The boss’s bride Batch 2

⛈️ The Boss’s Bride ⛈️
🌩️ By: Adeagbo Barakat Susan🌩️
🌨️ Chapter Three 🌨️
💙 Calvin’s POV 💙
I couldn’t close my mouth, she gave me the what is it face and turned to the priest who was obviously very shocked
” What? ” She asked and the priest gestured at what she was wearing
” What about it, is it against the law?” She asked glaring at the priest, he quic-kly shake his head negatively
” Then get the wedding started ” she said and he did as she Said
I really thank God that the people around are not more than 20 people, and they cannot even take pictures or spre-ad news about us getting married
I turned to look at her parents, they sh0t me an apologizing look, I shook my head and I turned towards the preacher again and we said our I dos
” You may k!ssyour bride ” the priest said and I looked at her, she looked determined and I know what she was about to do but I can’t let her win like this
I gestured at the priest to come closer and he did
” With all due respect sir, plea-se pity me and spare me the torture of k!ss!ngthose uglyl-ips ” I whispered loud enough for the both of them to hear
She looked at me like she just dug my grave and trust me, if she had done that I’m sure it’s 12 feets not 6 feets
The priest looked at us like he just saw something he was not supposed to, poor man I bet he never conducted a wedding as weird this
” Get on with it ” I mouthed and he shook his head like he is trying to come back to reality
” I pres£nt to you Mr and Mrs Light ” he said and I took Kira’s hand, turning to face the people pres£nt at our wedding
The crazy girl eyed me and stepped on my foot on purpose, I couldn’t shout but it hurt like never before, I sh0t her a deadly glare but she glared at me back
The few around c@m£ to congratulate us and give us gifts, after dinner that evening we were esc-rted to my place and we were left alone
” Nice one, crazy ” I said and she glared at me
” It’s useless talking to you Mr. Pathetic, go get the bags ” she said settling on the couch
” Your bags? ” I asked disgusted
” Well yes, and if you are not gonna do it, I’m gonna call your dad ”
” What on Earth?, Are you crazy? ”
” Maybe, Now go get the bags ” she said slouching further into the chair
I gr-unted and went downstairs to the car, I saw her bags and I was thankful it was Just two medium bags
I took it upstairs and she took it upstairs to God knows where
I called Edward to know why he cancelled on me today
” Ed ”
” Sugar CEO, I am really sorry I bailed out on you, I had to get my head treated ”
” Well, I won’t say I appreciate you doing that ”
” I am sorry, how is your wife, is she cute? ”
” Well she is a devilish angel ” I Said
” My man, show her who is boss ”
” You are crazy, she is a statue for all I care ”
” Sugar CEO! ” He praised and I rolled my eyes
” How far with your Casanova? ”
” Well, I am still working on getting her, I love her wit, feisty, she is my type ”
” You are really crazy guy ”
” Still learning from you Sugar CEO, oops I’d see you next tomorrow, I have to go ” he said and I hung up without saying goodbye
I saw the devilish angel coming downstairs and walking into the kitchen.
I have to get back to her for stepping on me earlier today.
🖤 Kira’s POV 🖤
I wouldn’t want the person I am going to torture to die of hunger so I went to the kitchen to make pasta and sauce
After an hour of boiling, frying and stirring in the kitchen I finished cooking and I dished the food, I placed it on the dining table and I went to the sitting room to tell him I’m done
” Dinner is re-ady ” I said and he looked at me from head to toe like I was some kind of thrash, not like he might not be thinking like I was a thrash because he told me that to my face before
” Well, I’m not interested ”
” Sorry you said? ” I asked hoping I heard wrong
” I said I am not hungry ” he Said slouching into the couch
No he didn’t just say that
After all my effort, he said he is not eating, I’m so going to kill him tonight, I quic-kly changed from frowning to smiling sweetly
” Well okay ” I said and he looked at me suspiciously
” You see?, You left one of my bags outside ”
” Huh?, No I am quite sure I brou-ght your bags upstairs ”
” Well, I am sure you left one just beside the door ”
” Go get it yourself ”
” You want me to call your Dad? ” I threatened and he eyes me
He stood up and walked towards the door, I followed him closely behind
He opened it and peeked, I got the chance I wanted, with all the strength I could summon, I kicked him outside and I closed the door as fast as I could
He ban-ged on the door but the deed was done, he is really going to sleep outside tonight and I mean it .
” You open this door you witch ” he yelled and I rolled my eyes
” You stay outside ” I Said and moved to the dinning room ignoring him
I sat down comfortable and I Started with my food.
🌨️ Chapter Four 🌨️
💙 Calvin’s POV 💙
I am so going to kill her for this, she kicked me out of my own house, I mean, who does that?!
I walked up and down the corridor for almost an hour but the witch didn’t open the door
I eventually gave up and went to the security guard for the key to the maid’s quarter
I’d definitely get that devil for this, it is not going to be funny when I do
I fell asleep planning for her, but nothing actually c@m£ to me
I woke up early in the morning feeling so-re all over, the be-d in the maid’s quarter is not just there at all
I walked upstairs Just in time to see the devil open the door , she peeked outside and mouthed an ‘ oh ‘ when she saw me
” You found somewhere to sleep? ” She said and I suddenly had the urge to sl@p her across the face, but I can’t, that would be stupid
” Just get out of my way ” I said ma-king my way inside, I quic-kly went to my be-droom, I took my bath and wore my blue tailored suit, matching it with a blue tie and black shoe
I went downstairs to see the devil slouching lazily on the couch
I rolled my eyes and picked my key, I left the house, she can have the house to herself as long as I’m gone, once I’m back I’m gonna show her who is boss
I got to work and put up my CEO attitude, as I walked inside everyb©dy scrambled to get out of my way, I wish my P.A is here, but unfortunately the pretty ha-rd working girl got married last month and moved to L.A.
I made my way to my office and I settled in my chair, I started working on the papers that have been piled on my desk because I didn’t go to work for two days, I worked non st©p until my phone beeped
I checked to see it was a message from my Dad saying he has a surprise for me, I ignored it getting back to what I was doing, what other surprise would surpas-s him getting his son married to the devil
I kept signing, stamping, writing and editing, I was getting tired but I couldn’t st©p working or they’d just keep piling up, I really wish Catherine is here right now, she’d never let me do this much work, she really un-derstand me, but since she is not around, I guess there is nothing to do.
Someone c@m£ inside but I didn’t raise my head
” I told you I don’t want to see anyone yet ” I said thinking it was one of employee
” Not even your poor old Dad ” my dad asked and I looked up from what I was doing
” Dad?, What are you doing here? ”
” Well, good afternoon to you too ” he Said coming closer
Wait it is afternoon alre-ady?
I raked my hand throu-gh my hair and I opened my eyes to the brown eyes, I inherited, what is wrong with this old minister?
” Good afternoon ”
” Well I have a surprise for you ”
” What’s that? ” I asked
” Well, I brou-ght you a new secretary ”
” Really? ” I asked sitting up, I actually trust my dad’s judgement on employees, he was even the one that brou-ght Catherine in
” Where is he/she? ”
” Outside waiting for me to tell her to come in ”
” Call her in alre-ady ” I said grinning happily that I’d have less workload
” Come in honey ” he said and the moment the person c@m£ in my smile fell right off my face
” No Dad ” I said shaking my head as my devilish wife c@m£ in
” Trust me son she is just what you nee-d ”
” I don’t want her ” I said folding my arms across my che-st, I realised it was a babyish thing to do and I quic-kly dropped them
” You don’t have choice son” he Said and checked his wrist watch
” I have to get going, don’t make her report you to me ” he said and left my office
I was furious I almost ban-ged my head on the table but I didn’t, I won’t let her think she is winning
” Your mini office is over there, I said pointing at the mini office 15 feets away from my table at the far corner
” You’d be getting your own l@pt©p, books, pens, a mobile phone with monthly subscription, some wears, and you get to pick the type of coffee you want, which would be delivered to you, you make your coffee and mine, I bet my dad explained the rest to you ” I asked and she nodded
” Good, tomorrow we are not wearing formal Wear so get re-ady to wear jeans and sneakers, and one more thing I don’t know you, you are just someone my dad brou-ght in for the job. ”
” Deal, I won’t want someone to see my with an ugly dude like you anyways ” she replied Rolling her eyes
” Mind your speech young lady ” I said and rolled her eyes
This is my chance to make her miserable, welcome to jail Kira Light.
🖤 Kira’s POV 🖤
” Here, arrange this files alphabetically ” he said and he dropped a truck load of file on my table
This guy is really heartless, he has been like that all day , he kept bringing files upon files, he didn’t even think about the fact that I just resumed
He is trying to break me and I won’t let him, I looked up and flash him a bright smile
He turned and walked back to his table while I continued working
When is my break again?
I was still arranging when someone suddenly someone barged in
A young blond lady c@m£ in and flung herself at Calvin, the secretary was trying to pu-ll her back but Calvin dismissed her with a wave of hand
” Boo boo bear, I miss you ” she said and turned fully to see what was going on
” You saw me three days ago Magaret ”
” Not seeing you for two days is torture ”
” Get down Magaret, plea-se ”
” No ”
” Do you want me to run away? ” He asked and the lady quic-kly moved away from him
” No no I’m moving, how do I look? ” She asked turning 360° but st©pped when she saw me, I flashed her a fake smile and she glared at me
” Who is she? ” She asked turning swiftly to face Calvin
” My new personal as-sistant ”
She growled and walked closer to me, so help me God, if this girl do as much as raise her hands on me, she would be on her way to the hospital in no time
” You know I hate it when you have female personal as-sistants ”
” Well dad recommended her ”
” She is ugly, and ugly girls that look like used property like her try their best to make their boss fall in love with them…. ”
I couldn’t take it how dare she say that to me
” Excuse ma’am plea-se watch your ton-gue, I am his…. ”
” Maid ” Calvin quic-kly said coming close
” She is also my maid ” he said nervously
” The more reason why you should be careful ” she said eyeing me
” Baby, someone told me you are getting married ” she said trying to ca-ress his che-st but he held her hand
” Magaret you Know I trust you ”
” Oh yes ” she replied her face lighting up like a thousand of fire cracker
” And I trust you not to tell this to anyone , truth is I actually got married ”
” What? ” She asked re-leasing hid hand sharply
They should just move away from here alre-ady
” It’s not a marriage out of love trust me ”
” I trust you but I don’t trust whoever she is…. Is she more beautiful than I am? ”
” What?, She is as ugly as a c@m£roon baboon ” he said and I could feel my anger rushing in
” Really? ”
” Yes compared to you my princess she is like a maid ” oh he is so going to get it from me
” Well that’s good, that won’t st©p me from having you anyways ” the shameless girl said and I felt like I would snap both of them into two
” Aren’t you thirsty?, Hey Lisa or whatever your name is can you get me and my baby coffee?, Latte for me And Americano for her, right baby? ” He asked and she nodded
I stood up fuming but I Still flashed him a wicked smile
” Right away sir ” I saw and I went to the cafe beside the company
I bought the Latte and Americano but before I left I asked for something else
” Sorry sir do you perhaps have salt? ” I asked and the man looked at me weirdly but nodded anyways
” Can I have some? ”
” Sure, Ted, bring some salt ” he said and few seconds later a young guy brou-ght a plastic filled with salt, and a teaspoon
I measured four teaspoon into the Latte, I was going to do the same to the Americano but then I decided against it
I looked up to see the attendant staring at me
” I like it like that, thanks “I said and I made my way back to the office
I saw that they were talking like she was the wife, what do I care?, I moved closer to give them their coffee
” Your Americano ” I Said handing her her coffee, she sipped it and sigh
” Just the way I like it ” she said and smiled
” Glad you do, your Latte sir” I said still smiling and he waved to dismiss me, facing his guest again.
I quic-kly moved to my table but I didn’t sit, I stayed to watch what was going to happen
He turned to the blond and continued talking, then the moment I was waiting for c@m£, he took a long drink out of his coffee but couldn’t swallow, he turned red instantly and disposed everything in his mouth on the blond.
I tried my best to suppress my laughter, I think the coffee got into her eyes and she jumped around crying about how much it stung.
Calvin on the other hand, was g@sping like he was gonna die soon, he kept requesting for water, but I didn’t answer, instead I hit the emergency bu-tton and most of the employees c@m£ running in.
I am not here to pl@yCalvin Light, I don’t make empty threat and I am definitely no push over.
I joined everyone as they as-sisted them so no one would ask me any question.
🌨️ Chapter Five 🌨️
Oya let me tag you, re-ad the note at the end for more information so that I can tag you
💙 Calvin’s POV 💙
I didn’t get myself for over an hour, my ton-gue hurt like crazy, the h0tness of the coffee and the salt in it almost ended me
That witch, I’m going to make sure I hurt her back , she’s going to regret ever doing that to me
I mean how can someone be so heartless to the extent that she put that much salt in my coffee?
” It is looking okay Mr. Light, all you nee-d to do is stay clear of peppery food ”
” Okay, thank you doctor ” I said sounding awkward
He left my office and I turned to look at witch staring at me from her corner, with a victorious look on her face
” Witch ” I said glaring at her but she rolled her eyes
” C’mon, what if it was a mistake?, I was holding salt and it got into your coffee by mistake huh? ”
” So the salt opened my coffee by mistake too ” I asked getting furious
” Well…. ”
” You are crazy ” I said standing up and packing my things, I nee-d to go home now and I don’t think I’d make it to work tomorrow, my ton-gue hurt
I was about to leave her in the office but I thought against it, that witch can be a spy or thief, who knows?
” Pack your things ”
” You are firing me? ” She asked undisturbe-d but I shook my head
” I wish I can, we are off tomorrow ”
” Whatever ” she said and I sighed, she carried her bag and left before me, I picked some files and I went downstairs, I unlocked my car and I entered, I was about to use my seat belt when I noticed someone was beside me, I let out a loud scream but I couldn’t move
” Shut up ” the person said and I looked closer to see it is my witch for a wife
” What on Earth is wrong with you woman? ”
” Well, my car has not been delivered so I decided you’d give me a ride back home ”
” You could have asked like a proper human being should, you know? And how on Earth did you figure out my pas-sword? ”
” Well….. They pick car locks too ”
” God have mercy on you, you are the daughter to a minister, daughter in law to another minister, and a wife to one of the biggest tycoon in this country for God sake, act like one, you can’t go around picking locks of people’s car. ”
” I don’t consider you my husband ” she said with a kind of tone that made my heart somersault twice and then pause like it’s not working again.
What do I care it’s not like I consider her my wife either
” It’s not like I consider you my wife either witch ”
” Then step on it devil! ” She said, I hissed and drove us home
Getting home I was exhausted, I brou-ght out my phone and I messaged Edward to ask if he is Still coming, he was positive he would come and he would be staying here for a while, thank God someone would come over and help me, Edward has been my best friend since 1st Grade, a little mischievous but still my friend.
We chatted for a while and I stood up to go to be-d but I saw the witch coming out from the kitchen.
” Dinner is re-ady, sweetened rice porridge ”
I almost said no but then I remembered I ended up slee-ping in the maid’s quarter when I said no yesterday, I was about to say yes again but then I remember the coffee issue today.
” Dinner is re-ady ” she said again this time with a little edge to her voice.
” Okay ” I followed her to the dining table
We sat down to eat but I couldn’t, what if she added something, pepper?, Salt?
She picked her spoon and Started eating but that didn’t convince me, she might have added something to just mine.
” Look here, I’m not planning on killing you bro, I’m only trying to make your life miserable, plea-se make it easier for me, I won’t be able to make your life miserable if you die of hunger ” she said and my jaw dropped, this lady is a witch in disguise.
I picked the spoon and started on the porridge, it surprisingly taste good, I tried my best to eat as slowly as I could, but what I really wanted is to devour it like an hungry lion.
After dinner, I whispered a thank you and I went to my room, everything looked different, like… I felt something was off but I ignored that and dropped on the be-d and I fell asleep after saying my prayer.
🖤 Kira’s POV 🖤
The next morning I woke up to clean the house, I quic-ky made pancakes and I started setting the table, he c@m£ downstairs alre-ady the dressed and I pointed to the table.
He raised one of his brow and I glared at him, he should not even think of wasting my effort at all.
” Breakfast is served ” I said and he made his way to the table, we were eating when someone rang the doorbell, and Calvin quic-kly rushed to the door, he c@m£ back few minutes later with a big box.
” It’s yours , from the company to you ” he Said dropping it beside me, he looked a bit disapptointed but who cares?
The door bell rang again and he rushed to the door again saying something like ‘ that should be teddy “.
” Witch!, You have to come sign for the delivery” he yelled and I rolled my eyes.
I went to meet the delivery man and I signed, I went back to the table to continue eating but then the door bell rang again, he didn’t even bother to move he continued to eat while I went to get the door thinking it was the delivery man again.
” What….. ” But wait it was not the delivery man, it was the crazy Ministers son, the per-vert that wanted to have car-nal knowledge of me at the p@rty, standing in front of me with a suitcase.
If this turns out to be what I’m thinking, then the both of them are in big trouble and I am in bigger trouble.