The bloody vampire king episode 28 & 29

{His Only Weakness}

Chapter 28&29

Written by: Summer Gold.


Evelyn’s pov ?

Meadows University…!!

I sighed out loud as I finally walked out of the clas-s,it’s my last for the day. I can’t believe my first day can be so stressful,I won’t agree less,this school is the best ever ,the lecturers are damn too good.

I sat down on a bench in the field,waiting for Amoura and Akantha,they still have one more clas-s each.

As I sat down,I fed my eyes with everyone walking all around. I still can’t believe there are vampires among the humans and they have no idea. I know someday,the vampires will definitely try s**king their blood. I chuckled at my own thought,I find it funny because my b©yfri£ndnow is a vampire.

Maybe if anyone had told me that my future b©yfri£ndwas going to be a vampire,I would have killed the person.

I gr-unt tiredly and opened my bag,I took out my mirror and checked my face. I brushed my hair with my f!ngers,,just as I was about to return the mirror,I saw a reflection behind me throu-gh the mirror.

Okay now I get,He’s really following me. I’ve been seeing him everywhere I go the moment I stepped into this school. But I don’t think he’s a vampire,because vampires have no mirror reflection. I suddenly g@sp,,is he one of the spies?

I stood up and started walking away,I know he’s following me. I ran toward another direction and hide myself somewhere,,soon he got to where I am,but he couldn’t see me since I was hiding.

“Damn it,,I lost her. I’m going to die if master find out” He said

Master? He was s£nt by someone?

I remain quiet waiting for him to leave but he seems to know I am hiding somewhere so he didn’t move.

Gosh I am stuck,,Lamia plea-se come here.

When i couldn’t take it anymore,I c@m£ out holding a pen,,as if I can hurt him with it.

“Who are you?? Why are you following me?” I asked

Hs wanted to come closer

“If you move closer,,I will stab your n£¢k with this pen” I said

“Your highness,I mean no harm” He said

Highness? Does he know me?

“Do you know me?” I asked and he nodded

“The prince s£nt me to follow you and make sure you don’t get hurt” He said and i sighed in relief

Gosh,I almost died of heart attack.

“You should have just told me,not spying this way” I gro-an ed

“He said I shouldn’t let you know so you wouldn’t feel insecure,,but you’re really smart your highness” He said and I let out a smile

Lamia is so sweet,,suddenly my tummy made a loud noise.

“I can take you to an eatery” He said

“My friends are still having a clas-s” I said

“But you have to eat” He said

I nodded and followed him.

We continue walking until we left the school,,

“Just over there” he pointed at the eatery opposite the school. Good thing it’s really near.

After eating to my satisfaction,we c@m£ back to the school and fortunately we were just right in time,Akantha and Amoura are just coming out of the clas-s.

“Hey Evelyn! Do you miss us?” Amoura asked and hvgged me ti-ghtly that I find it ha-rd to breathe

“You’re killing her!” The guard shouted and she immediately let me go

“I’m sorry”

“Its fine” I muttered

“Can we just go home before I pounce on a human?” Akantha rolled her eyes and I chuckled.

“I’m a human” I said

“I don’t think so,,your smell is weird” she said

“What do you mean?” I asked

“I really don’t know yet,,but your smell is really weird,,don’t worry I will confirm when I find the right spell” She smiled and entered the car

“What exactly is she?” I asked Amoura

“Half Vampire,Half Witch” She replied and I g@sped,,,

We got into the car and left.

Ramona’s pov ?

Crestview High….!!

Bennett and I walked out of school together,we keep on walking in silence,meanwhile i was thinking about different things and questions in my mind,i really want to know everything about vampires and also what is Bennett? He’s obviously not human,or is he also a vampire?

After thinking,i finally sighed and spoke up

“Bennett,,I have a question to ask you”

“Go on”

“So,,you really mean everyone in our school are vampires aside me?” I asked and he laughed

“What’s funny?”

“When did I say something like that? I only said,we have vampires in our school. You can’t even know them,that is,there are humans and vampires walking all over these city so you nee-d to be careful” he explained and i nodded finally got what he was saying

“Another question,,what are you exactly?” I asked

“Vampire” He said and I g@sped

“You’re,,,a,,,vampire?” I asked and he nodded

“But,,,why,,,are you friendly to me?” I asked

“Because you’re my mate” He replied

I’ve re-ad about mates,,,,but wait,did he just call me his mate? He’s joking right?

“Are you joking?” I asked stupidly

“Does it sound like a joke?” He asked

“But,,,I am,,,human” I muttered

“Does that even matter?? You’re my mate and I found you” He said and I swallowed

Is that why he have been protective all these while? I am a vampire’s mate.

Thank goodness we are in my house alre-ady

“See you tomorrow” I muttered and turned to the gate

“You’ve never asked me where I live,,even though I always walk you home Everyday” His voice made me turn back but I couldn’t find him. He’s gone,,why haven’t I noticed his speed all these while? I am so stupid,a normal will never be as fast as that.

I sighed and went in.

Evelyn’s pov ?

“Are you nervous?” Lamia asked me as we walked toward the throne room.

“I can’t lie,you can re-ad my thoughts right?” I said and he chuckled

“They are not going to eat you,,they just have to know you and besides you’ve met mother ” Lamia said and I nodded

“How was school today? I’m sorry I couldn’t make it,,I just,,have a lot of burden on my shoulder right now” He said

“I un-derstand,,but you didn’t tell me you’re getting a guard for me,,I was scared. I thought he’s a spy” I said

“Really? No one hurt you right?” He asked and I shook my head

“Im sorry if I scare you” He said and k!$$£d my cheek.

“We are here” He said

Two guards were at the door,they bowed for Lamia as we got there and then opened the door.

Lamia hold my hand ti-ghtly,I guess he could feel how nervous I am.

“It’s Evelyn” The queen said immediately we entered and I smiled walking to her and hvg her

“Oh,,they’ve met before?” The king asked

“Yes father” Lamia replied

We dis£ngaged from the hvg and I bowed for the king,,

“You’re so beautiful” He saud and I smiled

“Thank you your highness”

I still can’t believe that these people are vampires,,they look so beautiful!! Even The queen look more younger than me. What the hell??

I suddenly wish Lamia and I can just have se-x,,,

Lamia suddenly choked on nothing and I looked at him,,wait,don’t tell me he know what I was thinking.

My cheeks turned to red flushing in embarras-sment.

I sat down and the expected interrogation started

So this is all real? I am going to become the vampire queen??


In the hidden arena,Serafina and the queen could be seen talking.

“You mean Jerome is the guard protecting Evelyn?” The queen asked and Serafina nodded

“Lamia is really pla-ying a smart game”

“Yes my queen,,he know we wouldn’t be able to hurt Jerome. I also found something interesting my queen” Serafina said

“What is it?”

“Lamia’s sister is a two breed,,half vampire and half witch” Serafina said


“It’s true,,I won’t be able to hurt her either.”

“You will!! I don’t care about her,,all I want is that witch human. If Lamia’s sister comes against you,kill her. She can’t be stronger than you”

“Of course not my queen” Serafina bowed

“Leave,,I want that witch here in the next two days. Do whatever you can”

“Yes my queen”

She walked out thinking of how best to capture Evelyn and then suddenly an idea popped up in her br@in. She let out a sm-irk.

Writer’s pov ?

“Why are you telling me this now?” Akantha frowned as Damon explained the situation to her

“I wanted to explain to you last night but you didn’t allow me to” Damon said

“I’m sorry about that,,I was just too mad” Akantha murmured

Damon pu-ll-ed her into a hvg

“Where is brother?” She asked

“Throne room,” Damon replied

Akantha dis£ngaged from the hvg and k!$$£d Damon hungrily,,

“I miss you so much” She said and resumed in k!ss!nghim.

Damon took over in a second,he put off his shi-t and continue with the h0t k!ss. He moved to her Sk-irt not breaking the k!ss,,he pu-ll-ed her Sk-irt down with her pa*t before finding his way into her V.

“fuc-k,,,Damon,,” Akantha m0@n ed into the k!ssas Damon do his thing.

Serafina smiled devishly as she appeared in front of the palace,,she was about going in when she st©pped and took a glance at herself.

Almost immediately,her clothes changed and her long hair was turned into a short ponytail weave. She looked like a complete maid,,

After the transformation,she went in.

To be continued