The bully boss Episode 29 & 30

Thinking maybe he was out to get food and stuffs, I waited for him. I waited the whole day but he wasn’t coming back. If only I have brou-ght my phone. Maybe he got hurt on his way back. I was worried, confused and scared.
The next day I woke up and rush outside but he still wasn’t here.
I asked the security to drop me off in town. I was glad he agreed.
I st©pped at Quinn’s ap@rtment.
“Amanda…..What did you just say???”
“I sle-pt with Lucas……”
“What!!!!! Why would you do that?!!!!! Ok….okay!!! And??……”
“And I can’t find him……”
“What do you mean you can’t find him? Don’t tell me it’s what am thinking……Lucas……he wouldn’t do that he loves you…..right?” Quinn said
“I don’t know anymore……can you call Jo…..maybe Lucas is hurt or……”
“That’s the problem Amanda…..I saw Lucas yesterday……he’s perfectly fine…..what’s going on?!!!!!” Quinn yelled.
“I have to meet him and talk to him…..I don’t know……” I said
“By the way… missed clas-ses yesterday…..we have three clas-ses to attend today……”
“Ok…..can I just stay here for the time been?” I asked
“I heard what happened……it’s okay…you can stay here as long as you want…..” “oh and Felix brou-ght your phone to me…..he asked me to give it to you”
Immediately I collect the phone, the first thing I did was to call Lucas… ring first but the call ended. I tried calling again but it was switched off.
I tried as much as possible to focus in clas-s……few minutes to the third lesson I received a text. ‘Want to know the truth about you and Lucas?….come to ****** VIP bar room 301…..if I were you, I’d be on my way right now…’ without thinking I rush towards the gate. Luckily I got a taxi.
Lucas was with his friends.
“Xavier…..enough of this!!! The deal is over…..”Lucas yelled
“So what now?….you’re just going to fall in love?” Charles asked
“Come on Lucas don’t be stupid! You fv¢ked her…. so dump her…..we all know Mariam is the girl you’ll end up with just like am stuck with Quinn” Gideon said
“Look we are all pla-yboys…..we fv¢k any girl we want and dump them…..” Charles added
“Amanda is not just any girl…..” Lucas said.
“What? Is her pvzzythat delicious that you don’t want to leave her?” Xavier mocked
“No…..I want to be with her….”
“Really? Does she know you used her? Does she know all this was all a bet?……Lucas you made a bet with us….if you can sleep with your h0t secretary you’ll get 3 billion from us….now you have….and we’ll transferred the money to you….so chill…..”
“I don’t nee-d the money anymore….I know I was trying to use her and dump her before but not anymore…..” Lucas said.
“Hahaha…..Lucas you told us everything you did to her….oh the time you bath her…..” Xavier said
“Xavier where is all these leading to?” Lucas was angry
“You even showed us a cl!pof you k!ss!ngher fiercely…..”
“Shut it Xavier….!!!” Lucas said
“You plan on keeping it from her forever?” He asked
“I will if I have to… think if she finds out she’ll still be with me?….” Lucas said
Each step I take towards the room drag me down and pierce my heart. I kept on praying t was all a dream……I’ll wake up soon…..very soon…..I opened the door and I saw Lucas. But he hasn’t seen me yet.
“So what are you going to do now?” Charles asked “You’ll keep it a secret till you die?”
“Yes…..I don’t mind lying to her just to keep her by my side……and I……” Lucas finally saw me. His words stuck in his throat.
He looked at Xavier who was laughing. Charles and Gideon didn’t know what was happening.
“A….Amanda…..” Lucas quic-kly stood up. I didn’t know what to say or how to say it….I was hurting my tears could only speak for me as it kept pouring out. Lucas kept moving his mouth but words where not coming out. We just lock gaze.
“I knew it…’re a liar…” I murmured but he heard me
“Mandy….let….let me explain…..I…..”
“What?…..You place me as your bet and fell in love with me?…. that’s it?” I asked and he sigh and his eyes were teary but he kept blinking them away.
“Go to hell…..” I said my voice was too sour to shout.
“What do you think? I’m a S-x add!çt but you won’t give me what I wanted….I couldn’t get over you so….I tricked you….so what? You sle-pt with me….it was all you!!!….I never asked you for S-x anymore…..that night you where the one who was hor-ny……..” I sl@pped him, I used f0rç£ again and sl@pped him twice. My hands where hurting. I wish I could hit him more.
I didn’t know what to say anymore….he was right. I turn around and walk away but Lucas gr-ab my arm.
“Mandy I’m sorry…..I….”
“Don’t t©uçh me……DONT!!!!” I yelled and push his hands away and walk out of the room.
Xavier kept laughing. Lucas looked at him “you called her here didn’t you? You did this!!!”
“Relax Lucas I was just getting back at you for what you did to my sister…..” Xavier said
“Xavier how could you? That was a long time ago……we forgot about it” Charles said
“This bastard ruined my sister’s life! You sle-pt with her….broke her vir-ginity and went far to make a S-x tape with her with only her face showing……you want me to forget? I told you Lucas….I’ll ruin you….this is just the beginning…..” Xavier said. Lucas lost control and started a fight with Xavier. Charles and Gideon couldn’t hold them, they had to call the security…….
I took my phone and called Quinn
“Hello….Anda where are you?….you missed the……”
“Lucas lied…..”
“What?….why is your voice to sour? Are you crying?….what did you say?”
“I said…..Lucas Lied!”😭……..
Lucas didn’t know what to do. He has been drinking and wasn’t re-ady to st©p.
Jo didn’t know what to do or why he was drinking.
“Lucas st©p! If Amanda sees you like this……”
“She won’t….don’t worry….”
“Lucas what’s going on tell me. Is it De Marco?”
Lucas laughed
“Lucas….. if you don’t st©p I’ll have to call Amanda….”
“It’s over Jo….am done for….”
“Lucas what do you mean?”
“Jo….remember when Amanda started working with us?….” he paused and turn the bottle to his mouth “fv¢k!!!…… She refused to sleep with me…..I tried everything…..she won’t fall for it…..I told my friends bout it….she was ha-rd to get and we all made a bet. It was 1billion each……it was just some stupid bet….. I kept on giving them feed back of everything Amanda and I did……..”
“Lucas… did you…………You didn’t love her? She was just a game to you?”
“I was stupid…..I didn’t even know I was falling for her…..I told them everything……now Xavier…..that bastard ruin everything!!!! Now Amanda knows….she told me to go to hell and ran off……I don’t know what to do…..”
“I can’t believe you Lucas……” Jo was weak with the news.
“Jo….help me call Felix and tell him what I did…..”
“What no!!! He’ll kill you!” Jo said
“That’s what I want……Call Felix…..and get me more drinks….”
“Lucas you’ve alre-ady finished 3 bottles….you have to stay sober left solve this out….”
“Just do as I say Jo…..plea-se….” he said. Jo went out of the room immediately he left he heard things breaking.
Felix drive over to Lucas house he saw Jo outside.
“Where is he?”
“Felix…..plea-se just….”
“I won’t hurt him…..right now I can’t find Amanda….he might have hurt her but he still love her…..he’s as hurt as Amanda…..don’t worry”
Felix walk into the room and opened the door only to met blood on the floor. He was shocked
He rushed to Lucas and met he has a bottle de-eped into his palm.
“Jo!!!!…..Jo call the ambulance!!!!….Lucas…..Lucas!!!!”
Lucas family arrived at the hospital.
“The wound was too de-ep and he lost too much blood. The worse of it all he had consume excess alcohol… might have damage his system. But don’t worry too much he’s fine….just he’ll have a scar on his plan”
“Thank you doctor” Mrs Harrison said.
“What happened?” Mr Harrison asked Jo.
“I don’t know sir he won’t tell me….” he lied.
“Hmmm…..I won’t take him getting hurt every time…..” Mr Harrison said and left.
Mrs Harrison looked at Jo “What happened?”
Jo told her everything and she was shocked and disappointed in Lucas “how could he?……where is Amanda?”
“I don’t know but I doubt she’ll be with Quinn”
Mrs Harrison c@m£ to see Quinn. I was slee-ping when Quinn woke me up.
“Mrs Harrison is here to see you” she said
I c@m£ to the living room. She had an apologetic eyes….she was almost crying
“Am sorry Amanda……how are you doing?”
“It’s okay ma and am fine……”
“No you’re not…..I heard what happened. Lucas is at the hospital…..and…..” she tear up. “I didn’t know he’d do such a thing to you…..”
“Like I said it’s okay….am fine” I said again
“I made a promise to you……..this is a sum of 10 million dollars…..” she handed me a cheque I collected it.
“Thank you…..” I said and she talked to Wuinn and left.
“Amanda why did you collect the money? It’ll look like you accept to d@t£ Lucas because of the money” she said.
“I have a plan Quinn. I owe Lucas….I’ll use this money to pay him in full…. he loves money don’t he?”
Lucas gain consciousness. He was sitting on his be-d with his back rested on a pillow. He had his face down as his mother yell and scold him.
“I am disappointed in you Lucas…..I wanted a good life for you now what?… ruined it….you ruined that sweet girl… could you?”
“Mom I still love her….I love her… was about the bet at first but then everything changed….”
“What difference does it makes? What difference?!!!!!” She yelled.
“I’ll find a way to get her back…..I don’t care if I have to lose everything……” Lucas said
“Even if you bring heaven down to earth…..she’ll never trust you again……” she said
I walked into the room with Quinn behind me. When Lucas saw me he was surprised.
“Amanda………” he called about to stand up but I walked to him.
“Hi Lucas…..” I said. Without even looking at him I de-ep my hands into my bag and brou-ght out the cheque his mother gave me “Thank you for all you did for me in the past….I owe you a lot and I am grateful……here…..” I handed him the envelope but he just stare at me in daze as tears filled his eyes.
I dropped the cheque on his b©dy “let’s end it here…..I don’t want to have anything to do with you…..even if it was nothing to you but just a bet, it was everything to me……but I’m willing to forget everything….I hope you can too” I turn around to leave but he hold my wrist.
“plea-se…..Amanda….I did wrong…..I messed up…..plea-se…..but I love you…..what I felt for you was real…..I love you Amanda….plea-se look at me….you know….you know my feelings where real…..plea-se Mandy…..give me another chance….I……” I drag my hand away and left coldly. “I won’t give up on you and I’d never forget……I’ll keep showing up until you take me back…..!!!” I heard him yelled but I did st©p.
Mr Nelson called Erica.
“Have you register for the school of your choice?” He asked
“Yes dad…..I plan on going to same school with my sister….Amanda….maybe we can become close” she said
“What course are you going for?”
“Oh Business Admin……Same as Amanda….” Erica said “it’s nice I’ve been studying business admin in the US so I’d like to forward it here and graduate with Amanda…’s nice to know we are studying same course…”
“Hahaha…..don’t be too excited…she haven’t accepted us as her family yet…..” he said. Merit walked in and Erica ran to her.
“Mom imagine all four of us you, me, dad and Amanda……all together….don’t worry mom I’ll try my best to stick to her….I’ll bring my sister home” Erica was a positive girl always makes her family happy.
Courses began again the next week.
Jeremy was avoiding me and I noticed. I didn’t try to ask him or talk to him I just let him be for some time. Quinn and I hang out instead.
“Gideon told me he knew about the whole plan….”
“Yes….I met him at the room that day…”
“Why didn’t you tell me and by the way I broke up with him” she said
“What!!! Why???”
“Don’t worry it’s not because of you….he fv¢ked another girl last year…” she said.
“Last year?”
“Yes…that’s a good enough reason to break up right?” Quinn is crazy I couldn’t help but laugh “I told him if you can go back to Lucas I’ll go back to him which is impossible……”
We laughed and talked about our as-signment when Quinn drag my hands and pointed at the gate. It was Lucas. He was standing by his car looking at me.
“Let’s just go” I told her and we kept walking but Lucas ran towards our way.
“Mandy…..” he called and st©p in front of us. My eyes cut his hand which was bandaged. “Let me drop you home….” he said with a low voice.
“Taxi……!” I st©pped a taxi right in front of him and we got in. I didn’t look back but I could tell he was still standing there.
It went on and on like this for three days.
On the fourth day he gr-ab my hand but I yelled at him and push him away. “Don’t ever dare to t©uçh me! Ever again!!!”
Since that day he still comes but he don’t approach me.
It’s been a week. He was still showing up.
We were drafted into two groups. Quinn and I were separated I ended up in Jeremy’s group. We were two girls and four boys. Bad news. The girl was Erica.
I didn’t mind her. I got nothing to do with her. We greeted each other and she sat down close to me. Our team leader Rye decided to choose me as his as-sistant.
“Amanda…we’ll both go find out where we’ll focus on our practical” he said and I smiled with a gentle nod.
Rye and I walked out of the gate that day. He was a funny guy….he kept telling me about his internsh!p….
Lucas saw Amanda with another guy….she was laughing and holding his shoulders as they walked out of the gate.
With anger Lucas walked and pu-ll-ed me away.
“Lucas what do you think you’re doing?!!” I yelled
“What does it look like Amanda…..I know you want to make me jealous that’s why you’re hanging out with this guy!!!” He yelled. I was so angry I sl@pped him on the face.
“Get back to your s-en-ses Lucas!!! When I saw I had nothing to do with you I meant it…..get out of my life!” I said “am so sorry Rye….let’s go….”
All throu-gh the next week I didn’t see Lucas by the gate. I was happy but de-ep down I was disappointed I guess I was getting use to seeing him by the gate everyday. I tried ha-rd not to care but I couldn’t. I end up blaming myself for being so harsh on him. I was still angry and I hated him for what he did to me but there goes my heart which still loves him and misses him. Love indeed is a crazy thing.
We were all at Rye’s house discussing about our project. Rye ensured us that it’s going to be big and that he had connections.
“Anda what do you think….we both should be the sample of our project we both have pretty faces….” Erica said to me. I see where she was going….I only shove her idea away with a f0rç£ smile and stood up. Erica was disappointed….she was trying her best….all her possible best but Amanda keep pushing her away.
“Guys…..I have a big surprise…..our host and tutor is here…..” Rye announced and everyone turned to see who it was.
My eyes went wi-de…..I couldn’t believe who just walked in…………
Who walked in????🤔
Who could it be??🤷‍♀️

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