The fault in our r0m@nç£episode 47 & 48

The Fault in our r0m@nç£
Episode 47
By Johnny Patel
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(At The Venue – The Launch p@rty)

Stephen: (he stands at the threshold) Woooh, More guests are about to troop in.

Alex: Definitely.

Stephen: We look dashing in a suit.

Alex: We sure do. Can’t wait for the ladies to start walking in here… (He shares a fist bu-mp with Stephen)

(A man and his wife enter the venue)

Man: Good day gentlemen.

Stephen: Good day.

Man: I hope we’re not late?

Stephen: Not at all. Just go in, The p@rty will start about soon.

(As the man and his wife goes in, A tall beautiful curvaceous blonde lady walks in)

Alex: (admiring her) Ooohh, Hello there.

Lady: Hi.

Alex: You’re really gorgeous.

Lady: (she ignores Alex and looks at Stephen while smiling wi-dely) Umm, Hello… Where’s the p@rty at?

Stephen: It’s in here.

Lady: Mmm… (She smiles s£dûçt!velyat him) I wonder why a dashing young man like you would be on guard duty.

Stephen: Actually I’m here to welcome the guests, This is my p@rty.

Lady: Oh I see… (smiling) Anyways, Do you want my number? I’ll GLADLY give it to you. (She wi-nks at him)

Stephen: That sounds cool but… I’m engaged.

Lady: (disappointedly) Ahhh…

Alex: (grinning) I could give you my number.

Lady: (disgusted) No. Gross.

Alex: Or maybe we could hang out sometime?

Lady: (more disgusted) Ewww. Even more gross!

Alex: But…

Lady: (she holds her hand up to Alex) St©p talking to me.

(The lady snobs Alex and wi-nks at Stephen one more time before she enters the venue)

Stephen: Damn bro. You just got rejected, ha-rd !

Alex: It’s alright, She wasn’t even my spec anyway.

(The manager of Silk Hair company arrives along with his entourage)

Stephen: (excitedly) Sir Jason Burtel!

(They share a hvg)

Stephen: It’s good to see you again.

Silk Hair manager: It sure is. And It is really an honor to be in p@rtnersh!pwith your company, Mr Stephen Griffin.

Stephen: The plea-sure’s all mine sir.

Silk Hair Manager: So I was expecting to see Miss Bethany Sanders, Where is she?

Stephen: Sadly, She couldn’t be here.

Silk Hair manager: That doesn’t sound good, She’s supposed to be here because she’s the face on all our products… Anyways, I appreciate all of your efforts sir. You are doing a wonderful job.

Stephen: Thank you.

Silk hair manager: What about your father, Sir Maximus Griffin?

Stephen: He couldn’t be here as well.

Silk Hair manager: Alright then. (He goes in)

(Just then, A black Range Rover pu-lls over)

Alex: Ohhh, I wonder who owns this sleek car.

Stephen: Hold on. It looks like…

(The driver car door opens and Richa-rd comes out of the car, wearing a shiny black tuxedo along with black leather shoes. He goes to open the pas-s£nger car door and a feminine leg covered with a pure white stiletto heel comes out first)

Alex: Mmm, Who is this beauty?

(The person fully comes out of the car – It’s Silvania, And she’s wearing a pure white go-wn with dangling silver earrings with her voluminous lengthy hair let down)

Stephen: (amazed) Whoa…

(Richa-rd and Silvania walks to Stephen & Alex)

Silvania: Good morning Sir Stephen.

Stephen: (breathless) Silvania… You look stunning

Silvania: (blu-shing) Thanks.

(Stephen stares at Silvania in awe)

Alex: Uhh, Richa-rd , Why don’t you both go in? The p@rty will start soon.

Richa-rd : Okay.

(Richa-rd & Silvania enter the venue and Stephen turns back to look at Silvania)

Alex: What’s wrong with you man?

Stephen: (he blinks his eyes continuously) Ohh, Sorry.

(Inside the hall)
(Stephen goes to the stage)

Stephen: (speaking into the microphone) Good day ladies and gentlemen. (Everyone turns their attention to him) Thank you. Firstly I want to thank you all for honoring my invitations. The reason we’ve all gathered here is to witness the unveiling of the very first… SILK HAIR PRODUCTS!!!

(Everyone starts cl@pping as the workers starts coming out with various Silk Hair products)

Stephen: We have – Silk Hair hairspray, Silk Hair hair gel, Silk Hair dye and lots more… So hurry on and start purchasing some (shouts) Alright everyone, LET THE p@rtY BEGIN!

(Stephen comes down from the stage and walks to a waiter then he takes a glas-s of wine from the tray he’s holding)

Stephen: I wish Dad were here.

(Silvania walks to him)

Silvania: Hey.

Stephen: Oh hey, Silvania… Are you enjoying yourself?

Silvania: (smiling) Very much, I wish Lucas were here. You wouldn’t believe this but he actually wanted to stay home because he wanted to watch one of his favorite cartoon series.

Stephen: (chuckles) What do you expect? He’s still a tween, He should enjoy life the best way possible

Silvania: Yeah, You’re right.

Stephen: (he holds out his hand to her) Wanna come with me to the dancefloor?

Silvania: I would have but one slight problem – I don’t know how to dance.

Stephen: Don’t worry, I’ll show you the ropes (he sm-irks)

Silvania: (she smiles wi-dely at him, revea-ling her sparkling white teeth) Okay.

(Just then, Bethany walks to Stephen and Silvania)

Silvania: (she g@sps in shock)

Bethany: (excitedly) Hello Stephen.

Stephen: (shocked) Bethany?

(Silvania is shocked and scared on seeing Bethany and her feet glue to the ground as she trembles with fear )

Stephen: You’re here…

Bethany: As you can see. I couldn’t afford to miss this launch p@rty especially with me as the face of Silk Hair. (grins)

Stephen: When did you get discharged from the mental sanatorium?

Bethany: Hmm… I would’ve have thought you never cared about me, Seeing as though you never even bothered to know whether I’ve been recovering or not. You just abandoned me in that hell hole!

Stephen: I’m really sorry, Bethany. I was really busy…

Bethany: Busy? With who? (She sm-irks as she glances at Silvania who’s hiding behind Stephen) Her?

Stephen: Look, I’ve been busy uncovering so many things that were concerning my stepmom and the men behind my attem-pted murder.

Bethany: (scoffs) You’re a bloody liar.

Stephen: I’m telling you the truth.

Silvania: (nervously) Umm… Stephen, I nee-d to go to the restroom. I’ll be back later.

Bethany: Awwnn, Don’t go yet. The fun hasn’t even begun. (She giggles evilly) You don’t even look happy to see me, Silvania. Why is that?

(Silvania stares at Bethany with fear apparent in her eyes)

Stephen: (To Silvania) It’s alright. You can go.

Bethany: No, no… Not yet!

Stephen: Bethany leave her out of this. This is between us!

Bethany: I’ll deal with you later. (She viciously drags Silvania from behind Stephen)

Silvania: Bethany wa… Ahhhh!!! (She screams as Bethany pu-lls her arm)

Stephen: (confused) Bethany! What the hell are you doing?!!!

Bethany: (furiously) Leave. me. alone.

(Bethany keeps on dragging Silvania to the stage and Stephen follows them.This attra-cts everyone’s attention at the venue and they focus their attention on Stephen, Silvania & Bethany)

Stephen: (quietly) Bethany st©p this. What are you doing?

Bethany: (sm-irks) You’ll see.

Silvania: (trembling) Bethany plea-se…

Bethany: Shut up! (She speaks into the microphone) Good evening ladies and gentlemen, Can I have your attention plea-se… (Everyone looks at her) I’m sure some of you all are alre-ady acquainted with my face because I am the face on the new Silk Hair products. (she cl@ps for herself) In case some of you don’t know who I am, I am Bethany Sanders, A t©p model here in Hillwood City. (Silvania tries once again to free herself but Bethany viciously pu-lls her closer) I know some of you all are wondering why I brou-ght this young lady on stage but don’t worry, I’ll satisfy all of your curiosities…

(Silvania fearfully grips her amulet)

Stephen: Bethany st©p this right now! Let her go!

Bethany: Why Stephen? Don’t you wanna know what your darling Silvania truly is? (She smiles as she drags Silvania closer to herself once more then she speaks back into the microphone) Anyways, I want you all to know that this young lady here is the reason why they say “Do not be deceived by appearances”, This woman is not a human being like the rest of us here, She is…

(Bethany viciously sl@ps Silvania’s hand from her own n£¢k then brutally cuts her amulet )

Silvania: My amulet!

(Bethany pushes Silvania to the ground and everyone, Including Stephen, watches as her legs fuses into a golden-orange mermaid tail while regaining her original face as she transforms)

Woman: (shocked) Jesus Christ!!!

Woman 2: (overly confused) What kind of creature is she…?

Man: Monster! She’s a monster!

(Silvania looks at the crowd in fear)

Bethany: (laughing maniacally) Hahahahahaha!

The Fault in our r0m@nç£
Episode 48
By Johnny Patel
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(Many of the guests start leaving the venue due to extreme fear and horror)

Bethany: (To Silvania) Do you know why they are running away? Because they see you as a monster, A disgusting hideous monstrous freak of nature! (giggles evilly)

(Silvania turns to stare at Stephen)

Silvania: Stephen…

(To her utmost suprise, Stephen crouches by her and holds her hands. Bethany is shocked by this as well)

Stephen: Silvania, You’re the one… (He wra-ps his arms around her) It’s been you all along

Silvania: Stephen I wanted to tell you but I couldn’t because… (She looks at her tail)

Stephen: Because you’re a mermaid? (He locks eyes with her) I love you, Silvania and I always will… Whether you’re human or a mermaid

Silvania: (a tear runs down her cheek as she stares at Stephen while smiling)

(Just as they are about to k!ss, Four hefty men barges into the venue carrying a large fishnet)

Bethany: Good, You’re in time. (pointing at Silvania) Get this creature out of here.

Hefty man 1: (To Stephen) Get away from her! (He pushes Stephen away from Silvania)

Stephen: No…

(The other men throw the fishnet over Silvania and carry her on their shoulders)

Silvania: Stephen!

Stephen: Silvania! (He pushes one of the hefty men) Let her go now!

(The hefty man turns around & brutally backhands Stephen which s£nds him to the ground)

Bethany: Take her, quic-k!

(As the men carry Silvania out of the venue, Stephen immediately rises up to his feet)

Stephen: NO! (He angrily turns to Bethany) Why would you do this to her?

Bethany: (sighs) I’m very disappointed in you, Stephen. But I’m more disappointed in myself for ever loving you… I can vividly remember the day you pledged your love to me and you as-sured me that you’ll always love me no matter what happens (scoffs) Look at you now… In love with a hideous disgusting monstrous creature.

Stephen: The only monstrous creature I see here is you!

Bethany: (laughing maniacally) Hahahahahahaha! (smiles) Since that’s the way its gonna be… (She takes off her engagement ring and throws it in Stephen’s face) You can take back your bloody proposal ring and go meet your darling Silvania. Then you can propose to her dead b©dy and wear the ring on her dead f!nger! (She walks out of the venue)

Stephen: Where are those men taking her?

Bethany: To where monsters belong! (She exits the venue)

(Stephen turns around to see Richa-rd & Alex)

Stephen: Thank God you guys are still here.

Richa-rd : Yeah, You okay Sir?

Stephen: Don’t worry about me, Silvania’s the one in danger!

Alex: We were upstairs when we heard what happened. Silvania is a real life mermaid?

Stephen: Yes. Look, I don’t know where they’re taking her but we nee-d to find her and rescue her.

(Stephen, Richa-rd & Alex rushes out of the venue and Stephen looks around but doesn’t see Silvania, Bethany or the hefty men)

Stephen: Oh $h!t! (he takes out his phone and calls Lucas) Lucas!

Lucas: (over the phone) Sir Stephen?

Stephen: Listen, You nee-d to come over to the venue where we’re having the launch p@rty, Something terrible just happened and…

Lucas: (over the phone) Slow down. Slow down…

Stephen: Silvania got captured! And I don’t know where they’re taking her!

Lucas: (shocked) Oh no…

(At the roadside)
(Silvania desperately struggles to escape from the fishnet but is unable to)

Hefty man 1: (he kicks Silvania in a fit of rage) Behave! (He kicks Silvania one more time)

Hefty man 4: (he holds him) That’s enough.

Bethany: (walking towards the men) I’m here! Let’s make this quic-k. (She gives him a paper) That’s my account number, s£nd it to your manager ASAP.

Hefty man 1: Ok, Hold on…

Bethany: Hurry! I’m a very busy woman, I don’t have all day.

Hefty man 1: He has s£nt it. Have you received it?

Bethany: (her phone beeps) Yeah, He s£nt me $13 million…

Hefty man 1: The extra $1 million is for all the trouble.

Bethany: Ohh, Don’t bother about that. (She glares at Silvania) Just take this creature away.

Hefty man 1: Sure. (To the others) Carry her into the back of the van.

(The men carry Silvania into their van and drive off)

Bethany: (smiling) Wow, I can’t believe I bec@m£ a millionaire overnight… That monster deserves what she’s getting for ruining my relationsh!pwith my husband-to-be! Anyways, I’ve got more important matters to attend to now that I’m filthy RICH!!! (laughing) Hahahaha! (She hops into her white Lamborghini and zooms off)

(Few minutes later)
(Stephen, Richa-rd & Alex arrives at the roadside in a car, Stephen immediately alights from the car)

Stephen: (looking around) SILVANIA!

(He sees Lucas coming on his bicycle)

Stephen: Finally, You’re here.

Lucas: (coming down from his bicycle) You said Silvania got captured, By who?

Stephen: Look, While Silvania and I were about to go to the dancefloor, Bethany c@m£ and…

Lucas: (shocked) Woah, Bethany? She’s back?!

Stephen: Yea, She got out of the Sanatorium few days ago. So she c@m£ and dragged Silvania to the stage and then…

Lucas: Then what?!

Stephen: Then she cut her amulet and Silvania turned into a mermaid and her face changed as well then I realized she’s the girl who once saved my life… After that, Some bulky men c@m£ in and took Silvania away.

Lucas: Oh no! Why didn’t you st©p them?!

Stephen: Lucas, Believe me, I tried. But they got away with her.

Luvas: (he sighs worriedly) Uhhh, What’re we going to do? We don’t even know where they’re taking her…

(The hefty men halt their van at a truck st©p)

Hefty man 1: (to the fourth hefty man) We’re going in to get some snacks, You want some?

Hefty man 4: Yeah just get me a burger and a soda.

Hefty man 1: Will do. Make sure you watch over the mermaid, She must not escape!

Hefty man 4: Alright.

(The three hefty men goes into the restaurant while the fourth one enters the back of the van)

Silvania: Huh. (She twitches when she sees him)

(He sits down and examines Silvania with admiration)

Hefty man 4: Wow…

(Silvania fearfully diverts her gaze away from him)

Hefty man 4: You don’t have to be afraid of us, We’re not going to kill you, But we just made Miss Bethany to believe that. We’re taking you to a circus. (Silvania doesn’t answer him) Can you talk?

Silvania: Yes.

Hefty man 4: Surely you’re one of God’s creations to the world. (he smiles at her) Such beauty…

Silvania: plea-se I don’t want to live in a circus for the rest of my life. I want to be free.

Hefty man 4: (sighs) Forgive me.

(He re-moves the fishnet from Silvania then carries her & puts her inside a large glas-s water tank with wooden handles)

(The News Reporter and her c@m£ra crew interview Bethany)

News Reporter: Good evening citizens of Hillwood city, We are here live with Miss Bethany Sanders, The woman who singlehandedly captured a real life mermaid. (She points her microphone to Bethany) Now tell us Miss Bethany, How did you find her?

Bethany: (smiling in ecstasy) It wasn’t easy. That’s all I can say.

News Reporter: Indeed. You know, You should be praised because thousands of people searched for all over the city for her but they couldn’t find her, I’m sure it wasn’t an easy feat.

Bethany: It definitely wasn’t. But what matters now is that the hideous monstrous creature has been captured.

News Reporter: I’ve heard stories about mermaids who lure sailors to their doom by singing enchanting songs to them. So I have a question for you… That mermaid you captured, Is she one of those evil mermaids?

Bethany: Well, We’ll never know. (She smiles menacingly)

News Reporter: Anyways, It’s really wonderful because people all over the world will now come to Hillwood City to see a real life mermaid.

Bethany: (scoffs) Ugh, St©p calling her a mermaid!

News Reporter: (confused) But she is a mermaid, What else would I call her?

Bethany: Calling her a mermaid is just a euphemism, She is meant to be called a vile disgusting hideous repulsive irritating monstrous freak of nature! (She angrily looks into the c@m£ra) LET THE MEDIA PUBLISH THAT!

To be Continued