The bully boss Episode 33 & 34

Lucas opened his eyes and scan the room. He saw his mother and Jeremy. He frown and look around again…..
“Bro you’re up!!!” Jeremy yelled
“Lucas……what happened?” The mother asked “Jeremy call the doctors” she added
“I’m fine……how did I get here? Where…..where is Amanda?” He asked
“Amanda?…….” the mother frown. Just then the doctors rushed in. The doctor wanted to t©uçh Lucas but Lucas push his hands away “I’m fine…..the illness I have this hospital can’t treat it” he said
“Lucas what are you saying? What illness are you having?” Mrs Harrison asked worriedly
“His heart mom….did you forget he had his heart broken by Amanda?” Jeremy whispered
“Who brou-ght me here?” Lucas asked the doctors.
“Oh…..some girl…..”
“Some girl? Where is she? What was she like? What was she wearing?” Lucas asked
The doctor addressed “she was young….she had a perfect shape and long rou-gh hair and….”
“Amanda….” Lucas whispered “Where is she?”
“Oh…..she had no relationsh!pwith the patient so I asked her to leave” the doctor said and Lucas eyes darkened
“And?…..” his de-ep voice asked
“Oh……she left…..I didn’t want to endanger your life to strangers…..” he said.
Lucas felt like he could die. He looked at his mother “how long have I been out?”
“Oh…..three days… have to rest” she said but Lucas drag the drip off his hands and stood up.
“Lucas… have to rest…..” Jeremy insist
“I can’t… can I rest when my heart is not at rest…..I have to find Amanda…..”
I’m living with Quinn now.
“You know what Anda….we are both single….”
“So…….so…..” She singed with So and I frown she’s crazy “well…..I set up another blind d@t£ for the both of us….”
“Am not going…..” I said
“Is it because you still love Lucas?” She tea-sed
“Will you st©p saying that?!!!”
“I’ll st©p if you’ll at least d@t£ another guy…..let’s go on this d@t£ plea-se…..”
“Alright alright fine!!!!!” I said and she smiled and hvg me
“You’re the best……”
I finished my clas-ses early. Quinn was long gone. She skipped clas-ses with the aim of finding something suitable to wear to the d@t£.
I walk with some of my course mates towards the gate when I saw Lucas. The first thing that pop into my mind was, What was he doing here?. His face was pale and heavy. I couldn’t avoid this.
Lucas look back at Amanda and bend his head. Of course she was going to walk away like that.
But he was wrong. Right in front of him was Amanda.
“Lucas what are you doing here… don’t look too healthy to leave the hospital yet” I said
Lucas was too surprised to answer her. She was actually talking to him with just normal voice.
“I….I wanted to see you….” he said
“Lucas you should take care of yourself……I’m not…..”
“Mandy……I’d die if you leave……just tell me what I’d do…..I’d do anything just for us to come back together. I love the life I had with you. With you I can be the real me not who my grandfather wants to be……for once in my life I’ve come to love something more thank myself….more than for just S-x. I’ll give up everything to have you back. I know I messed up I know but Mandy……just hear me our. I know you’re hurt…..plea-se…..”
His eyes showed how sincere he was.
“Fine let’s talk in you car….” I said and walk pas-s him. I opened his car and hop in.
Lucas hands were sweating. He rushed and entered the car. He turned the AC on.
“Where do you want me to start from?” He asked. I could see he was nervous.
“From the very start” I said looking straight.
“Ok…….” he sigh “When you first c@m£ to my company……I wanted you….well because you were h0t. Then you bec@m£ my secretary. I thought everything would be easy now. But you were tough… even beat me up…. I know it wasn’t easy to get you. When I first k!$$£d you… felt different, I didn’t pay attention….but all I know is that with just looking at you back then I was turn on. I did some research and found out about your fathers debt. I used the opportunity…..I never wanted to take it serious but I found myself getting involved. I kept on telling myself it’s all for the S-x. Remember that time in Paris? At my villa? I knew there was a storm coming that day….that was why I told you to go with me instead and took the road to my villa. It wasn’t a coincidence that day… was all planned.
Before this I started telling my friends everything about you and they gave me some ideas on how to get you but none worked. I got to admit I didn’t even know when I first started to like you. Remember that p@rty where I sle-pt with that model? I plan on faking an engagement with you…..maybe if I engage you you’d sleep with me….but I ruined the plans. Remember that night when some who-res c@m£ to my house and tired to have S-x and I denied them? I invited them that day…..after that day I went back to have S-x with them…..back then I lied that I don’t sleep around anymore. I still sleep with girls in my friends house. But I st©pped when my feelings for you grew stronger. I st©pped going to them.
About…..about the bet. It……Xavier brou-ght the idea….” he sigh “I said no but the made fun of me that I’m not a man…..then I agreed to it. I wanted to show them I can pl@ywith any girl I want…….” he paused again….. “I use to think that doing what my grandpa want was my biggest mistake and regret but now…..ever agreeing to that bet, lying to you and hurting you is my biggest regret and mistake…….”
I kept looking front. He was quiet “then that night…..” I turned and look at him “why did you leave?” I asked as tears fell from my eyes “Why Lucas…..I waited for two days….why? If you loved me why did you leave?”
“Because I was scared….. I had mixed feelings…..I went there to tell them the bet was off….that was when they knew I’ve sle-pt with you. I told them about what I feel for you and I wanted the thought of ever using you as a bet to end…. I thought it would be easy….then I’ll get some food and new clothes for you when coming back but Xavier kept on threatening me……”
“I wouldn’t have cared even if I knew about the bet…..if you haven’t left me that night…..I won’t have cared. I know the kind of person I’m d@t!ng. You Excuse doesn’t change the fact that you left me for two days”
“I forgive you Lucas…..but we can’t be together anymore…..I’m sorry” I said and opened the car to leave when he said
“Mandy. The most important thing is that you’re mine. So why would I do this to someone or something which is alre-ady mine?”
“No one owe me Lucas…..not even you….” I smiled and slam the door on purpose to his face.
Lucas rushed out of his car and ran to Mandy
“Let me drop you off at home….plea-se…..” he said….
“No….I’ll get a taxi…..”
“plea-se Many….if you’ve truly forgiven me then let me drop you off….” I was silent “plea-se….” he added.
I walked back towards the car and got in.
“I’m going to Quinn’s house” I said not letting him know I live there now”
“Ok……” he said. He was extremely slow. Lucas was doing this on purpose. I look at him angrily and he had a sm-irk on his face.
He even went far to follow the road of traffic.
“Why did you follow this road? It’s long and it always have traffic!” I said
“Am sorry I forgot…..” he said.
We were stocked at the road of 30 minutes.
“Mandy?” Lucas called but the figure was fast asleep. “Yes!!!!” His plans worked. He drove into a car park and parked his car. He stare at the love of his life whom he had betrayed. He moved gently and t©uçhed her smooth face.
“I missed you…” he whispered and k!$$£d her head….he was too rou-gh that Amanda woke up.
“What are you doing?” I asked
“You….you….I was just…..uhmm you had a big on your face so I blew it away” he lied
“Oh really?”
“Yes….it was one big big and……”
“Why are we on the park?” I asked
“Well uhmm you…you fell asleep and my car had some issues so….I fixed it….we….we can go now…” he said.
“Ok….” I said.
He dropped me at Quinns house and left.
I met her angry face. “Where have you been? We are late for our d@t£!” She said
“Sorry…..let me quic-kly take a shower”
Lucas got a call from Felix on his was home to meet him at a h0tel bar. Lucas drove there.
They talked randomly.
“Felix…..I nee-d your help to get Amanda back….”
“Lucas I nee-d your help to bring Amanda home. My father drove her away thinking she’ll come back later but she haven’t returned home….”
“Oh…..I drove her to Quinn’s house today guess she now lives there” Lucas said
“You drove her? You two are ma-king progress?”
“Not really…..she just forgives me but told me she can’t be with me…..but I won’t give up….”
“We have to have Amanda get back to her real family….”
“Yes But first I have to get her to come back to me” Lucas added.
“By the way I got a d@t£ for us…..”
“A What? I can’t do that if Amanda knows…’s just a d@t£ not S-x okay and by the way you’re with me Amanda won’t thought. So it’s fine….let’s just drink and talk nothing more” Felix said and Lucas nodded.
We were outside the h0tel and Quinn called.
“Quinn its a h0tel!” I said
“Yes we using the h0tel bar”
“But…..aaahhh don’t worry trust me….I’m here”
“Quinn what if….”
“Don’t worry or don’t you trust me?”
“Hello?” The male voice sounded from the phone
“My friend and I are here” Quinn said
“I’m here with my friend too….we’re at table 15 I’m on black and my friends on grey…..”
“Ok noted my friend and I are both on black….we’re on our way……”
We were at the elevator and I didn’t feel so good about this d@t£.
“Quinn what if we know these people?” I asked
“It does happen….according to blind d@t£s principles if you end up meeting someone you know just act like you don’t know them” she said waving her hands to the air.
“WHAT!!! Are you serious?” I yelled
“Chill Anda….we are alre-ady here…..don’t embarras-s me okay?” She glared at me and I glared back.
“Don’t worry I can pl@yalong well….” I said
“No you won’t… only have Lucas in the fragile heart of yours…..” she mocked
“I’ll prove you wrong…..”
We walked into the bar. Quinn called them again.
“We are here and we have so many people here can you plea-se walk to the door to esc-rt us in?…….Oh thank you” She said
“I’m just doing this for the food!” I said
“Me too babe…..This h0tel is one in town….and…..” she paused….
“What?” I asked
“Amanda…….Remember when I told you even if it’s someone you know you should just pl@yalong?” She asked
“Well…..look who’s coming our way…..” she said. I look forward and it was Felix….behind him was what I didn’t want to believe it is…..Lucas!!!!!!!! I screamed in my stomach! I was in daze until Quinn pitch me ha-rd .
I look at her “they must have planned this….why don’t we you know pl@yalong” she said
“I cant!” I almost yelled
“Why can’t you????”
“I don’t want to go on a blind d@t£ with Lucas?!!!! He’s the last person I thought of…..I’m going home!” But Quinn drag my hand
“Don’t you dare! If we don’t attend this d@t£ the site will charge me…..come on Mandy…..just act like you don’t know him…..he’ll act like that too….trust me!” She said. Soon they got closer.
“Hi…..I’m Diana…..” Quinn took me off guard. She never told me we won’t be using our real names “and….I….I am…..Regina….” I quic-kly said
“I’m Felix…..and this is my friend Lucas…” they used their real names damn I felt ruined.
“Nice to meet you….let’s go take a sit…” Lucas said.
Felix sat down first and Quinn quic-kly sat beside him. Purposely leaving me with Lucas.
“Shall we?” He gestured me to sit first. I sat down slowly and he sat beside me but I shift away.
“What should we order?” Felix asked
“Call the waiter first….” Quinn said
I look at Lucas and he had that ridiculous smile on his face. His eyes met mine and I look away.
“You’re the shy type…..” Lucas said. I look up and he was talking to me. He was actually pla-ying dumb that he doesn’t know me.
“Yes She is…..isn’t she cute?” Quinn cut in
The waiter c@m£ and ask for our order.
“What’s the highest price of food you have and the best and the most ordered?” Quinn asked. The way she was adding and and and like she owes the place.
“What would you like princess?” Lucas said again….he was talking to me! I just hope he doesn’t talk to me.
“Anything…..” I said.
“Give her same thing she ordered” he said.
Quinn lock gaze with me.
‘What are you doing?’ Her eyes asked
‘I can’t do this’ I reply
‘Don’t you dare’
Suddenly a hand creep into my w@!st I almost jump up. Lucas drew close to me. His broad che-st was pressing against my back.
Felix and Quinn started talking and laughing.
The waiter brou-ght the food. The table was full.
“Enjoy yourself…..” Lucas said. He saw how uncomfortable she was. His heartache when the thought c@m£ to him that he had never taken her on a d@t£. He was busy with his stupid bet and slee-ping around.
His hand were still on my w@!st.
“Excuse me……I’ll go use the restroom….” I stood up.
When I got to the restroom I look at my face in the mirror. It was all red. I can’t believe this is happening.
Soon Quinn c@m£ into the restroom.
“Amanda What are you doing?”
“Nothing…..I just want to get myself together…..I’ll be out soon…”
“Trust me Quinn…..I’ll be out soon” I said almost shouting.
After I’ve calm down I was walked out of the restroom. I went back to my sit and started eating again. Suddenly Felix and Quinn left us.
That evil witch! Now am starting to feel this was all a plan!
“So…..mind if we take a walk outside? Regina?”
That name Regina annoy me. I wonder why I even told him my name was Regina. I don’t know just I like it when he calls me by my name, I felt jealous with hearing that name from his mouth.
“Call me Amanda….I’m not Regina….” I said.
We walked out of the bar….just then I saw Alex.
“Amanda…..what a coincidence…..”
“Hi Alex” I said
“I’ve been looking for you for months now…..I see you have company…..can I talk to you for a second?” He asked
“No..” Lucas said
“Yes plea-se…..” I said
“I can see you’re with your b©yfri£nd…..”
“HE’S NOT MY b©yfri£nd!” I yelled
“Oh… sorry….let’s go over there” he said and I walk behind him.
“So what do you have to say to me? I’m very sure you….”
“Amanda……I’m sorry…..what I did back then….I…..De Marco made me do it….he used me. He threatened my sister. He threatened you…..I had no choice” he said
“It’s okay Alex….it’s all behind me….” I said
“Really? I quit working at his company….I’m really sorry Amanda….” he added
“It’s okay….really it’s fine”
“I was hoping sometime we can both gr-ab some drinks together?” He asked
“Sure…..I’d love that….”
“Cool…..thank you Amanda…” he said and look over at Lucas “you should go….”
I walk over to Lucas.
“What did you two talked about?” He asked
“Why should I tell you? plea-se mind your business” I said
“AMANDA!!!!” He yelled and drew attention
“LUCAS!!!!” I yelled back
“You told him I’m not your b©yfri£nd…..”
“Well are you?!”
“Then what am I to you?” We we’re both yelling now
“NOTHING!!!!!!” I said. I saw how hurt he felt when I said that word.
“Nothing?…… so….you mean I’m just wasting my time trying to win you back?” He asked
“Amanda don’t do this…..tell me to leave you alone one last time and I swear I’ll get out of your life……” he said as tears drop from his eyes.
“LEAVE ME ALONE LUCAS!” I said again.
Felix and Quinn were watching from behind. Their plan has gone bad, even worse.
Lucas wanted to say something but the word hung in his throat.
“Goodbye Amanda!” He said and turn his back at me. I took turned my back and we went our separate ways.
Lucas got home and started to break everything…..he turned his room upside down. He was frustrated and hurt! He felt like he could just die. He felt heartless. Like his heart was taken away from him. He couldn’t even breath. He rushed to the shower and turned the cold shower on.
“AMANDA!!!!!!!” He yelled with so much anger!.
Quinn kept on glaring at me
“Why did you do that?!” She yelled
“He has to know how it feels to lose something dear”
“So….you’re doing this all to fix him?”
I nodded
“You’re hurting yourself if you do this. What if Lucas doesn’t come back to you?”
“If you really love your bird, you should never keep it in a cage. Sometimes you have to choose to let them go….”
“And if they truly love you….they’ll come back” Quinn cut in
“Yes….. The true fact is that Lucas still doesn’t know that he loves me…. he’s still waving. So I want to take the risk. If he doesn’t come back I don’t mind…..”
“You’ll be the one hurting” Quinn said
“I’ll be fine. I think it’s time I go to my real parents…..”
“You’re going to forgive your mother?” She asked
“I’ve forgiven her alre-ady…..but I don’t nee-d her” I said
“Aaahhhh you’re facing so much Amanda….you’re so strong” Quinn said as she gave me a hvg.
“Quinn go back to your fiancé. Okay?” I said
“Lucas birthday is next week…..are you going?”
“I should go…..I’ll be there…..”I said.
Felix called me. His tone on the phone was harsh and angry. I rushed home and he was outside waiting for me.
“I am disappointed in you Amanda…..!!!!”
“Listen to me……”
“Listen to you? Now you’ve broken Lucas in pieces!!!! You even took a bet from his mother what good do you make from him?!!!!”
“What??!!!! And you believed that?” I asked
“Why won’t I believe that!!!!!!! You should be ashamed of yourself and yet you carry your ego up and punished Lucas!” He yelled
“You won’t even let me talk….”
“Talk what?!!!!! I’m sick and tired of your ru-bbish games and stupid excuses!!!! You have parents now…..I don’t think you nee-d to live with us anymore……”
“Felix…..” I couldn’t believe my ears “you….you’re asking me to leave?”
“I can take care of Nora……I hope I’ve made myself cleared” he said and walk inside.
I was so angry as Felix! I didn’t even go inside the house. I had some money with me… I think it’s time to pay Mr Arlington a little visit and return to my real home.
I took a taxi to Mr Arlington’s house. I knocked at the door and he opened
“Amanda…..!!!!” He was shocked
“Can I come in?” I asked
“Y…yes yes….come inside”
I walked into the house….it was just as I remembered it. “Where’s Nora’s Mother?”
“She’s….she’s inside….what can I help you with?” He asked
“Nothing……” I took my sit.
“Ok…..what do I owe this visit then?” He asked
“I wanted to thank you…..for everything……for being a father to me…”
“Thank you…..even though I wasn’t your child, you took me to school…..and made sure I was educated…..that was enough love for me” I said he was quiet I stood up “I should get going……”
“Wait……sit down….” he said and I took my sit. “Don’t blame your mother too much…..she loved you. She was too focus on ma-king me a better father and husband that she didn’t even notice you. Back then your real father Nelson loved your mother but… you know she had a low educational background and was poor. So Nelson’s mother threatened her….to live your father…..that time she didn’t know she was pregnant until she saw the news about him getting married. Thinking it’d be better that way….she left……that was when I found her……I persuade her to ab-ort the child but she never agreed. She’d ru-b her tummy speaking to it every time. She sings….she cried….” he paused
I wipe my tears. “Thank you…..”
“I’m sorry Amanda…..I should have cared more for you……that night….”
“I should take my leave now…” I stood up and ran out of the house. I didn’t want to hear anything about the night I was R@p£d ……not anymore!
It was late and I was standing outside the house of the minister. There were securities everywhere. I walked closer to the gate
“I’d advise you go back miss” the de-ep voice of the guard made me flin-ch back.
“I’m here to see Mrs Merit and Mr Nelson” I said
“Do you have an appointment?” He asked
“No…..but if you tell them Amanda….”
“GET OUT!!!” He yelled “it’s not the first time you teenagers come here to say you’re their child”
“But I am their child!” I said
“I’m sick and tired of this!!!! plea-se leave!!!!” He said
“If I leave and they end up finding out that I was here but you won’t let me in, I as-sure you you’d loose your job” I said and folded my hands on my che-st.
“And if I let you in and you’re not their child, I might as well loose my job” he said
“Just call anyone! Tell them Amanda is here….okay call Erica….!”
Inside the house Erica covered her head with her be-dsheets.
“Honey…you’ve been ignoring your mom for days now….come on let’s all go have a family dinner”
“I don’t want to dad….leave me alone” she said
“I know you’re just sad about Amanda….don’t worry….I’ll try to bring her home….” he said and Erica sit up
“You promise daddy? She’s been throu-gh a lot!”
“Yes I promise now let’s go eat and talk to your mom okay?”
I glared at the security.
“How much do they pay you really? Humm…. you’ve been standing like a statue….will you plea-se let me in or tell them Amanda is here!!!!” I yelled now they were ignoring me.
“You have your limits miss…soon I’ll tell my men to drag you out of here….” he said.
Soon a car drove towards the gate and st©pped. The guard salute to the car as the window rolled down.
“Who is she and what is she doing here?” The woman asked
“She’s one of those teenagers claiming to be the Ministers child…she claimed her name was Amanda……”
“Get her out of my son’s gate. Don’t you know how to do your job? That filthy thing shouldn’t be here…..get rid of her” she said.
That must be Nelson’s mother “Evil bit-ch!” I cursed
“That’s it miss you must leave now!”
“Make me!” I said
“What?” The man frown
“I said make me leave”
“I don’t want to hurt you plea-se leave….” he gr@bb£d my hand
The woman entered the big house. And the maid lead her towards the dining room
“Grandma…..” Erica yelled and ran to hvg her.
“Mother….wow what a surprise visit” Nelson said
“Yes mother welcome…” Merit said.
After the long greetings they sat down to eat.
“Nelson if you can’t fire those guards at the gate at least hire new and well trained securities”
“Why mother? Anything wrong?”
“Yes can you imagine they kept a filthy girl at the gate who is saying she’s your daughter….what was her name again…….Amal…..whatever……”
“Amanda?…..” Erica asked
“Oh yes Amanda…..I told the guards to get rid of the filthy…….” She was still talking when the family of three stood up in rush and ran towards the door “What’s going on what are you doing?!!!” She yelled.
They got to the gate.
“Where is she??? Where is the girl that was here?!!” Nelson yelled
“Sir we threw her out…..don’t worry sir I got this” the guard said.
“You moron!!!!” Nelson yelled
“Which way did she go??” Merit asked
“That way…..” the guard was confused
I can’t believe that guard won’t let me in.
“Just you watch! When you find out I’m there daughter I’ll see how your face looks…..” Doing all these I was just trying to distract my heart from thinking about Lucas.
“Katie… shouldn’t have left me alone. You should have take me with you….I miss you…….aaaahhhh cheer up Amanda…..Wow!!!”
“AMANDA!!!!!” I heard someone called.
I st©pped and turn around. As Erica jumped out of the call with Nelson and Merit behind her.
We drove back into the house and I saw the face of the guard it was so funny that I ended up laughing.
I admit the house was heavenly. I mean it was the ministers house. What could I expect.
“Amanda…..” Erica called. They didn’t dare to say or ask me anything. Merit had her face down she couldn’t even look at me.
“I c@m£ to stay..” I said and all eyes wi-de-ned.
“Someone tell me what’s going on?!!!” The old bit-ch yelled
“Why don’t you get inside mama….I’ll explain to you later on” Mr Nelson said and the woman agreed.
“Amanda…..I’m glad you c@m£….let go to my room” Erica said
“Don’t I have my own room in this house? I mean it’s big enough and it’s my parents house….or is it not?” I asked
Tears filled Merit eyes as she looked straight at me for the first time. She still has her beautiful eyes as far as I can remember.
“I’m so sorry……I’m sorry… baby…..” she wiped. I can swear non of her emotions t©uçh my heart.
“I have forgiven you but I haven’t accepted you in my heart yet….it’ll take a while as I observe….who knows…..” I said. “I’ll just wait till I’m comfortable with everything…..I hope you un-derstand me”
“Yes….we do…..and we are really happy you c@m£…..welcome home my daughter…” mr Nelson said and walk to me….he suddenly hvgged me. “You’re safe now….” he said. His embr@ce was calm and filling. I felt secured in another arms ap@rt from that of Lucas. I felt I was really home.
“Thanks Dad….” I whispered. He broke the hvg and quic-kly wipe his tears.
“Take her to her room….”
“I have a room?” I asked
“Right from day one” he said.
They personally led me up and up the stairs. Mr Nelson opened the door and I was surprised. My name was designed on the wall. The room was so big and divine. My eyes cut some framed pictures on the desk. It was pictures of my childhood. Pictures of mostly me and about one or two with Merit. I put the pictures down.
“Your mom told me you love stars just like me that’s why I choose this room for you because it’s seems closer to the sky…..all you have to do is cl@p like this….” he cl@pped twice and the lights went off. Immediately the roof slide away, revea-ling a glas-s roof displa-ying the beautiful scenario of the night sky.
“It’s beautiful…….I love this……” I said.
“Honey….she…she must be tired…..” Merit murmured to Mr Nelson
“Oh…..why don’t you just refresh yourself…..I’ll tell the maids to get you something to eat…..”
“Thank you I’m not hungry…..but I guess I nee-d rest….” I said.
“If you’re the scared of the big room just call me okay…..I’ll willingly sleep close to you…..” Erica was smiling and happy.
“Good night…..”

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