The bully boss Episode 25 & 26

Lucas doesn’t look happy. He pu-ll-ed his suit and toss it to the chair. “Stupid ash!!!!” I murmured.
Guest started arriving. The round tables were filled up.
“Save two sp©t for Felix….he’ll be coming with his d@t£” Desmond said to the waitress and she nodded
“Felix will be here?” Ronald asked
“Yes….Lucas you remember Felix right?”
“I do…..”
“He’ll be here tonight…… Guess this is one of my best birthdays…..”
“Happy birthday son!”
“Mom…..thank you….”
“Happy Birthday Desmond…”
“Thank you Dad”
Desmond look at his watch ….the event have alre-ady started and Felix is not here. He took his phone and called but he wasn’t picking up. He gave up maybe he wasn’t coming anymore.
Quinn reunited with her fiancé Gideon.
Desmond and his wife, Ronald and his fiancée, Quinn and Gideon, Jeremy, Jo and Lucas were on the round table with two empty chairs.
The p@rty started and performers began to showcase their talents…… Jeremy’s eyes were wi-dely fixed.
“Is…’s that Amanda?” He asked pointed at the entrance. Hearing Amanda Lucas turn around with a smile but
“Felix is finally here…..” Desmond said. He stood up and personal went to welcome Felix.
“Sorry am late….you know how women can be with their arrangements….” he said
“I un-derstand……”
This was when I realized……this was Desmond’s birthday p@rty… eyes met Lucas and I quic-kly look away.
“Felix….!” I called but he bend down and whispered to my ears.
“Pl@yalong Amanda…..let’s make someone jealous tonight….” he said
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I whispered back
“Well…..Surprise!!!!!” He said “Just pl@yalong will you?”
Felix was hilarious! He took me to a makeup studio….had my makeup done! Bought me a blue designer’s dress only to bring me to He Harrison family?
This is fun! Am going to torment Lucas. I look up at Felix and nodded.
We took our sits.
“Sorry am late…..” Felix said again
“Hello Felix….” Ronal said and introduced him to his fiancée.
“Oh….nice to meet you….” Felix said. “Hi Lucas, Jeremy…..”
“Hello…..” Jeremy replied Lucas eyes were fixed on me.
“You know Amanda?” Was the first statement that c@m£ out of his mouth.
“Oh….I almost forgot…..This is Amanda…..My girlfriend…….” Felix introduces and I smiled
“I know Jeremy…..I told you he’s my friend and Quinn too….” I said
“Oh……and by the way she made me late…” Felix added and I chuckled
“What about me? Don’t you know me?” I heard Lucas voice….my eyes met with his and his eyes were burning up.
“Oh……Mr Lucas…..Felix…….”
“She knows you Lucas and so do I….” Felix said and I smiled.
“plea-se let’s just talk after the show” Quinn said
“Amanda why are you with him?” Lucas wasn’t a patient guy.
“He’s my b©yfri£nd…..”
“So what am I?”
“We broke up Lucas!” I said and his sm-irked and turned his eyes to the stage.
Felix hold my hands and k!$$£d them. I smiled.
The comedy show was funny and I laughed so much…..sometimes I laugh and rested on Felix. Quinn and I looked at each other and she win-ked at me and I returned the wi-nks.
“Excuse me I’ll go use the bathroom…..” I said
“Me too…..” Quinn added.
Quinn drag me and said “what is going on? You want to kill Lucas?”
“Relax? Who is that handsome guy?”
“That’s my b©yfri£nd….”
“Say b©yfri£ndagain and I’ll kill you” she said
“Ok….fine….he’s my brother….Mr Whites son….”
“We’re just acting so I can deal with Lucas” I said and she gave me a hand five…..
“This is awesome….you should see his face in the car when Jeremy said you have a b©yfri£nd…..that aside….with the way you’re dressed up….he’s alre-ady dying!!!! I even caught my fiancé eyeing your b©dy…..”
“Shut up….if we stay here too long it’ll be suspicious let’s go back….” I said and she nodded.
As I walk out of the restroom door my wrasit were gr@bb£d and I was dragged back to the restroom….”Stay back Quinn!!!!” Lucas yelled at Quinn and shut the door.
He pu-ll-ed me to his front with f0rç£.
“What’s going on?” He was aggressive
“Let me out …..if Felix come in here it won’t be funny…” I said about to walk away but he drag me back.
“You haven’t answered my question…..”
“What do you want to know? I broke up with you! Felix is my b©yfri£nd…..”
“After all I’ve done for you? Fine…….pay me back!” He said
“I said pay me back for all I’ve done for you!!!!!” Lucas doesn’t know what to do anymore. He acted sweet but she won’t come back to him now all he got is his aggressive.
“I’ll go tell Felix……”
“Felix Felix Felix!!!!! I know…..I know Felix is a good guy….he’s better than me in all expect. He deserve you more than me…’re too good for me…..but can’t you see? Am trying to be good enough for you… willing to change for you……Amanda plea-se I love you….”
“It’s too late Lucas……”
“I know……am a big d!¢k……forget this ever happened.” He said and walk out.
Quinn was still waiting for me. I smiled and she nodded. She must have heard everything.
“You’re going too far Amanda…” she said
“Am willing to risk it….”
We c@m£ back to the table. Lucas was still there. I sat beside Felix.
Felix whispered in my ears “how did it go?”
“I told him it’s too late…” I whispered back and he smiled “stand your ground and face him….like I see…he’s not willing to give up on you….”
The show went on. Soon the minister and his wife c@m£ in. I looked closely at the big screen she look like her…….my mother. She had a big smile on her face. She looks good. So good I felt so much hatred, I wish she was suffering for leaving me but she was fat and she looks happy.
“The minister and his wife would be joining us here…..” Desmond said. The waitress added three more chairs. “I thought it was just the minister and his wife?”
“They brou-ght their daughter along”
Felix looked at me “Don’t be too shy, just act cool. Big brother is here to guard you up” he said and I smiled.
The family of three joined us. Jeremy changed sits and sat close to me. He whispered to me “Amanda….are you okay?” Of course he knows everything. Jeremy too was angry.
“Am fine don’t worry…..” I as-sured him
“Am here for you okay?” He said and I nodded with a smile.
The girl look like my age mate. She was skinny and beautiful. Of course she’s a rich heiress. She sat close to Lucas.
“Hello everyone….oh Happy Birthday Mr Desmond….” the man said
“Thank you sir…. am glad you c@m£ with your wife and beautiful daughter….your wife is beautiful too”
“Oh thank you” she smiled.
Lucas stood up from the table and left.
Soon food were brou-ght to our table. I wasn’t having appetite. I stood up “Excuse me….I’ll go look around….”
“Ain’t you eating?” Jeremy asked
“I lost my appetite…..” I said
“I’ll go with you…” both Jeremy and Felix said
“No no no….I’ll be fine….enjoy yourselves….Mr Desmond?…. happy birthday again…” I said and he smiled.
I walk to the other side of the hall… was quiet there. It has a nice view and lots of cold air. I just gaze into the sky ru-bbing my arms….I was cold. I just saw my mother who left me after eleven years…..I didn’t know what to feel.
Then I felt a something warm on my shoulders…..I turned back and it was Lucas….his suit was on me.
He sm-irk and said “I heard ash was your favorite color….”
“Thank you but I don’t nee-d this…” I pu-ll-ed it off and stretch it back to him.
“Just put it on….you’ll freeze to death. Don’t worry….I just want to enjoy the view too….. I won’t bother you” he said. Seeing how serious he look I wore the suit
“Thank you….”
“At of all colors in the word, why ash? You’re a weird kind of girl….” he said and I smiled
“Who told you?” I asked
“Told me what?”
“That I like ash?”
“Jeremy did….”
It was quiet again
“You okay?” He suddenly asked and I nodded and smiled. Lucas alre-ady know what was happening….. he had done an earlier research on Amanda and knows few things about her family….and he knows the fact that her mother was the Ministers wife.
Lucas stretch his hand to me.
“Take my hand” he said
“Trust me…..take my hand…..” I hesitated “I want to show you something….I promise….I just want to distract you mind from what ever you’re hiding….”
I took his hand and followed him.
He led me outside and opened his car….”Get in….”
“…” I didn’t know what to say….. I get in the car and he ran to the other side…..
He drove off the h0tel. When he got to the road he opened the car roof and speed the car……..
“Have fun…..” he sm-irked.
It was really great……the breeze was b!owing my hair and I tire them up.
The road was empty with just few cars.
I rested on the car window and view the night. It was beautiful but wait…..where are we going?.
“Where are you taking me?”
“Relax…’ll see when we get there….”
His car drove dee-per into some kind of a garden.
He st©pped and c@m£ down. I too follow lead. He gr-ab my hands and drag me along.
I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was a lake. It was so calm….there were fireflies and dragon flies dancing round the water….. it was beautiful.
I heard Lucas Chuckled.
“I normally come here to relax…’s a great place….I don’t regret buying it….”
“Wait you own this place?”
“Yes… currently building a house near the garden…..when everything is calm….I want to settle down here….it’s peaceful…” he said.
“I wish I can have this kind of place…..” I said
The place was so beautiful and peaceful. I took off my shoes and de-ep my feet in the water.
“There are sharks inside the water….be careful so they don’t eat your toe…” Lucas said and I quic-kly drag my legs off the water. I could hear him laughing…..
“You……why do you like to bully me?!!!” I yelled
“As if you don’t like to bully me too”
I laughed “I’ll get you…..I promise….”
I found out I was completely calm. I don’t know, was it because of this place or was it because of…..Lucas……. I look towards his direction. He was walking by the lake. He turned back and smiled at me. I quic-kly look down.
It was getting late so Lucas insist that we go but I whined and refuse.
“Don’t worry you can come here anytime you want….I’ll tell the gate keepers….”
We head back to the car. While we drive back I look at his and ask. “Why are you doing all these?”
“I don’t know…..treating me like this…showing me all these….it’s not like I’ll take you back or anything…..” I said
“I know…..I know you won’t take me back but I just want to follow my heart for the first time in my life….at least do what it wants…..and I know it wants you….but I can’t give you to it because I messed up…..” he said and I was quiet.
He continued “look Felix is a nice guy. I’ve known him for log now he deserve you…..I just want you to be…….” Lucas look over to her and saw that she was slee-ping. “Here I am….just talking to myself…..”
Lucas kept on driving…….he drove down town and every road he sees…..soon it was 3 am. He drove her home.
When Felix heard the sound of the car he walk out. He saw Lucas carrying Amanda on his arms.
When Lucas saw Felix coming out of Amanda’s house, he was plea-sed.
“Why are you here?” Lucas asked
“Give her to me I’ll take her inside….” Felix tried to carry Amanda but Lucas moved back.
“I asked you why are you in Amanda’s house?”
“Are you stupid? Am her b©yfri£nd……” Felix said.
The noise woke me up and I quic-kly c@m£ off Lucas arms.
“Amanda why is he here?” Lucas asked
“It’s late Lucas you should go home….” I said
“Why did you go with him? I was looking for you all over the p@rty? Why didn’t you pick my calls?” Felix scolded
“Am sorry I was….”
“Don’t you dare scold her?” Lucas yelled
“Mind your business and get out!” Felix yelled. I don’t un-derstand felix anymore…..he was overreacting…..I saw complete anger on his face. But then Lucas drag my hands to his side.
“She’s not going into that house with you….” Lucas said.
“Lucas….st©p….what do you think you’re doing?” I asked. I walk over to Felix.
“Let’s go back inside and talk…..”
“No….you go back inside….I want to talk with Lucas…..” Felix said “now!!!!” He added. I rush back inside.
I didn’t know if it was a good idea to leave them together.
I peep throu-gh the window and saw Felix entered Lucas car and they drove off.
Lucas st©pped the car and Felix c@m£ out of the car. Lucas didn’t un-derstand what Felix was up to but he follow lead.
Before Lucas could react Felix gave him a punch on his face…..then another…..then another….. Lucas fell down with blood on his face.
“Felix are you out of your mind?!!!!”
“Why Amanda!!!! Out of all your who-res!!!!! Why her?” Felix yelled
“You too….why her? We both know she’s special and I love her…..”
“Me? Well I’ll tell you after I beat the $h!t out of you…..” Felix replied.
Lucas was no match with Felix……Felix beat the $h!t out of him. Lucas was all wounded and weak. Seeing how weak he has become Felix st©pped.
“Aaargghhh……why are you doing this?” Lucas asked at he started coughing out blood.
“Shut up…..or do you want more beating?” He asked and Lucas immediately bec@m£ quiet.
Felix continued “Amanda is not my girlfriend….she’s something more…..she’s my sister…….my dad adopted her and her little sister….”
“What?!!!!!!” Lucas was surprised
“Yes…..what do you think? I want you to take good care of her……the beating I have you is to give you approval to d@t£ her…..but I swear if you mess with her…..”
“I won’t……I swear with my life I won’t…..”
“Good…..Get in the car…..I’ll drive your as-s home….” Felix said.
I saw Lucas car drove back but only Felix c@m£ out. I rush outside……
“Lucas is home I just borrowed his car……” he said
“Why do you have blood all over you?” I asked and he smiled
“I just gave him a good beating….”
“Don’t worry I didn’t kill him……he knows now that we’re siblings and I gave you two approval to d@t£……”
“Was he hurt?”
“Yes…..there was blood all over his face…..” he said and saw her worried face “go get some sleep….you can go meet him when the sky is clear enough…..” Felix yawn and walk upstairs.
I gr0@nbehind him.
I entered Lucas house and met he was still in be-d. His face were swollen even hisl-ips. He has alre-ady treated his bruises.
I felt so sorry for his handsome face. I t©uçh his face and his eyes opened.
“I almost died because of you yesterday…” that was the first thing that come out of his mouth
“Am sorry…..”I said
He raised himself up and he wasn’t wearing any shi-t. I saw bruises on his b©dy too. Felix went too far.
“You must be in pains….” I said
“It doesn’t matter…….all that matters now is that I got you back…..”
“Who says you got me back?”
“Don’t dare me Amanda…….” he said and I laughed
I hvgged him lightly so I don’t hurt him and said “I love you……”
“What!!!! Say it again….” he said
“I didn’t say anything……”
“Amanda…..I heard you say I love you….”
“Did I? I can’t remember…..” I lied
“Say it one more time plea-se….”
“Say what?” I asked
“I love you…”
“Oh you love me? Thank you…”
“Amanda that’s not what I meant…”
“So you don’t love me?”
“I do…..wait…’re oppressing me…..”
“Am I? I’ll go cook something for you….”
“No no no…..don’t you dare go inside that kitchen…..I don’t want to stress you….” he lied
“You don’t just want me to cook because I can’t cook….”
“No…..who said that? I just don’t want to bother you…..I’ll just order some food….”
“No….I’ll still go cook…..”
“Amanda plea-se……I don’t have groceries at home…..hmmm……let me just order…..”
“No way…..” I said and walk to the kitchen.
Lucas look at the food in front of him.
“So the beating was not enough… still want me to have food poisoning?”
“If you love me eat up….you’ll se I’ve improved….”
“Sure sure…..” Lucas took a spoon full into his mouth….he f0rç£d a smiled and swallowed the food “wow…’ve improved…..taste good….”
“Really??…..let me taste it…..”
“No….no you don’t have to it’s all mine….”
“If you like it that much I made a whole pot….I’ll go get you another plate….”
“No no….Amanda this one if fine…..why don’t we just put the food aside….”
“Why?” I asked
“I……Am having….Uhmm……indigestion….”
“Why?” I asked
“Because……Uhmm……can you just…..” Lucas phone started ringing…..thank God!. “Hello….Jo yes….Jo……”
Three days later I was at the study when my phone rang. It was Katie. I wanted to ignore her calls but I couldn’t….let me just hear her out.
“Anda… at the school libr@ry can you come?” Her voice was down “I have something to tell you and you’re the only one I can open up to…..”
“Are you okay Katie?” I asked
“You’ll come right?” She asked
“Yes… on my way now”
The libr@ry was empty because schools were on holiday so no students where pres£nt.
I saw Katie sitting on the floor. She stuff some something into her mouth and swallowed ha-rd . I walk to her.
“Anda you c@m£……” she smiled. She look wasted.
“Are you okay?” I asked again but she put a USB drive on my hands.
“Keep this….re-lease it after tonight…..” she said
“Why? What’s going on?”
“Trust me Amanda…..I have to go now…..”
I was confused. I got home and put the USB drive around my n£¢k. It was late but I was worried about Katie. I fell asleep thinking of her.
The next morning I woke up and look at my phone. It was pas-s 8 but then my eyes cut a message from Katie….By 1am. “Am Sorry Amanda…..It’s all in the drive……Am sorry…..” I was confused. Then my phone ring and it was Jeremy.
“Jeremy what’s going on?” His voice doesn’t sound good.
“Katie was found dead in the school ap@rtment……”
I rush to school and found the crowd outside the ap@rtment. All eyes were on me.
“That’s her friend……”
“Yes….that’s her…..”
I was lost. I just hope this was just a joke.
“What happened to your friend why did she kill herself?” Someone asked.
“I heard you st©pped being her friend…poor thing. She must be depressed…..”
Soon the police carried a b©dy out. I couldn’t control myself.
“Katie……” I cried and ran towards them but they hold me back “Katie no….plea-se….this can’t be true…..Katie…..I was with her yesterday…..just yesterday how come……how come……Katie plea-se….”
“Miss calm down she’s alre-ady dead and we’ll have to investigate you as the last person who saw and speak to her…..”
“No……it’s not true….she’s not dead…..I know she can’t be dead…..plea-se…take her to the hospital…….aahhhh!!!!!” I yelled as I fell on the floor and hold my head.
Jeremy ran to me. The cops hold him but he yelled “I know her….let me call her down…we are both friends of Katie….”
The cops let Jeremy in.
“Amanda…..Amanda look at me….. it’s okay…….” Jeremy said but she was still in daze, in tears.
“This won’t do….you two come to the police station with me” the policeman said.
Seeing Amanda’s condition Jeremy called Lucas and Felix.
“Calm down okay….I know it’s not easy to lose a friend….just tell me….what happened last night?” He asked
“plea-se tell us something… we can find out how why she killed herself!” He yelled
“St©p yelling at her!” Jeremy said
“Fine I’ll let her calm down….if I come back and she’s still not saying anything, am afraid I’ll have to lock her up”
Felix arrived at the police station first.
Lucas was far away from home. He had gone to the nearby town for a meeting.
“Lucas what about the meeting?” Jo asked as Lucas was about to leave.
“I nee-d to be there for her….”
“I know…..but she’s not alone now….Jeremy is there…so is Felix….we’ll be there by tomorrow….”
“I know Lucas but plea-se this contract is important…….it’s just few hours….if we move by night we’ll there as early as possible……”
“Hmm…..ok…..” Lucas agreed but de-ep down he was worried.
Lucas tried as much as possible to be composed. The meeting took longer than expected because De Marco suddenly showed up. Lucas didn’t have time for him. Jo watched Lucas and pray he doesn’t mess up because of Amanda.
Lucas could agree with De Marco and end the meeting immediately or could fight back and extend the meeting and frustrate De Marco.
Lucas took the ha-rd way and faced De Marco.
“I wont sign up with Grace Industry. Why don’t you sign up with them? Why involve my company?”
“Lucas you know very well half of my company is yours…..”
“Don’t go there De Marco…..Don’t dare….”
“Or what???”
Lucas was alre-ady distracted by Amanda….he was angry that he couldn’t be there for her now this stupid De Marco is getting on his nerves
“Lucas calm down….” Jo whispered to him
“Oh….Lucas are you going to let your manager control you?. Why? Are you afraid to fight me?” De Marco asked. Lucas wanted to stand up but Jo said “if you get hurt how will you face Amanda?”
“So this is all about Amanda? Your secretary? I got eyes for her too” De Marco said, Jo knew he won’t be able to calm Lucas down…so he just move back as Lucas stood up and walked to De Marco.
“I dare you to say that again?”
“I’ll get her someday you’ll see, you think she’ll d@t£ some freak like you?” De Marco asked
“What you don’t know us that she’s alre-ady d@t!ngme and she’s mine…so back off!” De Marco yelled
De Marco smiled “I bring the game…so I’ll finish it….I swear Lucas I’ll ruin you!!!! What you love must you’ll come to hate…..”
“Do your worse!!!…..bring it on!” Lucas fired back.
“Is this about business or it’s about a girl? If you two have personal issues, go sort it out pri-vately. Now we are here for business” the other p@rty said. Lucas sm-irk and went back to his sit. He checked his watch and it was 1 Am alre-ady.
The meeting continued the next day. They began to bargain on arguments and facts. Lucas was smart and so was De Marco but he was no match for Lucas.
Another p@rty nee-ded to be invited ma-king it four different companies bargaining to sign.
Grace company signed first followed by other companies Lucas was the last to sign. He paused and smiled.
“Am not signing…” he said
“What?!!!” Everyone yelled including Jo
“Lucas what are you doing? This is a great opportunity!”
“For them….not for me….. am out of the deal….why don’t you three deal with it yourself….the contract nee-ded three competitive companies signature and it’s alre-ady three there….I don’t think my signature will be nee-ded anymore”
De Marco was shocked to hear this “Lucas are you out of your mind?” That was his own plan all along after ma-king Lucas sign he argue to re-move his signature later on and be out of the deal but now Lucas has turned the table
“As a matter of fact yes….I am out of my mind…..”
“Mr Lucas you sure you won’t regret this?” The other p@rty asked
“Will I?” Lucas smiled locking gaze with De Marco. Lucas break the gaze and smiled again.
“Let’s go Jo…..” he adjust his suit and took big steps away.
On their way back home Jo asked Lucas
“Why did you do that?”
Lucas told him his plans “so jo calm down…”
“What if….”
“I know……don’t worry just trust me….have you been able to reach Jeremy?”
“No…..I tried calling him but it wasn’t going throu-gh…..I tried Amanda too……”
“Call Felix…..” Lucas said and Jo nodded.
After three rings Felix answered the call.
“Give it to Lucas….” was the first statement he made. Jo handed the phone to Lucas. “Where the fv¢k are you?”
“Am sorry Felix I’m on my way……”
“On your way? For two days Amanda has been locked up with your brother Jeremy….. Amanda won’t speak she’s just mute…..just come to the station maybe she’ll speak to you….this is just too much!” Felix yelled and ended the call.
“Speed up……now!!!!!!” Lucas said and immediately the driver speed up.
Katie’s father c@m£ to the hospital…..he wasn’t her biological father….just her stepfather. He yelled “where is the Amanda!!! Bring her out!!!!”
“Sir calm down. If you know anything tell me!” The cop said
“No…..let me speak with her…..she killed my daughter….my beloved daughter……it’s her fault…” he broke down in tears begging the cops to allow him see Amanda. Later on the cops agreed.
I was handcuffed and brou-ght to a room.
I saw a man he looks familiar.
“It was all your fault Katie died!” He said
“She killed herself because of you….now tell me…..where is it?” He asked
“Where is what….? It can’t be my fault……Katie….she….she was trying to tell me something that day…..”
“What did she tell you? Did she tell you anything?” His voice was aggressive and scary “I mean…..I’m her father…..if she tell you or gave you anything tell me” he softened his voice this time. I frown.
“I don’t know what you mean” I said.
“Her voice is weak…..” the cop told the inspector.
“I don’t care….I know she’s hiding something… afraid we’ll have to discharge her because we don’t have enough evidence…..”
“Evidence? At least we know she was the person who saw Katie last…Sir that evidence!”
I looked at Katie’s father……”I don’t know anything……”
“Where is it!!!!!!!” He yelled and gr-ab my hands ti-ght. His grip hurts me from my flesh to my bones.
“…” it wasn’t me who was hiding something, it was him……I could s-en-se his fear.
“Enough…..” the investigator said. “re-lease her…”
“Do as I say!!!!”
I lean on Felix as we walk out of the police station. I couldn’t help but blame myself. If only I had tried to console her that night…..I never should have left her alone.
It break my heart so much…..and it made me tear up.
Just then Lucas car st©pped at the police station.
“Amanda!” He called. I don’t know why but immediately I heard him call my name it was like my broken heart was fixed back. That was when I realized I had been missing something.
He was walking right to me……when he got close I hvgged him immediately and buried my face on his che-st crying.
“I’m sorry am late…..” he said and patted my head.
“Let me take her from here….” Lucas asked for permission from Felix who only nodded. “Can I borrow your car too?” He added and Felix handed him his car key.
Lucas lead Amanda into the car and fastened her seat belt before he shut the door and ran to the drivers seat.
Lucas look at her from time to time as she cried herself to sleep.
“Am so sorry I wasn’t there….” he whispered.
Lucas drove to the lake. Amanda was still slee-ping. He took off his suit and covered her.
I opened my ear as the cold breeze hit my skin. I look around and I was inside Felix car. I remembered Lucas borrowed it. I look outside and saw the lake. I smiled. It was calming just by looking at it. I c@m£ out of the car ba-re footed I walk towards the lake.
I sat at down and de-ep my legs on it. It was relaxing. It was pretty dark, I wonder were Lucas went and how long I sle-pt.
“You’re up?” I heard behind me and it was the security man,
“The Boss?”
“Yes I was just about to ask of him” I said
“Am here….” Lucas said. “Hi…..” he walk and sat beside me. The security man left.
“You brou-ght me here…..”
“Yes……I knew you’d want to come…..” he said
I was quiet. I was waiting for him to as me anything about Katie but he was quiet too.
“Am sorry I was late…..”
“Yeah you should be” I said
“Did they hurt you?” He asked and I shook my head.
“Thank you….”
“For what?”
“Everything…..thank you…..” I said and he smiled
“Thank you too…..”
“I went to see Katie the next night of her death….she was behaving strangely…..I suspected something was wrong but I wasn’t sure…..she gave me a USB drive….I don’t know what to do with it or what it met” I said.
“Why didn’t you tell the police?”
“I don’t know……am scared….I felt it was my fault”
“The drive must contain something……so why don’t we go to the police station tomorrow…..I’ll go with you and we’ll talk to the inspector….” he said
So far you’re there with me…..I’ll speak….. but earlier then her stepfather c@m£….he…..I don’t know but it’s like he’s afraid of something….he kept on asking me where it is….am sure it’s the USB drive…..”
“Don’t worry too much…..okay….”
“I miss her…..” I said as I swallow ha-rd ….trying to suppress my tears.
Lucas hvgged me “wanna see something fun?” He asked and drag me up before I could answer.
Mr Arlington called Merit to a cafe.
She c@m£ but found him seating alone. She frown.
“Where is Amanda?” She asked. Mr Arlington has always loved his wife and cherish her but back then he messed up…..till d@t£ he still love her and wish he could take back time. She was as beautiful as ever.
“She’s not here……”
“Ohh….” her face fell
“She’ll be happy to see you I promise……I even brou-ght some ph0to of her….”
“Really? That’s good….show them
To me plea-se” she said…..her eyes were teary as she collect the pictures and opened slowly.
It was a ph0to albu-m. “Amanda made that herself……” Mr Arlington said.
It was really made by Amanda….it was a ph0to albu-m she and her mom use to make before she left. “She didn’t st©p!? She kept on feeling the ph0to space” she said to herself in tears. She saw every ph0to of her childhood. When she graduated from Elementary school to high school then she paused.
She have seen this face before……the girls face lol familiar…….
She remembered the Harrison’s birthday p@rty.
“I lost my appetite…..” the words echo in her ears….the words Amanda said at the p@rty. She broke in tears.
“Are you okay?” Me Arlington tried to t©uçh her but she yelled
“Don’t you dare t©uçh me!!!! You’re lying……Amanda hates me….”
“No what do you mean? Look……”
“Tell me the truth!!!!!” She yelled
“You want to know the truth? I don’t know where Amanda is okay? She left!!!!….. you left us…..”
“Aaaahhhhh” she gr0@nas she gr-ab the ph0to albu-m and walk into her car.
She lamented…..her heart felt so much pain…..she had seen her daughter but failed to recognize her.
The next day we got to the police station and I handed the drive to the police.
Jeremy and Felix c@m£ too.
The inspector decided to showcase the drive content in our pres£nce.
There was a video on it. It was a man beating up a woman mercilessly.
“I swear I didn’t tell anyb©dy….plea-se….” she begged. I recognize her….that was Katie’s mother….and the man was her stepfather.
Suddenly the man took a stow and began to hit the woman’s head continues……
The video went on as he drags her b©dy and bury it in the yard.
He called Katie….”if they ask about your mother tell everyone she ran away….okay?”
“Yes father…..” she said.
The video went on to the p@rt where he f0rç£d Katie to sleep with him several times threatening that if she refused he’ll kill her and bury her like her mother or if she dare to tell anyone……he went on…..the video show Katie screaming. I felt Lucas hands holding mine… calmed me a little but didn’t st©p my tears.
Soon he told Katie to start slee-ping with the lecturers for perfect scores.
Later on he said “you should d@t£ a rich heir….”
“Father I like Jeremy….it’s not for he’s wealth I just…”
“Shut it!!!!!!……I heard he has a brother Lucas…..use Jeremy to get to him…..he likes women I heard. Give your b©dy off to him when you see him…”
“Will you do it or not?” He asked like a Psychopath
“I will….” Katie answered
“That’s my little girl…..”
Then the next video was that of Katie.
“Amanda……hehehe…” she giggled. “I should be dead by now if you’re watching this….. am sorry…..” she broke down in tears and my heart felt so sour “she killed my mother, he sleep with me every night and f0rç£d me to do things I don’t want to. I love you Amanda…..I really loved Jeremy…… I was just scared. My life is a trash now. I know he’ll surely kill me someday but I won’t allow that….instead I’ll kill myself……and hope you’ll bring him to justice for me. I turned his punching bag and S-x doll.
Hahaha……Don’t blame yourself Amanda… happy where i am or where I’ll be soon. Bring my him to justice for me…… You’re my best friend and will always be….and Jeremy will alway own my heart. Be happy Amanda and Jeremy…..don’t mourn me too much….but never forget me plea-se……keep out good memories together…..” the paused and lamented “I don’t want to die but I felt so disgusted by myself…..aaahhhh I don’t want to leave you guys……I hate myself……I can’t even face the mirror……..” she smiled and wipe her face. “He’s here…..” that was how the video ended
Poor Katie😭😭😭😭😭😭

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