The bloody vampire king episode 23


(His Only Weakness)
Chapter 22.

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Written by:- Summer Gold.


Evelyn’s pov šŸŽ€

There was silence between us after what happened, but i still don’t un-derstand why he did that. Did he really svƧkmy blood? I didn’t feel any difference but I am sure he did su-cked my blood.

I gulped down and looked at him,I knew he wanted to say something but he didn’t, maybe he’s expecting me to talk first,what,does he think I am angry with him?

I cleared my throat,,

“Are you okay?” I asked

“Do you have to ask me that?” He scoffed,,I rolled my eyes,his arrogance will forever be p@rt of him.

He gr-ab my hand and moved me to the be-d,he sat down and pu-ll-ed me to sit beside him.

“I want to tell you something” He spoke up

I knew it,he have something to say to me ,

“I nee-d to go back home” He said and I felt a sharp pain in my che-st,,

Wait,he’s going back home? Which home is he talking about? If he’s going back home then where is this place? Is he leaving me alone again?
I gulped down trying to gather enough courage and ask a question.

“Home? What home are you talking about?” I asked and he looked at me

“Just like you,I have a family too” He said and I blinked twice

“You know I have a sister and a mom right? But I also have a father” He said and my eyes wi-de-ned

“Remember when you asked for my sister and my mom,I told you they left. Where do you think they went to?? Our home,” He stĀ©pped

“Then,,why are you here?” I asked softly

“Because I nee-d to look for my mate,,my father will soon retire from the throne and I will take over as the king,I can’t rule the vampire packs without my mate. And now that I’ve found you,,we nee-d to go” He said

“I’m coming with you?” I asked and he nodded

Somehow I bec@mĀ£ happy because I thought he was leaving me in the first place, but then how will the real vampire pack look like? This place is even somehow scary and now the,,, okay Evelyn you can do this.

“Are you scared? No one is going to hurt you, there,you will be treated like a queen ” He suddenly said

Why do I feel like he’s trying to convince me? I smiled

“Fine,,when are we leaving??” I asked and I felt him give out a sigh of relief, maybe he thought I was going to reject him.

“Tomorrow,,” He finally said

“Then I should start packing,, again” I gro-an ed and stood up but he pu-ll-ed me back.

“You don’t nee-d them,,you will have more than enough when we get back home.” He said

I nodded

I saw his eyes on my nĀ£Ā¢k, where he bite me,should I say bite? I have no idea!!

But why is he staring at it? His eyes fell on myl-ips this time and I bec@mĀ£ nervous.

He looked away and stood up immediately, is he trying to prevent something?

“You nee-d to rest,we have a long journey tomorrow” He said and without waiting for my response,he left the room leaving me in my own thought.

Okay,,let’s calm down. I can’t wait to see Akantha( Lamia’s Sister) i think I miss her so much.

I la-id on the be-d and hvgged the pillow,why can’t he just sleep with me? He said I am his mate,such an arrogant vampire.

I closed my eyes and fell into a de-ep sleep,,


Next Morning…!

I felt a hand on my cheek and I smiled before opening my eyes,,

“You nee-d to get dressed,we are moving right away” Lamia said

“Good morning” I said with a smile before standing up

Only Heaven knows how many times we are gonna move!

I went into the bathroom to do my things, minutes later I c@mĀ£ out,the room was empty but on the be-d was a dress,Wow,Lamia picked a dress for me? Trying to be nice or what. Anyways it’s cute,,it’s a knee length go-wn,but it’s red,I really don’t like red. I prefer blue,, in one word,blue is my favorite color.

After getting dressed,I put on a sneaker and then walked out of the room.

Lamia was waiting for me alre-ady,, I discovered the house was empty,where are the guards?

“They left” Lamia said, I guess he heard my thought again

“Oh,,are we the only one left?” I asked

“No,one is going with us,to drive” He answered and I nodded

“Are you re-ady??” He asked and I nodded

He hold my hand and we both went downstairs,,

“Good morning your highness” The driver bowed, wait is that for me or Lamia

“He’s talking to you” Lamia said

“Me? How?” I asked

“You don’t know anything” Lamia scoffed and we both got into the car

Thank goodness this car is amazing,,, it’s looking more like a be-droom. Maybe where we are going is really far. I can’t even see the driver from here,

“You must be hungry,,, ” Lamia said and moved the stool closer to me as I sat down on the seat

“I guess I am” I muttered

He gave out a smile

Damn! I nee-d to confess,his smile is the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen,if only he smiles more often.

“Eat” He said and I snapped out of my thought.


A hand tapped me and my eyes snapped opened,I remember slee-ping off after eating. Are we there alre-ady??

“We are here?” I asked

“No we are not,,” Lamia replied

“Then why did you wake me up?” I asked

“I miss you” His voice c@mĀ£ in almost a whisper and I couldn’t believe my ears

Why is he suddenly missing me even when I am right beside him,,

Okay what are we going to talk about? A question suddenly crushed my mind,,I have never asked about his age.

“Can I ask a question??”

“Yeah go on” He said

“How old are you? Or vampires doesn’t have age?” I asked and he smiled

“I think I am 21” he said and I felt like laughing,

Did he just said he think?? Like, THINK?? does that mean he’s not sure??

“You’re kind of funny” I said

“I am 21,,but my parents,have lived thousands of years. Trust me you don’t wanna know” He said

“Does that mean they wouldn’t die?” I asked and he shook his head

“So you are also going to live thousands of years?” I asked and he nodded

I suddenly scoffed

“I am human,I am going to die. So does that mean you will get another mate by then?” I asked

“No you are also going to stay with me,,you’re my mate” He said

“But what if I die? Possibly can’t live thousands of years” I said

“You will,,when my blood starts running in your human vein,,,after we mate with each other” He said

“Mate? Like,, have se-x?” I asked and he nodded

“Well I am 19,,,” I grinned but frowned almost immediately

“I haven’t finished school yet” i said and looked away

I heard him chuckle

“You can attend school when we get home,,,” He said and I faced him with a smile

“Does that mean you’re also in school?” I asked and he scoffed

“Tell me”

“Yeah,,, it’s really ha-rd in the human world. ” He said and I laughed

“I even f0rƧĀ£d you to eat” I tea-sed and he smiled.

“And,,,I thought vampires are affected by sun,,why are you not? I’ve re-ad a lot of novels” I said

“I am really strong,,I guess you don’t know because you have never seen my true identity” He said

“Once,,,in my room” I said

“I guess so”

“But,,were you really trying to attack me that night? Why did you stĀ©p?” I asked

“Because I smelt you,” He replied and I nodded

We talked for a long time and I felt myself falling asleep again

I hope he doesn’t wake me up again all in the name of missing me!


“Evelyn,, wake up,,we are here” He tapped me and I opened my eyes

All of a sudden my heart started beating fast


(His Only Weakness)
Chapter 23

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Written by: Summer Gold.

Evelyn’s povšŸŽ€

“Evelyn,, wake up,,we are here” He tapped me and I opened my eyes

All of a sudden my heart started beating fast but I stood up anyway and ru-bbe-d my eyes,,

“Are you okay?” Lamia asked but I couldn’t even reply him as i stare at the mansion in front of me or should I call it palace? Does Vampires also,,,,okay Evelyn just calm down.

But,, the mansion is so damn beautiful to believe,,

*The Prince Is back*
*Who is the young girl with him?*

Some people who were walking all over the palace stĀ©pped everything immediately and bowed their heads,,

Lamia ti-ghtĀ£Ć±ed his grip on me like he was trying to calm down my nerve,,

*You’re welcome Your Highness * They all at the same time

Lamia didn’t reply them,he only kept me close and walked into the palace. But i turned back to look at those people, can’t believe they are still bowing their heads even when we’ve walked out on them.

I sighed and faced where we are going, each person we meet will bow and some will even call Lamia their prince or Highness.

Suddernly a guy appeared in front of us beaming with smiles,,I thought he’s here for Lamia but to my surprise he faced me.

“Wow,,finally you’re here. My name is Damon and you are Evelyn right, it’s so nice to finally meet you. Your face is pretty,” He said stretching his hand for a shake,is he a vampire too? No human at all?

I reluctantly took his hand while he keep on smiling,,someone growl beside us and immediately Damon let go of my hand ,,

“Oh,,hey Lamia,,” Damon said

“Move” Lamia snapped and walked out on him still dragging me like a kid,wait don’t tell me he’s mad because Damon and I shook hands,,

We continue walking into the mansion and I can’t count the number of people moving around.

Finally we stĀ©pped in front of a room,,,

Lamia looked at me for the first time after we met with Damon,,he let out a short smile which seems to calm me down.

“Are you okay?” He asked and i nodded

He opened the door and we both entered,,it was almost something I least expected. Rather than the dark room, this one have a very bright designs,,so cool and comfortable. I didn’t know when I unlocked my hand from Lamia and went to the window, the sight was so breathtaking,,,, a beautiful garden filled with different flowers,,,

“Wow,,what is this place?” I asked

“You like it?” He asked and I nodded instantly

“I knew it,,you’re staying here from now” He said and I frowned

“Me? Only me??” I asked

“Well,,,if you want me to,,”

“I can’t stay here alone” I immediately said

“Really??” He asked and I nodded

I saw him trying his best not to smile but it’s obvious, so he really want to stay with me? Who is this new Lamia anyway? He keep on amazing me,

“Okay then,,, you can rest for now, you will meet the king later” He said and I nodded again

I really nee-d some rest

“Are you leaving??” I asked as I sat down on the queen sized be-d

“You want me to watch you?”

I nodded with a pout before laying on the be-d,,

Lamia leaned forward and placed a k!sson my forehead, like magic the sleep overshadowed me.


Writer’s pov šŸŽ€

Immediately Evelyn closed her eyes and sleep took over, Lamia left the room,

“Lamia,,you’re finally back!” Matias and Lucas half screamed,they have been waiting outside the room and Lamia c@mĀ£ out.

The two are more like his personal guards than just friends,,, they’ve being together since they were kids.

Anywhere Lamia goes,these two must be there with him,even though he’s capable of protecting himself ,that wouldn’t stĀ©p the rule,he’s the future king anyway.

“You really brou-ght her?? That’s so fast” Lucas said grinning wi-dely

“Where is father?” Lamia asked ignoring all their comments

“He have a meeting with the elders,, someone c@mĀ£ to report an important matter to him” Matias replied

“What important matter?” Lamia asked curiosly

“I really don’t know yet until he’s back,,but Akantha is in the libr@ry, I don’t think she’s aware of your arrival” Matias said

“Don’t tell her anything yet, where is mother?” Lamia asked

“She went out of the palace few minutes ago,,such a bad luck huh?” Lucas grinned pla-yfully

It’s obvious he’s the pla-yful one among them,,he’s always cracking jokes that doesn’t sound funny to Lamia,most times he get growls in return of his silly jokes but this time Lamia ignored him completely.

“Get someone to prepare some food for Evelyn before she wakes up” Lamia said and made an attempt to open the door

“Are you going back in?” Matias asked

“She want me to watch her while she sleep,,,” Lamia replied and went in before another word c@mĀ£ from them.

Matias and Lucas looked at each other

“Since when did he start heading to orders?” Matias asked

“Not just an order, it’s his mate we are talking about. You know how much the matebond can change a bloody vampire” Lucas said

“First time you’re ma-king s-en-se” Matias rolled his eyes

“You better get some food before he get furious,, you know I won’t stay here and watch the scene” Lucas said and they both walked away

Back in the room,Lamia couldn’t take his eyes from the slee-ping Evelyn, he was trying to control the urge of waking her up,her adorable eyes are worth seeing when it’s opened but now she’s slee-ping.

He moved closer to her and sat down on the be-d,he tĀ©uƧhed her soft hair and eventually continue stro-king it while keeping all his attention on her.

He stĀ©pped when he discovered that he may wake her up,,she’s human and would definitely nee-d the rest,she’s not like him in any way.

He softly k!$$Ā£d her hair before laying down beside her with his arm around her w@!st, he also closed his eyes.

To be continuedšŸŽ€