The king’s pet last batch


(she’s all 💛you want)

written by Eunice Nwodu

Episode Twenty Nine




🍒Queen Zara’s pov🍒

I woke up and stretched myself. I glanced at the be-d..

Where’s Damon?

I heard a voice coming from the bathroom. I got up and headed for the door. I leaned close to it eavesdropping on Damon’s conversation with whomever he was speaking with on the phone.

“…round them all up. I don’t want a single on of those blood su-ckers left out…yeah, good. And don’t call me again. I’ll find a way to come there today. Have I made myself clear?…” I heard Damon whisper.

Why is he whispering?

The door opened and I stepped away from the door so he doesn’t bu-mp into me.

“Zara?!” He called a bit more suprised.

“Hey. Good morning” I jibe-d going into the bathroom.

I opened the toilet seat and pu-ll-ed up my dress before seating on it.

I felt more relieved after urinating.

I fixed my undie and walked into the room.

Damon was on the be-d operating his l@pt©p.

“Who were you talking to?” I asked him keenly and eager to unravel the mystery.

“One of my employee..”

“Oh scre-w that Damon! Who were they rounding up? Did you kill someone?!” I asked with a crumpled look.

“So you were eavesdropping… Not cool queen Zara” He said with a grin.

“What should we get you for mother’s day?”

I rolled my eyes.

“Don’t change the t©pic mister. What’s the call about?” I asked.

“Its pri-vate. Nothing that should concern you” he replied coldly and shut his l@pt©p.


“Since when did you start keeping secrets from me? Aren’t I trustworthy anymore?” I asked with so much anger.

“Its not that. I just don’t want you to be p@rt of this” he said and walked to me.

He placed a k!sson my forehead and left the room.


What’s he hiding??

I felt so insecure and re-ady to think anything.

Could it be he’s cheating on me? Is he planning to run away and abandon the kids and I?

I skrie-ked.

Anxiety was eating me up.

What’s he up to?

“Damon…” I called and left the room in search of him.

Breakfast wasn’t much of a noise as I was so angry with Damon.

He say at the far end of the long dinning table and I glared at him.

He chuckled and would wi-nk at me but I kept a straight face.

Well, Kara and Kris were obviously ma-king the dinning lively.

I fed Kara while Kris ate kn his own.

“Mom, do you know Armstrong from Royal high? That dude’s dad has like three wives which means Armstrong has three moms and their kingdom has three queens. Crazy right?” Kris said and chuckled.

I smiled.

Kris just said something that has to do with what am thinking right now.

If Damon brings just one more woman to become his second wife, I’ll kill him for sure.

Only God knows the terrible things I’ll do to him if he dare messes with another lady.

He’ll regret ever meeting me…ever!

“Boogie…du..” Kara said gibberish pointing at Kris.

I smiled.

Baby language.

“Mom, guess what? I was able to unlock yutani in subway surf. That’s great, right?” Kris asked.

“Yeah…you sure did. That’s great Kris” I said distracted.

I gestured for the nanny to come forward and she did.

I handed her Kara.

“help me feed her” I said and left the dinning.

I rushed for my room and fell on the be-d.

My heart was still bleeding from curiosity.


Am going to follow him out when he’s going to meet the so called person.

He walked into the room later and I shut my eyes. I could feel what he was doing. The motion he was taking.

He took his car keys and left the room.

I quic-kly got up and took my own car keys…

I ti-p toed after him.

He got to a building and st©pped parking infront of it. I parked my car across the street and got down.

“Queen Zara…your highness” I heard a begger close by call.

I smiled and gave him my purse which was filled with enough cash.

“You’re too kind ma’am. Thank you” the begger exclaimed.

I smiled warmly at her and crossed the street.

I went into the building and followed the stairs following the powerful stench of Damon’s million dollar worth perfume.

I walked into a room and g@sped.

There were men blindfolded and tied on the floor.

The one infront…

He’s dark hair.

Isn’t he… My father?

“Zara” I heard and swiftly turned startled.

Damon was standing before me.

“Why…why do you have my father??” I was able to ask.


(she’s all 💋you want)
Written ✍️by Eunice Nwodu..
# GRAND_FINALE_Episode_Thirty💯
This story is dedicated to my kid sisters and of course, my beautiful fans😋
🍒Queen Zara’s pov🍒
I batted my lashes still swimming de-ep in the pool of confusion and curiosity.
For the love of God, what is the meaning of this?
“Damon…why do you have my father captive?!” I held and hit him on his che-st.
He stared at me quietly as though he wanted me to ask him the question again.
Yes, I agree to the fact that my father and I were never close and shared nothing at all.
He left my mom and I was just 3 years old then.
I bombarded mom with questions concerning my father and the moment she told me he left her and never wanted to see me…, I gave up and accepted the stupid fate that my dad is a monster.
“Zara. I didn’t want you to get hurt or to think that am a bad person..since the past few weeks, I’ve been working on the death of my parents. The person behind their death and the group of people–”
“What are you saying Damon!? What does this has to do with him?” I asked unable to contain the restlessness I feel.
“Your. Dad. Killed. My. Parents” he replied and I swallowed a hvge lump in my throat.
I scoffed.
“I wanted him to face trial and get punished without your knowledge cause…well, he’s your father and I didn’t know how you’d feel knowing your dad is a murderer” he said despondently.
“Damon. Tell me it’s not true” I muttered batting my lashes.
“Am sorry Zara but I have as many evidence that proves he’s the culprit behind their death” he said and I rolled my eyes.
“Why did he do that? For the throne???” I asked still shaking my head in disbelief.
“No. Just revenge. I really can’t say why but he’s guilty of the crime”.
I sighed and hvgged Damon ti-ghtly.
“Am sorry my father turned out to be the one to make you an orphan.
You can charge him to court love. I’ll stand by you. He means nothing to me the moment he left my mother and I to survive alone.
“I love you Damon. I love you for being the man you are. Love of my life. My sweetheart and father of my many kids to come. I’ll stand by you Damon till the end. Cause you mean everything to me, right from the day you wiped my tears and said you were sorry for forcing yourself on me.
“I can’t believe you still love me though am the daughter of the man who killed your parents. Oh Damon!” I said with so much pas-sion.
This man was meant for me for sure..
🍒Gloria’s pov🍒
“St©p bothering me Hakeem!” I yelled at my father’s driver.
“Am being serious Gloria. I truly love you” he said and I felt like sl@pping the stars out of him.
“What’s wrong with you, huh?
Can’t you seem to un-derstand my condition and my current situation??
I have only one arm!
How can you want to marry someone that has been rejected by everyb©dy?
Are you trying to make mockery of me?” I asked and began sobbing.
He embr@ced me stro-king my hair gently.
“plea-se don’t cry. I detest seeing the one I care about in tears. Gloria, for the first time in your life…feel good about yourself. I, Miquel wants to stay with you till the end of time. No matter the mistake you’ve done in the past…we must move on” he stated and I just paid attention to his ranting.
When will he leave me alone? He’ve wasted much time alre-ady!
“No Miquel…”
I froze the moment he brou-ght out a ring from his pocket.
“Am re-ady to marry you anytime Gloria” he said looking de-ep into my eyes.
Who could have thought he c@m£ prepared?
For the past 5 years, I’ve been working extra ha-rd and ma-king money from my tailoring business. All this inside my be-droom.
Lots of customers come throu-gh my window to place their orders or l@ytheir complaints.
Am just one handed, you know.
But most of them un-derstand once I explain to them am finding it difficult in holding onto the clothes.
Thanks to the maids, it all becomes easier.
“Miquel…st©p pla-ying with me!” I ra-psed and pushed him back.
He stepped back a bit and went on his knees.
“Gloria, Will you marry me?” He asked warmly and I batted my lashes as conniption gr!pp£dme.
What do I say?
I still feel like it’s all a dream though.
“Y-yes…I’ll marry you” I replied and he slid the beautiful simple gold ring into my f!nger.
“I love you Gloria” he beamed and my heart melted.
No one has ever said those words to me.
“I love you too Miquel” I muttered and he smiled hvgging me instantly.
A week later
🍒Queen Zara’s pov🍒
“Happy mother’s day babe” Damon said and re-moved the blindfold.
I g@sped.
A beautiful black Ferrari car with my name on it.
I jumped on Damon and he chuckled turning me around.
“You deserve it love” he said and claimed myl-ips.
“That’s enough dad! We nee-d a ride in this super sonic dope car!!!” Kris yelled and I turned to see my two angels staring at us.
I giggled as Damon dropped me gently and I stood to my feet with my car key on my hand…
We approached the car and I pushed a bu-tton on the key.
The door pushed out before going up.
Its opened.
We all got in and I put on my seatbelt since I was at the drivers seat.
The doors closed on it’s own.
“Mom, can I drive us?” Kris asked from behind me.
“Of course not” I replied and started that car.
A mini heaven!
“And off we go!” I yelled and hit on the pedal down.
“Mom, can I drove now?” Kris’s annoying voice asked.
*************THE END**********************
Yeah…the story has finished☺️
So, How was this r0m@nç£series?☺️☺️
Am glad we enjoyed it.☺️
bye for now, see you guys later