The boy next door Episode 12

💥The Boy Next Door 💥
📘 Chapter Twelve📘
💞 Gianna’s P.o.v💞
After that tiring pillow fight with Xander,i left for my room.
“Hey, gorgeous” it was Jake,one of the guys from college.
“Gosh, you look so S-xy”
“Jake,i don’t have time to talk,am so tired and i have a hangover”
“How about i take away your hangover?” He asked and i rolled my eyes.
“t©uçh a hair on my sister and I swear i will cut your di-ck and feed it to you” Jamal said,Jake put up his hands in surrender.
“Chill, man, I won’t t©uçh her” He said and walked away but not before wi-nking at me.
“Hey,sis, do you know what to take to re-move this hangover,my head hurts” Jamal said.
“Yeah, a lemonade jui-ce,am going to take one now”
“Okay just be careful around those idiotic guys” He said and i nodded.
I finally got to my room and entered, Ashley was on the floor slee-ping.
“Ashley,wake the hell up” i said as I shaked her.
“Ohhh,my head,my head” She said as she got up
“It’s a hangover, I will get us some lemonade jui-ce”
“Gigi,do you know your brother is an idiot?”She asked and I laughed.
“Yes,i have been living with him all my life”
“He got me so drun!k,he suggested we do a drinking competition”
“You will be fine once you take the lemonade”
Few hours later.
Apparently,we weren’t supposed to get drun!kso for our punishment,each student have been banned from stepping out of their h0tel room.
“I mean why throw a p@rty if you don’t want anyone to get drun!k?” Ashley asked and sighed.
We have been in our room all day.
“We got really drun!klast night,i still have a little of the hangover” I said and ru-bbe-d my head.
“Yeah me too,i don’t even know how to the room”
“Oh,i really miss Xander so much” i said and Ashley giggled.
“She misses her love” Ashley said tea-singly,i rolled my eyes.
“I just miss him, that’s all, let’s pl@ya video game”
It was alre-ady late,I and Ashley were heading to be-d,when there was a knock on the be-d.
“Who could that be?” Ashley asked.
“I will check” i said and stood up.
I opened the door.
“Xander,what are you doing here?”
“Shh,let me in first” He said sliently, then i let him enter.
“Alexander McQueen is here?” Ashley asked surprised.
“How did you get pas-s the security guard outside?”
“He’s slee-ping,it was so easy”
“Why are you here?” I asked and he sm-irked at me.
“To take you somewhere,come on, let’s go” he said and dragged me but i resisted.
“No,i don’t want to get into serious trouble”
“You won’t,the guards won’t notice a thing”
“Am not sure about this”
“Oh,st©p being a scaredy cat and go” Ashley said.
“Come on, let’s go” Xander said and i sighed.
“Okay, fine, let’s go”
😍 Alexander’s P.o.v😍
I took her to a park not far from the h0tel.
It was late at night and the stars were out.
“It’s so beautiful here”
“Just like you” i said and she smiled,her eyes sparkling in the night.
“Come on, let’s sit on the blanket here” i said.
We la-id on the blanket staring at the stars,I moved closer to her and took mu time to admire her.
She looks so beautiful even without trying, sometimes,i wonder how someone can be so gorgeous.
“Xander!” She called out.
“I have calling your name for a while now, where’s your mind?”
“On you” i blurted out.
“On me? Why?”
“You are unimaginably beautiful, that’s why”
“Thanks,again..You took a big risj in coming to see me”
“I haven’t seen you all day and i really missed you”
“I missed you too,you can be so annoying but that’s what i like about you” She said ma-king me chuckle.
“What else do you like about me?”
“Everything, even when i was still dressing like a guy,you still tood by me”
“You are an amazing person,Gigi,never forget that”
We talked all night till we were both tired.
It was the next day and we were allowed to come out,i was heading to meet Gianna.
“Xander” Skylar called.
“You are still here? I thought you have gone home alre-ady”
“Xander,you know i can’t go without you”
“So what do you want now?”
“To see you,to feel you” She said moving closer to me.
“Go and feel Someone else,am not interested,am leaving” i said and walked away.
I suddenly got a text from Gianna telling me to meet her at the pool area.
I walked over to the pool area but i didn’t see her,i wanted to call her name but i saw something that shocked me.
There was a pool of blood in the water with someone faced down.
“GIANNA!!!” I screamed out.