a blank expression on.
“Isabelle, is that my name? Where am I? Are you my father?” Isabelle asked with and arched her brows at him.
The king sighed.
Isabelle had really lost her memory.
She has an amnesia.
He was almost f0rç£d to gr0@nangrily but he just glared at Isabelle.
The fall had really been ha-rd and the doctor had even said it was a miracle she didn’t die.
He’s surely gonna deal mercilessly with the person that put her in this condition.
The person would never go unpunished.
As if struck by an unknown f0rç£, he suddenly remembered that Isabelle had asked him if he was her father.
Does he look that old to be able to have her as a daughter?
He cringed and snickered but he was quic-k to maintain his cold face.
“Woah! You should see your face your highness! You look like you just had your face smashed by an unknown f0rç£.” Isabelle suddenly bur-sted into hysterical laughter.
The king’s eyes flashed and he abruptly stood up from the be-d.
Isabelle st©pped laughing when she saw the angry look on his face.
“His dare you? How dare you make a fool out of me and pretend to have lost your memory? What do you take me for?” The king rasped angrily and that was when it dawned on Isabelle that she was in a de-ep trouble. What had she gotten herself to?
“I’m sorry my king.” Isabelle whimpered and lowered her gaze to stare at an empty space.
“You know what, just get healed and I’ll know what I will do to you.” The king said and glared angrily at Isabelle.
“My king, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. I don’t know what c@m£ over me.” Isabelle whimpered, tugging on her shi-t nervously.
The king hissed and stomped out of the room.
“Oh God! What have I done?” She muttered to herself and winced loudly when she felt a sharp on her head.
She didn’t even know what gave her such temerity to joke with him like that.
She wasn’t even thinking straight.
She sighed and la-id back properly on the be-d.
The king paced angrily in his room as he remenisce what had happened few minutes ago with the confessor.
He had truly being worried and believed Isabelle had lost her memory.
She had looked so serious and he didn’t know why, but it didn’t sit well with him that Isabelle could not remember him.
But he’s glad and at the same time, angry that it was all a joke.
He’s gonna talk to her later and ask her what exactly had happened and he’s sure she’s gonna tell him the person that had put her in that condition.
“Now, I’m asking you all for the very last time, who helped the impostor Salome to poison me!” The king yelled angrily and it caused shiver to run down the spines of the maids.
They were shaken in fright and they were alre-ady in tears.
After few minutes of silence, the king signaled the guards with a wave of his hands and three of them marched forward to meet him.
“Flog them thirty stro-kes.” He ordered and walked away.
“My king, plea-se we didn’t do it.” Some of the maids cried. They wept bitterly but the king was alre-ady out of sight.
The guards walked closer to them and raised their wh!ps.
“Stand properly and turn your backs. str!p too!” The head guard ordered. The maids g@sped and panicked in fear.
And slowly, they started undressing, weeping profusely.
“How are you feeling now?” The king muttered, as if he didn’t want to ask the question
Truthfully, it was difficult saying the words but he had to.
Isabelle gulped down nervously and li-cked herl-ips.
“I’m fine my king.” She said lowly.
“Have you had breakfast yet?” He asked again, with his face neutral.
Isabelle smiled in her heart – even if the king doesn’t show in his expression that he cares about her, she knows he cares and that gladdened her heart.
“Yes my king.” She bowed her head.
“And your medications, have you taken them?” He asked. And this time, Isabelle couldn’t help but smile lightly to herself.
She nodded her head, “yes my king.”
“Okay. So, I’m going to be asking you some few questions and I want you to answer them sincerely.” The king said, his gaze scrutinizing her.
“Yes my king.”
“What really happened that you had your head de-eply injured?” The king asked curtly.
Isabelle sighed and slowly and calmly, she proceeded in telling the king what had really transpired between her and Roseline.
“Are you sure you’re saying the truth? Roseline really did this to you?” He asked, clearly shocked. He found it rather in unbelievable but he he knew with the way Isabelle is afraid of him, she would never lie to him.
“Yes my king. That’s the truth.” She bowed her head.
King Ceasar cussed inwardly and gritted his teeth in anger.
“And the br@celet? What happened to the br@celet I gave to you? It isn’t on your wrist again.” The king said and darted his eyes to her wrist.
Isabelle g@sped lightly and checked her wrist and truly, the br@celet the king had given to her wasn’t on her wrist again.
“My…king…I swear, I…don’t know what happened to it. I didn’t even know it’s not longer on my wrist again until you said so just now.” Isabelle said sincerely and king Ceasar saw the sincerity in her eyes.
“I don’t know why, but I choose to believe you. But do you think Roseline might have taken it?” The king exhaled de-eply.
“No, no, my king. I’m not sure she can do something as lowly as that.” Isabelle shook her head, not knowing exactly why she was defending Roseline that almost killed her.
She wasn’t even sure if really Roseline was not guilty.
“Okay. I’ll investigate on it because I want that br@celet to always be around your wrist. It’s not just a br@celet…” The king sighed and ru-bbe-d his temple.
“When you are fully recovered, we’d be visiting Salome.” The king said.
“Erm, my king…I have a confession to make.” Isabelle muttered and scratched the back of her n£¢k.
“What is it?” He asked keenly.
“I knew the Salome that c@m£ to sing the other day wasn’t the real Salome…but I was scared to tell you because of how you hated to even see me.” Isabelle muttered.
The king did not say anything but just ru-bbe-d his temple thoughtfully.
“And my king…I know who was behind the poison.” She said.
“Huh? Really?” The king eyes lit up.
“It was king Miley.” She said lowly and the king didn’t looked shock.
“I thought as much.” The king gro-an ed and stared intently at Isabelle and Isabelle’s gaze met with the king and they both stared at each other.
It was the first time Isabelle was staring directly at the king.
Before the king could st©p himself, his face was alre-ady close to hers and hisl-ips a few inches ap@rt from hers.
Isabelle closed her eyes and then, she felt the kingl-ips on hers.
The king k!$$£d Isabelle.
So, Isabelle pla-yed a prank on the king and he believed her⁉️ 🤣🤣
I wonder what her punishment would be 🙃
Episode 48
Princess Rayna exhaled tiredly and sat on the lawn gras-s. She wiped the sweat that formed on her forehead and sighed tiredly.
She had been practicing non-st©p on archery and so far, she’d been doing great.
Though Isabelle wasn’t with her, she was still able to practice on her own.
She felt she nee-ded to prove princess Vida wrong that she could what she could do.
She also would learn horse ri-ding properly. She can ride a horse but she’s not very good at it but for the fact she’d be attending princess Vida birthday, she decided to learn to it properly.
But archery is her main target because that’s what the prince, she has a crush on, loves most and he likes girls that knows how to do it too.
She can’t wait to ru-b it at princess Vida and the other princesses that mocks at her because she can’t shoot an arrow. She would make sure she definitely gets the last laugh.
Roseline paced around her room worriedly. The confessor did not die and somehow, she felt happy and angry.
She can tell that the confessor is taking the king away from her. She’s taking his attention away from her and to herself (Isabelle).
She felt really angry.
But she was glad she didn’t murder her.
She stared angrily at the br@celet in her hands.
“How dare she? What had she charmed the king with? Why did the king give her such a gift? Even if it wasn’t made of expensive metals, she still felt angry.
The king had not even given her the littlest of gift but he was able to give to the confessor whom he claimed to hate.
She humph angrily and sat on her be-d, staring hatefully at the dangling br@celet in her hand.
The king k!$$£d Isabelle more de-eply while Isabelle reciprocated the k!ss. He held her firmly by her w@!st and de-epened the k!ss, sa-vouring her taste.
And then, it dawned on Isabelle that it was the first time the king was k!ss!ngher.
She felt like screaming out loud in joy and she didn’t know why she should be happy that the king is k!ss!ngher.
He k!$$£d her real ha-rd while she m0@n ed against him.
After few minutes, the king broke the k!ssand they both tried to catch their breaths – breathing heavily.
Isabelle li-cked her we-tl-ips and it shone even more brightly and herl-ips bec@m£ red like snow white own.
The king got tem-pted by the way she had li-cked herl-ips but he cautioned himself else, he might be f0rç£d to take her in right there.
But unfortunately, she’s still healing and he doesn’t want anything that would endanger her life more.
“You should rest.” He said softly and he wondered if the calm voice was actually his.
It sounded strange to him.
“Thank you my king.” Isabelle whispered shyly and bit her lowerl-ip.
She fondled shyly with the hem of her dress and her face went crimson red.
The king just nodded his head and walked out of the room.
“Why did you harm the confessor?” The king thun-dered, staring at Roseline with hateful glare.
“My king…I didn’t mean to, it was an accident. I promise it wasn’t interested.” Roseline faked tears, trying to look pitiful but the king only scoffed – he wouldn’t buy her fake and pretentious acts.
He knows her too well.
“Really? An accident and you didn’t bother to rescue her or call the attention of one of the guards? You left her to bleed and you haven’t even gone to see her and know how she’s faring.” The king snapped at her.
“What is it anyways? Why are you so concerned about her anyways? Why do you care? Shouldn’t you just have let her die if that’s what you really want?
You said you were gonna make her life a living hell but that’s not what I’m seeing. You are growing too soft towards her and it’s not right! You’re growing weak!” Isabelle yelled angrily at the king, with tears and sweats mixed together on her face and forehead.
With a stiff face, the king landed a deafening sl@p across her face.
“Don’t you ever, raise your voice at me and speak to me that way!” The king yelled angrily at her as he brou-ght down his palm from her flu-shed cheeks.
“My king…you sl@pped me?” Her voice quivered as she held her sl@pped cheek.
Roseline bur-sted into fresh tears.
“Because of that confessor, you sl@pped me.” She wailed louder.
She didn’t care if was crying like a crazy person, she was too bittered.
She glared angrily at the king and climbe-d onto her be-d, using her pillow to cover her head and face.
The king sighed and walked out of her room, slamming the door shut.
“Confessor, it’s been weeks alre-ady you know and I still haven’t gotten your reply.” Prince Kalen sm-irked as he blocked Isabelle’s p@rt.
“My prince, it’s a very difficult decision and it nee-ds critical thinking. In as much as I want this Rada’han taken off from my n£¢k, I still don’t want to take the risk of lying with you, especially when I’m the king’s property.
I wouldn’t want to be caught and be in serious trouble.” Isabelle sighed, trying her best to make the prince see reasons with her.
The truth is that, she had even forgotten that the prince had proposed such to her but he just remembered her.
“It’s taking too long okay and I can’t wait! Do you know how ha-rd it is for me not to slam you against the wall and have my way with you anytime I see you?
Even in your servant uniform, you still look pretty and S-xy. The king shouldn’t be the only one enjoying you.
I want you badly and you know it. Let’s just have S-x – it’s gonna be just once and I’m gonna re-move the Rada’han from you. Let’s just fix a d@t£ and time for us to meet so I can just have you once and for all.” Prince Kalen gro-an ed frustratedly, staring lvstfully at Isabelle’s bo-ob s.
“My prince, permit me to ask you a very simple question.” Isabelle said and stared at him.
He nodded his head while she gulped down nervously.
“Have you ever thought, what would the king say when he gets to know that the Rada’han is no longer around my n£¢k? What would he say when he finds out you took it off from me?
Don’t you think he is gonna get really enraged and investigate why exactly you took it off from me?” Isabelle asked intelligently but her voice was still calm and polite.
“Uhm…well, it doesn’t matter.” He shrugged, not knowing the perfect answer to give.
Truth is that, he just want to fv¢k her and nothing more. He doesn’t even know how to re-move the Rada’han and so, those questions had never come across his mind.
“Don’t worry, when we get to the bridge, we will know how to cross.” He added.
“I’m sorry my prince, but in as much I would love for this Rada’han to be taken off, I can’t have s*k with you. I belong to the king.
That’s my final decision. I’m not having se-x with you.” Isabelle said firmly and walked away.
Prince Kalen gritted his teeth in anger as he watched the confessor walked away.
Such temerity!
She sure doesn’t know her!
He’s sure gonna have her even if it’s by f0rç£ and he’s gonna make sure to implicate her!
No one says no the prince!
No one rejects the prince and go scot free.
“Dan, I have a job for you and it’s concerning the confessor. It’s something that must be carried out without any mistakes or a second p@rty seeing us.” Prince Kalen whispered to his trusted b©dyguard.
“What is it my prince? Tell me and consider it done.” Dan said confidently with a sm-irk and that brou-ght a hvge grin to the prince face.
“Come closer.” The prince whispered and Dan moved closer to him.
“I want you to…”
What’s prince Kalen planning to do ⁉ 😱