The girl he marked Episode 32


??{ His Human Mate }??

Written ✍️: Cisca. H.

Chapter 32:

Diana ✓

” D… Does it mean… I’m gonna turn to a wolf? A… Am I gonna be p@rt of his… pack?? ” I stuttered, shivering.

” No. No, you’re never. I’m never gonna let that happen, I promise. And his bite wasn’t a good effect on your either, you almost died that’s why I had to bite you again. I’m sorry Diana I wasn’t there for you, I… ”

I t©uçhed his cheek, ” hey, I wasn’t complaining. I un-derstand why you had to do what you did, and I see no reason to blame you for that. Let’s just hope this turns out good for me. ” I looked at the doctor, letting him study my eyes.

” You’re as good as okay.” I smiled, reliefly. ” But, I doubt you’ll live to be the normal human you are. ”

” What does that means, doctor? ”

” There’s a possibility that you’ll grow some special abilities, but that’s something we’ll have to find out during the full moon. But for now, let’s just say you’re still a human. ” He grinned.

” Master, can I have a few words with you? ” They walked out of the room and I stared at my wrist wondering how the whole scene happened.

How come I didn’t notice Reyhon’s bite? What actually happened to me?? And what exactly was he doing in my room?

Pamela was right about one thing, Reyhon was up to something. Who knew that he was after me, and desperately wanted me dead?


Writer ✓

” Master, can I have a few words with you? ” They excused themselves to Derek’s office.

” Did you see anything? ” He asked

” Yes, ” he replied, ” Are you aware that she has an inner purple eyes? ” Asked the doctor.

” No, but Reyhon made mention about it yesterday. What do you know about the purple eyes? ”

” When did he mentioned it? ” He asked again.

” Before he had bitten her. ”

” Then if what I am thinking is right, it means Diana isn’t just a human as we thought. There’s something slee-ping in her, and with the bites, I think you and Reyhon had just woken it up. ”

” You mean… ” He paused, sighing. He didn’t know what to say,,, or maybe how to put the words were difficult for him to.

” Is there any animal with a purple eyes? ”

” Even if they is, I really haven’t seen one. ” Derek heaved a heavy sigh, ” You don’t have to worry about this, your Highess, I doubt this is a bad news. ”

” I doubt too, but let’s hope it’s a good news then. ”


Diana ✓

“But that’s something we’ll have to find out during the full moon. ”

The full moon??

And when is that gonna happen?? Why do I feel scared about this words?

Oh, this is bad. This is really bad.

May entered after a knock with a tray in her hand. ” Good morning, Diana. ” She greeted.

” Good morning, May. ”

” How do you feel?” She asked, dropping the tray on the table.

” I feel great, thanks for your concern. ” I walked to the table, sitting on the chair beside it.

” Your favorite. ” She grinned.

” Oh, plea-se don’t remind me. ” I started eating while she went to pick out my dirty clothes. ” What happened last night? ” I asked her and she st©pped what she was doing, turning to look at me.

” Last night? Oh, many things did happen last night and I can’t believe you knew nothing about it. Tell me, did you take any slee-ping pills? ”

” No, why would I? ”

” I don’t know, you didn’t even blink while Reyhon was holding you. And if no one was, I was wondering why you seem not to know when he climbe-d on you. ”

” What?! ” I yanked, ” hold on, let me get something straight, you mean Reyhon almost got me R@p£d? ”

” Thankfully alpha Derek c@m£ in time, if not, that bastard could have claimed you before Derek will. ”

” But he didn’t, right? ” I asked to be sure.

” No, he didn’t. ” She shook her head.

” Where is he? ”

” Alpha Derek had him thrown out of the territory. Well, no one cares to know what happened next. ”

” What about Pamela, how is she? ”

” She’s in her room, and she hasn’t left it since morning. Guess she’s ashamed of staring at anyone, not after what happened. ”

” I must see her. ” I stood up to leave.

” But you aren’t done eating yet. ”

” I’m not hungry anymore. ” I left the room to Pamela’s.


May ✓

” But you aren’t done eating yet. ” I reminded.

” I’m not hungry anymore. ” She left.

I took two spoons of the fried rice, before exiting the room with the tray. I still don’t un-derstand how reluctant they always feel to condemn such a delicious meal.

Oh, I wish I was a royal..


Diana ✓

I got to Pamela’s chamber offering a knock on the door. ” Pamela, it’s me, Diana. ” There was no response.

” Mela, I’ve got something to tell you, open the door. ” I waited for seconds for her to open up. ” Pa…”

The door opened, ” Oh, Diana it is you. plea-se come in. ”

” I’ve been knocking but you didn’t answer me. ” I said as I sat on her be-d.

” plea-se forgive me, I was in the bathroom to have heard you. ”

I smiled. ” That’s okay, I’m not angry. ”

She walked to the mirror, sitting beside it. She started applying on her makeup, she brushed her hair back before dressing it in a ponytail style.

As if to say she was going somewhere and she nee-ded to be done in the next five minutes. I watched as she picked the same red go-wn she had used to come, checking on herself again at the mirror.

” You’re leaving? ” The word c@m£ out of my mouth.

” Yes, Diana, I have to. ”

” But no one chased you away. Did Derek ask you to leave? ”

” No, of course not. ” She squ-atted before me, ” Look, Diana, no one has to tell me to leave before I know I have to. Not after what Reyhon did, I don’t think I can stay here any longer. ”

” But you’re safe here. If you go back, he might end up humiliating you. ”

” I know, but still I can’t stay here. No matter how crazy and stupid he might be, he’s still my mate. And if he however finds out that I am still here, he’ll come back, this time not just for you but for everyone. You wouldn’t want that to happen, will you? ”

I couldn’t say anything… She was totally right about what she had said.

” I wish I can stay here with you for the rest of my life, especially now we’ve got to know each other but… ”

” It’s no one’s fault, not even yours. I un-derstand. ”

” Thank you. ” She stood up, ” The driver must be waiting for me. Would you mind esc-rting me out? ”

” Sure, sure. ” We left the room, then down to the entrance door. ” I wish I can help,,, I really do. ”

” The only help you can offer to me now is to take good care of yourself. I’m not referring only to Reyhon, they are more to come and that’s starting from yourself. ” She smiled. ” Sometimes, we are our own enemy and we just nee-d wisdom to overcome ourselves. ”

” Do you think something will happen to me? ” I asked, feeling her words were true.

” My instincts do but, I don’t want to believe it. Not now. ”

” I believe it. ” She looked at me, forcing a smile on her face. ” I don’t wanna create fear in you, I feel like… I don’t even know what to say. This is all my fault, Diana. I could have s£nt the letter to you guys. ”

” Don’t blame yourself. ”

” I have to. If I had s£nt it, Derek wouldn’t have accepted him here and none of this would have happened either. I knew from the start that this won’t work out good as far as Reyhon is involved. ”

We got to where the car parked, ” Take good care of yourself for me. ” I hvgged her.

” I will, ” she pe-cked me. ” You too. ”

I nodded my head.

” Just in case you turn… I mean, into a wolf, don’t forget to call me. My number is un-der the lamp stand, and mind you, you will see something with it. re-ad it, and try to follow whatever it says. Good bye, Diana. I will miss you. ” She waved.

” Good bye, Mela, I’ll miss you too. Till we meet again. ” I waved back.

I watched as she entered the car, zooming off. Indeed, I really will miss her… A lot.

But one thing kept bothering me for the rest of the day…

” The only help you can offer to me now is to take good care of yourself. I’m not referring only to Reyhon, they are more to come and that’s starting from yourself. Sometimes, we are our own enemy and we just nee-d wisdom to overcome ourselves. ”


Now, that p@rt doesn’t sound good to me…

To Be Continued