The bloody vampire king episode 26 & 27

{His Only Weakness}

Chapter 26&27

Written by: Summer Gold.

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Evelyn’s pov šŸŽ€

I was back in the room,resting and waiting for Lamia. I can’t believe he’s not back,I miss him so much. I la-id on the be-d on my back,I suddenly thought of my parents,just wonder how they are doing. Even though I miss them somehow,still I feel happy to leave the palace.

I was still thinking about all these when the door opened all of a sudden,I almost fell from the be-d in fear.

“Gosh you nee-d to get hold of your fears” Amoura gro-an ed

I breathe in and out with relief

“Just want to tell you the prince is back,,,”

“Lamia?? Where is he? I want to see him” I said and got down from the be-d

“Calm down,he’s back but you can’t see him for now,he’s got a meeting with the king” She replied

“If you know I can’t see him,then why breaking the news about his return?” I rolled my eyes and sat down again

“I have another news actually” She said and I raised my brow

“You will start your clas-s tomorrow,with us” She grinned but my expression was blank

“I thought you’re going to scream out in joy” Amoura said

“Will Lamia be there?” I asked

“Well,,,I really don’t know” She replied

We were both interrupted by the knock on the door ma-king us stĀ©p talking,,nobĀ©dy talked. And then the door opened and Akantha c@mĀ£ in,I can’t express the sudden happiness I felt when I saw her even though I didn’t move from where I was sitting.

“Evelyn!” She shouted and hvgged me,guess she’s also happy to see me.

“Finally you’re out,” I tea-sed

She withdraw from the hvg and sat down close to me

“I really don’t know why Amoura couldn’t call me the moment you arrived”,she rolled her eyes at Amoura

“Akantha,,I could remember so well the last time I interrupted your moment in that libr@ry,I don’t want to experience such ever again” Amoura also rolled her eyes

“Anyhow,,I’m really happy to see you. I will take you round the palace,,,,”

“I alre-ady did” Amoura cut her off and she frowned in a way that looks funny to me

“Don’t worry,,since we are going to school together,,,”

“I thought you’re not interested” Amoura said cutting me off

“When did I say something like that?” I asked

“I told you and you asked if the prince will be there,” Amoura replied

“How dare you question your future queen” Akantha snapped

Future Queen? That sounds weird,

“Sorry,,I’m a talkative vampire” Amoura growled and I chuckled with the way it sounded.


Writer’s pov šŸŽ€

Lamia and others returned back to the palace with the manipulated hunter with them,as soon as they got back,they went straight to the meeting room.

“Wait here and don’t move” Lamia said to the hunter more like an order as they got to the entrance of the room.

“Yes master” He bowed and Damon chuckled

They left him and went inside.

The king and two other elders were presĀ£nt,,the three took their seats.

“What did you find out?” The king asked

NobĀ©dy talked,Lamia glared at Mathias to speak up

“Its true your highness,there are hunters in the city,,and we are sure they are close to us too” Mathias said

“I knew it,we wasn’t just sure. So now,what should we do? Get the warriors re-ady?” One of the elders asked

“It’s not going to solve anything for now” Lamia said

“What do you mean?” The king asked

“I think he said there’s a witch among them” Damon answered

“Then we will have to bring Akantha into this,,,” The king suggested

“We can’t do that” Lamia disagreed

“Why?” The king asked

“Akantha is still young,,and we are not even sure if they have only one” Lamia said

“We should trust Akantha,I am sure she have always wanted this,,” Damon said and Mathias nodded in agreement

“I don’t want her to get hurt,,we nee-d to find out about them before anything” Lamia snapped and they nodded in respect

“So,how do we find out about them?” The king asked

“I will take Care of it” Lamia said and stood up

“We are not done yet Lamia,” The king growled

“I’m done here” Lamia said and left

“His anger,,,,” The king sighed

“He will take Care of it,” Mathias said with a nervous smile before standing up with Damon and left the room.

They met Lamia at the door,,

“What do you want me to do for you master?” The hunter asked

“Come with me,you have nothing to do for now” Lamia said and walked away with the hunter behind him.

“I nee-d to talk to Akantha” Damon said and Mathias stĀ©pped him

“I don’t think you should,”

“She’s my mate,I can talk to her whenever I want” Damon said and walked away.

“Sorry about that” Lucas said grinning from the back

“Shut up,I’m only trying to help the situation. You know what Lamia can do when he’s angry” Mathias said

“I also want Akantha to be involved,,she have been living all her life re-ading and practicing about spells and dark magic,,I am very sure she will be happy to finally let it out” Lucas said and Mathias hummed

“Maybe you’re right,” Mathias said

“I’m always right” Lucas said with a smile

“I’ve told you countless times,your smiles are annoying” Mathias said and walked away while Lucas followed


In the hunters hidden arena,More than twenty of them gathered together talking at almost the same time. In some other p@rt of the hall were filled with ladies who look absolutely young even though they have lived over thousands of years.

As soon as a lady dressed in all black with heavy makeup c@mĀ£ in,it all went silent as everyone bowed their heads.

“How did Jerome got captured,He’s one of the strongest we have” The lady(Witch queen) said angrily

“We have no idea your highness” One of the hunters said

“He was manipulated by the vampire prince” The witch who saved them spoke up

“Serafina,what do you mean?” The witch Queen asked

“He manipulated his mind,right now Jerome will only listen to whatever he says” Serafina explained

“Damn it!,do something about it right away and get him out of there!” The queen shouted

“Your highness,I will try” Serafina bowed,,she’s the most powerful witch in their midst,she have fought many wars and they can really count on her.

“Let Mackenzie join you to make it fas-ter”

“Yes Queen” Mackenzie bowed

“Good,,what about the human witch?”

“She’s doing well my queen,I will make sure we bring her out of there” Mackenzie said and Serafina scoffed

“You think its going to be easy? She’s Lamia’s mate” Serafina said

“But she belongs to us,,she’s not human and we nee-d to get her here” Mackenzie snapped,

“So are we going to f0rƧĀ£ her?” Serafina asked

“Sounds like you’re scared of Lamia” Mackenzie mocked

It’s obvious they don’t like each other

Serafina’s eyes turned black immediately she said that,,she stretched her hand toward Mackenzie with the thought of throwing her off somewhere but she felt her power not moving out of her,,

She let out a growl angrily

“Serafina!!” The queen shouted and Serafina faced her knowing she’s behind it. She tried to calm down while Mackenzie glared at her angrily too.

“Watch on her for now and stĀ©p these silly fight of yours” The queen concluded and they all bowed.


Evelyn’s pov šŸŽ€

“Are you okay?” Lamia asked as we both take a walk round the palace,it was getting dark alre-ady when we finally get to see each other

I nodded

“Do you miss me?” He asked and I stĀ©pped walking

“What about you? Do you miss me?” I asked

“Yes alot” He replied

“I don’t want this to continue,,” I said and he pu-ll-ed me into a hvg

“I’m sorry,I just have somethings to take care of” He said

“What is it? Can I help?” I asked

“No you can’t,,I want you to be safe no matter what.” he replied and I sighed

“I’m starting clas-s tomorrow,,I’m nervous” I said and he pu-ll-ed out from the hvg

“Don’t be nervous,it’s nothing” He said and I nodded

He smiled and k!$$Ā£d me,

What is he taking Care of anyway,just hope he’s not I trouble because of me.

To be continued