The girl he marked episode 23 & 24


🌳🥀{ His Human Mate }🌳🥀

Written ✍️: Cisca. H.

Chapter 23:


” It’s difficult to un-derstand the kind of person Derek is only if you don’t come close to him. Derek and I have been real close friends since we were little, even till now we don’t believe we’re just friends. We see ourselves as brothers. So, I’m gonna tell you what type of person he is. ”

We sat by the bank of the river, I was staring far away from the lake but I could feel her eyes on me while I talked. I was happy she was listening.

” It all started when Derek was twelve, we went to the river catch some fish, we always do that. There he saw this girl, he won’t st©p talking about her, he won’t st©p acting those dramas on how to talk to her. ” I chuckled, it really was funny then. ” Her name is Allison, she was only ten then. They grew up and soon began to find interest in each other, hoping for a happy future. ”

” Everyone thought the same too, including me. But who knew it was only for a matter of time. Sometimes, people become what they are not because they wish to be that way. People are what they are because others made them what they are. Derek was twenty and she was eighteen, I didn’t want to interrupt their moments so I decided not to go out to fish with them. Not up to an hour, Derek c@m£ back stained with bloods and Allison dead on his arms. ”

” Unlike before, Derek was so emotional, soft, even his parents feared he’d rule the pack someday. But after what happened, Derek’s soft heart grew cold and the undeniable hatred unleashed in him. The humans took the one he loved away, and she saved his life but… he wasn’t able to save hers. ”

” Sometimes, I don’t blame Derek for what he does. He’s only trying not to make the same mistake he once did. And you know, you’re a bit stubborn too I’d say. ” She chuckled.

” It’s not really my fault. ”

” I just wish the bond you share with him will bring you two closer. It’s so difficult for him to forget her, and if there’s any one who can make him do that, it’s you Diana. ”

” But how, I can’t even stand before him. ”

” First, you just have to un-derstand the bond and second, you have to un-derstand him too. ”

” He’s gonna think I hate him. ” She said coldly.

” Yeah, he does. Do you? ” I asked and she glared at me for a long moment.

She shook her head and said. ” No, I don’t. Although he scares me but, each time I try to hate him, I don’t see any reason why I have to. ”

” Just give him a chance, I trust Derek, he’s gonna listen to you. ” I as-sured her.

We stood up, dusting our hands from the dust stains. ” Well, least I forget, Bella request to see you at the turret tonight by eight o’clock. ”

” Eight o’clock. ” She repeated.



Diana ✓

I sat on my be-d staring at nowhere. Michael’s words kept echoing in my ears, and the hidden hatred I have for Derek was gone entirely.

I didn’t lie when I said I hated him not, it’s just the fear to look into his eyes that keeps tickling in me.

Bella requesting to see me, I hope there isn’t a problem cos, there shouldn’t be any.

” Are you gonna sit down there all day? ” May snapped me out of my thoughts as she entered the room.

” I’ve been to the lake with Micheal few minutes ago, I guess I nee-d a break for myself. ”

” Are you alright? ” She asked, dropping the meal on the table.

” Maybe, I guess I am. ” I replied with a sigh.

” Well, you don’t look alright to me. Are you sure there’s something you wanna talk about? ” She sat beside me.

” Honestly, I wish there is but, there isn’t. They’re many things in my head and I don’t know where to start. ”

” Then start from any. ”

I ru-bbe-d my eyes and I felt liquid leave it. I gently ru-bbe-d it off but the red colour of my eyes didn’t hide the fact that I was actually crying.

” Are you crying? ” She asked noticing the tears on my cheeks.

” No, of course not. ” I wiped the disappointing tears off.

” Yes, you are. ”

” I don’t know why but I feel this pains right here, ” I sniffed, tou-ching my che-st. ” and it hurts a lot. Like a p@rt of me has been taken away. Like I’m lost with nothing. It hurts… like hell. ” she pu-ll-ed me into a warm hvg.

” That’s because you’re beginning to feel the bond and but the distance between you two is affecting it. It’s time you two come together, it’s time you have to put the fears aside and come to un-derstand what kind of person he is. ”


The night finally approached, I haven’t forgotten about Bella’s request to see me. I left my room to the turret to meet Bella as informed.

I got to a door, pushing it open as I let myself in. The room was dark but thankfully, the rays of the moon was able to shine throu-gh the curtains.

I was wondering why Bella would want us to meet here. I mean, why not in my room or in hers or rather, somewhere much better than in this dark room?

I walked pas-s two sitting rooms before getting to the turret. ” B… ” I almost called her name when I saw someone instead.

I could get a clear view of his back, his arms met at his back. The moon shun directly at him and his skin glittered in excitement. He stood with authority, from where I stood I could perceive the sweet fragrance of his perfume.

It was captivating, It’s s£dûçt!veand S-xy with a strong attra-ction f0rç£ too.

” Bella is supposed to be here. ” I said in a dried tune, causing him to turn.

” Michael had only said that so you’d come. ”

” What do you want? ” I asked then, re-ady to hear whatever he was about to say.

” I wanna apologize for everything, and I’m gonna start from the scratch. Look I know I’ve caused you so much pains and that’s starting from the night at the woods. I created a new life for you, I took you away from your freedom. I was supposed to make you happy, I was supposed to be there for you, yet I wasn’t. ”

He walked closer to where I was standing, ” it hurts me each time I try to sleep and the first thing that comes into my mind is guilt. You’re in this position is all because of me, you don’t deserve any of this, Diana, you deserve to be happy. ”

I shut my eyes ti-ght to prevent the tears from rolling out but it successfully made it’s way out. He t©uçhed my left cheek, wiping the rolling tears with his thumb.

” I’m so sorry, Diana, plea-se give me a chance to show you how much I love you. Tell me whatever it is you want, I won’t hesitate to grant your request. Just tell, what it is. ”

I don’t want anything. No, I don’t want any other thing from him. I just wish for one thing… one single thing… And that’s his love.

I want to feel loved… I want to be loved… I want to be happy… with no one but him… That’s it… that’s just what I want.

” I don’t want your money, I don’t want your possessions. All I want from you is your love. I want you to love me, I want you to accept me, I want to be the one by your side, I wanna be that one person in your heart. That’s all I want from you. ”

” Then so be it. ” I was beginning to see the love hidden behind those gorgeous eyes. The love and lvst it held, and the burning de-sires of want clouding in him.

I ru-bbe-d my cheek on his palm, my eyes staring de-ep into his. Slowly, he leaned his face close, my eyes gradually closing as hisl-ips softly t©uçhed mine.

The feeling was mutual, it was pure and real.

Then… He k!$$£d me.



🌳🥀{ His Human Mate }🌳🥀

Written ✍️: Cisca. H.

Chapter 24:


~ At The White Wolf Territory ~


Pamela ✓

” Lisa, ” I whispered as I ran towards the door. Her limply b©dy crashed against mine as she hvgged me ti-ghtly.

I welcomed her into my be-droom and I asked Gloria to leave. Once the door was closed, I moved towards the be-d where she sat down.

I sat beside her and pressed my hand on hers. ” How are you? ” I asked.

Terror and sadness fli-ckered in her eyes as she looked at me. The silence lengthened between us, ma-king me worried and uncomfortable.

” Tell me, it’s okay. He is not here to harm you. ” I whispered to her while my f!ngersca-ressed her skin.

” Everything is fv¢ked… he’s so horrible and I can’t even explain it. ” She gro-an ed bitterly while ru-bbing her red eyes.

” I heard Reyhon had anger issues. ” I trailed off.

” You heard right and he’s just a wild fv¢king beast that shows off his power to who is weaker than him. ” She blurted.

She put her face into her hands and wept for the next tree minutes.

” I promise you it will get better. ” I as-sured her.

But the truth is… Will it??

She shook her head and said, ” It won’t be better as long he still breaths and we both know that. I can’t take it anymore, Mela. He not only threatens me with his vile voice, he keeps as-saulting me too every single night and he won’t st©p. ”

” Have you complained to the elders about this? ”

” I wanted to, I almost did that but… ” She paused.

” But what?? ”

” He re-ad my mind and threatened to kill me if I do so. ”

I sighed heavily. This is getting too far of Reyhon.

He isn’t just the pack’s Alpha, he’s a dangerous se-x add!çt too. He keeps pushing in innocent vir-gins into his room, turning them into a pla-yer at the end.

He’s now made Lisa his pla-yer, and every night, he f0rç£s her into his chamber. From my room, I always hear her pleading m0@n s and scream but they were all in deaf ears.

” You’re his mate right, you can talk to him about it. If he can’t listen to anyone, he will listen to you. ” She urged.

” I don’t think he will. ” I said with certainty.

I know Reyhon more than anyone else. Although it’s just two weeks I’ve been with him in the pack, yet, I’ve learnt enough of the kind of person he is.

I have been living fine with my family, despite the economic challenges we do experience, yet it was more than enough for us to manage.

We never complained,,, no one murmured about our circu-mtances. And we loved it that way.

Then one day,,, Reyhon with his packs c@m£ to our village to disturb us. Claiming that he was looking for his mate. And that turned out to be me.

He took me away from my family, and it’s almost three fv¢king weeks, yet we haven’t even seen each other. And even if we do, it was only from a distance sight.

I just hate it in here, despite I eat enough, here feels like a dungeon. I just miss my family. Who knows how they will be fairing with things now?

” What are you talking about? He will. ”

” Reyhon and I might be mate, but the bond between us isn’t strong enough. We ba-rely see nor talk, so I doubt he will listen to me. ”

She cried while her head rested on my l@ps. I looked away.

” But, I will try my best. I will talk to him. ” I as-sured her, even though I knew that would be a lot impossible.

” plea-se… ” She said in between the sob.

It angered me when I thought about Reyhon. How could he possibly as-sault a woman? If he shows no interest in her, why punish her this way?

” I will do something about this, Lina, just hold on, give me some time. ”

” What are you going to do? ” She rose her face at me.

” I will s£nd a letter to alpha Derek for help. ” I said.

” He won’t listen to you. Mela you know how much alpha Derek hates us, what makes you think he will help? Besides, he’s gonna take this as it’s none of his business. ”

” I don’t have to tell him this directly, I’ll just have to persuade him to talk to Reyhon that’s all. But,,, I’ll have to pay him a visit. I’ll discuss this face to face with him. ”

” I overheard the elders discuss something with Reyhon. I think they s£nt alpha Derek a letter, I doubt he has given them a reply. ”

” What is the letter talking about? ” I questioned.

” I think It’s concerning about joining f0rç£s with the Night Walker pack. Do you think alpha Derek will accept? ”

” I don’t think so. ”

” What if Reyhon learns about your visit to the Night Walker, I fear what he is capable of doing. ”

” Don’t worry about what he will do, worry that my plan should work out just fine. ”

I wish this would work out for me. But if Reyhon still persists to keep as-saulting Lisa, then we’re left with no choice but to get the hell out of here.

I won’t have to end my life in this $h!t hole, no, not with an aggressive creature ruling. And for all that annoys the most,,, he’s my god darn mate.

” Why haven’t the alpha claimed you yet? ” she furrowed her eyebrows and asked as she stro-ke her hair away from her n£¢k.

” I don’t know. ” I shrugged. ” Maybe, that’s because he hates me. ”

” No, that’s because you haven’t asked him to. ”

Even if I want him to, he’s just to wild for me to let him sink in my inside. Honestly, I don’t even wanna ask… I really wanna get the $h!t out of here…


When you have a se-x add!çt as a mate… you turn out to be a forgotten tissue 😂😂🤣

To Be Continued…