The dairy of lia mark episode 28 & 29


(Dear diary)


EPISODÈ 28 & 29



The furious look that la-id on Logan’s face made me shift a

little.. “you are here to see LIA?” Logan asked for confirmation

and Noah slightly nod his head

Jason suddenly slammed the door, ma-king me jump..

“I don’t know where you know that dude, but he’s not coming

in here” Logan said angrily while I sighed,

I didn’t know what to do, I can’t fight with Logan and most of

all I don’t want Logan here,

Logan walked away to the couch while I stood still by the

door, planning to walk away when I suddenly heard a soft

knock on the door, I huffed angrily and owned the door ,

“seriously you have to leave!” I said to Logan..

“well.. Okay.. But your b©yfri£nd’s kind of rude, but I don’t care

I just c@m£ to say I’m sorry” he said and moved his hair back..

“okay, well you’ve said enough, I forgive you now can you

plea-se leave?” I said wi-dening my eyes and sneezing at the


“bless you” he said nicely but I gave him a look and he nods

his head and said

“sure I’ll leave, ” he waved lightly and walked away.


I slammed the door and head to the couch, “is he gone?” he



I sat down beside him and he made me lean in him and I

peacefully did, the rain had alre-ady st©p and we both

continued our movie in peace..

Few minutes later, I start to doze off and before I knew it, I fell



I woke up feeling somewhat better, and strong, I could

preserve something great, Logan’s cooking, I smiled and went

downstairs slowly with my ponytail drooping down, but I

angrily took off the ru-bber band..

“perfect timing babe, dinner’s re-ady!” Logan said with a

dimpled smile..

Now that’s the kind of smile I want to see in my entire life we

both sat down at the dinning table, we both began to eat

silently, we’ve both eaten half way when he said..

“tell me about derrick”

“excuse me?” I said as I suddenly raised my head up..

“tell me about him, how did you guys met” he asked..

Well he wants to know, so I have to tell him..

“well we met a long time ago,, we just moved here when I was

seven, and I didn’t have any friends and all, one morning as

my driver was driving me to school, derrick being a rou-gh

n@ûghty boy going to school ran in front of the car, and got

hit, his wrist got a little broken and then he cried my driver

drove him to the hospital that morning and he wore a little

cast, which he f0rç£d to me signed on it with me and my

driver apologizing to him, he drove with me to school that

morning and ever since that day we’ve been best friend’s and

we do like literary everything together,” I exclaimed and he


“how about that Noah guy” he asked

“oh it hasn’t been long when Noah c@m£ to our school, he’s a

newbie… He c@m£ like three weeks ago or so.. And we started

to talk since he was sitting right next to me” I said and Logan


“oh so you guys are just like friends?” he asked and I hesitated

before answering

“well. .. He once told me he likes me… Like really really like

me” I said truthfully staring at his eyes..

“well he’s not coming here anymore” Logan said trying to

control his voice to be calm

I shrugged and continued eating, I don’t even want Logan


“so.. ” Logan said..

“so.. What?” I replied

“aren’t you gonna ask me?” he replied

“ask you what” I said with a confused look.. “how I met Tania,”

he said

I see what’s happening here, it’s like a secret section..

“Uhm no.. nee-d.. ” I said and drank my glas-s of water..


*Logan’s pov* (Point Of View)

I can’t believe I’m this jealous, and Lia isn’t, I asked her about

noah and derrick but she didn’t even ask me about Tania, or if

I’ve liked it d@t£d any girl ap@rt from Tania, it’s like she’s not

the jealous type..

But I love the jealous type..

Because I’m a jealous freak!!!

“but do you want to tell me how you met Tania?” Lia asked

with a mocking smile..

“no.. No nee-d it’s okay” I said and sighed and she smiled and

shrugged ..

After dinner Lia begged me to do the dishes and I allowed her,

I just don’t like her doing anything,.. I head upstairs to our

room and la-id on the be-d, feeling a bit cold and I closed the

window and la-id back on the be-d,

Few minutes later, Lia walked in and sat down on the be-d

beside me.. Smiling..

“okay what’s with the smile” I asked with a smile, her smiles

are contagious

“nothing, I’m just happy I’m not sick anymore, no headache no

cold, no sneezing I’m just okay, I guess rest was all I nee-ded

after all” she said happily..

“well good for you” I said and sn-ked my hands around her

thin w@!st..

“yeah, good for me.. So about tomorrow why don’t you invite

your friends over so we can like share the Sunday together,

cause today was just so boring with you and me alone” she

said and I faked a g@sp.. .

“so you’re saying I’m boring” I said dramatically..

“I’m not saying you’re boring, I just said that” she replied

sarcastically and I laughed..

“I would have scold you but I can’t, cause you’re too beautiful”

I said and her cheeks flu-shed and she looked suddenly cute.

It’s cute that she’s like this to me..

We both talked all night till we fell asleep in each others arm,

actually with me cudd-ling Her..

The next morning, I woke up and smiled seeing Lia In my

arms, she was still slee-ping peacefully and I moved my hand

to her hair moving it back slowly, tugging my f!ngersin it and

pushing it back and she suddenly moved

“oh, gosh, plea-se continue” she mumbled and I laughed and

k!$$£d her n£¢k, before getting out of the be-d..

“maybe later” I said and she gro-an ed disappointingly..

I quic-kly brushed my teeth and went downstairs to make

breakfast, i texted the guys, telling them to come over.. I really

didn’t want anyone with us today I just wanted it to be me, and

Lia alone.. And no one else, but what can I do it’s the queen

orders so I have no choice than to invite my friends over. . .

I made waffles for breakfast and Lia and I ate with smiles and

talks, immediately after breakfast my friends c@m£ over and to

be sincere I wasn’t that happy, but Lia was very happy and I

could guess it was seeing Betty, she and Betty and got along

plainly well and I like it..

Lia and Betty were both hvgging and giggling when Tressa

walked inside and I sighed disappointingly..

Who the hell invited her..

“hey guys” she said cheerfully and Lia’s smile suddenly fade

“I know what you all must be thinking, why am I here? Well I

saw you guys coming out from a nearby restaurant and so I

followed you guys cause I had a feeling you guys were coming

here, I mean come-on I want to hang with you guys you’re my

friends, well except for.. Well you know who, but still I want to

spend time with my friends” Tressa said and Lia rolled her

eyes and mumbled something to Betty which made Betty

laugh and made Tressa gave both of them a glare from her

big, very hvge eyes..

Lia was wearing a grey crop t©p and a ti-ght blue jean short

ma-king her b©dy kind of attrac-tive and attention catcher, and

it cracks my head to see Jason staring at Her lvstfully, I

walked up to him and gave him a painful nudge

“really dude?” I said in anger and he flin-ched and turns to me

with a *sorry* look, while I just glared at him and walked


T. B. C






*** Logan’s pov continues **

Everyone was in our room doing whatever is it they were

doing, Jason was on the floor with his phone, while Betty was

sitting bride Ricky who was lying flat on his stomach still on

the floor. Tressa was sitting on a beanbags beside the be-d,

operating her phone while Lia was sitting close to Betty on the

floor and they were both laughing and talking about a movie

which I didn’t know about..

Okay, I really didn’t know how Lia defines Less-boring cause

this is totally boring.. So boring, I glanced at Lia, as she was

happily g8ggki with Betty

Damn it, I want to be close to her and hold her close..

I stood up and said “who wants ice-cream cause I’m going

down to get mine” everyone agreed to want ice-cream except

Tressa who was so focused in her phone sm-irking devilishly..

Ugh this girl gives me creep.. I went downstairs and brou-ght

out the biggest plate of ice-cream I could find.. I went back

upstairs with five spoons..

As I walked in the room I didn’t see Lia or Tressa..

“where’s Lia?”I asked

“oh uh she went to pee or something” Betty replied and moved

her hair back,

I dropped the ice cream and got close to the bathroom door

and I heard the water in the sink running..

“wow Logan just can’t let Lia out of his side for once” I heard

Betty saying from the other side of the room and Ricky and

Jason giggled after her..

I was about to walk away when I heard Tressa’s voice from

inside the bathroom ..and I moved closer cause I also heard

Lia’s voice..

“so you and Logan relationsh!pis getting stronger” Tressa said

“we’re not getting stronger, it’s alre-ady strong, stronger than

you think” Lia backfired and I smiled to my self, she can’t

allow Tressa get her..

“well I’m afraid it’s going to end soon” I had Tressa said.. And

suddenly the running water st©pped running and I could hear

them more clearly now..

“what is that supposed to mean” Lia said angrily..

“oh dear, it doesn’t mean anything but it will soon” Tressa said

evily and I felt like barging in and ripping her ap@rt, but I felt

like Lia wouldn’t have liked that ..

“you know I love Logan so much that nothing could ever

separate us, even your bit-chy self can’t do that” Lia said and

Tressa g@sped.. And then turned it into a laugh..

“I know you love Logan you fool, I do too and trust me this

marriage thing is such a waste of time he’s going to be mine

soon just wait and see” Tressa said and giggled

“you’re just wasting your time looser or Tressa or whatever

your name is, Logan love me not anyone else” she said and I

love her for standing up for her self, she’s such a sweet heart..

“oh I know Logan loves you sweetie but just wait and see, you

just wait and see” she said and I suddenly heard nothing and I

know she was coming out and I quic-kly walked to the other

side of the room where the guys have alre-ady eaten the ice-

cream half way.

“what the hell?” I asked, feeling shocked seeing as the big

hvge ice-cream had gone down..

“sorry dude, you were gone for too long” Jason said and he

and Ricky smiled at each other..

“well you know what this remaining one is for me and Lia

alone”i said and Tressa suddenly walked up to us sitting back

on the bean bag..

“but I’m not done eating” Betty pouts,

“and how does that concern me?” I asked rudely

“because you’re an as-s-hole” Betty said and I smiled at her and

said thanks,

I sat on the be-d and Lia suddenly walked in, I was surprised

she didn’t sit on the floor close to Betty but on the be-d with


“is this supposed to be for me?” she asked looking at the little

frozen ice-cream that la-id on the hvge plate

“it’s for us” I corrected her

“oh” she said and glance at me then at the ice-cream..

“don’t worry You can have it alone” I said and she smiled and

looked at me and shook her head negativelike

“no Logan we’ll share this, and I don’t care the amount of

anything we share as long we share it together as one” she

said and Betty g@sped.

“oh my god, Lia that was so ro-mantic” Betty said in a cute

tone and I laughed and so did Lia..

“thanks babe” I said to Lia and she blu-shed.. I think

Tressa rolled her eyes and gr-unt like she was irritated and Lia

smile glowed, it’s like that’s what she wanted to get Tressa all

angry and jealous..

I couldn’t help but smile at the idea..


After rounds of different games and small TV moment, and a

time at the pool, the day grew they all went home …

That night Lia and I both fell asleep peacefully in our normal

position with me cudd-ling Her..

•••• Lia’s pov ••••

The next morning Logan and i got prepared for school and we

got to school early,

After my first clas-s I met Hannah and we both exchanged

greetings and started to walk together and I got really happy

when I found out that we both had the next clas-s together and

with Betty,.. After the clas-s Betty went to meet Ricky

immediately leaving me and Hannah haging..

Suddenly Victoria walked up to us, the vice president’s

daughter ..

“hey Lia, Hannah” she greeted and I was surprised she knew


“Lia I’m having p@rty at my house this evening girls only, no

boys allowed and you’re invited” she said rushing her words..

“I don’t think I’m going to come cau—-

“you’re coming and that’s that” Victoria said and walked away..

“you heard her, you have to go and you must be there”

Hannah said, her tone different and kind of scary but I wasn’t

frightened I was just surprised..

She suddenly said and walked away…

Should I go or not?

