The celebrity’s baby mama final Episode

🎙The celebrity’s baby mama👪
(being brown skinned
Written✍ by osasere
Episode 27
Mimi’s pov
I let my hands run down my white wedding go-wn.
It was so beautiful and gorgeous.
Tae hyung said he couldn’t wait to have me as his wife, so the wedding was fixed tomorrow.
“Mummy, isn’t the go-wn beautiful?” emily asked appearing by my side.
“of course honey, it is” i replied pu-lling her coser to my side.
“You’ve acting so quiet since we arrived at korea” i said wra-pping my hands around her little w@!st.
“I promised you to talk less mom, remember you got mad at me the first day i met dad” she replied and i smiled.
“You’re such a sweet, angelic and wonderful little girl” i said tickling her and she giggled.
My phone beeped indicating i had a message.
I let go of emily and walked to the be-d were my phone was lying.
I picked up my phone and checked the message.
It was s£nt from an unknown number.
“Hey babe, lets meet up , i have a surprise for you, it’s me tae hyung, this is my second number” the message re-ad.
Not long after another message was s£nt.
It was an address of the place were we were gonna meet.
I picked out a simple red go-wn from my wardrobe and sli-pped it on.
“Your dad asked to meet up, i’ll be back soon” i said putting on a blue heel.
“okay mommy, plea-se don’t be late you know how much i hate being left alone” she replied sitting on my be-d and pressing her phone.
I k!$$£d her forehead and made for the door with my purse in my hand.
“There’s a box of cookies on the kitchen counter, eat some when you’re hungry” i said and walked out of the room.
I arrived at the place were tae hyung had asked us to meet.
“Why would tae hyung asked to meet up in a place like this” i thought.
The place looked creepy plus the building looked abadoned.
I walked around the building with my eyes searching for a pool.
That was were tae hyung had asked me to wait.
My eyes finally caught the pool and i walked towards it with a sign.
“He still isn’t here” i mumured with my eyes searching around.
I reached for my purse so i’d call to ask him were he was but my purse was no were to be found.
I hit my head in fustration when i realized i left it at home.
I walked closer to the pool gazing at it.
The pool was dirty and looked slimy.
Just as i was about to turn around when i heard some suspcious moves, i felt a big ban-g on my head and i sli-pped and fell into the pool.
Someone actually hit my head with something like heavy metal.
I felt a throbbing pain on my head inside the water
The problem right now wasn’t the pain i was feeling on my head, the problem was that u couldn’t swim.
Writer’s pov
She smiled wickedly as she watched mimi g@sp for breath, slowly sinking in the water.
Finally,she was able to get rid of mimi.
“Mimi was going to die and rot in the water” she thought.
She was finally going to have tae hyung to herself.
Emily went out to the balcony checking the sky which was alre-ady dark.
It hadn’t been long her mom left but she was scared being alone.
Her mom had rented an ap@rtment were they both stayed in seoul alone.
She dailed her moms number, her mom’s phone rang from within the room.
She ran back into the room, her moms phone was lying on the be-d rest.
She dailed her dads number and at the first ring he picked up.
“Dad!!” emily called in her tiny voice.
“Emily!!, how are you?, were’s your mom” tae hyung asked at the other end of the line.
“Huh!! but you asked to meet up with mom, isn’t mom there yet?” emily asked alarmed.
“I never asked to meetup with your mom” tae hyung replied confused.
“Mom told me she got a text from you asking to meet up, could it be something bad is happening to mom?” emily squeaked almost in tears.
“Hold on emily, i’d be right there”
“Don’t panick okay, i’ll find your mom” tae hyung as-sured and hanged up.
Finale) Episode
Tae hyung’s pov
I sat on a chair resting my head on mimi’s be-d.
She had been unconcious since yesterday and emily had alre-ady fallen asleep onthe couch in the ward.
I had been awake since yesterday blaming my self for not being able to protect her.
Our wedding was supposed to be today but it was cancelled.
Mom had come to visit and left promising to return later.
I felt a hand go throu-gh my hair snapping me out of my thoughts.
I looked up ward to find mimi with her eyes opened.
Mimi was awake.
“Mimi!!” i squealed like a child jo-lting emily from sleep.
“Mummy” emily squealed and ran to mimi’s side jumping on the be-d.
She pu-ll-ed emily closer to herself smiling..
I’m so sorry for not being there when you nee-ded me the most i choked out trying ha-rd not to cry.
Tears of joy actually.
“Shh, you didn’t do anything wrong, when i got to the building,i should have known something wasn’t and left but instead i waited foolishly” mimi said and chuckled.
“Thanks for saving my life” she added c@r£ss!ngmy cheek and ru-bbing her thumb on my lowerl-ip.
“I didn’t save you emily did” i replied.
“you both saved me,i thought i’d survive, thank you” she said and i nodded.
I love you so much i said gazing into her eyes.
I was glad and relieved she didn’t die.
“I love you more” she replied with a smile.
I reached for herl-ips, taking it slowing into mine.
A chuckle made us unlock from the k!ss, it was emily, i had almost forgotten she here.
Mimi made emily place her head on her che-st patting her back.
My phone started ringing and i picked standing to the leave.
The call was from one one of the people i had asked to investigate and find out who tried killing mimi.
“I don’t want away from my side” mimi said pu-lling me back and sat down picking the call.
“Is there any good news” i asked.
“Well sir, there was a metal pole close to the pool were your wife was found”
“the pole had some blood stains on it, we examined it and some f!ngerprints were found on it”.
“The f!nger prints belongs to”….
“You mean the person who tried killing my wife was yoona” i yelled in anger standing up from were i sat.
I never knew yoona was this desperate.
I’m not gonna go back on my words,i’m gonna make sure i deal with her.
I looked at mimi who was staring keenly at me and threw my face away.
“You know what, tie her up, i’ll meet you guys in few minutes and take it from there” i instructed trying to make my voice as low as possible before hanging up.
“Hey!! i’ll go call the doctor to inform you you’re awake, i’ve got something important to deal with” i said standing up.
“I’ll also call mom, jp, chang min and ji ho to inform them” i added.
“Was yoona the person who tried to kill me?” she asked ignoring all i’ve been saying.
“Mimi!!, you nedd some rest, i’ll go call the doctor” i replied pretending like i didn’t hear her question.
“Tae hyung!! answer my question and st©p avoiding it” she probe-d further.
“Fine!! yoona was the person who tried killing you” i replied in defeat.
“You shouldn’t hurt her…”
“What do you mean by i shouldn’t hurt her, mimi for crying out loud she almost killed you, what if she had succeeded” i half yelled cutting her short.
“Listen to what i want to say okay”
“I Just nee-d two of yoona’s teeth to be pu-ll-ed out” she said ma-king me chuckle.
“Dad maybe i can come with you, two sl@ps for yoona will do” emily whom i thought was slee-ping said and we all laughed.
“Stay with your mom okay, i’ll get you some ice cream on my way back” i said and she nodded.
I pe-cked mimi on herl-ips and placed a k!sson emily’s forehead before walking out.
“Do you kim tae hyung accept mimi williamson as your lawfully wedded wife, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health till death do you ap@rt” the priest asked.
“Yes i do” i replied.
“Do you mimi williamson accept kim tae hyung as your lawfully wedded husband, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health till death do you ap@rt” the priest asked mimi.
“Yes i do” she replied.
“You may kisy the bride” the priest said again.
I pu-ll-ed the veil away from mimi’s face and k!$$£d her like my life depended on the k!ss.
As for yoona, i had granted mimi’s request of pu-lling out her front teeths.
I hated hitting women so i just carved some marks on her face with a knife before handing her to the police.
She was s£ntenced to 20 years imprisonment with ha-rd labour.
Mimi’s pov
Finally the wedding was over and we had moved to our own house.
We’ll travel for our honeymoon to paris later.
I was no longer a baby mama, i was now a wife and a mother😊.
Words cant express how much i love tae hyung.
Tae hyung was not in the room now, he was on a phone call downstairs.
quic-kly, i took of my clothes and walked into the bathroom for a cold shower.
I felt refreshed as the cold water from the shower ran down my b©dy.
I didn’t even know when tae hyung joined me untill untill i felt a hand wra-pped around my w@!st almost ma-king me jump.
i shivered a little when i felt my bu-tt brush his di-ck.
“You don’t have to be nervous cause you’re mine now” he whispered into my ear and slowly bit my ear-lobe.
He turned me to face me and took myl-ips into his k!ss!ngme, he bit my lower l!pand i slightly p@rted myl-ips ma-king him gain entrance into my mouth as our ton-gues waggled against each other.
I felt really nervous knowing were this was gonna lead to.
i know you might call me weird cos this isn’t my first time but at the time i lost my vir-ginity, i was un-der the influence of alcohol.
“Why dont we get started alre-ady, i’ve abstained from S-x for six years and i can’t wait to have you beneath me m0@n ing my name” he said ma-king me feel hurt.
He took myl-ips into his again as his hand roamed my n*ked b©dy.
He turned of the shower and carried me in a bridal style taking me to the be-droom.
“I might be a little too ha-rd on you but i’ll try to control myself” he whispered into my ears as he dropped me on the be-d.
He su-cked on my collar bone as two of his f!ngerssli-pped into my pu-ssy ma-king me g@sp.