The dairy of lia mark episode 22


(Dear Diary)




** Lia’s pov continues **

As I tried to calm the nervousness building inside me, I

immediately saw Carter and Carlos.. They saw me too and

smiled and I waved and they waved back and walked up to,

Logan and I but not really noticing Logan since he was talking

to someone..

I hvg them both and Logan suddenly turned realising that we

aren’t holding hands anymore..

Immediately the twin saw Logan their smile almost fade, but

Logan Gave them a small smile and I was glad he did..

“Uhm Logan, this are the guys I was telling you about, carter

and carlos” I said pointing to the boys and they both shook

Logan’s hand with a nervous smile..

“so I’m gonna go get my self some punch, about you?” Carlos

asked his brother and he nodded..

“and by the way Lia, you look breath taking” Carter said and

win-ked at me before he and his brother left..

“okay I don’t like those guys” Logan said over the loud music

and I giggled “oh quiet, I know you’re Just mad and jealous

that I hvgged them and Carter win-ked at me” I said truthfully

and he shrugged

“of course I am” he replied honestly

“oh that’s your payback for hvgging Amanda, I told you she

wasn’t even my friend” I said and he shrugged and held my

hand again…

“so what do we do now” I ask Logan looking de-ep in his green

eyes and he gave me a weird look

“we drink, p@rty, dance, and have fun like all weird teenagers

do” he said with a smile ..

“but I’m not weird” I said while he rolled his eyes..

“just live a little Lia, you’ve been locked up in that mansion for

too long” he tea-sed while I sighed and sh0t him a look, a

group of boys, actually five dudes walked up to us all shaking

hands with Logan taking turns, and it seems like they just

pas-sed out of boulder academy like a year ago or so..

Logan introduced them to me and when they tried shaking me

Logan st©pped.. “why?” I said immediately the guys left

“what do you mean why” he asked back

“shaking them won’t do any harm you know” I said


“well… I-i Uhm didn’t want their germs on you” he lied

“like you don’t have them” I said and he shrugs..

“C’mon” he said and pu-ll-ed me and I walked with him to the

kitchen to get drinks.

“so alcohol or non alcohol” he asked ..

“Uhm non alcohol duh, I don’t do alcohol” I said and shook my

head negatively

“like you’ve tasted one before!” he tea-sed and laughed to


he di-pped his cu-p in a glas-s bowl of pink liquid and handed it

to me saying “this are for teddy bears like you while this are

for tigers like me” he said and di-pped his cu-p in another glas-s

bowl of soda colour liquid..

“I thought you’re the lion, oh you’re the tiger now?” I tea-sed

and laughed to my self..

We’re even now..

He took a sip out of his drink and closed his eyes before

opening them

“yeah long time no see to you too” he said to his drink and I

laughed, I tasted mine and it tasted like strawberry..

“what’s this?” I asked referring to my drink

“I don’t know, but I know it’s not alcohol” he said and I

shrugged and gulped it down, taking a cu-p full again..

“oh my goodness Lia” I heard Betty’s voice behind me and I

turned and smiled seeing her she was putting on a jean short

and a pink light sweater that she tucked in.. And black boots,..

“Betty!” I said happily and we both hvgged, she moved back a

bit and I noticed she was drinking something..

“so.. Looking good,” I said and arched an eyebrow at her and

she smiled

“what’s with you and Logan and the matching outfits” she said

while i sighed

“it’s not like we planned it though, it was just a coincidence” I

said and she shrugs “well but still you guys still look S-xily

cute” she said and I gave her a “what-the-hell” look and she

laughed and drank a bit of her drink.. “come-on let’s go meet

friends” Betty said and dragged me away from Logan without

him noticing since he was talking to a boy and his girlfriend..

Betty took me outside the house and to the backyard , there

was a swimming pool with people p@rtying in it with bikinis

and beside the pool were two pool tables, some girls who

were clearly drun!kand half n-ked were dancing on it..

Is this their idea of fun.. It’s to inappropriate..

“hey there you c@m£” Ricky said and gave me a friendly hvg..

And I nod..

“why’d you come” I heard Tressa’s voice out of nowhere and

found her behind Ricki “because I was invited” I threw back

and she rolled her eyes..

“people like you, aren’t meant to be here,” she said with a


“what is that supposed to mean” I said almost angry. “you

know you’re too soft and girlish and girls like you can’t handle

p@rties like that so I guess you better go home to you mommy

cause you won’t see what’s coming” she said and I almost

breaked, she just insulted me..

“you know what Tressa, either you get your bit-chy self out here

or you keep your slut hole shut” I suddenly said and g@sped at

my foul language and so did Betty and Ricky,

“don’t worry Barbie, I’ll get my bit-chy away from you and to

Logan” she said with a devilish grin and I want to sma-ck her

head so ha-rd .. She walked away and I breathed a sigh of relief

“glad she’s gone” Betty said and I shrugged

“so wanna pl@ytruth or dare, they’re doing it on the pool table

wanna join? Carlos and Carter are there alre-ady” Betty said

with a smile..

“Uhm no thanks” Ricky and I said together and glanced at each

other with a laughing smile

“aww come-on on, live a little girl!!” Betty said wiggling my

arms.. That’s the exact same thing Logan told me..

But I don’t want to live a little, I’m. Living okay and nothings

gonna change..

“I don’t want to live a little, are they living a little” I asked

referring to the half n-ked girls on the pool table..

“oh.. I don’t know about them but you, you’re different okay,

just have fun at this one p@rty, plea-se” betty said while I shook

my head negatively

“don’t f0rç£ Cinderella Betty, that would be inappropriate for

her” I heard Tania’s teasing voice from behind and I didn’t

care to turn, she’s just as annoying as Tressa,

“welcome to my p@rty LIA, you look as goo.. The same you

look the same” she said not wanting to compliment me while I

sighed and rolled my eyes..

“lamest p@rty ever!” I said, giving her a bit of the Amelia’s


“oh.. Really, if you want to leave the door’s right outside you’re

free” she said with her sly smile..

“oh.. You know if I leave then Logan leaves too, and then what

happens your p@rty comes crashing down boo hoo so beat it

Tania or you’ll get it from me or should I say Cinderella” I said

in a devilishly tone..

Whoa, what are this people turning me into…

Tania angrily walked away and both Ricky, Betty and I fell out

laughing ha-rd ..

“you know what Betty, let’s pl@ythat truth or dare” I said


“are you sure?” she asked

“few minutes ago you were begging me to join and now you’re

backing down come-on Betty” I said and she giggled

“a’ight.. Let’s go” she said and we both head to the pool table..

I saw Carlos and Carter there too and a bunch of people

surrounding the pool table with five bottles of… Oh my god

vodka in the middle of the table and cu-ps around it. “I thought

they were pla-ying truth or dare what’s with the alcohol” I asked

“oh the drinks are the main fun, see when someone asks you

truth or dare and you choose one, when you fail to tell it or do

it do it you get five cu-ps of vodka or when you do it, the

person who asked you get the five cu-ps..

“and how is that fun?” I said while Betty rolled her eyes..

“just C’mon” she said and we got real close to the table and

she yelled over the table full of people..

“hey guys” they all turned to Betty and she added “got room

for two more?” she asked and they all nodded. And we joined

them all of them were guys with only four girls with us ma-king

it six girls there..

Hey Lia” Carter and Carlos said the same time and I waved

slowly at them.. “hey Lia, hi Lia, sup Lia” I heard from different

guys around the table and I waved at them..

How do they know me

I don’t even know them. .. But still It’s nice knowing a few


“so I’m gonna go first” a boy with blonde pigtail said and filled

his plastic cu-p with vodka.. He looks around the table and then

his eyes st©pped at me and he smiled and everyone turned to


“he’ll be asking you, now you have to fill your cu-p” Betty

whispered to me and i gr@bb£d one of the bottles of vodka

and filled my cu-p, I don’t really see what’s fun in This…

“okay, Lia truth or dare” the boy asked me..

“just call truth Terry she can’t pick dare” one of the girls said

to the him almost in a whisper but everyone heard it..

Everyone turned to me waiting for an answer.. “Dare!” I said

she the girl who said that to Terry g@sped, and that was the

reaction I was waiting for..

The guy Terry gave me a cunning smile and laugh lightly,

before saying

“I want you to make out here on the pool table with Betty”

“what?” I said almost angrily, they want Me to k!ssBetty and

by that it means a really really we-t k!ss..

“what that’s crazy” Betty prostested

“look Lia, if you can’t do it just take five cu-ps of vodka and

you’ll be free” Terry said and I almost cried

“fine I will” I said br@vely and glanced at the drink in front of

me.. I better drink this than k!ssBetty, I mean it’s not like it’s a

bad thing but it’s a bad thing, a really weird thing.. I gr@bb£d

my cu-p and brou-ght it to my, the smell alone made my head

to ache.. I gulped down the drink at once and almost lost it.. I

immediately bend down holding my che-st, cause it was h0t

and there was a sting.. “oh my god” I gro-an ed trying to catch

my breath… “oh my god.. Lia are you okay” Betty asked

ru-bbing my Back.. “you are so dead Terry if Logan finds out

about this” someone said to Terry while he replied

“it’s not my fault she just had to say no”

After my che-st had cool down i stood up and. Moved my hair

back, I was starting to sweat alre-ady, gosh I still have four

more cu-ps to go

“look you don’t have to do it if you can’t” Betty said while I

shook my head my and said “I can do it” and I gr@bb£d a

bottle and filled my cu-p again…


** Logan’s pov **

After talking to Jerold, a boy in our school, I looked around for

Lia but I couldn’t find her, I mean where the hell did she run

off to, I suddenly remembered she left with Betty, I started to

move around looking for her but didn’t see her..

Then I saw Tania she started complimenting me giving me

sweet talks and all but at last I asked

“where’s lia” she told she didn’t know and walked away angrily,

I felt someone k!ssmy cheek and I turned and saw Tressa..

“what the hell” I cleaned my cheek and she rolled her eyes

“have you seen lia” I asked her

“Lia’s at the.. I mean I don’t know where she is” she suddenly


“you’re lying tell me where she is” I said in a cool charming


“ugh, she’s at the backyard beside the swimming pool” Tressa

replied and I walked pas-sed her immediately, when I got to

the backyard I g@sped seeing Lia, dancing and screaming,

What the hell.. She and Betty..

More like they were swinging their hair than dancing..

Oh no they’re drun!k..


T. B. C