The bloody vampire king episode 24 & 25


(His Only Weakness)
Chapter 24

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Written by: Summer Gold.


Evelyn’s pov šŸŽ€

I opened my eyes and my sight was blur, how long have I sle-pt? I gro-an ed and turned but I felt something ha-rd beside me, that was when I saw Lamia staring back at me.

Don’t tell me he really watched me slee-ping,

“You’re awake” He finally said

I nodded

“Hungry?” He asked and I nodded again

“Why are you not talking?” Lamia asked and got down from the be-d

“Did I sleep for so long?” I asked

“Yes,,” he replied and I sighed

“Someone will bring your food” Lamia said and almost immediately a knock c@mĀ£ on and the door opened,,

“Your highness” The lady greeted with a bow and then dropped the tray on a stool. She pu-ll-ed it closer to me,,,she almost opened it when Lamia stĀ©pped her

“Leave” He said coldly and she rushed out of the room.

“Why did you sĀ£nd her away?” I asked

“I will do it” He said and moved closer to me

“Do you want me to feed you?” He asked and I looked at him

“Really??” I asked and he nodded

I was about to answer when someone knocked the door,,we both turned toward the door.

“Lamia,,the king is back and he want you” someone spoke up and I and Lamia faced each other again.

“Can you stay alone? I will be back” He said and I nodded even though I don’t want him to leave

“Don’t worry,I will sĀ£nd someone to stay with you” He stood up and k!$$Ā£d my cheek before going out of the room.

I sighed and started eating,,I really wonder how the food was cooked so deliciously,,Vampires??!!

I tap my head to calm down,,

Just then the door opened and a girl around my age c@mĀ£ in,the moment she saw me,a smile escape herl-ips

“You’re Evelyn right?” She asked walking closer

I nodded slightly, who is she?? Is she the one Lamia sĀ£nt to keep my company.

“Hi,,my name is Amoura. Let’s be friends” She said with a grin and I raised my brow

Friends? Just like that?? Is that how vampires make their own friends??

I guess she noticed my mood

“Don’t worry,I am harmless. Lamia trust me that’s why he sĀ£nt me here,and I am Akantha’s Friend too” She said

Immediately she said that I bec@mĀ£ calm,

“Akantha? Where is she??” I asked

“Libr@ry,, she doesn’t want to be disturbe-d” She replied and I chuckled

“Let me guess,she’s practicing her spells?” I asked and she was surprised

“How did you know?? Aren’t you human?” Amoura asked and I smiled

“I know about it,, she even gave me once,spell to become a vampire without my knowledge” I said and she laughed

“She can be so crazy” She said and I nodded in agreement before I continue eating.

“You don’t feel bad to be here right? NobĀ©dy will try to hurt you” Amoura said and I nodded again,I think she’s a nice person after all.


Writer’s povšŸŽ€

Meeting Room…!

The king was sitting with his Mate, Amber beside him. The elders too sitting all around a large table, everyone seems to be saying some things.

“Let’s wait until the prince is here” One of the elders spoke up and there was silence.

“I can’t wait to see him” Queen Amber said and the king nodded in agreement.

“What about Akantha?” The king asked

“No idea”

They were interrupted by the opened door,,Lamia c@mĀ£ in with Lamia.

“The Prince is here” Matias bowed

“Welcome Prince” The elders all greeted.

Lamia walked straight to the king’s side and sat down with Matias beside him too.

“Welcome son” The king greeted and Lamia nodded

“What’s going on?” Lamia asked

“Let’s start” The king ordered.

“My son found out some strange creatures in town” One of the elders spoke up and Lamia looked at him

“What type of creatures?” Lamia asked

“We haven’t discovered them yet,,” Another one said

“But they are vampires hunters” Another one said

“Hunters??” Matias was shocked

“According to what we discovered, these people are really close by”

“Let’s watch closely for now,,let the warriors be alert,,When we get what they really are,,the prince can take over” The king spoke up

“What?? Me?? I just got back,,” Lamia said

“Your main concern should be on how to protect the people” The king snapped

“My son can join you,,” one of the elders said

“Wait until then” Lamia growled and he immediately bec@mĀ£ silent.

After the meeting was dismissed, the room was occu-pied by just Lamia and his parents.

“Did you succeed in bringing her here?” The queen asked

“Yes mother,, I will bring her when she’s re-ady,I don’t want to f0rƧĀ£ her” Lamia said

“Of course you shouldn’t, but she have a lot to learn about us too” The king said and Lamia nodded

“I am leaving” Lamia said and before they could say anything he’s out.

Matias was waiting at the entrance

“Hey Lamia,,do you want to go clench thirst with me?” He asked with a grin

“Where’s Damon?” Lamia asked ignoring what he said

“You haven’t met him yet?” Matias asked

“Can’t believe you’re asking for me” Damon said suddenly from the back

“So I can’t ask for you anymore?” Lamia asked

“Oh you can Prince,,” Damon said

“So,how about what I said? Who knows, we may get some of those crazy hunters” Matias asked

“I Want to talk to Evelyn first” Lamia said and Matias gro-an ed

“She’s with Amoura,, let them have some girls moments” Matias said

“Can I come with you?” Damon asked

“What are you waiting for??” Lamia asked and they all left.

{His Only Weakness}

Chapter 25.

Written by: Summer Gold.

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Evelyn’s pov šŸŽ€

After eating,Amoura said she was going to take me round the palace,that’s a nice idea since Lamia is not back yet.

I can’t believe I’m missing him alre-ady,

“Evelyn,come on let’s go. You’ve been standing” Amoura called

“I’m sorry,,”

She opened the door and we both walked out of the room.

“You’re going to be registered into the university right? Or are you done with school?” Amoura asked

“I’m not,,do you have a nice university here?” I asked and she laughed

“Why are you laughing?”

“You actually think,oh these people are vampires, they don’t have to go to school right?” Amoura asked and I bite myl-ips

That was exactly what I was thinking, am not wrong,why will they go to school?

“The city is big Evelyn, just this town is filled with Vampires,that doesn’t mean there are no humans” Amoura said and I nodded

“So there are humans?? But this town is for vampires? That’s interesting, so does that mean I will be seeing humans when I start schooling?” I asked curiously

“Humans and vampires,though they are never going to find out if we are vampires. ” Amoura replied and I nodded happily

At least there are humans,


Writer’s pov šŸŽ€

In the city,Lamia,Matias and Damon can be seen the car,,Matias driving while Lamia and Damon sitting at the back seat.

“Don’t you think it’s kind of weird?” Matias asked

“What is?” Damon asked

“Having a human as a mate when we are actually to hunt on humans” Matias said

“You should ask Lamia not me” Damon scoffed

“I wasn’t asking you” Matias snapped

Lamia didn’t say a word until Matias stĀ©pped the car in front of a club House.

“Make sure you don’t hurt anyone” Lamia said before getting down from the car

“Don’t hurt anyone?? I knew it” Matias said

“It’s crazy but it’s better you obey” Damon said and also got down.

The three of them walked into the bar and almost immediately the girls were drooling alre-ady,

*Damn,what are those boys?*
*They are extraordinarily h0t*
*Just one night,I will forever be grateful*

Lamia let out a sm-irk as they sat down round a table waiting for their prey.

It was all booming with noise from the loud music pla-ying,Girls dancing and flir-ting with boys

The waiter c@mĀ£ to them as they sat down

“You can place your different orders and it will be here in few seconds” He said grinning

After telling him what they want,he walked away.

Just then a S-xy girl c@mĀ£ over to their table,her hands all over Lamia.

“Hey h0ttie,,” She said in a whisper into Lamia’s ear

He immediately stĀ©pped her from tou-ching him,,

The girl frowned sadly when he did that,

“You can’t just tĀ©uƧh like that” Lamia said to her and she let out a smile

“I want to make you feel good,,” She said in a sĀ£dƻƧt!vetone and Lamia sm-irked


“Yes” She grinned and looked around the club and then back to him

“Come with me” She whispered and gr@bbĀ£d his hand even before he could reply,,

Damon and Matias waved at him.

The girl took him to somewhere more pri-vate and silent,,,

“Here is better” She said and wra-pped her arms around his nĀ£Ā¢k trying to k!sshim, he avoid the k!ssand faked a smile.

“You don’t have to rush,,let me make you feel good too” He said and she smiled with her alre-ady red cheeks.

Lamia placed a k!sson her cheek, and then soft k!sses all over her nĀ£Ā¢k. She was so turned on alre-ady,soft m0@n s filled herl-ips that she didn’t notice when he dunk his fangs into her nĀ£Ā¢k.

Immediately she felt that, she let out a loud scream trying to free herself from him but couldn’t.

After s**king her blood to his satisfaction,, he erase her memory and she lost consciousness falling into a de-ep sleep.

Suddenly, a quic-k shadow ran pas-s Lamia and he looked up,his eyes still shining in the vivid crimson red color since he just fed on a human.

He ran after the shadow in a quic-k flash,he could s-en-se it,it’s one of the vampire hunters.

Within a twi-nkle of a eye,he was out of the bar alre-ady,he pas-sed throu-gh the wall.

Just as he guessed,There were three of them. The moment they saw him,they gulped ha-rd in their fears,his eyes were so red almost like fire. They were not re-ady for him,the hunters also know when to trespas-s and when they shouldn’t.

As he took a step closer to them,one of them stĀ©pped him by stretching out his rod made of silver.

“Don’t come closer” He growled.

Lamia stĀ©pped and glared at the one holding the sword, he went into his mind and without saying a word,he manipulated his mind(Telekinesis)

Almost instantly, the one holding sword moved to Lamia’s side pointing his sword at his fellow hunters.

“What,,,what are you doing??” his friends asked

“Shut up!” He snapped almost stabbing him with the sword.

But just then, they all dissapeared. Lamia looked up and saw a young lady,before he could study her face clearly, she also disappeared.

“Master,,what should we do? They are gone” the man Lamia manipulated spoke up

Lamia’s eyes were back to normal,

“Follow me” He said to the man

“Yes master”


“Where is he?? Did he left alre-ady??” Damon gro-an ed as they waited in the car for Lamia

“Look! He’s coming,,,,but,,,with someone” Matias called Damon’s attention and they both got down from the car wondering who the man coming with Lamia is.

When Lamia got to them, they gave him a questioning look but he ignored them and ordered the man into the car.

“Who is he?? Why is he coming with us?” Damon asked

“He’s one of the hunters” Lamia replied and they g@sped

“Then shouldn’t you kill him, why bringing him?” Matias asked impatiently

“Don’t worry about it,,,he wouldn’t do anything without my order.

” what?? Don’t tell me you,,,,,,”

“He’s going to help us get the rest,they’ve got a witch working with them” Lamia said

“Wow,,,you are really amazing Prince” Damon said cl@pping his hands

“Let’s leave at once” Lamia snapped and entered the car.

They drove off immediately.

To be continued.