The killer’s burial final Episodes

Episode NINE (18+)
I took Sly and Amanda to a corner and told them that Gilbert is asthmatic, then Sly said that will be a better way to make him die slowly. But that we have to be careful because uncle Gilbert possessed some evil powers, that we should always put an eye on him. The handcuffs shouldn’t be taken off his hands for any reason. And truly he still possessed some magical powers, because he displa-yed it one evening.
Uncle Gilbert was locked in one of the rooms in the house. Amanda had resumed work after her one month annual leave. But she usually come back to my house, she was practically living there at the time pending when uncle Gilbert has been finally killed. She was the one directly looking after Gilbert alongside Sly who goes and comes from his house. On this very evening, she c@m£ back from work and decided to have some rest before checking on him (Gilbert). But she noticed the door to the room he was kept was open. She made sure the door was properly locked each time she went out. But was surprised to see the door open, she went close to see if Gilbert was still in the room. She moved gradually towards the room ti-ptoeing, she noticed the handcuffs on the ground. Surprised how the old man was able to free himself from the cuffs. On getting closer to the room, Gilbert emerged from nowhere behind her with the white handkerchief in his hand. But Amanda was lucky enough, Sly had come to see Gilbert to know how he was gradually dying. Sly saw Gilbert trying to use the handkerchief on Amanda, he quic-kly moved towards him, brou-ght out his pistol 🔫 and hit him at the back of his head. The handkerchief disappeared immediately, while Gilbert fainted once again.
Sly rushed to Gilbert’s room, because he saw the door to his room open. Even if Gilbert was starved for many months, there was no way he would have died if what Sly discovered that evening wasn’t discovered. He saw a small bottle containing the liquid he was using to carry out his evil acts. The content was red as in blood. If the bottle was broken, then Gilbert will not possess such powers again. Sly also saw the just disappeared handkerchief on his be-d. He (Sly) brou-ght out a handkerchief from his pocket with his left hand and picked up uncle Gilbert’s handkerchief. Immediately he picked it, Gilbert regained consciousness immediately and shouted.
Gilbert: “plea-se, don’t break the bottle, I promise I will leave the house. The content in the bottle is my life, if a drop falls to the ground I will die a painful death”.
He thought Sly had picked bottle from the table he kept it. That was where he expo-sed himself and his weaknesses. Then Sly picked the bottle, he shouted the more when he t©uçhed the bottle. Sly smiled, and went to him (Gilbert) still lying on the ground. He showed him the bottle and handkerchief and told him.
Sly: “I warned you, I told you that when I will get you, not even your evil dead father will be able to save you from my hands. Prepare to die slowly, because I will make sure you die a very painful death”.
I c@m£ back and met the drama going on, Sly and Amanda briefed about all that happened. This time, Uncle Ike had gone back to the village, because the house bec@m£ like a horror zone for him. Lisa as well refused to come back to the house until everything was over. My next taught bec@m£ how to use the evil 😈 liquid against Gilbert.
Episode Ten (18+)
I c@m£ back and met the drama going on, Sly and Amanda briefed about all that happened. This time, Uncle Ike had gone back to the village, because the house bec@m£ like a horror zone for him. Lisa as well refused to come back to the house until everything was over. My next taught bec@m£ how to use the evil 😈 liquid against Gilbert.
But it was really a horrible moment in the house. The liquid contained both the power that controls both Gilbert and his late father. The only way they could regain such powers would have been allowing Gilbert to get hold of the bottle.
I was with Sly and Amanda one night when Gilbert’s father appeared and told us not to open the bottle else everyone of us would die a mysterious death. He always appears to Gilbert and tell to try and get hold of the bottle if they must regain their powers. It was a horrible night when Gilbert’s father appeared. We were all seated when all of a sudden, a great light filled the whole room we were, then appeared a very tall and horrible looking creature. Just like Gilbert. He equally warned that the handkerchief shouldn’t be soa-ked in water, else a mysterious death also awaits whoever does that. But all those he told us were their weaknesses.
He disappeared immediately after the warnings and the whole room bec@m£ very dark. All the years we lived with Gilbert, we didn’t know we have been living with an evil man. But he had pretended to be good and had always done things nicely. Beware of people you hire as cooks or maids, don’t just pick them from anywhere. Make sure you know much about them before hiring them. Uncle Gilbert according to what dad told me was the one who c@m£ looking for the job. He c@m£ severally to the house before my late dad had to consider him because of his age and his persistent calling. Dad didn’t make any frantic efforts to know about Gilbert’s family. Though dad was un-der a spell.
My sister Lisa called the next morning that she would love to see me for a very important discussion. I went to see her, then she told me about the dream she had the night Gilbert’s father appeared. Though I didn’t tell her about what happened because of the fear it will bring to her. She told me that our late dad appeared to her in the dream and told her that the bottle containing the liquid was where Gilbert’s power and that of his late dad lies. That if the bottle is opened, and a drop of the liquid t©uçhes the ground, then Gilbert dies slowly. Until the whole content is poured away, he will not die. She also said that soaking the handkerchief in water will make him go blind and the power his father possessed disappears for good.
So the only way to kill Gilbert was to be dropping those bloody liquid content little by little on the ground. The moment you drop a little, p@rt of his b©dy decays. That was how I discovered his weak points and it was used against him. I went home and told Amanda about it, because Sly had gone back to his house. And Amanda was happy we had the key to killing the killer…… And the “KILLER’S BURIAL” will be the next to happen
Episode Eleven (18+)
So the only way to kill Gilbert was to be dropping those bloody liquid content little by little on the ground. The moment you drop a little, p@rt of his b©dy decays. That was how I discovered his weak points and it was used against him. I went home and told Amanda about it, because Sly had gone back to his house. And Amanda was happy we had the key to killing the killer…… And the “KILLER’S BURIAL” will be the next to happen.
It was only my sister Lisa I called to let her know where I kept the evil 😈 bottle containing the liquid. I didn’t want Amanda nor Sly to know where I kept it alongside the handkerchief, because I wanted to be the one to kill Gilbert myself. I saw Amanda one day searching my room for the bottle, I badged into her scattering everywhere in search of. She asked when she saw me where I had kept the bottle, I told her it was out of anyone’s reach because I nee-ded to do the killing myself.
My sister invited me once again for a discussion, when I got there, she asked how I intended doing the killing. Slowly or at once. I told her that I can’t wait to see Gilbert die a slow and painful death. She said why she invited me was for us forgive uncle Gilbert. That I should remember how helpful he was after the death of our parents.
Lisa: “I want us to let go of all the wrongs uncle Gilbert had done to us. You know if not for him, it would have been difficult for us to go throu-gh our secondary and tertiary education. He was really helpful and instrumental. I know it will be difficult to forgive, but find a place in your heart to forgive and let go”
I watched my sister in surprise as she everything. I simply told her that I would rather roast in hell than allow myself forgive Gilbert. She continued…
Lisa: “Dad appeared to me once again and asked that we forgive him and set him free. The next night after dad appeared, mum did too with the same message of forgiveness. plea-se, Danny, find it in your heart to forgive. To sin is human, but forgiveness is divine. You know I can’t deceive you”.
I still told my sister that the only joy I would derive as a man would be to see Gilbert die a painful death 💀. I went home after my discussion with my sister, went to where I kept the liquid to discover it was not there. Who on earth would have taken it? Only Lisa knew where I kept it, because I told her. Amanda don’t have access to where it was kept. Who must have taken it? I quic-kly put a call across to Lisa to ask her if she told Amanda where I kept it and her answer was no. There was no way actually she would have told Amanda where I kept it. Could Gilbert’s father be the one? I was confused, not even the handkerchief was where I kept it. Who must have taken them? I asked Amanda when she returned, she answered angrily.
Amanda: “Why will you ask me a question like this, where you not the one that badged into me in your room when I was scattering everywhere for it? Only you know what you are up-to. Remember, we started all this together, now you are pla-ying games with it. Let’s watch and see. Better be that it isn’t missing, else all of us would be in great danger”.
I went to ask my gate man if my sister visited the house in my abs£nce, he answered yes.. Would it then had been Lisa that took it? Let’s find out in episode……
Episode Twelve (18+)
I went to ask my gate man if my sister visited the house in my abs£nce, he answered yes.. Would it then had been Lisa that took it? I called Lisa to find out who took the liquid, she denied knowledge of it missing, that she only c@m£ to the house to pick up some of her clothes.
My confusion grew, who must have taken it? That meant everyone’s life would be in great danger if it was taken by uncle Gilbert or his father. I went back to Amanda to plead with her to tell me the truth about it, if she knew anything about the missing bottle. She bec@m£ more furious and walked away without a word. While I was in my room, I heard a very loud 🔊 shout from the room we kept Gilbert. He was in pains, I went to the room, but walked in gently because I was the only one at home at the time. When he noticed my pres£nce, he pleaded with me not to pour a drop of the liquid again to the ground. He showed me one of the f!nger nails on his right foot decaying. That means someone was somewhere with the bottle dropping the liquid to the ground. His voice was horrible as he screamed in pains. Amanda walked away denying knowledge of the missing bottle, Lisa either would not accept any knowledge of its whereabouts. What do I do, how do I get hold of it because I nee-ded to be the one to painfully kill that bastard.
While I made my way out of the room Gilbert was, his father appeared with his eyes as red as fire 🔥, he told me to go and st©p whoever was with the bottle else I would die like others. But he was unable to come close to me, still showing signs of powerlessness. I made to rush out of the house, Gilbert shouted once again in great pains, but this time along with his father who disappeared immediately. I rushed to my sister’s guest house, badged into the room, it wasn’t locked only to discover Lisa and Amanda with the missing bottle and handkerchief. I pleaded with them to st©p that Gilbert was dying.
Amanda: “Does he deserve to live, I planned it with your sister to make sure this man dies slowly and painfully. Remember he almost killed your sister? How on earth do you think I can let that bastard live?. He must pay for all the atrocities he committed”.
Me (Danny). But you girls should have let me into your plans, you know how badly I nee-ded him out of the way. But I was only taking my time.
Lisa: You were taking too much time big brother, anything could have happened. Gilbert is evil and in company of his evil father, they would have gotten hold of the liquid. I’m sorry all the same.
We all quic-kly rushed back to my house. I horned for my gate man to open the gate for me, he wasn’t forth coming. I wondered why he wasn’t coming. We got out of the car, went into the compound to discover him lying lifeless and Sly lying unconscious. Then Gilbert and his father c@m£ out from the house holding their hands in joint f0rç£. Amanda was with the handkerchief, Lisa with the bottle, I told Lisa to start dropping the liquid on the ground because they were coming towards us. As they approached, Lisa would drop a little, then they will slow down and shout in pains. Then will start coming towards our direction again. At a point, it was as though they don’t feel anything against as they increa-sed their movement towards us. Then Sly shouted with a faint voice, di-p the handkerchief in water. Amanda hurriedly rushed to the tap close to the gate to we-t the handkerchief. But before then, Gilbert had gotten hold of me and threw me to the ground. Lisa being confused and not knowing what to do threw the bottle on the ground and all the liquid poured. Then Amanda soa-ked the handkerchief in water. Immediately, Gilbert went blind, his father disappeared and because of the poured liquid, Gilbert’s whole b©dy started peeling as though h0t water was poured on him. He was still holding me, but couldn’t bear the pains anymore, then he left me and fell to the ground. That was how he died.
His death wasn’t as slowly as I had wished, but thank God all the same he died and the father vanished for good. Normalcy retuned to my family as I finally settled down with Amanda. We now have two kids. Lisa lives in Canada with her husband and kids………
“The Killer’s Burial” was done. Gilbert was buried in the graveyard where evil people like him are buried and neither him nor his father tormented us anymore.
…….. To God be the glory