The dairy of lia mark episode 20& 21


(Đear Diary)




** Lia’s pov **

I went to biology clas-s alone that morning and it was

awesome, I met Carlos and Carter there and the three of us

sat down together and got along Like real friends do..

“so what clas-s do you have next,” Carter asked immediately

biology was over..

“uhmm.. Art” I said and he pouts

“that’s not what I have, I have math” he said and I sighed and

turned to Carlos

“what about you” I asked

“history” he replied and I sighed again..

“have you seen Betty, ” Carlos asked

“Uhm no.. I haven’t seen her since this morning” I replied and

he sighed, just then Tania started walking up to us,

“hey there Tamika” she said referring to me with a fake smile

“it’s Amelia” I corrected her

“whateves, look am having a p@rty at my house on Saturday

which is tomorrow and you’re invited” she smiled, fakely


“a p@rty.. I’m.. I’m not really a fan of par–”

“look Amelia, you’re going to be there whether you like it or

not” she said almost yelling and I flin-ched..

“hey, look you don’t have to get all yelly on her” Carter ch!pped


“yeah, you should go take anger management clas-ses

sometimes” Carlos said..

“and who are you two dummies her guardian angel” Tania said

almost angrily

“hmm you can say that again” Carlos said and the twins

laughed Tania rolled her eyes and said

“okay let me just make this clear to you Amelia, I know you’re

the only one who can make Logan come to my p@rty and if

you’re not coming, then he’s not coming and if the whole

school finds out Logan’s not coming then they won’t come..

So plea-se just tell him to come.. Being his ex girlfriend doesn’t

make me the villain here so just think about it” she said and

walked away..

Okay she’s so mean..

“wow I can’t believe you’re actually getting f0rç£fully invited to

a p@rty when I’m dying to go to one but still no invitation”

Carlos said and ru-bbe-d his temples while I shrugged..

“but still are you going?” Carter asked

“Uhm.. I don’t know” I replied truthfully

“plea-se go so you can invite me.. I mean us” Carlos said and

gave a cute

Okay this twin are so adorable, I have to admit

“you don’t have to go if you don’t want to, Tania can’t do

anything” Carter ch!pped in and said calmly and I smiled and


He’s right,

“but plea-se.. plea-se plea-se go, cause you know If you go, then

we get to go and..

“okay fine, I’ll go” I said cutting him off and his eyes lit and he

hvgged me happily

“thanks” he said and suddenly let go of me saying

“plea-se don’t tell Logan that” ,I rolled my eyes and he smiled

and so did Carter “so I’ll get to clas-s now” I tell the both of

them and they nod and walked away after telling me where art

clas-s is..

I got to art clas-s and I was happy to see Betty, we almost like

have every clas-s together, the art teacher who a woman of

many inspirations and kind of de-ep.. I wasn’t really good at art

but I tried, and by the end of the clas-s, she gave us each

project and I was p@rtnered up with Betty, the both of us were

ma-king a bird house of straws.. Pretty challenging..

I picked up my bag and moved my hair back, “so let’s go” I tell

Betty and she smiled and we both walked out but I bu-mped

into Edward..

“oh sorry” he said in his accentic voice..”oh it’s okay” I said

and he nod

“you’re that girl I met yesterday” he said with a smile

“Amelia” I said and stretched my hand forward for a proper


“uhh. ..i know you.. Or don’t you remember me… We like went

to the same elementary school” he said and I bat my

eyelashes surprisingly, he remembered he actually


“oh.. I.. Do remember you I just thought you didn’t” I said with

a nervous smile

“why wouldn’t I remember you it’s not like we both have

amnesia or something” he said trying to sound funny, but that

wasn’t funny at all, and I didn’t laugh.. I just gave him a weird

look and he un-derstood the look..

“okay that wasn’t funny I’m not really good with jokes, but what

I meant was who wouldn’t remember the smartest girl in

clas-s, I remember you and Joey Barton always competing” he

said and I smiled, he does remember everything..

“guess you didn’t have amnesia after all, well I’ll see you later”

I said and he smiled and Betty and I walked away..

“what was that all about” Betty asked immediately we got

away from him.

“what was what all about?” I threw back the question,

“okay..i totally saw a chemistry between you two” she said and

I rolled my eyes..

“don’t get all whiny Betty, there was no stupid chemistry,

between us” I said

“says who, you guys were totally hiting on each other” she said

and shoved me

“come-on Betty just st©p it, that’s crazy talk and besides, I’m

with Logan” I said and she rolled her eyes..

“do you even like Logan” she asked

“what? Of course I do what are you talking about” I replied

“come-on, I’ve seen the way you act around him, like you don’t

even know him,” she said and I huffed.. “oh so you watch us

now what are you, like a stalker?” I said while she shrugged

“you can call me that”..

“look what I’m saying is that you should show more Love to

Logan, I mean you don’t have to act like his wife since I don’t

know what wives act like, but act like a girlfriend, girlfriend”

she advised and I bit myl-ips and gazed at the door,..

“think about it, the boy’s been giving you a lot of affection,

attention and love , don’t you think it’s time for payback, even

if I’ve known you only for three days, I’ve studied you so much

around Logan, and just try and study Logan around other

people he’s not friendly around them, but you, you’re actually

lucky, and talk about charming, he’s all about that.. So Just do

all that” she said and sighed

She’s right, she’s so right

“you’re right” I said lowly and she smiled

“oh.. Why do you have to be so smart” I hvgged her and she


“because I’m Betty” she said and I smiled and let go of her

and we both hurried to the cafeteria, we went to meet the

guys at the special table and Logan’s face lit up immediately

he saw me…

And I felt totally guilty, he loves me but I don’t love him..


“hey lia” Jason greeted and i smiled at him while Ricky waved

at me

“hi LIA…” Logan called and I smiled and gave him sudden k!ss

on thel-ips which took him by surprise, Betty gave me a look

that said, *that-was-too-quic-k* I shrugged and turned to

Logan who was smiling brightly, I cleared my throat to talk

when ricky suddenly said..

“so I got invited to Tania’s p@rty, who else did”

“I did” Jason said “me too” Betty and Logan said together, and

then everyone turned to me..

“what?” I asked

“didn’t you get invited” Jason asked

“oh I did” I said nodding, I can’t tell them she f0rç£fully invited


“so are you going” Logan asked looking at me with his poppy


“Uhm yeah” I replied

“great cause if you aren’t going then I’m not” Logan said and

my eyebrows arched

“really?” I said and he nodded

“well I am and I also invited two of my friends” I said while

they all turned to me surprisingly

“what friends” Jason asked

“oh two guys, carter and Carlos” I said cheerfully

“what!! You invited those two annoying dudes” Betty squeaked

and I smiled

“yeah they’re my friends” I said defensively. ..

“but you just met them like yesterday” Betty said.

“whoa wait, who are these guys exactly” Logan asked

“oh don’t worry you won’t know them, Mr popular” Betty said

tea-singly and the Two of us laughed..

“oh I know those guys, they’re funny” Ricky said and Betty

gave him a look.. While he shrugged and said

“they really are!!” ..

We ordered our food and start to eat before going back back

to the clas-ses we had next and luckily Logan and I happened

to have the same clas-s..



School was over that day and Logan and I got in the car while

Davis took us home..

Immediately we got home I took a shower and felt really worn

out and before I knew I fell asleep..



I woke up at exactly 7:45pm I sighed which turned into a yawn

and I cleaned my eyes and c@m£ Down from the be-d, I saw

books on the be-d ignored it and just then Logan walked in..

“hey” I said

“hi… Oh good you’re awake” he said and I gave him a look

“someone’s looking for you, your sister I think, you didn’t tell

me you have a sister” he said

“I don’t, I have a step sister who’s like eight” I said

“what! Then who’s that chick downstairs with the same hair as

you, the same eyes and height,?” he asked and I walked

pas-sed him and head downstairs..

And I was surprised to see Amanda..

“Amanda?” I called and she turned with a smile

What the hell is she doing here, we’re not even friends.


(Dear Diary)
** Lia’s pov continues **
Turns out I do love Logan, I really do.. I mean why the hell will
I be jealous when he smiled and hvgged Amanda , it’s because
I really love him.. .. I do love him.. And I’m happy about it …
After we both have gotten over emotional hvg, I went back to
be-d, while Logan went downstairs, I started to re-ad one of his
comics and I was surprised I got really interested in it..
Well I was unfortunately I fell asleep, and didn’t wake up until
five in the morning the next day,
Logan was slee-ping peacefully beside me, hmm this is actually
the second time I’ve seen him slee-ping cause anytime I wake
up, he’s alre-ady woken up and dressed for school..
Since I couldn’t sleep, I got down from the be-d and went to
brush my teeth, and after that I went downstairs
I decided to check the pool and maybe see if I could have a
swim or just maybe see it, since I can’t really swim. .. I went to
the backyard and smiled it was pretty amazing, a hvge night
light was opposite the pool since it was still dark it made the
water glitter and beside the night light was flowers of different
I got close to the pool and squ-atted down, I di-pped my f!ngers
into the water and the coldness made me jump, I’m definitely
not going in there, I sighed and stood up and walked back into
the house, I made coffee and drank to my satisfaction, after
that I decided to make breakfast for Logan and I since he’s
been ma-king it for both of us lately,
After ma-king breakfast, i was setting the cu-ps, when two
hands suddenly sn-ked my w@!st, I turned suddenly, and
breathed a sigh of relief seeing it was my husband..
“you scared me” I said and he smiled
“if that’s your good morning, then good morning to you too?”
he said and took a seat, I smiled and rolled my eyes.. And
then sat down opposite him..
“I see, you made breakfast, you know that’s my job right” he
said and moved his hair back..
“so?… You know it’s supposed to me my job” I said while he
“yeah I gave my self the job since, you know I’m the
responsible one” he said and I gave him a look while he
“your ego is as high as the Eiffel Tower” I said and he nods
while I rolled my eyes..
I went back upstairs after breakfast to take a bath.. And after
that I put on a Blue Jeans and a purplish pinkish red t©p.. And
then fixed my hair in ponytail which made my earrings visible..
I received a text message from Betty saying
×× get re-ady for Tania’s p@rty tonight and also don’t forget
about our project tomorrow I’m coming over×× I smiled and
texted back
×× oh I won’t forget just that you shouldn’t bring Ricky, he’ll be
a hvge distraction for you :)××
×× oh quit whining, like Logan isn’t going to be a distraction
for you too well anyways I’ll see you at the p@rty
girlfriend×× she texted back and I giggled and dropped my
phone, I love Betty..
Logan walked in side saying he got a text from Jason
reminding him of Tania’s p@rty and how it will totally be
useless if he’s not there..
“well that’s quite sad Logan, cause how can the p@rty be
useless without just one person” I said shaking my head
“what can I say, I’m the school’s heartthrob, nothing can go on
without me being there” he said proudly and I rolled my eyes..
“quite charming, mr popular” I tea-sed and laughed
“oh and babe, by the way you look beautiful in ponytail” he said
and win-ked at me.. With a sm-irk ma-king a dimple at his left
cheek show.. I wonder if our children would have his looks..
Whoa I’m alre-ady thinking way out of my head, I’m not even
done with high school and here I am thinking about Children..
“call me Lia or Amelia not babe and oh you’ve tell me that
before this is actually the third time you’re telling me I look
good in ponytail and well thanks, but I don’t like it, it just that I
have to re-ad and I don’t like anything disturbing me” I tell him
and he nods.. And immediately his dark hair dropped to his
forehead.. Okay I’ve been wanting to t©uçh that hair for so
“that’s it, you look too good in ponytail that’s why I had to tell
you three times” he said and separated the “babe” he is
so stubborn..
“that’s it” I said, pla-yfully angrily and moved closer to him.. He
tilt his head back in confusion thinking I want to hit him when I
gently moved his hair back.. A smile appeared on his face and
he placed his hands on the small of my back and moved me
closer to him.
“well look who’s tou-ching the lion’s fur” he said and I rolled my
“and who’s the lion” I asked
“don’t make this awkward babe, you know it’s me.. I’m the
lion” he said, his breath all over my face and mostly it smells
like coffee..
“am sorry did you just call your self Lion or snail, cause
someone like you is definitely not a lion” I tea-sed and his
sweet laughs suddenly filled the room..
“well too bad you’re the only who th–.. I k!$$£d him not
allowing him to talk, at least that would keep him from talking..
He suddenly pu-ll-ed back and said
“look babe, we both know I’m damn handsome but seriously
you should take it slow okay” .. I doubled rolled my eyes and
he laughed
“but since you’re not taking it slow, so I’m i” he said and
started to k!ssme.. I smiled and reciprocated..
It was seven fifteen, [7:15pm] the sun was alre-ady set and
Logan and I were getting re-ady for the p@rty, Tania’s p@rty
actually.. I’ve dropped and added more wavy curles to my hair
and just wore light makeup on my face and by that I meant
only mascara andl-ipstick..
I was wearing a black mini dress and red heels, as I gr@bb£d
my red purse and turned I saw Logan wearing a black leader
jacket a red T-shi-t inside and black jeans with red sneakers..
“really? We’ll both be looking like devils” I said and and tucked
my hair behind my ear..
“so? Wait red and black are my colours, so you’re the one at
fault, but don’t worry I won’t scold” Logan said and win-ked at
“st©p wi-nking at me dude” I said shaking my head negatively,
while he just smiled and win-ked at me again, I gro-an ed and
Locked my hands in his and dragged him downstairs.. “we’re
going to be late” I said as we slowly get down the stairs,
“don’t worry, they don’t scold you at being late to p@rties” he
said sarcastically and I hit his che-st..
“I’ve been to a p@rty before” I said trying to defend my self
I haven’t actually..
“yeah, to your tenth birthday p@rty” he tea-sed and laughed to
him self..
I opened the door and was surprised to see Jason standing by
the door and looking handsome all dressed in black and his
blonde hair was pushed back..
“wow” he said seeing us.. Or let me say me cause he was
totally checking me out and Logan noticed and sh0t him a
murderous glare, and he quic-kly smiled it off and said
“you guys look good”
“yeah we know that” Logan said and walked pas-sed him
“thanks” I said to Jason and Logan whispered “don’t tell him
thank you” to me and Jason kind of heard it..
Davis drove us to Tania’s house and and getting there the
grew totally dark, but you won’t mind because of the street
lights and all..
“okay I’ve checked the pool and it was amazing” I said as the
three of us got seated in the car..
“right?” Logan said with a smile while I nod
“wait, you guys have a pool,” Jason said happily and Logan
and I nod
“you guys should totally have a pool p@rty, I have a pool at my
house though but how can you have a pool p@rty when six of
your sisters won’t keep themselves of it” Jason said almost
Whoa, he has six sisters!!
“you’re totally right man I should have a pool p@rty, it’s gonna
be lit” Logan said while I shook my head negatively
“no it’s a bad idea” I said while he rolled his eyes
“you’re always being a Debbie Downer, you should have been
named Debbie instead of Amelia” he said and pouts, ma-king
his pink bo-ttoml-ips tick out and I glance at him and laughed..
Tania’s house was big, but not so much we c@m£ down from
the car and walked straight to the front porch, they were
people standing outside holding cu-ps and we could also hear
the music from inside.. My heart was beating and I didn’t
know why, Maybe because it’s my first time going to a p@rty.. I
I held Logan’s hand as I felt bu-tterflies in my stomach and he
got a feeling I was nervous and he gave me a look that says
*I’m-here-everything-is-going-to-be-fine* I nodded and he
nodded also and we both walked in..
The living room was full of people and the loud music almost
made me puke, and to worst matters all eyes were on us..
Me mostly..
I don’t think this p@rty is going to go well..
T. B. C