The bully boss Episode 43

I got home and shut my door…..I rush into the bathroom still with my dress on. I quic-kly turn the cold shower on and sat on the bathtub. The memories where killing me. I couldn’t st©p my breath from going fas-ter and fas-ter. I was traumatized and I know. I nee-ded it to st©p. It was like all the memories where repeating it…..”no…..plea-se don’t……..!!!!” I cried.
Lucas couldn’t see Amanda around. He walked to Quinn who was busy talking to some group of girls.
“Lucas….!!!!!” They all yelled when they saw him. He only smiled and nodded at them.
“Where is Amanda?” He asked
“Oh Amanda….she’s…….” Quinn looked around but couldn’t find her “she was here….”
“Was?….. I left her in your care!?” He yelled drawing everyone’s attention.
“Lucas what’s wrong?” Mrs Harrison asked
“Mom have you seen Amanda?” Lucas asked
“I haven’t seen her….if everything okay?” She asked. Lucas brou-ght out his phone trying to reach her. It rings and rings but she wasn’t picking up. Lucas panicked.
“I’ll go check the CCTV cam….” Lucas ran off.
“Everything okay?” Herod asked Mrs Harrison
“Oh yes….we can’t find Lucas fiancée…..he’s gone to check the CCTV if he’ll see her…”
Lucas saw Amanda ran off the hallway…..he was crying and looks like she was in fear. Lucas panicked even more. He called her over and over again but she wasn’t picking up. He took his car keys and drove to her house. At that time it was alre-ady 11 pm.
Lucas got to her house and thankfully he knows her door code.
Lucas rush in and heard water rushing in the bathroom. He barge in and saw Amanda slee-ping in the bathtub with a cold shower pouring on her.
“Amanda……” he whispered. He walked closer to her but she wasn’t moving. “Amanda…….Mandy……” he t©uçhed her hands and they where cold. She has lost consciousness…….. “AMANDA!!!!…..” he cried and drag her out to the tub. She was as cold as ice. “Mandy……!!!!! Talk to me are you alright….what….what happened…..” Lucas carried her into her room and took off her we-t clothes. He quic-kly wra-p her with the thick be-dsheet and carried her out into his car.
He didn’t know why she did that to herself but seeing her like that breaks his heart. Lucas couldn’t help but cry as he drove towards the hospital. Even though he doesn’t know why, he could feel her pain.
She was rushed to the emergency unit. Lucas didn’t call anyone he knows Amanda won’t want them to worry but later on he soon changed his mind and called her family because the doctor refused to report anything to him except her family.
Lucas followed The Nelson’s in.
“Here’s the report… shows your daughter has been traumatized……”
“What!!!!!” Merit yelled
“Yes….as a matter of fact if she wasn’t brou-ght here on time you’d have lost her….” the doctor said. Hearing this Lucas bur-st into tears. What if he hadn’t gotten there on time, what if he lost her?! He blamed himself so badly.
“Did she had any sort of accident when she was younger or a teenager?”
“Umm…..mmhhh….. She….” Merit mouth was shaking
“Yes doctor She was taped at the age of Ten” Mr Nelson said with pains.
“Hmm….that must be what’s hunting her down. You’re her fiancé right?” He said to Lucas who only nodded as he wipe his face. “I’m sure you must have had S-x with her….does she resists or……”
“No…..not at all…..” Lucas said
“Then there’s only one way to define this. She must have seen something that made her traumatic….”
“Something like what?” Merit asked
“I don’t know……we’ll have to wait till she’s awake……”
Lucas won’t let go of Amanda’s hand. He just kept looking at her.
“Lucas you can go home….I’ll take care of her don’t worry….” Merit said.
“Im not going anywhere……it was all my fault! I let her off my site at a crowded place “ Lucas said
“No one is to blame….. you should go to your family……”
“I’m not going anywhere…..” Lucas said. Merit could only give up and stay too.
I had the dream again but this time it was even worse. Lucas didn’t know me. I tried but he kept pushing me away.
“It’s me…..your Mandy…..why can’t you remember me…..” I cried but he just stood there with a plain face. “Lucas….Lucas…. it’s me……plea-se……”
I f0rç£d my eyes opened and saw Lucas holding my hands. He was looking at me with his worried face.
“You’re awake…..I’ll call the doctor….” I heard mom said.
Lucas just kept looking at me he didn’t say a word. Even though he was worried I could tell he was angry and confused. I remembered pu-lling my ring off my f!nger and toss it away I’m the bathroom……
Even when the doctors c@m£ to check on me he never let go of my hand.
“I’ll advise you tell us what happened to you. You’re traumatic……”
My heart began to began to beat fast.
“I….I don’t want to talk about it” I said
“We’re just trying to help you…..”
“She said she don’t want to talk about it doctor….!!!” Lucas yelled “don’t you know how to do your job?! She just regain consciousness shouldn’t you allow her to rest first?!” Lucas was worked up.
“Lucas…..” I looked at him
“We’re only trying to help your fiancée if this continues she’ll eventually die!”
“No one is going to die here!!!!”
“I’ll leave you alone to rest….” the doctor left.
“Lucas you nee-d to calm down…..” mom said “you should go home now….Amanda is awake….I’ll take care of…”
“I’m not going anywhere….” Lucas said
“You should go Lucas plea-se…” I said
“plea-se…..I don’t nee-d you here right now…” I said
“What?….you…you don’t nee-d me?!” Lucas was boiling inside.
“Anda don’t be too harsh on him” mom said
“I’m sorry I never should have left you at the p@rty….and….”
“Just Go Lucas….”
“Why are you pushing me away…..” Lucas had hurt in his eyes.
I felt so hurt knowing his favorite uncle was the man who R@p£d me. I know I shouldn’t be doing this but if Lucas find out….it’ll be same reaction. We can’t be together…..
“Amanda what’s going on?” Lucas asked
“I don’t want to see you…..” I said. Lucas frown and left go of my hands. He left without saying a word.
Immediately the door closed I bur-st into tears. Mom tried to walk close to me but I told her to leave.
“I want to be alone….go away” I said.
I hated myself so much. I should have just died a long time ago. I’m causing myself pains and people around me.
I’m ruined. At a time I wanted to end it. This miserable life of mine. I can never be happy.
I woke up and saw everyone in my room. Felix’s , his wife, Jeremy, Erica….etc.
“Why are you guys here?” I asked with a smile
“What do you think? Lucas called us here….” Quinn said
“Did you two fight again?” Felix asked
“Lucas almost killed me. It was all my fault Anda I shouldn’t have left you alone…..”
“It’s okay Quinn…”
“Bestie I was scared” Jeremy walked to me and hvgged me “I can’t wait for you to be my sister in law” he said.
“Speaking of that….where is your ring?” Erica asked and my heart were in my mouth.
“Oh…..Uhmm……i… I’m in the hospital…..I guess it’s at home” I said.
“So tell us why are you made at Lucas. For three days straight Lucas didn’t sleep a bit. He just look at you everyday….if he hadn’t showed up early you’d have… know…..”
“I wish he didn’t come early” I said and everyone was shocked.
“Amanda What are you saying?!” Erica yelled
“Can you all give me soon time with her?” Pate said (Felix wife). She’s a psychiatrist. Everyone left leaving her with me. I’m not that close to her. I wondered what she’s about to say to me.
“You know…..even though we’re not close, we’re quite similar” she said and I frown
“How?” I asked
“Well I was R@p£d at the age of 13 by two men” she said and my eyes wi-de open “Yes I’m a victim of r@p£…. so I know what you’re facing. I’ve been there. But now you have a perfect man who loves you….and care for you…..just like I have Felix……so you shouldn’t be afraid anymore…..” she said
“It’s not what you think. I know…..I know Lucas love me and I love him too but…..”
“But what?… to me Amanda…..”
“I don’t want to see him because I can’t even look at him” I cried
“Because……because I found out that……that….the man who R@p£d me is Lucas favorite uncle…….I’m so useless!!” I cried even more. Pate was shocked “you can’t tell anyone……so tell me! What do I do?!!…..I just want…..everything to end” I cried
“Pushing Lucas away won’t ease your pains….” she said
“If he finds out…….what do you think will happen?…….I’ll ruin him and break him again…..”
“So you want to break up with him?”
“I know you can’t…..”
“I….I plan on running away…..”
“To where?” She asked
“I don’t know…….far away where he wouldn’t eat able to find me?”
“You won’t be able to…….”
“So what do you advise?” I asked
“Tell him…..”
“He’ll kill his uncle…..he might even end up ending the relationsh!phimself….” I yelled
“Then fine……you should be re-ady for it……You can do this Amanda just tell him” she said “trust me… can take your time……but make sure you tell him. I’ll go tell him to come in…..look into he’s eyes and see how much love and affection this guy has for you” she added.
When Lucas saw Pate coming out of the room. He rush to her.
“You can go inside….” Pate said
“Really? She wants me to come inside?” Lucas asked and She nodded “thank you…….I owe you one”
Lucas walk into the room and saw Amanda her head was bent….she was sitting on her be-d with her back rested on a pillow.
She lift up her face and she was crying.
“I’m so sorry Lucas…..” I cried
He rush to me and sat beside me. He’s hands cu-p my face as he wipe my tears.
“Don’t cry……I’m sorry I yelled at you…’s okay…©p crying…..” he tried to console me but I cried even more ma-king Lucas uneasy “tell me what you want me to do. I’ll do anything……just st©p crying…..” he said
“Don’t get to angry and lose control….” I said
“Fine I won’t get angry and lose control… st©p crying….” he said.
We lye on the hospital be-d. My head was rested on his che-st as he pat my head.
“I love you Amanda…..” he said
“Me too….” I added.
“Don’t ever cry like this again plea-se……” he said
“I hope I don’t……” I said.
“Hope you don’t?…… “
“Yes Lucas there’s something I have to tell you….why I left the p@rty that day…..”
he tried to stand up but I press his down. I couldn’t look at him when I’ll say this.
“Amanda what’s it….you can tell me….it’s okay….”
“What ever decision you make I’ll stand by it and I will un-derstand too but promise me you won’t hurt anyone…..” I said. Lucas f0rç£ himself up and stare at me worried
“Promise me Lucas…..” I yelled
“Ok…..ok fine I promise I won’t hurt anyone…..”
“And…..and promise me you’ll make the right decision”
“Amanda you’re crying again…..”
“Promise me Lucas!”
“I promise you” he said.
I took a de-ep breath and took guts to look into Lucas eyes. I could swear that I broke into pieces with the way he’s eyes were fixed on me.
“You know I was R@p£d when I was 10 right?” I asked and he nodded slowly like so what? “Well…….I found…….I found the man…… who….who R@p£d me…….”.
He’s caring loving gaze darkened “YOU FOUND THAT BASTARD!!!!!!!” He yelled
“You promised not to be angry!!” I yelled and he look away and said
“I’m sorry…..” I could see his shoulders going up and down with his breath.
“Lucas…….don’t you want to know who the man is?” I asked and he gnatch his teeth showing his sharp jawline.
“Isn’t it better if I don’t know because if I do I’ll…..” he paused knowing he had promised not to hurt anyone.
“In fact you know him and you’re really close to him……” I said and Lucas was shocked “it’s your uncle……..Herod I guess that was his name” I said
“Amanda are you out of your mind?!!!!” He yelled and it scared me “Uncle Herod?!!! You must be insane to say something like that to me…….you don’t even know him and you’re accusing him for ra-ping you at the age of ten?! I’m disappointed in you Amanda…..”
“But Lucas it’s true. I saw his tattoo and……and the memories c@m£ back and I…..”
“SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!” He yelled and I was so shocked that my legs bec@m£ weak as I fell on the floor. “Is He the only one who has that tattoo in this world?!!!! I can’t believe you’re a liar!…..”
“But Lucas…..”
“Don’t you ever!!!! Ever say my name again… this was the lie you wanted to tell me? What? Did my dad or my mom told you, so you can separate me from Uncle Herod? You’re nothing but a bit-ch Amanda! Now I know……!” He said and walk away.
I hope I was dreaming……..I know we won’t be together anymore but I wasn’t expecting this….. not at all……….