The hearts Episode 41 to 44

(He’s her idol💋)
#Season 2
Episode 16
By:Tofunmi Nikky💓
💌Sandra’s pov💌
There is no way I won’t remember his name,but who is he?
“Who are you?”I asked and he bur-st into laughter
I moved away from him,he must be the one who kidnapped me
“This is me,did you remember seven years ago,when we both had an accident?”he said with a stern look,I didn’t even move
“Did you remember?”he yelled and I was damn scared
“No,I don’t”I quic-kly answered,he turned his back at me
“I was imprisoned because of you, they thought you were dead,I’m sure they have found you”he said,,, what’s the talking about
“Nob©dy found me,I have parents and no one can take me away from them”I half yelled and stood up
Who told him about it,how did hr know?
“You think am lying?what about the wristband? Is not with you right?”he asked and faced me
I couldn’t look into his face.he seems to know much about me
“My wristband? Oh yes,I forgot it at the Rockboys place and,,,wait,how did you know?”i asked and he sm-irk
“That was the wristband with the Rockboys,they are coming for you anytime soon”he said and started walking away
What’s he saying?does that means the Rockboys are my brothers
“Why did you seems to know much about me?”I asked and he st©pped
“Because I was once close to you”he said,still not facing me. He opened the door and walked out
💚Carl’s pov💜
“We can’t be looking this way”Max said,mom is home trying to search for Rosa
“I’m sure that bastard knew we gonna c@m£ for her,that’s why he went to another place”I st©pped walking and leaned on the car
“Her phone is switched off”Roy said,I looked at him as he put his phone back in his pocket
“I’m going to kill him when I set my eyes on him”I said staring into the space
🌟Amy’s pov🌟
I looked around the room,I have to make use of my powers now.I can’t stand it in here
“Arrrrrgh”I shut my eyes and screamed, I opened my eyes and I couldn’t find the chair
I was on my feet with the blindfold re-moved and I was untied
I made to move when I see the door wi-de opened, I quic-kly ran out.some men st©pped at my front
I closed my eyes and they were swept on their feet,I ran out and made yo open the wi-de gate but st©pped when the band blinked
*Go back inside Amy*a voice said in my head. No I won’t
I started walking
“Ma’am st©p!”a voice said st©pping me,I turned to see many guards hovering around me
“Where did you think you’re going?’
#Season 2
Episode 17
🌺Amy’s pov🌺
“Lock her up!”he ordered,the guards gr@bb£d me immediately
He lead them to a big cage,they pushed me in and locked it.
He started walking away and two men was positioned outside
“Why am I locked in here,what have I done”I yelled ma-king him st©p
“Can’t you stay quiet for a minute”he said and walked away,what’s happening?
Carl must be worried by now,I sat down and started into the space
“Amy”a person called,that’s when I knew someone was sitting at my front
“You!”I muttered, looking at her. The same woman in my dream
“Yes,,for falling in love with him,you’re destined to face small problems but we are here to help you”she said,I moved back a bit
“How?*I asked and she smiled
“Let me tell you who he is”
“Are you saying he was living with the Rockboys before?”I asked surprisingly ,she narrated everything to me
“Yes but he won’t hark you,do you know that your friend is here?”she said
“Ny friend? Sandra?”I asked, I don’t know why but I’m feeling comfortable around her
“Yea you have to save her too,I nee-d to go”she suddenly said,I don’t know how but she left
Steps approached me and the guy st©pped at my front, looking at his;he looks so cute
“Eat”he opebe-d and dropped the food before locking it back
“What do you want?”I was f0rç£d to ask.
Carl’s pov
“What do you mean she isnt here”Patsy said and sprang on her feet
“We can’t find her for the last few days,maybe she’s abducted or what?”Roy said
“What!”she exclaimed, I pla-yed with the bottle in my hand,I just don’t know what to do
“She cane to visit dad at the hospital and later said she’s coming home”Patsy said and someone rushed in
“We’ve know where ma’am is”
Jay’s POV
I’ve been trying to call Sandra but her phone is switched off. I have to tell her am at the airport alre-ady
“Sir”A person said screening to a halt beside me,oh!my driver
“Hey”I smiled, he carried my luggage inside the booth and we entered the car
Once we arrive there, I will go and see her,she will so happy am back
#Season 2
Episode 18
💓Amy’s pov💓
“Just eat”he said and walked away,I looked at the covered food,really tem-pted to eat but now
I just stared at the food, why can’t I resist the aroma, I’m sure it’s a time dish
I uncovered the food and gosh, I picked a spoon and started eating
The band blinked and I dropped the spoon, what’s it this time around ??
* The Rockboys are coming for you anytime soon* a tiny voice said, a little girl appeared before me
“How did you do it?”I asked and stood up,I’m feeling so excited alre-ady
“I turned into one of the guard that is as-signed to find his sister,so the believed him,,,simple”she said and smiled
Now what’s she saying ??
“You mean he has a sister”I asked and she looked at me
“Of course,,now I nee-d to go”she said and went right in the air,above me
“What’s your name?”I asked, wondering is she gat one
“Tara,bye”she waved and went out,, Tara !!
📌 Tara’s pov📌
“What do you mean?”Carl said, getting up and soon they hovered around me
“Yes sir,this house”I handed over the phone to them,I watched as they all took a look
“Let’s go”Max said and they hurried away
“I’m coming with you”the girl called Patsy said and ran out with them
I sighed, I turned back to my real self,yes! I have the power to do that, its time to to back home
♥Daniel’s pov♥
I slammed my fist on the wall,damn!!I was wrong all along
I went into the bathroom and splashed some water on my face
Minutes later, I walked to the sitting room and ordered a guard in
“Just a minute”I said and he nodded, I quic-kly rushed upstairs and returned with a bag
Yes,I’m leaving this place today, I can’t stay here
“re-lease them,the two girls”I said and walked away
“But sir,where are you going?”he asked and I turned to him
“Airport. I’m going back”I said and opened the door, I shut it and head to the gate
“Boss”my driver called,trying to take the bag from me
“No. I’ll do that myself”I said and put the bag In the booth
I got inside the car and immediately the security opened the gate,.I drove away.
Carl’s pov
“Here”Patsy pointed immediately we got down from the car, we head to the gate and was about to knock when someone bu-mped into us,I looked up
“Amy”I said.she looked at us and suddenly hvgged then each one of us,I can’t believe Sandra is also here
“So that bit-ch did this to you,where is he?Max stepped further
“Airport,he’s leaving and we nee-d to find him”
#Season 2
Episode 19
🌚Tara’s pov🌚
I looked at him from afar,he’s with a bag heading to the plane, I have to st©p him. I raced to his front
“You!”he said looking surprised, I nodded and landed.
“Yea,you’re leaving??”I said and took a quic-k glance at the plane,,he nodded
” am not nee-ded here any longer,, bye “I looked at him as he walked away
“Just a minute plea-se”I shouted and immediately he st©pped, I ran to him
“thanks for accepting, I told you to re-lease them and you did,,,thanks”I smiled wi-dely and continued
“But you don’t have to leave. They still nee-d you”
“No one nee-ds me,there’s nothing left to do”
“I know about what happened, you guys can still be together again”I said taking his hands,, he stared at our hands
“Really?”he asked
” I have a plan ”
🍇Jay’s pov🍇
I stepped down from the car and walked to the gate,polices stand there,,,what’s wrong. I walked up to them
“Sir”one of the polices said when he saw me
“What’s happening here?”I said looking around, this Sandra’s house if am not mistaken
“We are searching for ms Sandra for past days,her parents are so worried”he said, is that why her phone?
“Can I meet them”I asked. He nodded and let me in,,is she I’m danger?? $h!t!
🍏Amy’s pov🍏
“Ok,I’ll try”I put on my jacket and we both started walking out
” Amy!”Carl called from outside and I g@sped. I ran to open the window
“I have to go,make it quic-k”she whispered and went away
I sighed and ran out
We srr back home and preparing to take Sandra home,I dropped the phone and looked at them
A maid was cleaning Sandra wound
“Carl”I called and he looked at me
“$h!t!”Sandra winched on the chair,the maid walked away
“Daniel nee-ds you”I said and he scoffed
“You’re kidding right? Roy!”he called getting up,the Rockboys c@m£ out with their mother
“You have to forgive him Carl,at keart he saved us”I said,tou-ching his shoulder
“Seriously, I don’t want to have anything to do with him”Carl said and walked away,Sandra also stood up
I tucked my hand into my hair, I failed!
“I want to meet him”Mrs Jenkins said from behind and I turned to look
“Mom”Carl turned back
“You mean you want to meet that monster”Max asked standing at her front
“Yes!”she said before looking away