The king’s slave Episode 3 & 4

{My master and I}
By: Lilly Chidinma.
Episode Three.
¤ Erica ¤
I was going to my room but I had to divert to the kitchen, the hunger that I felt could not be controlled anymore. I quietly descended the stairs and made my way to the kitchen. I met a few maids in there, cleaning and washing. They all stared at me with disgust, murmuring and eyeing me.
“What’s that slut doing here?” I heard one of them say.
“She’ll infect this place, see how dirty she is, blood stains everywhere” another one added. I wanted to answer them, I wanted to yell at them and tell them that I didn’t choose to be a se-x slave. I wanted to re-lease all my frustration on them but Nadine showed up from nowhere.
“Leave her alone and face your work. Nob©dy is permitted to talk to her in that manner, br@ts!” she said to them and turned to me.
“I told you to take your bath didn’t I?” she asked and I sighed.
“I’m hungry” I managed to say.
“Go up and take your bath, I will bring you food in a while, but the king shouldn’t hear of it” she said in a whisper. I thanked her and went back to my room. I took a bath as she instructed and minutes later, she brou-ght in some rice which I ate in a hurry and thanked her a million times.
“If you nee-d anything, you can talk to me” she said as she ca-ressed the hair on my cheek. I was surprised at the amount of care she gave me.
“Why? Why are you helping me?” I asked and she sighed.
“Something is special about you Erica. I know it. You could be the one to rescue the king” she stated and I rolled my eyes.
“Rescue him from what? I’m the one who nee-ds to be rescued from that beast” I retorted but she sighed again. Tears suddenly filled her eyes.
“I was still a teenager when.. When the king’s parents were murdered right in front of him by a powerful warrior..” she started and sniffed back her tears. I suddenly bec@m£ interested in her story.
“King Marion is not really a bad person. There are issues and demons he’s battling with inside him. The poor man was expo-sed to a lot of pain as a child, that’s what made him this cruel. He vowed never to feel emotions again” she paused when we heard feet shuffling outside.
“I have to go now.. We’ll continue this later, make sure nob©dy hears of this discussion” she said and rushed out of the room.
Wow, I didn’t know the king went throu-gh all of this.. I kind of feel sorry for him but that doesn’t give him the right to exert his pain and frustration on us the innocent villagers. Look at the kind of pain he’s put me throu-gh.
* * *
The next morning, I was woken up by the sounds of feet shuffling and plates clattering. Obviously everyone was preparing for the guests that would be coming to the castle. I wasted no time in taking my clothes and putting on clean clothes. King Marion had asked me to help in the preparations and the last thing I want is to disobey his orders.
I opened the done and went in search of Nadine. I found her in the kitchen giving out orders to other maids.
“Those plates aren’t going to arrange themselves, get to work!” she yelled at one of them.
“What are you standing around for? Are the dishes re-ady yet? I think I’ll report you to the king” she said to another one who ran to her duty post in a hurry. She was about to shout ari another person when she saw me. A smile crept up on her wrinkled face.
“Erica, what are you doing here?” she asked, walking over to me.
“The king asked me to work with everyone else” I answered and she nodded.
“Alright then. You can serve the guests when they arrive” she said and I nodded. I went to sit at a corner while I watched others run helter skelter. Obviously, nob©dy wanted to be victim to King Marion’s wrath.
Few hours later, the long awaited guests arrived. We all stood in a long line with our heads bowed to receive them. The king waited at the end of the line to welcome his guests. After the procession, they all settled at the round dining table.
Among the guests were a king, his royal men and a gorgeously dressed princess. She wore a diamond encrusted ball go-wn and her crown was of pure diamond. I guess her kingdom is rich in diamond.
“I will call a truce with you king Tobias, but I want more than your diamonds and gold” I overheard King Marion say as I was serving drinks.
“What more do you want?” the other king asked. I was now serving the pretty princess.
“Your daughter. I want her as my mistress” King Marion replied, stro-king his chin and sm-irking.
Gosh! Is he ever satisfied?! He still wants a mistress! I was still thinking about that when I mistakenly spilled the drink on the princess’s dress. She stood up instantly with a g@sp and landed a thun-derous sl@p on my cheek.
“It was a mistake, I’m sorry” I murmured, holding my cheek in my palm.
“Apologise” King Marion said, but he wasn’t talking to me, he was talking to the princess.
“What?” she asked, surprised.
“She is my slave, only I can hit her, now apologise” he said.
Episode Four.
¤ Princess Annabelle ¤
I stood there in shock staring at King Marion. I couldn’t believe what he was asking me to do. Apologise to a slave? How does he expect me to stoop that low? A princess like me?
“Didn’t you hear me? I said, apologise to her” he stated once more, glaring at me in anger, his brown eyes spewing rage. I turned to my father and he nodded, encouraging me to obey the king. I felt so much spite and hatred for that slave, for reducing me to this.
“I’m.. I’m..” I stammered and breathed out loudly.
“I’m sorry” I muttered and fell back into my chair, filled with rage. The stupid slave girl ran out of the dining room in a hurry.
“So? King Tobias do we have a deal?” King Marion asked my father who asked for an opportunity to speak with me in pri-vate.
My father took me outside the castle to talk.
“Anna my dear.. It’s for the good of our kingdom and our people” he started with pity in his eyes.
Honestly, I didn’t like the idea of becoming a mistress to a ruthless king like Marion, but on the other hand, think of all the power I would gain if I succeed in becoming his wife.
“I don’t know dad, can’t he make me his wife instead of just a mistress?” I asked with folded arms.
“I can’t change his mind, but maybe you can with time. plea-se accept, our people are dying daily” he pleaded again and I sighed.
“Alright, for your sake, I know how much you love your people” I answered and he gave me a small hvg.
“It pains me to give you away as a mistress to that evil king, but at this point I have no choice” he said again and I gave him a pat on the shoulder.
“That’s alright dad, it’s fine. I’ll make sure to fight my way up and become queen” I grinned as we walked back into the castle to join King Marion in the dining. He placed both hands in front of him in a prayer position and stared at my dad and I.
“I’m waiting for your conclusion” he said.
“I’ve agreed to your conditions” I answered and a tiny but fake smile appeared on his face.
“Then this meeting is over. Princess, follow me” he ordered, getting up and going up the stairs.
“Goodbye daddy” I k!$$£d my father and ran after the king. The last thing I want is to get on his bad side. I have to be obe-dient and loyal so that I can work my way up as queen.
¤ Erica ¤
I joined the other maids in cleaning up the table after the guests left. I was still shocked by the king’s action today. He asked a princess to apologise to a commoner, a slave like me. It made me feel a little warm inside.
“Princess Annabelle will be trouble” Nadine said to me as I was washing the dishes. She stood next to me, rinsing the plates.
“Why do you say so?” I asked.
“That doesn’t matter. You have to focus on one thing”
“Which is?”
“Saving the king from the hauntings from the past” she replied and I scoffed.
“All of that is non of my business, I just want my freedom. I want to go back to my parents” I said and sighed. She didn’t say anything further, she just stared at me with this mysterious smile on her face.
“That’s enough, go to your room, you’ve done enough for today” Nadine said. I dropped everything, thanked her and went upstairs.
On my way to my room, Princess Anna c@m£ out of the king’s room looking pale and messy. Obviously she just got the fv¢k of her life by King Marion. I immediately turned away when she saw me.
“Hey st©p there” she ordered and I froze at the sp©t.
“You’re the same slave aren’t you?” she asked, coming to stand in front of me. I remained quiet, staring down at my feet.
“You must be so proud right? Your reduced me to nothing out there. Don’t worry, just wait until I become queen.. You will regret being born” she blabbe-d on and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes.
Does she really think she can become queen? She’s such a dreamer.
“Why won’t you talk?” she asked.
“My lady, I’ll only speak when you permit me” I replied.
“Whatever, go and prepare a warm bath for me” she ordered, I bowed and turned to leave but..
“Come back here Erica” the king’s de-ep voice echoed throu-gh the hall. I st©pped and went back to him. He stood outside his room with his arms crossed behind his back.
“You’re my slave, you do only what I ask you to do” he said, staring directly at the princess. I bowed.
“Now, come inside and give me a mas-sage” he ordered and I followed him into his room. I could feel the princess’s angry glare behind me as I shut the door.
“Give me a mas-sage” he said again. He sat on his chair while I stood behind him, mas-saging him slowly.
“Did you eat anything yet?” he asked and I got scared. If he finds out I have eaten, he may become angry.
“I.. I..”
“If not, ask Nadine, she will give you food” he added and I breathed out heavily. I was happy he showed little care.
“Thank you my lord” I appreciated. After a few minutes of silence, he said that dre-aded word.
Is he never satisfied!???

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