The bully boss Episode 47 & 48

I went to visit Jo at work. He looked so busy but immediately he saw me he told everyone to leave.
“What do I owe this visit Mrs Lucas……” he tea-sed and I smiled
“St©p that. Why is everyone teasing me?”
“Well Lucas did tell everyone he’s getting married when he comes back from Washington…..”
“Speaking of Washington. That’s why I’m here. Why didn’t you go with him? I mean you two go everywhere together……”
“Oh…’re wrong. Sometimes Lucas doesn’t allow me to go with him…..but this time my wife returned back home with our kids. She left before because I was always busy with Lucas. Now Lucas told me to spend more time with my family than with him… you don’t have to worry” he said
I smiled “I never knew you were married, nor have kids…..I’m happy for you…..” I said and he smiled too.
“If you want I’ll check on him for you….”
“No no…..don’t worry…..he calls me sometimes…..” I said
“Lucas is not a child. He’ll be home soon…..don’t worry…..the only thing you should be worry about is your wedding…..oh before I forget, your mother in law to be will be coming to take you out…..”
“Take me out…….!!!!”
Quinn, Mrs Harrison and two other women drag me into a big sto-re. It was filled with wedding go-wn and so many things.
“Welcome Ma’am…..” some group of girls on same uniform bowed to Mrs Harrison.
“Good…..she’s the one…..I want her to try each and every go-wn on……”
“Mom that’s too much……”
“Quiet Amanda. Lucas personally instructed me to make sure I spoil his money on you, on this wedding……Now this sto-re is one of the Harrison’s property… don’t worry about the money……you husband is Lucas Harrison, what do you expect?”
I was so exhausted. I just finished a whole section of go-wns and taking pictures. Oh by the way, did I tell you she invited paparazzi’s.
“I don’t know, everything looks good on her” one of the women said.
“Yes she’s amazing……look at all this pictures……you should be a model with your perfect b©dy….” the man praise
“Mom can I Rest…..?”
“Rest? Where? You just finished one section…..we have about 23 go-wn sections……” my jaw almost dropped. My phone started ringing……
“Ohhhh…….” Quinn said. She was with my phone so she picked the call.
Lucas smile disappeared when he saw the face he wasn’t expecting.
“Where’s Amanda?” His angry voice asked
“Why? Is it only Amanda you want? Talk to me too…..” Quinn tea-sed.
“Quinn before I count to three……”
“What are you going to do?”
“Ok plea-se let me see Amanda…….plea-se…..why are you even with her phone in the first place? Where are you?” Lucas asked.
I was standing while mom arrange my dress. Quinn switch the c@m£ra. Lucas saw Amanda. She was in a long white go-wn. She was so beautiful…….he’s heart pound fasted….just then the witch fl!pthe c@m£ra again and Lucas yelled!!!!!
“Bye!!!!!” Quinn ended the call.
I went to the fitting room.
“Ma let’s change…..into this……”
“I don’t want to anymore……I’m tired!” I said. I was so mad. Lucas should be the on doing all this. He should be here with me! Tears filled my eyes. I missed him.
“I SAID NO MORE!!!!” I yelled. I took the dress off and put on my normal clothes.
I run out of the room.
“Amanda……” Quinn called and ran after me.
“Amanda St©p!…….what’s going on?” Quinn asked
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me Quinn. I feel somethings not right! I’m tired! I’m frustrated! Lucas is not here. He should be here….I want him to be here! With me!” I said
“It’s okay……”
“No it’s not okay. I feel uneasy……I just…..” my phone started ringing in her hands. It was Lucas he was video calling.
I quic-kly wipe my face “how do I look?” I asked
“He’ll definitely know you’re not okay…..just tell him the flashlights made you cry when you were taking your pictures……”
I nodded and picked the call with a smile.
“Hi honey……”
“What’s wrong with you?” He asked immediately
“Nothing…….it’s just the flashlights made my eyes teary……” I said hoping he’ll buy it
“Was it too much?” He asked
“Yes……but I’m fine….”
“Liar!” He said and I frown
“What?” I said with my shaking voice.
“Do you have to lie everything you’re not okay? If you’re not fine tell me you’re not fine…..”
“Come back home Lucas…..”
“Mandy I told you I can’t come…’s just been a week since I left and things are not going as planned…..I might take longer than expected…..” he said
“What? But you said one month!”
“Am sorry Mandy……if you’re worried about the wedding……”
“Wedding? I’m worried about you……can’t you see?” I was alre-ady crying. Quinn watch from behind. She could tell how hurt Amanda must feel.
“You don’t have to worry about me……”
“Oh I don’t have to worry about you?” I cut in.
“Yes you’re overreacting……I’ll be home soon. I know you miss me and I do too so you just have to be patient…..” he yelled.
“Ok…..” I said and ended the call. I wipe my tears and smiled at Quinn.
“That Lucas is a d!¢k! I wonder how you love him…..” she said and my phone started ringing again. It was Lucas.
I answered the call. He just kept quiet staring at me. “You looked beautiful in that dress…..Quinn showed me……can you s£nd me all the pictures you took today?” He said calmly
“Yeah…..” I replied
“Okay……” he paused and sigh “I’m sorry…..” he added
“Me too…” I replied
“I hate it when we fight and argue…..I promise you Mandy…..I’ll be fine…..I’ll try to be home soon. Back to you……”
“….” I only nodded
“I love you” He said
“I love you too….”
“I love you more…”
“Bye…..take care of yourself…”
“You too my love…..”
I had that dream again……..I was tra-pped this time.
“Lucas!!!!! Lucas!!!!” I cried out. He was in front of me but he doesn’t seem to know me.
“I don’t know you…..” he said
“It’s me Amanda…’s Amanda……Lucas…….!!!!!! LUCAS!!!!!!” I jumped off my be-d. I hated this dream. I don’t know why it kept coming. I quic-kly took my phone and called Lucas…… I called and called and called but he wasn’t picking up.
I called Jo.
“I’m so sorry to disturb you Jo” I said
“It’s 2am in the morning Amanda what could you possibly want?”
“Lucas……did you hear from Lucas?” I asked
“He’s not picking up and I had this scary dream…..”
“Amanda Lucas is fine okay? plea-se…..” he said
“I’m sorry again…..bye…..”
The main reason Lucas was in Washington was because of Jeremy. He wanted to split all his company ma-king sure half of it goes to Jeremy if not his father would claim everything. It was ha-rd to convince the board members. He wanted to do it the easy way but since they’re pla-ying nuts he choose to use the ha-rd way.
They all feared Lucas and signed the contract. Lucas immediately forward the contract to Jo. He was so busy that day. He did see Amanda calling but he ignored her calls. It will only slow him down. He wanted to go back home quic-kly. He wanted to hvg her, k!ssher and just hold her in his hands all throu-gh the night.
The next day Lucas received a call from Jo that he have received the files.
Lucas had one more thing to do. Since he had been to Washington he haven’t taken a free time to go round the city. Just kill time before he board his flight back home tomorrow.
Lucas saw how beautiful Washington really is. He took some pictures with his phone.
“Amanda would love this…..I know she will……” he whispered to himself when suddenly a truck ran throu-gh him knocking his b©dy on the floor.
People began to scream and run for their lives. The driver c@m£ out dressed in complete black he had a ridiculous smile on his face.
He saw Lucas eyes where still opened……he was moving hisl-ips to say something…….
The man point a gun in his head and sh0t him right at his temple.
Jo was watching the news ‘Mysterious but Deadly accidents that happen in Washington few hours ago…….’
“The victim was said to be a very famous businessman who was hit by a drun!kand sh0t on his forehead. The victim was rushed to one of the best Hospitals here in Washington……we’re still trying to contact the victims family…….as the victim identify was said to be Lucas Harrison……….” Jo jump off his chair…… as Lucas picture appeared on his screen
The news about Lucas accident went viral. Every media posted the news. But everyone kept it from Amanda.
“Make sure Amanda doesn’t use her phone, step out of the house or watch the news” Jo said to Quinn
“What?! You shouldn’t hide it from her…’s impossible…..”
“Yeah?! What do you think would happen to her if she finds out that Lucas had a terrible accident. It won’t be only Lucas involved anymore……so do as I say…….!”
I was surprised as Quinn drag my phone from me. Some men walked into my house and took the TV and everything, Quinn even ha-rd en my phone to them.
“What’s going on?”
“If you stay with your phone you and Lucas will always fight so… instructed me to take your phone away…..”
“And my accessories? My TV…..what does my TV got to do with…….”
“From now……ehmmm……we won’t watch TV…..” she said and I frown.
“Because I say so……”
“At least give me my phone…..I’ve been texting Lucas and calling him all day. Do you think he’s mad at me? He’s not online and his phone is switched off…..”
“See? That’s what I’m saying……I’m trying to distract you from Lucas Lucas Lucas!!!!! Here…..” she sat beside me.
“Quinn……you’re right, but I still got to do some research about my wedding….so let me have my l@pt©p….” I said
“It’s not right for you to plan your wedding alone. The groom have to be here…..then you two can walk it out….right?” Quinn said
“Ok…..fine I agree with you…..”
I was so suspicious. Sometimes is wrong and Quinn is not telling me. I made sure she was asleep. I got dress and walk out of the room only to see b©dyguards everywhere. What the hell is this!!!?????
I tried the back door and saw some few guards too but they seem to not have seen me. They were whispering about something.
I walked closer.
“I don’t think he’ll survive it….”
“I agree….I mean who gets hit by a car and sh0t in the head can survive?……”
“It’s too bad she doesn’t know…..”
“Yes it’s our job to keep her from knowing……”
“Amanda!……” Quinn called from behind and the guards flin-ch when they turn and saw me.
“What are you talking about?” I asked the guards
“Nothing let’s just go inside Amanda…..” Quinn said
“No….Quinn you tell me why I have guards all over my house!” I yelled
“Nothing……Lucas told me too…..”
“Lucas?…….when was that?” I asked
“You’re lying…….” I turned to the guards “what were you saying!!!!!” I yelled
“Nothing! We….we swear…..”
“Amanda let’s just go inside…..” Quinn said and I recalled what they said. Immediately I felt my b©dy tense.
“Did something happened you Lucas?” I asked the guard and they all lowered their heads “TELL ME!!!!” I yelled. I turned to Quinn
“What….what do you mean Amanda? Nothing ha….happened…’s late…..let’s just go back inside……”
“Hand me my phone……!” I yelled
“Amanda you have to calm down……. It was all Lucas instruction!!!!!” Quinn lied
“Lucas?…..why….why?” I asked
“Well……as you can see…..he was threatened in Washington and they used you as his target…..” Quinn lied again
I finally calm down. “You… should have told me……I’m sorry……”
“It’s okay……plea-se let’s go inside……” he hold me close as we walk inside “You can’t use your phone or anything okay? Lucas would be worried……”
“Thank you Quinn…’s just that I had this strange feeling and……”
“Lucas is fine…….” she said
Jo and the Harrison transportation Lucas to India for the best treatment. They told them to prepare for the worse.90% that he won’t make it.
The surgery went well with lots of risk….
“Thankfully the bullet didn’t destroy his br@ins….but…..that doesn’t guarantee his safety. He’s got 12 blood transfusions so far and we’ll nee-d more. Like I said we can’t guarantee you his safety”
“plea-se doctor…….we can’t lose him…..plea-se…..” Mrs Harrison begged
“Beg God not me…..I’ve done my p@rt…..”
Mrs Harrison won’t st©p crying.
“Lucas is not the type to give up that easily…..I’m sure he’ll make it…..if not anything but for the sake of Amanda…..” Jo said
“How’s Amanda?”
“She still haven’t find out……but I don’t think I’ll last long for her to notice. Quinn is doing a good job so far….”
“Poor girl…..she have been throu-gh a lot……if she finds out about this……” she broke into tears.
Suddenly Lucas began and shake. His entire b©dy began to vibr@te. The machines attached to his b©dy began to make noises. Thankful there were doctors in the room. They quic-kly attend to him.
Soon everything was fine. Lucas just pas-sed the critical stage after his operation but
“He’s in a coma……”
The news broke Mrs Harrison.
“Doctor can you explain further……?” Jo asked
“For patients with this kind of situation……they actually die in coma and……. some last for so many years……I think all hope is lost……”
De Marco held lots of p@rties. He was so happy. He had brou-ght Lucas down. Soon he’ll get his company back and then…..the beauty behind it all his lady Amanda…..
If she dares refuse him he’ll take her by f0rç£.
“The cops are investing the case”
“Let them investigate all they want…..more wine….”
“You shouldn’t get your hopes up yet….Lucas is not dead yet!” Xavier said as he walked into the room
“Xavier relax……I got you covered….” De Marco smiled
“Covered? You tried to kill my best friend and you have to guts to tell me to calm down? You’re so evil! I regret ever knowing you……”
“Oh really? Tsk tsk tsk……ouch that hurts my heart……you should have known what De Marco is capable of before you joined me to plot against your petty friend!” He yelled! “Don’t provoke me Xavier! I’m too happy to be provoked. You can leave…….while I’m still nice. I’ll spare your life just because I’m in a good mood”
Xavier left in fear and frustration. He didn’t know what to do. De Marco next move is the company and then Amanda. He doesn’t have enough power to hold Lucas company but he can surely keep Amanda away from De Marco.
I’ve been indoors for a whole week. I can’t do this anymore. I made an escape plan.
While Quinn was at the bathroom I ran outside. “Help!!!!! Help……Quinnn she’s hurt in the bathroom and the door is shut!” I yelled in tears. The four guards at the front door ran upstairs. It was too easy. I gr-ab my car keys and bam! I was off. It was much easier than I thought.
The guards started hitting the bathroom door. Quinn quic-kly get her towel and opened the door.
“What do you think you’re doing?!!!” She yelled and the guards were confused
“She told us that you were hurt in the bathroom and…..”
“Where is Amanda?!!!” Quinn yelled.
They noticed the car was goon. Quinn called Jo and informed him that Amanda is out.
I drove to my work. Everyone was surprised to see me.
“You didn’t have to come Ma…..we un-derstand you had to be with Lucas…..”
“What?” I frown
“Don’t worry we are handling the company well……”
“What are you talking about?” I yelled
“Ma’am…..Lucas incident…..”
“What??….. what incindent? What do you mean?” I frown.
They workers were confused they browse the news out and showed it to me.
For minutes my eyes didn’t left the screen of the phone. This is a joke!
I used the phone and dialed Lucas number……it was switched off. I called and called. I was going crazy.
“This is a lie….this is a big…..a big fat lie……” I cried as I called Jo.
“Hello Mr……”