The blue moon Episode 25


šŸ’§{Destined to be together}šŸ’§

āœļøBy: Chidimma Mirabel šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ



Paolo and Jessica kept k!ss!ngeach other as their ton-gue fought for dominance.

They broke the k!ssand stared into each other eyes with smiles on their faces. Suddenly, Paolo’s phone began ringing..

“Rose?” He said…

“What!! I’ll be right there!” He said and hung up the call…

He looked at Jessica who was un-der him and then ca-ressed her face…

“I nee-d to go right now, my little sisters are in danger” He said and Jessica g@sped in surprise…

“What? I’m coming with you” She said…

“No, I don’t think you’ll like what you’ll see if you come with me” Paolo said…

“I don’t care, I’m coming with you!!” She said and stood up she quic-kly dressed into something casual and walked to where Paolo was. She held his hand and they teleported to their house


She snapped her eyes open as her eyes turned red and her fangs c@mĀ£ out. She sat up on the be-d as she scanned her surrounding while growling…

She spĀ©tted the door and kicked it which sĀ£nt the door flying away. She walked out of it like some possessed zombie…

Rose and Bianca climbe-d down stairs as they heard some noise. Their eyes wi-de-ned in surprise and happiness…

“She’s awake!!” Rose squealed while jumping up…

Within a flash, Rose was pinned to the wall by the lady, she was wearing a white go-wn…

Rose cough loudly as she felt air leaving her lungs…

Bianca then picked a vase and slammed it on the lady’s head ma-king her to re-lease Rose as she held her head with blood oozing out of her wound. After some time the bleeding stĀ©pped and the lady looked at them with an eye as the other eye was covered with her hair…In short she looked like a scary ghost

“quic-kly, hand me your phone!” Bianca said to Rose. Rose re-moved her phone and handed it to her.

She quic-kly dialed Paolo’s number…

“No, it’s me Bianca. plea-se come quic-kly, she’s awake and she’s trying to kill us!!” Bianca said on the phone and hung up the call.

She then helped Rose stand up as they slowly began walking away. The lady appeared in front of them and Bianca by the nĀ£Ā¢k as she lifted her up and then pinned her on the wall.

She made to sink her teeth in her nĀ£Ā¢k when the lady received a kick which sĀ£nt her flying away across the room…

“Rose, Bianca are you alright” Paolo said as he helped them up…

“Yeah were fine. Good thing you arrived here earlier” Rose said while ru-bbing her bruised nĀ£Ā¢k…

Jessica stood still as she stared at the lady in surprise. Tears gathered in her eyes as she smiled…

“Ameliah?” Jessica said ba-rely in a whisper…

Ameliah stood up from where she la-id and looked at them while growling silently. She then launched at Paolo who held her hand firmly…

“Jessica plea-se go to the kitchen in your right and get me some chains” Paolo said as he struggled to hold Ameliah firmly…

Jessica snapped out of her thought and ran to the kitchen, she brou-ght out the chains and c@mĀ£ with it.

Bianca brou-ght a chair to Paolo and he then made Ameliah to sit on the chair as Jessica tied her up on the chair…

“This will hold her for some minutes” Paolo said wiping off the bead of sweat that formed on his forehead.

Ameliah continued to struggle as she growled menancingly at them…

“What..what..” Jessica said unable to form correct sĀ£ntence..

Paolo held her shoulder and made her look at him

“Listen, during Ameliah’s burial I was there. I watched everything from afar, as everyone went away, I decided to now pay my hommages to her. I stood in front of her grave as I stared sadly at it. I decided to walk away but I could hear someone’s heart beating. No one was there ap@rt me, I kinda figured out it was Ameliah’s heart beating so I quic-kly dug the grave and re-moved her out of it, there I could see how her veins began changing color. I then un-derstood that the vernom Stephen injected in her was working. She was turning to a vampire, I bought her here and then this happened” He explained…

“Like seriously” Jessica asked and Paolo nodded.

Jessica smiled and k!$$Ā£d Paolo they broke the k!ssafter some seconds

“That’s why I love you” Jessica said and Paolo simply smiled..

Rose coughed lightly..

“Um excuse me, there’s a human turning to a vampire here. You guys can finish all this later” Rose said…

Jessica chuckled and re-leased

“Sorry Rose” Jessica said and Rose ached a brow

“How do you know my name” Rose asked..

“Its me Gigi” Jessica said and chuckled

Ameliah screamed angrily as she tried to free herself…

Paolo held her in place so that she could not…

“She’s a newly turned vampire and when this happens she’ll always crave for blood” Paolo said.

She succeeded in breaking free from the chains and pushed Paolo away with so much that sĀ£nt him flying away.

She turned to Jessica and slowly began walking to Jessica. Jessica took steps back.

“Ameliah, plea-se calm down. This is not the real you, you’re not like this. Ameliah snap out of it”Jessica said as she backed out slowly

Ameliah growled at her as she approached her with an angry look on her face…

“Ameliah, it’s me Jessica don’t you remember me? If you don’t remember me at least you must still remember Stephen” Jessica said…

Her back hit the wall and Ameliah walked till she stood in front of her.

“Stephen?”Ameliah said

Jessica opened her eyes and looked at Ameliah, she was in tears…

“Stephen, I want to see Stephen?” Ameliah said in her tears…

“You will see him but not now” Jessica said as she patted her shoulder.

Rose c@mĀ£ downstairs with a bowl in her hand.

“Here, give it to her. She’ll nee-d it I order to recu-perate” Rose said handing a bowl with animal blood in it to Paolo.

Paolo c@mĀ£ in front of Ameliah and handed it to her. She took it and gulped it down in one go and then li-cked herl-ips.

She closed her eyes as she began feeling better. She opened her eyes and it was back to normal…

“Jessica?” Ameliah said surprised.

She looked round the area and noticed she was in a strange looking house…

“Where I’m I?” Ameliah asked. She g@sped as she realized something.

“Wait I’m alive, how could that be?” Ameliah asked as she tĀ©uƧhed her face and her bĀ©dy.

“You’re at my house.” Paolo said

Ameliah looked at him with a confused expression.

“Who are you?” Ameliah asked

“It’s me Ameliah, Paolo!” Paolo said with a smile..

“Stupid goat?” Ameliah asked surprised and Paolo nodded.

She immediately hvgged him ti-ghtly as she smiled wi-dely…

“Glad to have you back Mrs corn” Paolo said as he hvgged her back.

They broke the hvg and she looked back. She smiled as she saw Rose and Bianca, Jessica and Paolo. The only thing missing was her cu-pcake…

“Come on sit down, we nee-d to talk” Paolo said and they sat down in the dining table.

Paolo then began to tell her how he survived, the fact that he’s Cas-sius right hand man. He also told her about how he saved her and she’s a vampire right now.

“Can’t believe I’m a vampire, I am the reincarnation of Cressida and the fact that you are Cas-sius right hand man” Ameliah said, totally shocked with the revelation

“I have my reasons for being his right hand man.” Paolo said

Jessica and Ameliah looked at him, waiting for him to explain his reasons.

“Ever since the day he killed my parents, I took an oath. I’ll avenge their death, I’ll teach him a lesson. That the dog you feed, can eventually bite you one day” Paolo saif with folded fists as he suppressed his anger.

Jessica held his hand and smiled at him reas-suringly, he smiled back too at her. Ameliah sm-irked as she watched the two of them.

“I can see that cu-pid has stoked Jessica and Paolo hearts” Ameliah said with her hands supporting her jaw

Jessica chuckled as she placed her head on Pablo’s shoulder

“I have a plan” Bianca said

They all looked at her surprised..

“What? I might be a human but I can come up with plans too” She said

“Alright my plan is, we have to train Ameliah so that she can be strong enough to stand up to Cas-sius. You guys said she’s the reincarnation of Cressida right?.. Then imagine her vampire powers combined with her goddess power”

“She’ll be unstĀ©ppable” Jessica said with a satisfactory look on her face…

“But who is powerful enough to train her?” Rose asked

“I have an idea on who it can be” Paolo said

“Who?” The girls chorused

“Cas-sius” Paolo said with a sm-irk on his face
