The cursed child episode 2 & 3

☸️☸️☸️☸️ THE CURSED CHILD ☸️☸️☸️☸️
☣️☣️☣️☣️ Peace Is Overrated ☣️☣️☣️☣️
📒📘📗 : Chapter 2
Aurora’s POV
I was walking elegantly along the hallway just as every members of the royal family are expected.
Every member of the Royal family are accustomed to act differently from others in the society.
My name is princess Aurora and I’m the firstborn of my parents and I have a younger brother Niklaus.
Since it has never been in history of a woman ruling the kingdom, I don’t bother to claim the throne.
I know that’s the duty for my younger brother who doesn’t even take it seriously as I would.
Women don’t really have much say when it comes to the kingdom and I know very soon I’ll leave the kingdom.
My parents are alre-ady looking for a perfect suitor for me just as expected for every princess.
To my parents they believed that I’m re-ady enough to become engaged but for me I’m not re-ady for that yet.
But just like I said earlier women don’t really have much say especially when you are from a Royal family.
I have a feeling that some p@rt of me were missing and I believe it might be because of my twin sister.
I was told she died immediately she was born, hearing that really saddens me even though we’ve never met.
It’s a very funny thing that you missed someone you’ve never met, sometimes I just wish she was here.
I know for sure she and I will get along very well and maybe we might teach that n@ûghty boy some lesson about women.
” Good day, My princess”
” Good day, My princess”
The maids greeted as I walked by to my brother’s Chamber and I know exactly what he must be up to.
Ever since Niklaus know S-x means he bec@m£ a deranged nymphomaniac that can’t abstain from S-x for some period.
Whenever he set his eyes on a woman all his mind thinks about is how to sleep with her.
I’ve lost count on how many women he sle-pt because he can’t abstain from S-x for a week.
To make things worse most the girls throw themselves at him, some were few years older than him.
‘ why not, who wouldn’t want to sleep with the prince? ‘
My parents the king and queen knew of his behavior but they did nothing to caution him because he’s the heir to the throne.
As long as he’s not hurting anyone or f0rç£ himself on them.
I of all people can’t talk him out of it because he ba-rely listen to me, sometimes I wonder who the elder one is.
‘ ugghh, uhh…ugh….uuhhh’
At first I thought someone was hurt and was wincing in pain as the result.
But as I draw closer to my brother’s chamber I can hear gro-an s and m0@n s coming out of his chamber.
I nodded with regret and anger, it’s not my first time of encountering something like this but I have it everytime.
” Ughh…..this boy will never change” I gr-unted.
I st©pped right in front of the door and calmed myself before hitting on the door really ha-rd .
” Who the hell is that?” I heard him shouted from inside.
” NIKLAUS!” I shouted.
” Seriously?…… aren’t you supposed to be tired or something?…..this is your third time this week” I asked.
” Is that the reason you want to bring down the door” he said then after a short while two ladies c@m£ out blu-shing.
I noticed one of the girls to be someone I recognize which got me surprised.
” Even you?” I said.
” Good day, My princess” they said before running off while I nodded my head in pitifully.
” Are you decent in there?” I shouted.
” Yes, you can come in now” he replied then I entered only to see him on the be-d covered with the eider.
I can perceived the horrible smell of S-x in the room immediately I entered.
” This place reeks of S-x” I said.
” Worry not, I’ll get the servant to clean the place and everything will clear”
” I Just saw the commander’s niece coming out of your room……. you’re doing her too?” I asked and he scoffed.
” She nee-ds help and she c@m£ to the only place she could get it, and don’t be fooled by her appearance……”
” Appearance can be deceiving, That one, She’s very wild in be-d and those are kind I like” he said.
” Enough, I don’t want to hear anymore” I replied.
” Why don’t you tell me why you are here disrupting my morning plea-sure?” He asked.
” Early morning plea-sure?……If you keep doing this…you might as well Kill yourself” i said.
” Nons-en-se, all the women love me and they don’t seems to get enough of me all the time”
” And as the generous prince that I am and also the heir to the throne and also the favorite of the gods”
” Which made them bestowed upon me the power and strength and we’ll instrument to fulfill these women de-sires”
” They come to me for plea-sure, who am I to reject them?….one of the purpose of being a king is to satisfy your subjects which is what I’m doing” He said proud.
” You’re sick, very sick, For the first time in my life I’m glad I’m your sister” I replied and he smiled.
” Oh You, my dear sister, you are covered by the Royal blood,…”
” I was at the verge of an intense Orgasm when you interrupt so I hope it worth it, so tell me dear sister, why are you here?” He asked.
” While you’re here ruining your life, father is at the palace with the council”
” And he wants you with him in the palace immediately” I said.
” Why is he s£nding you?…..he could’ve s£nd one of the guards” he replied.
” He s£nt me because he knew the guards won’t dare to interrupt your crazy morning fun” I replied.
” It’s called morning plea-sure, sister…….so what’s the urgent meeting” he asked.
” Then you should get your a** up and ask him yourself” I replied then went out on the room.
Klaus’s POV
After my sister left I fell back to the be-d and rethink of how I got the commander’s niece in be-d with me.
I was pas-sing throu-gh the street in my wagon along with the guards just trying to look around the kingdom.
This isn’t my first time of doing something like this infact it’s one of my plot to get a new lady to take home with me.
I decided to give my eyes a feast and look elsewhere and….Oh! Lucky day…
I found something sweet.
A game more interesting.
I admired the lady’s shape.
Full h!ps;
Big bu-tts;
Moderate sized brea-sts.
That has got to be a nice shape.
I gave a keen look at her, trying to access if she was worth it.
The lady was a blonde who I happen to recognize, the lady was with her friends and was stealing glances at me.
Coincidentally our eyes met and she smiled at me and as the loving prince that I am I smiled back at her.
And after much scrutiny, I snapped my f!ngersat my guards – at the front.
” Baja, i want her” I ordered and he turned slightly to look at me.
“The blonde lady, my prince?” He asked and I nodded with my eyes locked on her.
” My prince, that’s Dana, she’s the commander’s niece” he reminded me which I alre-ady know.
” Yes I know, and if you drag words with me again then we are going to have a problem” I snapped at him.
Without hesitation, he got down and proceeded to meet them while I watched from the window.
Sure, I couldn’t get what he was saying to the lady cause they were far from me.
But one thing was certain, It won’t be long now before I have her with me because I can see it in her eyes.
Few seconds….the girl had started walking towards my wagon with my guard smiling sheepishly.
She didn’t turn to look at her friends but continued with my guard who opened the door for her.
She stood in front of the opened door and looked reluctant coming in.
She probably couldn’t believe it was indeed the Prince.
“Come in” I prodded her and she clasped her hands and walked in, obviously looking shy.
“My….My…My prince” she bowed, re-leasing a light smile from myl-ips.
“Hey, pretty. What’s the name?” I ate her with my eyes.
“Da….Dana, my prince” she shuddered, her eyes glued to the floor.
Well, you don’t look at the royal family directly in the eye – unless there’s a proper reason.
“Okay; Dana. I’ll go straight to the point. I know very well you know the reason you’re here”
” I like you and I want to have you for tonight what do you say about going with the prince for some fun”.
Her eyes dimmed immediately. I saw herl-ips shake.
“My…my…my prince” she chuckled – nervously.
She ran out of words for a few second.
” Yes, yes my prince……. whatever it is that you want….. I’m re-ady….. I’ll do anything for you” she replied excitedly and I smiled.
” Well, let’s not keep you waiting then” I replied then signalled to the guard to take off.
My plan was to have her for the night but just like I told my sister, the girl is very wild in be-d and things took turn.
Appearance indeed can be deceiving because she surprised me, she had to call up one of her friends to join us.
Those two drained me all throu-gh the night and continue at dawn.
Want a little introduction?
Well..I’m Klaus….. only my parents and sister calls me Niklaus, but it’s Klaus to others.
I’m the one and only prince and the heir to the throne.
Clearly, I’m a flir-t.
Yeah, I won’t deny it. I sleep with any single thing that catches my attention, no matter how difficult it might seem.
I don’t care for love – no. Infact I doubt if it actually exist.
But I do have time for the things between ladies’ legs. Its much more sweeter – trust me.
I hate being rejected and always try to get what I want. I always do.
I only have one sister – Princess Aurora – who can be a crazy witch at times but I do love her.
My major target – ladies and the throne and by the time I becomes the king, I’m going to create more glorious history.
.☸️☸️☸️☸️ THE CURSED CHILD ☸️☸️☸️☸️
☣️☣️☣️☣️ Peace Is Overrated ☣️☣️☣️☣️
📒📘📗 : Chapter 3
Unknown pov
At the palace the king and the rest of the councilmen are at the meeting when the prince arrived.
” How plea-sant for you to finally grace us with your pres£nce” Princess Aurora said sm-irking.
” Forgive me father, I was caught up with some things but I c@m£ as soon as I can” he replied.
“Indeed” Aurora added.
” Shut up” he snapped at her.
” Enough, both of you……sit down Niklaus” the king said and he sat down.
” We are just concluding the meeting when you entered” the king said again.
” What’s the meeting all about?” The prince asked.
” It’s about our annual fight contest between the villages coming at the next full moon” the king said.
” Oh, that’s true…….so what’s the plan?” He asked.
” Well, we decided to let you handle it since you’re the heir, you should know more about our culture” the king said.
” Thank you Father, But I don’t know what to do or where to start” he said.
” Don’t worry, your sister is there to help you……I want you two to handle things this time around” the king replied.
” Yes Father, I will” he said smiling.
” I know you will and I’m looking forward to seeing it, i will s£nd word out to the all the villages”
” Okay father”
Amelia’s POV
I moved my leg forward gently in other not to alert the antelope of my position as I relax my arm as I was about to shoot the arrow.
I watched the animal very well then took a de-ep breath then fire the arrow which went straight to it’s n£¢k.
‘ yes’ I uttered in excitement then ran to the animal and realized it’s still breathing so I finished it off completely.
Today has been a great day so far, I’ve been in the forest since the midnight hunting and it’s been good.
Now, I caught an antelope, Four Rabbits, and three raccoons,and that should be enough i think I’m done for today.
My name is Amelia and I’m a hunter just like my father.
At a very tender age my father had thought me everything it is about hunting and now I took over from my father.
My mother died when I was four years old and which made my father took up the responsibility.
It’s also one of the reasons why I decided to become a hunter in other to help my father.
My father was once a swordmaster with a great fighting skills but when my mother died he st©pped fighting.
I had to catch some sizeable amount of animals to sell in the market in other to make some money.
And today has been great just like always.
Immediately I’m done piling them together I carried them on my back and made my way out of the forest.
I was whistling along as I walk until I saw some people with a very angry look on their faces and I know the reason.
Since I bec@m£ a hunter they’ve been very angry with me, he and his friends always try to criticize me.
They reported me to the chief so many times but it’s unavailing because it’s a useless accusation.
Ashur and his three friends called me an abomination to hunting because I always catch more than them.
” Ashur, what is the meaning of this?” I said because they blocked the road.
” You’re going no where, not until you give us those animals” one of his friends replied while they stare angrily at me.
” Is this supposed to be a joke?…..why would I do that?” I asked back.
” I warned you I don’t want to see you in this forest or any other forest in this village but you refused” Ashur said angrily.
” You’re an abomination to hunting, women aren’t supposed to be hunting, you’re ruining business for us” ashur said.
” Ever since you started we ba-re caught anything, we don’t even see any animal, you make them run” he said.
” You’re such a delusional boy, which law says women shouldn’t hunt?,”
“If men are supposed to do everything then what should women do?” I asked.
” And I didn’t do anything to the animals, I went de-ep into the forest to catch what I caught”
” you’re just a group of lazy men unable to do anything but put blame on anyone” I replied.
” Drop those meat or we are going to do this the ha-rd way” he said sternly.
” Look Ashur, I don’t have time for this……I nee-d to go home, My father must be waiting for me” I replied.
” Take it from her” he said to one of them and he c@m£ forward.
” You don’t want to do anything crazy boys” I said then as the boy made to take the meat I punched him on the face.
” I won’t let you take this……I work ha-rd for this” I said dropping the meat then folded my hands in intending to fight back.
Ashur and others charged at me and I dodged the first man then kicked him on his knees.
I turned swiftly kicking the other boy on the che-st and made a backfli-ps along with that.
Ashur and another boy charge at me and I dodged all their advancement then kick him on the face.
I gr@bb£d ashur by the n£¢k and punch him several times on the face till his nose started bleeding then punch him to the ground.
The others stood up and charged at me and I I tried to dodge all their advances and in one swift movement punch them till they are unable to stand.
” Sometimes you have to work ha-rd to acquire success don’t try to steal it, being lazy won’t do you any good” I said then went to pick the meat and left.
My father won’t be happy if he learnt that I got into a fight, he has warned me specifically about that.
The reason is un-derstandable but what can I do in a situation like this, I can’t just let those boys treat me anyhow.
I have this powers in me that make me control things in my mind, I can make this happen without saying a word.
My father also told me not to let anyone know about my powers and also not to use them around.
I haven’t mastered or take total control of it but when I got very angry I seems to be able to control it with ease.
But when that happens a lot of damage must’ve been done, because I don’t have total control of myself.
My father knows about this which is why he warned me not to get into a fight which might lead to my anger.
I’m also scared of myself when I’m angry because it’s like I becomes someone else at that moment.
Which is why I’ve been trying to avoid fight and I’ve been trying to fight back without triggering my anger.
Ashur and his boys have always been coming at me taking my ha-rd earned meat every time and I had to do something.
The reason my father thought me how to fight was because I might be in danger and nee-ded to defend myself.
If I can’t defend myself it will only lead to my dark side doing it for me and that might end ugly.
My father taught me how to fight even before I bec@m£ a hunter, he taught me how to shoot an arrow.
He taught how to fight with my ba-re hands and also with swords to defend myself without triggering my anger.
Few minutes later I got back into the village and head over to our house and I met my father chopping woods.
” Father, I’m back” I said then he turned towards me.
” Amelia, oh bless the gods, the gods really favoured us these past few days” he said.
” Yes Father, these should make us alot of money today” I replied.
” Yes it will, why don’t you have your bath and have your breakfast” he said collecting it from me.
” Okay,” I replied then storm off to my room.
Some hours later after I’m done with my breakfast, and re-ady to go to the market with my father.
” Father I’m re-ady” I said to him.
” Not yet Amelia, these are the list of people owing us and you know they won’t pay unless we go to them” he said.
” Okay Father” I replied.
” Good, you can come to the market afterwards” he said then he left and I also did a while later.
I went to all the people on the list and collected every money they owe us and made my way back to the market.
On my way I was crossed by Ashur and his friends again and this time around he’s with his older brother.
” Ashur?… you’re full of surprises…..a girl beat you up and you went to call your big brother” I said sm-irking.
” So it’s you Amelia, you do this to my brother?” The man man.
” They are trying to take advantage of an innocent girl, you should be beating them for having their as-ses kicked by a girl” I replied.
” Just because you got some skill you think you can haras-s anyone?…..maybe we should teach you lesson”
He said then made to gr@bb£d me by my n£¢k but I was fast enough to caught his hand then twisted it.
” Aaahh” he screamed loudly then I punched him on the face then he went down.
” Looks like you also got your a** kicked by my a girl” I replied then turned to leave only to see more of his friends.
I looked around and see that I’m outnumbered and there’s no way I can take on them alone.
” Get her” Ashur’s brother shouted and they all c@m£ at me.
I turned then started running away, ashur tried to st©p me then I punched him again on his ban-ged nose.
They all keep running after me around the village but I didn’t st©p running and they are not re-ady to st©p as well.
One of the took a shortcut and c@m£ before me then I picked up a stick and smash him on the head.
This only made them yearn to catch me but I won’t give them that satisfaction.
I realized I can’t run forever because I’m getting tired alre-ady, then I noticed a large crowd up ahead then I went to join them.
I made my way throu-gh the crowd till I got the view of what was happening.
It’s a fight between two men and i think it’s because of the upcoming fight contest in the kingdom.
I looked around to see my chasers but I can’t find any of them so I decided to stay there to watch how the fight goes.
Only the big guys was having the upper hand in the fight, infact the fight is boring to watch.
I wonder what they could be watching and cheering in this because it’s so lame,
which explains the reason why our village has never won anything in all the years of the competition.
” Our village is definitely going to win this contest this season, Logan is such a fine fighter” the lady beside said excitedly.
” You this man is going to make it to the final?” I asked.
” Yes of course, he alre-ady fought against five men today and he c@m£ out victorious” she said.
” Well we should wish him all the best” I replied then focus on the fight.
Everyone cheered when Logan beat down his opponent to the ground.
” I told you didn’t I” the lady said with so much excitement.
” Then we should be happy the gods gave us someone as Logan to fight for our village” I replied.
” Yes we should” she replied.
” COME OUT NOW……IF YOU KNOW YOU HAVE IT IN YOU” he shouted again but no once c@m£ out.
” Look like the fight is over since no one is coming out ……. I’m going to the ma…..”
I haven’t completed my s£ntence when some pushed me which made fall to the ground and rolled down till I met myself in front of the fighting stage.
I turned to my attacker and see Ashur sm-irking at me, then I turned to see everyone staring at me.
‘ oh-ohh…..this is not good’