The hollen series 2 episode 30 & 31

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦EPISODE 30👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
*👁‍🗨 PERSONAL as-sISTANT👁‍🗨*

Jasmine’s POV

The weekend went by quietly because Mom
had given me a cold shoulder. I thought she
would have had a change of heart and
appreciate br@dley for what he did, but I was
I took my frustration with me to work on
Monday. A look of gloom was on my face for
the entire morning while I carried out my
“Jasmine,” a voice said behind me. He
approached my desk and looked at my face,
arching his eyebrows with concern and
curiosity. “What’s the matter?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” I answered, replacing my
unplea-sant expression with a fake smile.
But he was Evan Hollen and nothing got
pas-sed Evan Hollen. He saw right throu-gh my
“Tell me what’s wrong with you.”
“What makes you think something is wrong
with me?” I asked.
“Because I know you and sadness is written all
over your face.”
I smiled.
“Maybe what I have to tell you will actually turn
around your mood for the better.”
“And what’s that?” I asked.
“We’re leaving for The Bahamas on
I was astonished. The Bahamas! I couldn’t
st©p the smile escaping myl-ips.
“The Bahamas? Really? Who? When? Why?” I
sounded like I was speaking in ton-gues which
made him laugh.
“Yes. The Bahamas. You and I. On
Wednesday. For a business meeting,” he
answered my questions.
I couldn’t wait. I nee-ded this. And he was right,
my mood changed for the better.
Wednesday Afternoon

I was alre-ady packed and was driving with him
towards a pri-vate air str!p. On arriving, I
stepped out of the car and instantly was
speechless when I saw a pri-vate jet with the
initials EH on its vertical stabilizer.
He led me forward and we ascended into the
“Are you alright?” he asked, taking a seat
opposite from me and looking into my eyes.
I nodded yes, buckling my seat belt.
“Good afternoon Mr. Hollen and guest. Can I
get you anything?” an air hostess approached
us and asked.
“Would you like to have anything to drink?” he
“A glas-s of white wine plea-se,” I answered.
“Make that two,” he said to her.
She nodded before retreating.

“So have you ever been to the Bahamas?” he
asked, ma-king conversation.
“No I haven’t. I’ve never been outside for
America actually.”
“So this would be the first trip you’ve ever had?
I’ll make it extra special for you then.”
He c@m£ closer, sat down next to me and
pu-ll-ed me onto his sweetl-ips. I reacted
immediately, pu-lling him closer so that there
wasn’t any space between our bodies.
“Your wine,” the air hostess interrupted while
glaring daggers at me.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Hollen and Miss
Blackman. This is your flight captain speaking.
plea-se prepare for take off to your destination
in five minutes.”
He buckled up and began sipping on his wine
with his hand wra-pped in mine.
We arrived to the Bahamas and checked into a
h0tel owned and developed by his sister– so
our stay was free with a royalty treatment. It
was alre-ady dark out but Evan and I decided to
take a walk down the beach, which was very
close to the h0tel. The moonlight lit the ocean
and the small waves crashed on the shoreline
in accordance. The wind blew throu-gh my hair,
raising it and tangling Evan’s face as he
attem-pted to k!ssme.
“This is beautiful,” I said, taking in the
atmosphere of the Caribbean island.
“Yeah. And it’s always like this,” he said softly
in my ear as he wra-pped his arms around my
w@!st and pu-ll-ed me against his ha-rd che-st.
His manly scent was distributed around by the
wind, manipulating me on losing myself in his
embr@ce. “Want to go back to the h0tel? Are
you cold?” he asked, pu-lling away slightly and,
unintentionally, ruining the moment I was
having to myself.
I nodded yes. It was beginning to get cold, as
his b©dy heat was no longer my comfort. He
wra-pped an arm around my n£¢k and we
walked back to the h0tel together.
I stepped out the shower after a warm bath,
wishing we were sharing the same room so I
could be wra-pped up in his arms again. I
toweled off my skin and changed into skimpy,
two-piece nightwear. Afterwards, I ordered
room service and sat down on my be-d,
looking at television.
My phone buzzed.
Mr. Hollen: slee-ping?
Me: No
Mr. Hollen: Do ya’ wanna come over?
His room was right next to mine. He wanted
to respect my privacy so he booked separate
Me: It’s usually the men that come to the
woman and not the other way around.
Mr. Hollen: is that so?
Me: That is so.
He didn’t respond. I was not about to prolong
the conversation, nor go over to his room, as
much as I wanted to.
A knock c@m£ on the door. It was the server
with my food– or so I thought. I opened the
door and in walked my boss. He was wearing
a black vest and white knee-length p@n-ts. His
hair was we-t from his bath but sli-cked back
neatly, and my f!ngerswere screaming to rake
throu-gh it. He roamed my room like a health
inspector, stealing glances at me as I looked
at him in bewilderment.
“You like your room?” he finally spoke up.
“Yes,” I answered, folding my arms over my
Another knock c@m£ on the door. This time, it
was the food I had ordered. After settling in an
arm chair in the be-droom to eat, he sat on the
be-d, looking at me with a sm-irk on his face.
“You have to taste this,” I said, gently feeding
him a spoonful of diced lobster.
“Delicious. But not as delicious as you.” He
re-moved the plate from my hands, set it down
on a nearby night stand, and pu-ll-ed me into
He attacked my n£¢k with hisl-ips immediately,
s£nding me into an overdrive pas-sion. My
f!ngerswent throu-gh his pitch black hair as a
m0@n c@m£ from my throat when his mouth
traveled to my expo-sed cleavage. My
nightwear gave him easy access to my b©dy
and he seemed to be at ease as his hands
traveled all over me.
“I want you so badly,” I found myself saying.
hor-nyand we-t and craving him. I hadn’t had a
man in four years.
“I don’t want to just have S-x with you,
Jasmine. I want us to become something
more, and something serious.”
“Well, we are something more and something
serious. We’re just discreet and getting to
know each other slowly,” my hor-nyself said.
I’ll be damned if I don’t get any of his goodness
“Jasmine! Jasmine!” he called, st©pping me as
I attem-pted to take his man-hood into my
“What?” I answered, annoyed.
“Why do I have the feeling that you’re not
listening to me?” he asked.
“Because…” I said before pausing.
“Listen, I know I’m falling for you, so I don’t
want this to be another S-x fling,” he
“Well it wouldn’t be!” I protested.
“I’m not finished. I’m not going to pretend that
I don’t want to have S-x with you, because I
do, you’re so fv¢king beautiful, but this hasn’t
excelled to the stage I’d like it to be for us. I
haven’t made you my girlfriend as of yet, and it
will feel wrong to have S-x with you without
ma-king you mine. I don’t want you to be like
the one night stands I’ve had in the past and–”
“Well just make me your damn girlfriend and
make it official!” It wasn’t me speaking but the
hor-nylittle monster inside me.
“Jasmine,” he began again.
“Then leave!” I said back to him.
“You’re going to throw me out before hearing
what I have to say?”
“You nee-d to st©p and just listen!”
“Well, what exactly are you saying Evan?” I
calmed myself and opened my ears to his
“I’m saying that I want something solid with
you. I want you to be my pres£nt and my
future. I’m not looking to fv¢k you and then
ignore you. I want us to become official, but
you nee-d to know what you’re getting into. I
nee-d you to trust me, Jasmine; and don’t make
any rash decisions or judgement before you
talk to me first. You nee-d to know exactly what
you’re getting yourself into.”
“I get that.”
“I don’t think you do. Why don’t you sleep on it
and let me know tomorrow when we get back
from the business meeting.”
He got off the be-d and left the room, leaving
me in a circle of thoughts floating around in
my head.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦EPISODE 31👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
*👁‍🗨 PERSONAL as-sISTANT👁‍🗨*

Jasmine’s POV

I changed into a pair of black jeans, a white T-
shi-t and a pair of flat sandals I brou-ght along
with me. I gathered my notepads, pens,
pencils and stuck them into my large folder. I
took my purse and room key. I shut the door
behind me and made my way downstairs to
the lobby where Evan was waiting so we could
get to the meeting.
His rental car was parked outside the
entrance. The ride to the meeting was silent.
He didn’t say a word and neither did I.
We arrived at a three storied building complex.
A large black gate automatically opened as our
car approached. He drove up to the parking lot
area and parked. He held a large brown
envelope in his hand as he got out. I followed
suit, without a word. Two could definitely pla-y
this game.
“Ah, you’ve made it!” a voice belonging to a
very beautiful woman said with enthusiasm as
she c@m£ up and shook hands with him.
“And good morning to you. You must be Miss
Blackman, yes? I’m Mrs. Rebecca Alton.” she
added, extending her hand to me.
I shook it. “Good morning,” I answered shortly.
I didn’t want to give off a rude impression;
although I had no idea who she was. I had
never seen her at Hollen Tower before but she
looked as if she were well acquainted with Mr.
“Take notes,” was all he said to me as we
walked into the building.
I spent my morning listening to him sealing
deals and landing proposals to Mrs. Rebecca
Alton and three of her as-sociates in the
boardroom she had ushered us into. It was
somewhat difficult to capture every detail
between them but I captured the most
important points, which should meet his
standards. The last thing I wanted was for him
to think I was becoming too comfortable and I
was sli-pping and becoming sloppy.
The drive back to the h0tel was the same as
going from it. Silence.
I got out of the car quic-kly and made my feet
carry me as fast as possible throu-gh the lobby
and towards the elevator. I was relieved when
the doors closed and I was carried upstairs by
I opened my room door and locked it behind
me. I proofre-ad the notes and made the
corrections before tossing them aside. Then a
knock c@m£ on the door.
“Who is it?” I asked.
“Jasmine, st©p pla-ying games and open the
“plea-se go away.”
“Jasmine, open the door plea-se!” his voice was
I opened the door and he walked in.
“Where’s the notes?”
“On my be-d.”
“Go get it.”
“Go get it yourself.”
I sat down on the sofa and turned on the
television, leaving him standing there as if he
had heard me speak a foreign language. I had
a satisfying sm-irk on myl-ips, concealed by
my hand as I looked at Tom and Jerry.
“Jasmine, come here,” he said again.
His words fell on deaf ears because I
remained seated and continued looking at the
“Would you st©p wearing out my name like
that? Your notes are on the be-d in the
be-droom. Go get it and get out of my room.”

Evan’s POV

She had definitely crossed her line with me.
I walked towards the be-droom, taking the
notepad, and made my way back to the sitting
room where she was looking at the silly
cartoon. I never knew she had a childish edge.
I liked that.

“Jas, can we talk?”
“Evs, what’s up?” she asked.
I summoned up my strength to raise her off
the sofa and carried her into the be-droom over
my shoulder. She was squealing and laughing
like a little girl.
I threw her onto the be-d.
“What are you doing?” she asked, gathering
herself up in a ball.
“You’re going to get punished for your attitude,”
I answered with a sm-irk.
I pu-ll-ed her towards me by her ankles, bringing
her up to myl-ips immediately on reaching me.
She gave in to my k!ssalmost instantly,
running her f!ngersthrou-gh my hair as I
re-moved her T-shi-t and unZi-pped her p@n-ts.
She wore a pair of black lace un-derwear, which
rose my pas-sion level to an all time high. My
nerves sparked with electricity. I made my way
down south with myl-ips. I p@rted her
un-derwear slowly, taking her in while brushing
my hands against her silky, soft chocolate
skin. My mouth went to her afterwards,
spre-ading her legs ap@rt as my ton-gue worked.
She let out a loud m0@n , twisting her h!ps and
holding onto my head as I devoured her.
“Oh my God!” she screamed as she cli-maxed.
I inser-ted my index f!nger into her, feeling her
heat and we-tness as it entered her opening.
“Something tells me that you want me badly,” I
said to her as her breathing bec@m£ ra-pid.
She nodded yes.

Jasmine’s POV

“Do you want me to take you?” His voice was
so se-duc-tive.
I nodded yes again. My voice had been caught
in my throat and all that was going throu-gh my
mind was that this was actually happening with
the man I wanted.
He gave a sm-irk and re-moved his T-shi-t then
his p@n-ts. His grey Calvin Klein un-derwear
complimented his eyes and his overall b©dy
tone. At that moment, I realized how perfect he
was. His ha-rd six pack abs were sculpted by a
visible V-line. A thin line of black hair ran from
his belly bu-tton to his crotch area and a tattoo
covered p@rt of his arm.
He c@m£ over me and k!$$£d me again. My
eyes went shut and sparks flew from my
imagination as his hand began roaming my
almost ba-re b©dy.
He ran a trail of k!sses down my b©dy and,
again, he devoured me. I screamed as I
cli-maxed for the second time and felt
embarras-sed when he kept on going.
I lifted his head up.
“Why did you st©p me?” he asked.
“Because I’ve alre-ady… umm…” I stuttered.
“I know. I want to taste you some more.” He
went back to it and I sunk my nails into his
back as I exploded, yet again.
I didn’t know if that was because of my
longing for him or if he was just that good, or
even both, but it was wonderful.
After my third cli-max, I felt him pene-trating me,
driving dee-per and dee-per as my we-tness
acted as a lubricant for his hvge man-hood.
“You’re so we-t,” he whispered in my ear. He
re-moved my br@ and started su-cking and
lightly b!tt!g on my n!ppl!s, moving to and fro
between them.
His thrû-sting pace increa-sed– ha-rder and
fas-ter he went. I felt I was on cloud ten
because cloud nine had nothing on this
“Am I hurting you?” he asked and slowed his
pace a little bit. It was perfect now. “How’s
that?” he asked again.
“Just like that,” I answered.
He gave a cute smile and kept that pace,
satisfying me with every movement; but the
pace from before c@m£ back, and so did my
m0@n ing because I felt my heat getting re-ady
to explode again and, at the moment, I couldn’t
hold it back. We exploded together.
He fell over to the right side of me as he
p@n-ted like he had finished running around
three stadiums.
“You’re beautiful.” He placed a k!sson my
forehead, moving the strands of hair that were
stapled there due to the sweating.
“That was so great,” I said, resting my head on
his che-st.
He gave a short cute laugh and wra-pped his
arm around me. Our eyes shut and the sleep
consumed us both.